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Newslinks for 4/27/2013

‘Guns across the Border’ tells inside story of Operation Wide Receiver CI
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "What you can expect is to join him as he hosts cartel gun buyers in his living room as ATF agents monitor things from outside the house. If you followed Fast and Furious, you can expect to see a familiar face. You can expect to see screw-ups and betrayals. And, if you’re like me, you can expect to find yourself sometimes wanting to shout at Mike through the pages and ask him what the hell he was thinking to ever get involved in such a mess, let alone volunteer for it. That’s when you’ll know he’s done his job as a writer, and not only immersed his readers in the settings of his narrative, but gotten us to care." ...


Gun control means we would have to trust our government
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"I have no dog in this hunt, but I find it incredibly enlightening to watch the wheels come off America’s anti-gun crusade."

"I never carried a gun, never owned one and never hunted. But I’m not unfamiliar with firearms. My marksmanship ribbons while qualifying on the M-16 and .38 pistols are proof."

"Last week, President Barack Obama, the U.S. Senate’s Democratic majority and the gun-control lobby took another beating. All their gun-control measures were crushed."

"Even if they had won, this meaningless push for increased background checks would not have prevented any of the mass killings that put the nation’s emotions on fire." ...

LaPierre: Gun owners make U.S. safer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As gun owners across the South prepare to gather in Houston for the 142nd NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits next weekend, I want to thank the 5 million members of the NRA for all they do to make America safe and free."

"If you're an NRA member, you deserve to be proud."

"Because today, yet again, it's NRA members and the millions who agree with us - not the press or some in the political ranks - who are doing the thankless and heroic work of standing up for freedom. And it's NRA members who are demanding proven solutions - instead of empty soundbites and slogans - that will make Americans safer." ...

Heart of the person is the issue, not the style of gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m writing in response to Stephanie Volkman’s April 19 letter. I take issue with her reference to 'military-style weapons' statement."

"The style is irrelevant. It’s the heart of the person that is the issue, not the style of the tool. Didn’t we just witness the horror of the 'pressure cooker'? Do you really think limiting the style or size of pressure cookers will save lives?" ...

The Solution to Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two things can be said of most gun-bearing Americans: first, they are patriotic, in that they revere at least part of the U.S. Constitution; second, that they tend to be independent-minded, a quality that itself is profoundly infused with the shape of the American Dream. Thus, they are not America's enemies, even if they are often her critics."

"Then, of course, there are the hundreds of thousands who are criminals, gang members, killers, rapists, robbers and degenerates for whom guns are tools of a trade that is frowned upon and strictly forbidden in every venue but the imagination." ...

How to Shoot 3-Gun…And Not Be Disqualified
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Competition shooting is one of the safest sports in existence. More people are injured playing golf than ever get hurt in a 3-gun match. The reason these competitions are so safe is that there are strict safety rules, and the penalty for breaking even a single one is an instant and unchallengeable disqualification from the competition. There are lots of things you can do to earn you a 'DQ,' and I wanted to go over some of the more common ways to get sent home so that hopefully you’ll never have to take the walk of shame . . ." ...

Is gun training a liability in court?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Are you worried that training or competition experience will be used against you following a personal defense shooting incident? If so, you’re not alone."

"The concern often voiced is that a prosecuting attorney or a less-than-scrupulous trial attorney will cast your training and/or competition experience as honing your skills to be a better killer, and not a better citizen and shooter." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Practice Shooting Multiple Targets (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Humans have a natural tendency to stare at a threat—and keep staring at it. That leads to bizarre ballistics; numerous citizens have shot the weapon hand of their attacker. That’s because armed defenders tend to stare at the bad guy’s weapon. Their shot follows their gaze. Despite all those Westerns that would have you believe that’s a good thing it’s not. For one thing, you’re bound to miss your attacker entirely—at a time where a second chance to stop the threat may be as hard to get as a date with Arizona Muse. But wait! Eye fixation is an even bigger problem than that . . ." ...

Fact Check: NRA misrepresents police survey, legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On the day the Senate voted down a series of gun control bills, the National Rifle Association made false and misleading claims in opposing a measure to expand background checks."

"Online ads from the NRA wrongly claimed that '80 percent of police say background checks will have no effect' on violent crime. The survey cited in the ads by the NRA says nothing of the sort." ...

Submitter's Note: Well that's two lies in two sentences. First lie; the ad says "police say MORE background checks will have no effect ...". Just a wee difference.
Second lie: From the Gun Policy survey:
7. Do you think that a federal law prohibiting private, non-dealer transfers of firearms between individuals would reduce violent crime?
Yes: 11.5% (1,684)
No: 79.7% (11,663)
Unsure: 8.8% (1,295)

Schumer, Biden, McCain, et al. Tooling-Up for Another Spree Killing?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Two top senators predicted Thursday that gun legislation will come up again for a Senate vote – possibly before the end of the year – as public attitudes shift toward stricter controls,' reports. And why would public opinion shift towards gun control? Especially as they’re currently shifting in the other direction. Methinks Senator Schumer and his Republican BFF are anticipating another bloodletting. 'I think we’re going to bring this bill back before the end of the year and I think you may find some changes,' Chuck pronounced at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. 'Lots of senators who thought it was safe to vote against it are not so sure any more.' Right. 'Because of changing attitudes.' ..." ...

Debunking Ari Melber’s Anti-Gun Hissy Fit (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"MSNBC has never been known as a bastion of logic-based argument and debate when it comes to gun control. In fact, they’re usually the ones who spout the most inaccuracies and false analogies when it comes to firearms in order to get their pro-gun control agenda out there. I found one such video over on Reddit, and figured it would be entertaining to tear down Ari Melber’s anti-gun rant point by point. Join me, won’t you? . . ."

"Ari opens his rant by pointing out that the remaining Boston bomber is charged with using explosives, and that it’s therefore logical that those devices should be regulated. According to Ari . . ." ...

Mother Jones: 'Right-Wing Extremism' Killed More Since 9/11 Than Islamic Terror
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... Mother Jones ran an article making a shocking claim: more Americans have been killed by conservative terrorists than by Islamic terrorists since September 11, 2001. 'While America has been fixated on the threat of Islamic terrorism for more than a decade, all but a few domestic terror plots have failed,' the article explained. 'Between September 11, 2001, and the end of 2012, there were no successful bomb plots by jihadist terrorists in the United States …. [R]ight-wing extremists killed 29 people during those 11 years.'"

"But is it true?"

"The Mother Jones piece is based on a study ... But that study routinely labels non-right-wing murderers right-wingers, and labels basic crimes involving murder 'terrorist attacks.'" ...

Major Gun Battle Erupts — But It’s Not What You’re Thinking
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When considering charities and their associated goodwill activities, one of the furthest elements from one’s mind are legal battles centered upon stolen concepts and products."

"Usually, these elements are associated more with the business world — but it seems this is exactly what is unfolding in a lawsuit filed by Peter Thum, the co-founder of an organization called Founderie 47, against Jessica Mindich, founder of Jewelry for a Cause."

"It’s a gun battle of epic proportions — but it’s not what you’re thinking. Earlier this month, Reuters described the ugly spat that is unfolding between the two parties as follows:" ...

Maybe something good from the gun control bill defeat?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In terms of investing in lobbying, the NRA is tiny – but extraordinarily effective for several reasons. First, the have done their marketing homework well, and they apply extreme pressure to a few congress people, in districts and states where they can get results ..."

"Secondly, they have pretty much a single issue lobbying message, unlike say the Chamber of Commerce who has to deal with many issues for many companies. And it is a simple one, almost always variations on: 'We will protect the Second Amendment with all our resources…so they won’t be able to take your guns away'."

"Thirdly, they use their lobbying to mobilize their members. ..." ...

The Second Amendment: Case law doesn't preclude background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We are all overloaded these days with well-intended articles about the meaning and scope of the Second Amendment. However, most don’t bother to examine the Supreme Court’s opinion in District of Columbia vs. Heller, the 2008 case that set forth the controlling principles."

"In the first place, the case squarely holds that the amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that firearm for traditionally lawful purposes such as self-defense within the home."

"This makes irrelevant discussions about what constitutes a 'militia' or what uses are permitted to protect a 'free state.' ..." ...

Senate’s failure to expand background checks is defeat for democracy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week marked another low for American politics. On April 17, the U.S. Senate voted down the Manchin-Toomey amendment to the gun bill that would have extended background checks on gun sales to include Internet purchases and gun shows."

"Sixty votes were required to pass the issue, but only 54 'yes' votes were cast. While a simple majority was reached, it wasn’t enough to carry the vote. What comes as no surprise is that the vote went mostly straight down party lines with Democrats 'for' and Republicans 'against.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Actually more than 10% of the 'NAYs' were Democrats and 11% of the 'AYEs' were non-Democrats. Sounds bi-partisan to me . . .

Our system has no self-destruct button
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are lots of screwball notions making the rounds, but none more ridiculous than this: The reason our nation's Constitution has a Second Amendment is to ensure that the people are properly armed against their own government."

"I don't greatly care what you do about gun control; that horse fled the barn a long time ago. I do care what you do with history and our nation's founding documents." ...

Question of the Day: Did Boston Bombers Open Americans’ Eyes to the Threat Posed by Their Own Government? (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s increasingly clear that the Boston bombing was a watershed event. While the media focuses on the bombers’ past and the possibility of further attacks, the police response to the terrorists is bound to have a more significant and long-lasting impact on the public psyche . . ." ...

"Putting an entire city into 'lockdown'—shutting down public transportation, ordering businesses to close and cabs not to run; filling the streets with heavily armed police and National Guard troops—is the closest thing Americans have seen to martial law outside of a natural disaster."

"Let’s face it: the 'lockdown' was martial law in all but name. ..." ...

“I Brought A Gun to School Today” (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Thought you might be interested. Since I’m irritated Gov. Rick Snyder vetoed a bill that would allow me to carry a gun concealed in a school, I decided I would open carry to visit my kindergarten daughter for her book fair. ..."

Tom Knapp, Shooting Star
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"The shooting world lost a great man today. Shooting Star Tom Knapp passed away this afternoon. Tom reinvented exhibition shooting almost 30 years after the passing of Herb Parsons. Tom was an inspiration to generations of shooters and he will be missed." ...

Our thoughts are with Tom's family and friends.

ARMED AMERICAN RADIO Welcomes Guns Across the Border Author Mike Detty
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Mark Walters and AAR bring Tucson gun dealer and author of the riveting book, Guns Across the Border to Armed American Radio listeners nationwide, Sunday 4/28/2013." ...


NC: Pit Bull Owners Bark at Background Check Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A North Carolina lawmaker says he was caught off guard by the angry responses he got to a bill that would require the owners of pit bulls, mastiffs and Rottweilers and other large breeds to undergo criminal background checks."

"Rep. Rodney Moore, a Charlotte Democrat who sponsored the bill, tells Law Blog that his office got thousands of emails from people protesting the plan. Many of them were from pit bull owners who attached photos of their dogs looking cute and 'passive,' he said." ...

Republicans Introduce “Ammunition Management for More Obtainability” (AMMO) Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Senate and House Republicans are set to introduce a joint bill Friday that would significantly limit the amount of ammunition that federal agencies are permitted to purchase and stockpile over the next six months,' reports. 'The bill, authored by Sen. Jim Inhofe (R., Okla.) and Rep. Frank Lucas (R., Okla.), comes as numerous lawmakers across Capitol Hill have expressed concern that certain federal agencies, such as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), are stockpiling high quantities of ammunition. DHS, for instance, has placed two-years worth of ammunition, or nearly 247 million rounds, in its inventory.' Inhofe is down with Alex Jones on this one . . ." ...

Why Gun Control Advocates are So Peeved About the Failed Background Check Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was a massive nerd back in high school. Orchestra nerd, debate geek, advanced physics club…the whole nine yards. In the aftermath of the failed Manchin-Toomey universal background check amendment to Harry Reid’s gun control bill, I’m reminded of one of my favorite moments from high school debate club, and I think it perfectly explains the behavior of those who, according to recent polls, were disappointed or angry that the the whole thing crashed and burned so spectacularly . . ." ...

Senators Quietly Seek a New Path on Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Talks to revive gun control legislation are quietly under way on Capitol Hill as a bipartisan group of senators seeks a way to bridge the differences that led to last week's collapse of the most serious effort to overhaul the country's gun laws in 20 years."

"Drawing on the lessons from battles in the 1980s and '90s over the Brady Bill, which failed in Congress several times before ultimately passing, gun control supporters believe they can prevail by working on a two-pronged strategy. First, they are identifying senators who might be willing to change their votes and support a ... system with fewer loopholes."

"Second, they are looking to build a national campaign that would better harness overwhelming public support ..." ...

Lawmakers move to limit govt. ammo purchases
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of a Thursday hearing that raised questions and hackles about Department of Homeland Security ammunition purchases, two Oklahoma lawmakers introduced legislation Friday morning to put the brakes on government stockpiling of ammo." ...

Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you attended any of the seminars that I gave earlier this year, I advised that federal legislation would be VERY hard to pass with regard to gun control ... Instead, I offered, FFL’s can expect increased scrutiny from its regulators ... to be the back-door gun-control that the Obama Administration has always craved." ...

"While this was occurring, a little known event was transpiring at ATF: our inside sources tell us that the 'Adminstrative Action Order” (AAO) that governs how FFL’s are inspected and handled administratively by ATF ... got a sneaky make-over in February 2013. Interesting timing, huh? And if you think they loosened things up during that reworking, think again." ...

Bill by Oklahoma lawmakers would restrict federal ammunition purchases
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Oklahoma lawmakers introduced a bill Friday that would put new limits on ammunition purchases by most federal departments."

"Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Tulsa, and Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Cheyenne, said they were seeking to prevent the federal government from stockpiling ammunition. Their bill would prohibit federal departments, except for the Defense Department, from buying ammunition if their supplies exceed the monthly averages before President Barack Obama took office in 2009."

"The legislation also requires a report from the Government Accountability Office on how government purchases of ammunition affect the supply available to the public." ...

GOP Lawmakers Target Government Ammo Stockpiling
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the gun-control debate raged on in the wake of the Newtown massacre, concerns about the future availability of ammunition and firearms intensified. The high demand led to unprecedented shortages of ammuntion, however. Empty shelves in gun stores, long backorders and drastic price increases have become the norm. Some police departments in California have even begun training with airsoft guns. Thus, reports that DHS was trying to buy up 1.6 billion rounds of ammo over five years have raised eyebrows." ...

MO: Missouri House Passes Law Making Any New Federal Gun Legislation Illegal to Enforce in State (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Missouri state House of Representatives has passed a bill that would make federal enforcement of new federal gun control laws unenforceable."

"The bill reads, 'federal official must not enforce a federal firearm law when the firearm is manufactured and remains in the state and that any new federal law banning or restricting ownership of a semi-automatic firearm is unenforceable.'" ...

SC: Senate passes concealed weapons bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state Senate has passed a bill that would allow concealed-weapons permit holders to carry guns into bars and restaurants until midnight -- a victory for Second Amendment advocates."

"The bill's 33-5 vote Tuesday with bipartisan support came before next week's deadline for sending bills to the House for possible passage."

"The bill is the first to pass either State House chamber aimed at expanding gun rights amid a national debate over whether more or fewer gun laws will protect the country against violence such as the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., last year, and last week's Boston bombings."

"It may be the only one that gains traction." ...

NE: Suttle, Stothert debate underscores divide on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When it comes to guns, Democrat Jim Suttle and Republican Jean Stothert are about as close on the issue as two gunslingers at opposite ends of a street."

"Stothert argued Friday that police should focus their efforts on capturing criminals and not the guns used to commit the crimes, while Mayor Suttle appeared to argue that sometimes guns stoke the violence."

"The two Omaha mayoral candidates clashed over firearms and potholes at their second debate of the week, held at the Omaha Press Club. About 120 people attended the noon forum, which was a relatively low-key rumble in comparison to an earlier debate this week." ...

CA: L. A. City Council to consider tighter ammunition laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Saying the public is beyond frustrated, members of the Los Angeles City Council's public safety committee agreed Friday to make it illegal to possess the type of high-capacity ammunition magazines that were used to kill 20 schoolchildren and six adults in Newtown, Conn., in December."

"Councilman Paul Krekorian, who sought the action, said people are upset with Congress' inability to approve background checks for those making weapons purchases. That legislation failed last week after political opposition from the gun rights lobby."

"'I couldn't stand by and wait for another tragedy to occur,' Krekorian said. 'We can't wait for Congress to finally have the courage to deal with this issue.'" ...

MD: Petition effort begun to overturn gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you hate Maryland's new gun law and wish you could vote against it, Sue Payne is looking for you."

"The Montgomery County woman this week filed paperwork with the Board of Elections to petition the controversial new gun-control bill to referendum. She said she bought a web domain, lined up a web designer to create a digital system for distributing petitions and is now looking for someone to take over the operation, which she calls Free State Petitions." ...

NY: State Senator and Activist get into Shouting Match (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A verbal battle over the gun control issue between State Senator Mark Grisanti and activist Rus Thompson unfolded Friday outside the senator's Buffalo office."

"The conservative activist did not hold back when confronting Grisanti, a Republican, who sided with the governor on gun control."

"A group was holding a Second Amendment rights rally when Grisanti stepped outside to address the group. That's when the two men started arguing." ...

MD: Second Amendment Foundation threatens to sue Maryland governments
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun owners' rights group is threatening to sue 35 Maryland local governments unless they repeal gun regulations that the group says violate state law."

"The Second Amendment Foundation of Bellevue, Wash., says Maryland is the third state it has targeted in a campaign to eliminate local gun laws that are more restrictive than state regulations. The group has run similar projects in its home state and Virginia."

"The campaign has had some results. ..." ...

MD: Gun rights group targets 35 Md. counties, towns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here are the Maryland counties and municipalities that the Second Amendment Foundation says it has targeted as having gun laws that violate the state’s pre-emption statute." ...

MD: National gun-rights group adds Frederick to target list
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of Frederick has joined the growing list of municipalities in Maryland being targeted by a national gun-rights group threatening to sue if they don’t change their gun laws."

"The Second Amendment Foundation, a gun-rights advocacy group based in Bellevue, Wash., sent a letter to the city on April 2, asking officials to repeal its laws banning the carrying of firearms within 500 feet of a parade, walkathon or race."

"The foundation claimed the ban violates Maryland gun laws." ...

DHS Denies Ammo Purchases Aimed at Civilians
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Officials at the Department of Homeland Security denied Thursday that its large-scale ammunition purchases were an effort keep bullets[sic] out of the hands of private citizens."

"At a hearing on Capitol Hill Thursday, top DHS training officer Humberto Medina said he could 'say categorically that was not a factor at all' in the purchases. He also noted that ammunition DHS purchased would be used for both operations and training purchases."

"The Associated Press reported in February that DHS was planning to buy more than 1.6 billion rounds over the next five years, a number that sparked fears of government stockpiling – which DHS previously denied to Whispers. ..." ...

AZ: City paid almost $10K for gun buy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tucson Police Department records show just under $10,000 was spent on 42 police officers who worked at Councilman Steve Kozachik's gun buyback event last January."

"A local gun-rights advocate said the numbers prove Kozachik was misleading the public when he claimed the buyback wouldn't waste taxpayer's money."

"Ken Rineer, president of Gun Owners of Arizona, said with TPD resources already stretched thin, the department could ill-afford to take officers off the street just 'to take in a bunch of .22 bolt-action rifles from people's closets.'"

"But Kozachik said he's not to blame for the number of officers present that day." ...

AL: Former Town Creek police officer pleads guilty to federal civil rights violation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Town Creek police officer pleaded guilty today to a civil rights violation during the course of an arrest in a case that involved excessive force, the U.S. Department of Justice said today." ...

SC: Marion officers lose badges to misconduct charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two officers of the law in Marion were placed in handcuffs and charged with misconduct in office, according to a news release from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division." ...

"Warrants indicate Eric Walters responded to a call with assistance from Franklin Brown. The officers were on duty when witnesses claim they saw them assault a woman with 'excessive force' by tasing her several times." ...

IL: SW Illinois police official pleads guilty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former assistant police chief in southwestern Illinois faces up five years in federal prison for lying to investigators about selling a gun to a registered sex offender." ...

MI: Wayne Co. sheriff probes discharge of employee weapon during training
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Wayne County Sheriff's Office is investigating an incident in which a weapon was discharged during a training session Wednesday."

"The employee's weapon fired at a western Wayne training facility ..." ...

KABA Note: Get your story straight folks, is it that the weapon "was discharged" (i.e. someone pulled the trigger) or is this another "Plaxico Burress on gun safety" type magic self-firing weapon?

[Sierra] Ammo Factory All Fired Up Amid Gun Ban Threat
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Sky News has gained rare access to an ammunition factory in Missouri, where they say business has never been better."

"Sierra produces millions of loaded cartridges and bullets each week."

"It's careful not to reveal secrets to rivals - it won't say exactly how many - but what's certain is that this is a bright spot in an otherwise gloomy economy."

"At the moment Sierra simply can't meet the demand from anxious gun enthusiasts, who in fear of President Barack Obama's drive to tighten gun laws, are stockpiling ammunition." ...

Marathon bombings, manhunt don't add to post-Newtown gun-buying surge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite two shootouts and a nerve-wracking, house-to-house search for a fugitive, gun sales in several New England states seemed unaffected by Monday’s bombings at the Boston Marathon."

"Gun store owners in the Boston area, New Hampshire and Connecticut reported that guns and ammo have been flying off the shelves ever since the Dec. 14 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., and the state and national discussions about gun control that followed."

"Many shops in the Boston area were closed Saturday, or their owners declined to comment. Those that were open were quite busy, but it wasn’t because of the bombings." ...

Let them tell
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The cowardly acts that struck Boston renders it another bloody mark in American history, along with 9/11, Newtown, Aurora, etc."

"I don’t mean to mock it by any means. But I am a Democrat who defends the Second Amendment and believes that guns laws now are effective, but are not fair in their administration."

"But, if we follow the thought patterns of this administration and the likes of Nancy Pelosi, are we now to ban pressure cookers, nails and ball bearings? These items, like guns, are harmless in the hands of trained, respectful individuals. They only become weapons in the hands of lunatics." ...

Violence is the problem, not guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I felt compelled to share how disappointed I am with all politicians who have ignored the actual issue of violent crime in this country by using only violent crime committed with a gun as an emotional and political tool to promote disarmament. Guns are not the cause of violent crime; the fact that people, citizens of our country, are committing this violence is the problem, not their weapon of choice." ...

Gun conundrum: Why is ammunition still in short supply?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The joy many gun owners felt earlier this month when the Senate voted down new gun regulations has been tempered by a stark – and disappointing – truth: America is currently a country without enough bullets for sale."

"It's not as if the nation's 27 ammunition manufacturers have closed up shop or are turning out fewer bullets than usual. But demand is outstripping supply, causing prices to spike and even some police departments to shift to air rifles for training exercises. And the shortage has not abated, although it's been more than four months since the mass shootings in Newtown, Conn., sparked a run on guns and ammunition, when it became clear Congress would take up gun control." ...

Despite Multiple Flip-Flops, Scarborough Says His '94 NRA Questionnaire 'Very Consistent' With Positions Today (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As per his 1994 NRA questionnaire, Joe Scarborough: Opposed an assault weapons ban. Opposed expansion of background checks. Opposed limitations on magazine sizes. Today, he supports all such measures."

"So how would you describe his two very different sets of opinions? Why, as being 'very consistent,' of course--if you're Joe Scarborough. On today's Morning Joe, responding to the NRA's promulgation of the NRA questionnaire he submitted in 1994 as an aspiring Republican congressman, Scarborough did indeed claim that his positions today, despite the multiple flip-flops, are 'very consistent.' View the video after the jump." ...

Danziger gun-control cartoon a new low
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am outraged at the Danziger political cartoon The Post printed April 20 [Drawing Board]. This cartoon is one of the most offensive things that The Post has ever put in the newspaper."

"Everyone knows that the gun-control legislation was not about senators and representatives keeping their jobs and planning for their retirement. It was about an infringement on Second Amendment rights guaranteed by the Constitution and placing a law on the books that some people thought might have prevented the tragedy in Newtown, Conn. Of course, the law would not have prevented the tragedy; all the guns used were duly registered by the mother of the shooter." ...

TX: Amid push for concealed weapons on campus, local opinion remains divided
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A recent poll found more South Texas College students are against concealed handguns on campus than support the idea, but it remains to be seen whether packing heat on campus will become a reality."

"For the last few legislative sessions, Texas lawmakers have filed bills that would allow concealed handguns on college or university campuses. Two such pieces of legislation, Senate Bill 182 and House Bill 972, remain in committee."

"The survey, conducted by the college’s Student Government Association in direct response to House Bill 972, found 65 percent of students oppose allowing concealed handguns on campus. Of the college’s 30,000 students, 558 participated in the survey." ...

NY: SAFE Act threatens business (video story)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The new gun law in New York State has been controversial to say the least. And it's not just gun owners who are angry."

"Businesses are feeling the effects too and that includes a gun manufacturing company in Canandaigua. They're being forced to make some changes because of the new law."

"Tom Fargnoli said, 'From the time I was eight years old. All I ever wanted to be was a gunsmith and all I ever did my whole life was to get to this end.'" ...

"Since Just Right Carbines began selling the gun, business has been booming."

"But now, the New York State SAFE Act is threatening their sales." ...

MI: Gun hysteria is projection
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In reply to Carl Anderson’s April 23 letter: He made several emotionally-driven points, lacking in facts."

"His first point on the gun-carrying issue was it took the city commission from its 'regular agenda.'"

"The Code of Ethics for Battle Creek City Commissioners states (paraphrased) that all issues of the community is its agenda, and to listen to the feedback of the people. Firearms are just another agenda topic."

"Another obtuse comment was Joel played on people’s fears to get them to attend the meeting. Well, if being concerned is synonymous with fear, then so be it." ...

WA: ‘Colockumelk’ is coming home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When he saddled up to deploy to Afghanistan, former Selah resident Aaron Blanchard, known to his many friends on the Hunting-Washington forum as 'Colockumelk,' posted a note on April 11 that noted, 'Well it’s my turn once again to head over to the sand box and do the job that the tax payers pay me to do.'"

"As John Wayne once reportedly stated, 'Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.'" ...

CT: Sad, ashamed at gun bill approval
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week I watched CT-N in amazement on the eve of the gun bill passage."

"One after another, our representatives took the stand thanking and congratulating their colleagues and staff for their tireless efforts 'working long hours into the night,' to turn out this bill. What a job! One women representative stated her pride at having 'had to be late to dinner on several occasions,' to wrestle with such a complicated issue. So much effusive praise and credit, accolades and back-slapping was going around, that for a minute I thought I had tuned into the Academy Awards by mistake. It took over two hours of viewing before I heard the word constitution mentioned. According to them, such stuff is heroes made of." ...

TN: Tennessee Group To Give Away AR-15
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Tennessee Firearms Association plans to give away a Bushmaster AR-15 on Monday, subject to a background check for the winner of a drawing that has already pulled in more than 10,000 contestants, executive director John Harris said."

"The promotion started on April 8, more than a week before the Senate voted down a proposal for expanded background checks that was promoted by the president and supported by 90 percent of Americans, according to most polls." ...

Submitter's Note: That's actually dropped to 82% which is completely immaterial since "the freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil and Constitutional right -- subject neither to the democratic process nor to arguments grounded in social utility."

Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it. — Thomas Sowell

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