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Newslinks for 4/27/2007

Congressional Leaders Moving To Pass Gun Control Without A Vote! (GOA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is going to be a knock-down, drag-out fight. GOA continues to stand alone in the trenches, defending the rights of gun owners around the country. It's not going to be easy." ...

"In the O'Reilly interview, Schumer showed his hand when he revealed the strategy for this bill. Because it could become such a hot potato -- thanks to your efforts -- Senator Schumer is pushing to get this bill passed by Unanimous Consent in the Senate, which basically means that the bill would get passed WITHOUT A VOTE."

"This is a perfect way to pass gun control without anyone getting blamed... or so they think. We need to tell every Senator that if this bill passes without a vote, then we hold ALL OF THEM responsible. ..." ...

4 myths of gun control shredded
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If Seung-Hui Cho hadn't gotten his hands on two semiautomatic pistols, he wouldn't have been able to slay 32 students and others, say some gun-control advocates who really ought to learn about Andrew Kehoe, who didn't stop at 32."

"In the deadliest violence inside a school ever in America, Kehoe killed 45 people, mostly children, and guns had nothing to do with it. It was 1927 in the village of Bath, Mich.; Kehoe was a farmer whose mind apparently snapped because of financial ruin, and his weapons of choice were dynamite and an explosive called pyrotol." ...

Vigilance is necessary to safeguard Americans' gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We are blessed to live in the greatest democracy the world has ever known. As in any great democracy, there is constant tension between safeguarding our freedoms and protecting our safety. This tension has intensified as we fight an ongoing global war on terrorism. The federal government must seek to uncover terrorists' plots by utilizing all technological tools available, including wiretaps. The courts are often called upon to ensure that the government, in protecting us, does not violate our constitutional rights."

"One constitutional right under constant attack is our right to bear arms. With the recent horrific massacre on the Virginia Tech campus, the long debate ... has also greatly intensified." ...

The Illusion of Safety (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"David Blaine is a master illusionist. When he performs his amazing street magic, he makes you believe in the unbelievable. He spins his illusions so well that you don't see that they are really just cheap parlor tricks."

"In a way, the gun-grabbers are also illusionists. Unfortunately, their illusions often lead to the loss of innocent life ... Their illusion is a simple one. They trick people into believing that strict gun control laws will make everyone safer. In essence, they create an illusion of safety."

"A good example of this are the so-called 'gun free zones.' ... The gun-grabbers manage to trick people into believing that simply posting a sign or passing a law that bans guns in certain places will prevent violent crime. ..." ...

TX: Police: Store Worker Shoots, Kills Robber
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Police said a store worker shot and killed a robber in Fort Worth, NBC 5 reported. Police said the shooting happened at about 9:20 p.m. at the Fabulous Urban and Sportswear on Mansfield Highway.

The store owner told police his nephew was working in the store when he was confronted by two armed robbers.

Police said one robber was shot and killed after he put a gun to the clerk's head.

The other robber was arrested, police said.

Total gun control not the answer to Virginia Tech massacre
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"It was inevitable that the massacre on the campus of Virginia Tech last week, in which 33 students were shot to death, including the one with the gun, would provoke calls for a national ban on guns. It has. As always, a total ban on guns of any kind must be rejected."

"Nothing would be gained by going over, point by point, the arguments for and against a firearm ban. That debate has raged for decades, and no newspaper or commentator is going to gain any ground for or against either side."

"What this debate comes down to, however, is whether the good points of a gun ban outweigh the bad. In the short term, it may appear that they do, but a more careful examination indicates otherwise." ...

Avoid the simple arguments
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A week after the tragedy that struck Virginia Tech, the emotional pain is still there, and the horrifying scenes remain fresh in our minds." ...

"Too often we see that the human rationale can deteriorate in the face destruction, chaos and evil, which unfortunately has made this event a hotbed for political debate and media exposure."

"The war over the Second Amendment becomes more hotly contested with every new incident of gun violence. I am not sure what the solution is to this problem, but I can say for certain that it is not having every college student carry a firearm for their protection just as much as it is not outlawing firearms all together." ...

Mayhem caused by twisted mind
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We now have another record for a single day's slaughter of people in a classroom. A deed attributed to the twisted mind of a student whose hands gripped simple weapons popular with small game hunters and those who carry in the name of self-defense — a .22-caliber handgun and a 9mm pistol."

"As with all machines, the firearms came without morals or bias and in the hands of a deranged person can cause great mortal damage. Both machines are dependable and celebrated in the gun press as being very well made and can be counted on to do their job. I have owned at one time or other models of each and can attest to the fact I felt no urge to shoot up either a school or church. ..." ...

Gun-related crimes trigger questions that defy answers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My shotgun and .22 rifle are stashed safely away in my home, well hidden from curious children and potential thieves."

"I inherited the shotgun from my grandfather and proudly used it to hunt pheasants and ducks when I was younger. When I carried it in the field, I felt a connection to the crusty Italian who used it for many of the same purposes." ...

"Most U.S. gun owners, I suspect, are like me. They know how to safely use their weapons, keep them away from little ones and bring them out each fall for hunting season." ...

"Keeping these things in mind, gun owners expect to face questions each time there is a mass killing in the United States, be it at Columbine, Trolley Square or Virginia Tech." ...

Gun Bans Don't Work
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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"On January 17, 1989, Patrick Edward Purdy opened fire on the Cleveland Elementary School playground with a Chinese-made semi-automatic rifle, similar to the AK-47, killing five children and wounding twenty-nine others and a teacher. Numerous gun laws at the city, state, and federal levels across the country have been passed since that time including: Ban on military look-alike semi-automatic rifles (repealed at the federal level in 2004, but still in effect in California at the state level), background checks on gun sales, and a ban on firearm possession within 100 yards of a school to name a few."

"These laws did nothing to prevent Columbine (1999), the Amish school shooting (2006), the Paducah, Kentucky school shooting (1997) and numerous others that have occurred since 1989." ...

The Lost and found: If you're hungry, grab a gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Outlaw guns, and only outlaws will have guns."

"This doesn't mean that Charlton Heston and the National Rifle Association should personally pay for every man, woman and child to own a fully automatic machine gun. These types of firearms are expensive, and obvious. A pistol or .22 should be plenty. Or a shotgun."

"The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution for a reason, and despite the mutation of state militias into the National Guard, the second half of the Second Amendment is no less relevant today than are the freedoms of speech, press, assembly, religion and petition. The colonists liked all six of their basic freedoms, and guns provide a variety of services:"

"1. Personal protection from criminals" ...

OR: Guns not to blame for mass killings (2nd letter)
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"I am literally appalled that the Herald and News would run such drivel as the column by Bonnie Erbe on April 19."

"It is these same gun control advocates who are causing these massacres."

"If Virginia Tech had not banned students and teachers from lawfully carrying guns, with a permit, this massacre probably would not have happened."

"This is not the first time, and almost always happens in a 'gun-free' zone, where killers will readily bring in their weapons ..." ...

"Virginia Tech: gun-free zone."

"Trolley Square (Salt Lake City, Utah): gun-free zone."

"Amish schoolhouse: gun-free zone."

"Columbine: gun-free zone." ...

Guns and More Guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"By now, the logic is almost automatic. A shooter takes innocent lives, and someone says that if the victims had been armed, this wouldn’t have happened. The only solution to a gun in the wrong hands, it seems, is a gun in the hands of everyone." ...

"True safety lies in the civility of society, in laws that publicly protect all of our rights and in having law-enforcement officers who are trained in the use of deadly force, then authorized to apply it in rationally defined situations. It is the gun lobby’s incessant efforts to weaken the gun laws that makes a tragedy like the one at Virginia Tech possible."

Submitter's Note: Tell ya what chum, you get criminals to be civil and you will-a' solved a lot more problems than your hoplophobia.

Another Wake-Up Call
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "We continue to grieve for those who died at Virginia Tech. But it is also a time for our nation to consider why this tragedy occurred and what we can do to prevent similar ones in the future. There is a reason why acts of murderous violence happen more often in our country than in any other civilized nation — and that reason is that it is simply too easy to obtain a firearm in the U.S. Sixty-eight percent of homicides in the U.S. are caused by guns. The rate of murders in this country is three times higher than in any other civilized country on the planet. ... There are reasonable, rational measures we can take to help protect the public from such weapons." ...

Happiness is a warm gun (at least that's what they say)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Collective insanity. That's basically what I've discerned from the aftermath of the Virginia Tech shootings. The media coverage. The letters to the editor. ..."

"We are collectively insane."

"I suppose what should happen here is the obligatory utterance of how evil Seung-hui Cho was ... How this kind of riffraff is par for the course and we should therefore all arm ourselves in the name of self-defense. The Wall Street Journal editorial board went so far as to (mis)construe the events at Virginia Tech as an affirmation that '(T)here are evil and psychotic people in this world willing to do great harm to others if they aren't stopped.'"

"Like Cho, The Wall Street Journal editorial board is also insane." ...

A cry to control gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE DEADLIEST known gun shooting didn't occur at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va., but on April 28, 1996, when Martin Bryant killed 35 people at a popular tourist spot in Tasmania, Australia."

"The United States could learn from Australia's response to that tragedy. Australian Prime Minister John Howard, an anti-gun control conservative, switched his views. The government banned handguns, and established a buy-back program that removed hundreds of thousands of guns from circulation." ...

Submitter's Note: According to Gun Facts ver. 4.1 page 53:

From the inception of firearm confiscation [in Australia] to March 27, 2000, the numbers are:
• Gun murders up 19%
• Armed robbery up 69%
• Home invasions up 21%

It's time to face gun facts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican politicians, specifically Tom DeLay and Newt Gingrich, have been forwarding the notion that increased guns means increased safety. In fact, they've been hyping the notion that all states should pass concealed-carry legislation. They think all citizens should have the right to carry concealed handguns on their person to counter a hypothetical threat."

"Let me be the first to say that their arguments sound, on face level, logical. After all, if I were to shoot and kill someone with my gun, he wouldn't be able to shoot and kill any more people with his gun. It's simple, really. The only problem is the arguments don't pan out."

"Studies have repeatedly shown that increasing the supply of guns does nothing to decrease the supply of gun violence. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: The author obviously is ignoring the Kates-Mauser Report.

Virginia shootings show need for strict gun control (4th letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The events in Virginia emphasize the need for strict gun control laws nationally. If one wants to know what a future of rampant gun possession looks like, go to Iraq."

"I shutter [sic] to think what the U.S. quality of life would be if everyone carried a weapon. It would be short and cruel, just as it is in Iraq ... Security would be impossible to maintain, as it already is in certain urban areas."

"There are those who purport that when women in Florida started carrying weapons, robberies declined [sic]. Did the same thing happen in North Philadelphia when many people there started carrying guns?" ...

"If people want to carry arms, they should be inducted into a well-regulated militia as the Second Amendment states." ...

Massacres Often Bring Tough Gun Controls
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After a loner armed with assault weapons turned a scenic resort into a mass of mangled bodies and thrashing injured in 1996, Australia took quick and decisive action. Twelve days later, the government pushed through a tough ban on semiautomatic rifles."

"Australia, which had been bloodied by 13 mass shootings in the 15 years that preceded the slaughter in Port Arthur, Tasmania, hasn't seen one since." ...

Submitter's Note: But they have seen violent crime go up across the board, instead.

How Does It Feel, Charlton Heston?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The potential for greatness to rise above an increasing muddled puddle of mediocrity is of more importance than temporary annoyance of an unmotivated society. ..."

"The one thing that can derail this process of progress is violence. We never will know what was lost in the massacre at Virginia Tech. ..." ...

"When everyone can own a gun, we cannot distinguish the criminals from the innocent. We must demand action regarding access to deadly weapons. We must debate the rational necessity of firearms. It is time to rid the national dialogue of firearms. It is time to create a civilized society."

Submitter's Note: So in this person's eyes anyone who owns a gun is a criminal.

2nd Amendment rights 'under fire' -- as usual -- after shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It happens every time some crazed person takes it upon himself to use a handgun to prove a point, or to let the world know just how out of touch with reality he was, or to bring attention to some cause, or whatever. In this case, 32 innocent people died as a result of one man's lunacy, depression, or other mental instability." ...

"It was a terrible thing."

"What makes it worse is that fast on the heels of the news release about the situation in Blacksburg, Va., the anti-gun lobby took up their mantra of 'more gun control' and 'this wouldn't have happened if …' and so forth -- the usual drivel."

"But what if one of those students would have had a conceal-carry permit? ..." ...

VT tragedy's red herring issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the horrific events of last Monday, there has been an outpouring of support for the entire Virginia Tech community. In many cases, this support has been accompanied by blame ... It has mostly involved some variation of these three: ... and the debate on gun control." ...

"The final issue centers around ... the debate over gun control. ... Those with gun interests suggest that there is an inherent need and a right for American citizens to have guns; this ignores the lives of all those killed by gunfire, not only those killed in this massacre. The oft-cited phrase, 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people,' is completely wrong - guns do kill people." ...

Submitter's Note: And this author ignores the lives of all of those saved by guns.

Gun Control Laws Require Inspection
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It might seem tasteless, in the week after the largest campus shooting in U.S. history, to begin a national discourse on gun control. ..."

"But a week of media saturation on the topic changed my views entirely. It wasn't until I sat down Friday night to watch an episode of 'Real Time with Bill Maher' that I realized just how desperately our nation needs to take another look at the topic. ... All panelists shied away from even the slightest notion of gun control. But it was conservative author John O'Sullivan who echoed the views of many Americans when he said that criminals just ignore gun laws. He said Seung-Hui Cho was breaking several gun laws that were already in place. ..." ...

The School Violence Myth
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The randomness of the Virginia Tech shootings, and the way we hear the gory, horrific details reported over and over can make us lose perspective. One psychologist issued a press release saying, 'We need to take action now to … end this epidemic of violence.'"

"California legislators held special hearings on campus safety, and Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., said she hoped this would 'reignite the dormant effort to pass common-sense gun regulations in this nation.' Please. That's a lot of reaction for something that almost never happens."

"Many Americans believe schools are more dangerous than ever, but that's a myth! It's one of many I've discovered in 36 years of consumer reporting." ...

Forced into a Gun Debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Until the massacre at Virginia Tech, the last thing the Democrats wanted was a debate about guns. ... And even after the shootings at Blacksburg, it's not obvious that the new Democratic Congress wants to take the political risk of resurrecting the federal assault-weapons ban ... Although majorities of Americans support the ban ... some Democrats fear that it's just not worth angering the N.R.A."

"But gun-rights advocates now believe they have set off a ticking time bomb that will prevent the Democrats from avoiding the gun question in the 2008 presidential election. On March 9, in a case called Parker v. District of Columbia, the federal appeals court in Washington struck down the city's ban on private handgun possession ..." ...

OH: GOP Leaders Politicizing Virginia Tech (2nd letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to Charles Krauthammer's syndicated column 'Obama politicizing Va. Tech killings inexcusable' (April 20) ... May I remind Krauthammer ... that many prominent Republicans, including President Bush, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, have seized this opportunity to defend their interpretation of the Second Amendment. This is not only politicization, but shameless pandering. Could someone please give me a reason why any citizen needs a clip containing 15 rounds for a handgun? It's certainly a convenient option for mass murderers, but for the rest of us, not such a good idea."

"Cindy Wainscott, Florence"

Submitter's Note: Then why do cops need 15 round mags?

PA: New gun bill before state house
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun-control bill in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives has gun owners sweating bullets."

"House Bill 760, also known as the Firearm Registration Act, calls for a statewide registry of guns and requires gun owners to renew their registration annually for a $10 fee per gun."

"It is sponsored by six Democratic representatives ... and was re-ferred to the House Judiciary Committee on March 19."

"Along with forcing gun owners to shell out money each year, the bill would require all gun owners to provide two recent photographs of themselves and fingerprints to the Pennsylvania State Police."

"If, in the event the application for the registration was denied, the firearm would be confiscated by the state police." ...

KS: House overrides governor's veto on concealed guns bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House voted today to override Kathleen Sebelius' rejection of a bill preventing cities and counties from imposing additional restrictions on Kansans with permits to carry concealed weapons."

"... The bill now heads to the Senate, which expected to mount an override effort later in the day. If the Senate follows the House's lead, the bill then will become law." ...

"'It's not a real surprise,' Sebelius spokeswoman Nicole Corcoran said of the House vote."

"When she vetoed the follow-up bill April 13, Sebelius said she felt it posed 'new threats to public safety.' Sebelius said she didn't oppose at attempt to make concealed gun rules consistent statewide but the bill became flawed when the Senate reworked it." ...

PA: Bill supporting 2nd Amendment elicits controversy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a debate ensues over gun control one week after the Virginia Tech tragedy, a Pennsylvania state representative introduced a bill supporting the right to bear arms -- although co-sponsors say it is unrelated to the shooting in Blacksburg." ...

"According to the bill, the first piece of legislation would prohibit any government agency from keeping a database of privately owned firearms." ...

"State College Police Lt. Dana Leonard said police often use these databases to trace handguns used in crimes." ...

"Both Bastian and state Rep. Steven Cappelli, R-Williamsport, another co-sponsor, agreed that the legislation would not affect police efforts to trace handguns used in crimges." ...

GA: Police officer, ex-officer plead guilty in woman's killing
Submitted by: jac

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"A police officer and a former officer pleaded guilty Thursday to manslaughter in the shooting death of a 92-year-old woman during a botched drug raid last fall. Another officer still faces charges in the woman's death."

"Officer J.R. Smith told the judge what had happened."

"... He pleaded guilty to manslaughter, violation of oath, criminal solicitation, making false statements and perjury, which was based on untrue claims in a warrant."

"Former Officer Gregg Junnier, 40, who retired from the Atlanta police force in January, pleaded guilty to manslaughter, violation of oath, criminal solicitation and making false statements. Both men are expected to face more than 10 years in prison." ...

NJ: Bid to charge cop again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the attorneys representing Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy in his disorderly persons case in Bradley Beach told a judge this week he plans to file a motion to have misdemeanor charges reinstated against a cop that were administratively dismissed. Healy has accused the cop of beating him up." ...

"... they first wanted to review the testimony that persuaded a grand jury to not indict Police Officer Terry Browning on the more serious charges of aggravated assault and official misconduct."

"After the grand jury 'no-billed' the indictment ... Monmouth County Prosecutor ... administratively dismissed the disorderly persons complaints of simple assault and harassment that Healy and his wife, Maureen, had filed against him." ...

NY: Gun Buyback program to be held in Buffalo
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"When Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown took office over a year ago, he adopted a 'zero tolerance' approach toward violence. He hopes to reduce bloodshed on city streets...with a 'Gun Buyback Program.' It will be held Saturday, June 2nd at six local churches. Officials admit it won't stop violence. But saving one life, they say, makes it worth the effort.
When Buffalo Police Officers Patty Parete and Carl Andolina were shot last December...the gun that was used had been stolen 18 years ago... exchanging hands ever since. Police Commissioner H. McCarthy Gipson says the gun buyback program can help prevent similar violence. 'So this is more than a feel good program. It has a conscious objective. If we save one life, we've accomplished something.'" ...

OH: Plain Dealer journalistic integrity update: No new corrections, another error (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"In the wake of having been notified by Buckeye Firearms Association that three news stories in the past week have contained significant errors, the Cleveland Plain Dealer has thus far refused to answer to the Indictment of Cleveland Plain Dealer - Violation of Journalist Code of Ethics."

"A correction has only been issued for one out of the four errors previously detailed on this website. Further, the online edition of that story (as well as the three others containing errors) remains incorrect, apparently in perpetuity."

"Meanwhile, the Plain Dealer has published another story on Ohio gun laws, and made yet another error!" ...

OH: No sympathy for thug culture
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There's a sheet of tributes taped to a red brick wall."

"There's a utility pole covered in glittery balloons."

"There's a pile of teddy bears resting not far from where 15-year-old Arthur Buford died on the sidewalk."

"But there's no debate over concealed-carry laws."

"A debate would be as unnecessary as the tributes posted to honor a teen who went looking for trouble and found it."

"Damon Wells, 25, was sitting on his own porch ..."

"... two teens tried to rob him. The plan backfired. When Wells saw one kid pull a gun, he drew his own Smith & Wesson and blasted away."

"It's sad that a delinquent died on the sidewalk."

"It would have been sadder if a law-abiding homeowner had died on his porch." ...

CA: Restricted Access
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent tragic events at Virginia Tech, and our overwhelming sense of loss and grief caused by one person using firearms, most assuredly should focus our thoughts on the problems and the potential dangers of firearms in America."

"The matter of whether concealed weapons permits should be issued more freely is highly relevant. Larry Rankin ('Slow on the Draw,' April 12) thinks they should and cites 'evidence' that doing so makes for safer communities. ..." ...

"Restricting the issuance of concealed weapons permits makes sense, despite Mr. Rankin’s assertions to the contrary. Lax issuance policies end up putting CCW permits in the hands of criminals, potential criminals, or disturbed individuals. ..." ...

OH: Plain Dealer: License holders, concealed carry on the rise (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A few days ago a somewhat emotional article in the Plain Dealer implied that because someone used a gun in Cleveland to defend themselves the "whole debate" over concealed carry was re-ignited. Today, the Plain Dealer focused on what is more likely to happen due to the highly publicized self-defense shooting."

"From today's Plain Dealer, Who's carrying a gun? Almost anyone may be" ...

OH: Toledo Blade editorial board member tirade: This explains everything (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"Now that Toledo Blade editorial board member Dan Simpson has written his 'The disarming of America' tirade, we guess you'd call it ('rant' probably being too mild and more accurate words being inappropriate to print), we can finally understand some of the anti-gun editorials that the Blade has spewed over the past 3-4 years."

"Thanks to NBC's sick attempt to lift their dismal ratings, we've all viewed and heard the video tapes of the Virginia Tech mental case and his little tantrums against his schoolmates. After reading Mr. Simpson's words, we're at a loss to decide which author is more psychotically disassociated from the world the rest of us live in."

"We're leaning towards Mr. Simpson." ...

AR: Huckabee's Son Arrested With Handgun
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"David Huckabee, a son of Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, was arrested at an Arkansas airport Thursday after a federal X-ray technician detected a loaded Glock pistol in his carry-on luggage." ...

"Huckabee, 26, later pleaded guilty in Little Rock District Court after being charged with a misdemeanor count of possessing a weapon in a prohibited place." ...

New Zealand: Home invasion victim claims self-defence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Hurry up, please,' Marie Rangihuna begs the police telephonist. 'Oh my god! What's going on?'" ...

"The recorded emergency call ... includes the sound of a shotgun blast just outside the door of the bedroom where Miss Rangihuna is sheltering after three men have kicked and smashed their way into her Linwood house through the front door."

"No one was hurt by the shotgun blast, but it has led to a trial ... where self-defence is the sole issue."

"On trial is Deryck Joseph Morgan ... He has denied charges of firing the shotgun with reckless disregard for the safety of others ..." ...

"'He was acting in self-defence, not only of himself but also of others in the house that night ...' said defence counsel Serina Bailey." ...

UK: Argument led to meat cleaver onslaught
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MAN launched a savage attack on a friend with a meat cleaver after an argument over a curry."

"Simon Kibble, 34, left his victim, William McKechnie, with gaping head wounds which needed more than 40 stitches."

"Kibble was convicted at Cambridge Crown Court of wounding the 46-year-old former chef at his flat above the Tesco Express in Campkin Road, Arbury, Cambridge, late on October 27."

"Kibble, formerly of Stevenson Court, Cambridge, denied the charge amid claims to the jury Mr McKechnie set about him first and he wielded the meat cleaver in self-defence."

UK: 'I'm going to get tooled up and kill him'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A KNIFE-WIELDING teenager threatened to 'get tooled up and kill' before fatally stabbing a 16-year-old in a street brawl, a court heard."

"Stelios Paraschakis, 19, slashed Julian 'Busta' Knight's jugular vein after some of the victim's friends set fire to the defendant's garden fence as a drunken prank ..."

"Paraschakis wanted to confront violent rival Brian Long but vented his anger and frustration on Long's friend Julian instead ..."

"The Old Bailey heard on Thursday how Paraschakis had a long-standing feud with Long, also 19, and had told friends: 'I'm going to get tooled up and kill him.'"

Peter Wright QC, prosecuting, said: 'But he didn't kill Brian Long. He took it out on someone else.'" ...

If you have 10,000 regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. —Winston Churchill

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