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Newslinks for 4/28/2008

IN: Gary cop charged in drive-by shooting
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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A Gary police officer has been charged in the March 18 drive-by shooting on Cooley Street in Portage, which followed a fight on St. Patrick's Day at a Hobart bar.

Gary police Cpl. Steven Andrus was charged in Porter County on Thursday with two counts of criminal recklessness, a Class C felony.

Nobody was injured in the shooting, which occurred at 4 a.m. March 18 in the 3000 and 3100 blocks of Cooley Street on Portage's west side.

PA: Hearing on Philadelphia's gun-control laws postponed
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A hearing Monday on a challenge to the constitutionality of Philadelphia's new gun-control laws has been postponed until May 19. Common Pleas Court Judge Jane Cutler Greenspan rescheduled the hearing after a telephone conference this week with lawyers for the city and National Rifle Association, according to court records. C. Scott Shields, the Media lawyer who filed the suit for the Fairfax, Va.-based NRA, said the delay was to give lawyers for the city more time to decide if they will challenge "standing" - the legal right of the NRA to file the suit.

NY: Union officials for county employees support gun ban
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The unions representing Oswego County employees supports the proposed weapons ban that would prohibit bringing firearms into county buildings. Legislature Chairman Barry Leemann said Tuesday that he had recently met with the representatives and that they are in support of some kind of ban on weapons. The legislature’s Government and Strategic Planning Committee is expected to address the matter at Monday’s meeting.

KS: Gun bans cant stop wackos bent on murder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The panel that oversees Kansas state universities has decreed that campuses under its control shall be weapons-free. I wonder: Will students, faculty and staff feel safer? The recent move by the state Board of Regents came a year after the Virginia Tech massacre — a mass public shooting that left 32 dead in a place that was already weapons-free, in theory. Like so many of these incidents, Virginia Tech showed why gun bans in places as open as campuses are toothless as safety measures.

FL: Stripped Searched Victims Win Settlement
Submitted by: clell

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Thousands of trespassers, drunken people and others strip-searched at the Broward County Jail, though they were charged with only minor offenses, are entitled to $1,000 each as part of a multimillion-dollar settlement reached Friday.

The payout stems from former Sheriff Ken Jenne's controversial — and ultimately revoked — policy ordering strip searches for men and women charged with "a traffic, regulatory or misdemeanor offense."

TX: Texas Man Indicted For Shooting Intruder: Testing Castle Doctrine Law
Submitted by: clell

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A man who shot and killed a 13-year-old breaking into his mobile home has been indicted for murder in a case that could test a new law giving Texans more leeway to defend themselves with deadly force.
Jose Luis Gonzalez, 63, was indicted Friday in the July killing of a teenager who sneaked into his home with three friends to steal drinks and snacks. Francisco Anguiano was shot in the back and later died at a Laredo hospital.

Submitter's note: Maybe they will convict him of not having mind reading powers. He should have known the kids were just after snacks.

MA: Massachusettes Police To Get Black Uniforms So As To Instill Fear
Submitted by: clell

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The city's new police commissioner, William Fitchet, says members of the department's Street Crime Unit will again don black, military-style uniforms as part of his strategy to deal with youth violence.

Fitchet's predecessor, Edward Flynn, had ditched the black attire as part of an effort to soften the image of the unit. Flynn left Springfield in January to become the police chief in Milwaukee.
Sgt. John Delaney told a city council hearing Wednesday that the stark uniforms send a message to criminals that officers are serious about making arrests.

Delaney said a sense of "fear" has been missing for the past few years.

NJ: Paterson's Mayor Issues Proclamation
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"Citizens Reminded of the City Ordinances Against Firearms.

"All Quiet Throughout the Streets -- The Military in Control -- Weavers Divided as to Question of Returning to the Mills...."

"...During the last week the supply of firearms in all the stores handling such goods in this city has been cleaned out. Almost anything in the shape of a pocket firearm has commanded a ready sale. Probably the greater part of the purchasers have been men bent on protecting themselves...."

"...all persons are prohibited from firing or discharging any cannon, gun, fowling piece, revolver, pistol..."

"...twenty-first day of June, A.D. 1902."

The Right to Bear Arms. Thinks It Should Be Admitted In New York City
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"...To the editor of The New York Times:

""The Right To Bear Arms." Present regulations with respect to pistol-carrying as a habit in this city are more than sufficient if properly enforced. I say "more than sufficient" advisedly, because the ordinary peaceably inclined citizen cannot now lawfully, even if constitutionally, avail of the protection afforded by a pistol on his person without a red tape process of doubtful issue, while the criminally inclined sets those regulations at defiance, as he does the law generally. Get a pistol he will, despite restrictions on the sale of firearms...."

"...There is no necessity for further encroachment upon the American citizen's right to bear arms.


"New York, Aug. 24. 1910."

Would Not Take It Away as a Preventive of Crime
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"...To The Editor of The New York Times:

"...but your editorial article of the 17th and Mr. Goldberg's letter on carrying firearms seem to me to be based on wrong premises...."

"...And if he could not buy the firearms here, would it be much trouble for him to run up to some of the towns in Connecticut or Massachusetts..."

"...Of all the short-sighted notions, this idea of blaming the instrument for the crime seems to me the worst..."

"...The Constitution does not say that "the right of citizens to carry arms shall not be abolished," but even says this right "shall not be infringed." If these city ordinances do not infringe that right, then I don't know what would..."

IN: Guns make difference between our being citizens or subjects
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On March 16, 1975, three female roommates were beaten, raped, and sodomized for 14 hours by 2 men who broke into their townhouse. Police were called and a police car was seen driving slowly past the house. Horrified, a second call was made with no response.

The D.C. Superior Court ruled in the ensuing lawsuit "...a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any particular individual citizen."


This country was founded because of rejection of rule by aristocracy and the "privileged few." With guns we are citizens; without we are subjects.

WI: Shootout video stirs up the gun nuts and racists
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You see the man striding quickly through the door, determined to create mayhem. Then you see him stop short without even raising his weapon when he sees that the clerk behind the counter has a gun trained on him.

As the customer meekly retreats from the store, however, he turns and begins firing. The store clerk opens fire at the same time. Incredibly, a woman in a green jacket calmly walks between the shooters and out of the store in the middle of the gunfight.

Ed.: It doesn't matter how many time you call the armed thug a "customer" Joel, a shoplifter pointing a gun at you isn't a customer--they are a criminal.

NH: Supreme ruling and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Recently, the Supreme Court heard arguments regarding the interpretation of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights and whether under the militia interpretation of the amendment does the District of Columbia have the right to prohibit ownership of firearms in a case where an individual wanted to have a firearm available in his home for personnel protection and was denied.

Time to Compromise on Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There is little doubt that this will be the most controversial column I’ve written to date. But sometimes when working in a university environment one is exposed to ideas that one simply cannot repudiate. And this requires a modification of views – even if those views are deeply held - or very fun, or both.

Such an occasion happened last week on Empty Holster Day – an event sponsored by the College Republicans at UNC-Wilmington. It began as an event designed to convince campus leftists that our laws should be modified to allow those above 21 years of age (with valid concealed carry permits) to carry on campus. But the event actually backfired, so to speak.

The natural inequality of individual freedom
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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And that's why Jefferson also reminds us that "Every generation needs a new revolution."

It's also why the Second Amendment was written, as Jefferson stated so well, "Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state."

Contrary to conventional thinking, our guns are not just for hunting. They are for defending our lawful earnings and property, our individual freedom and liberty, against an increasingly intrusive power-hungry government which must take from our most productive citizens against their will, in order to deliver on the promises of expanding government powers.

SC: Should you have a right to know who is carrying a gun?
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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South Carolina recently became the latest in a growing number of states making the names of people who have a license to carry a hidden gun a state secret. Gov. Mark Sanford waited until the final hours before a deadline to sign a bill ending public access to the state's concealed weapons records.

WV: WVCDL-PAC endorses Maynard, Walker for Supreme Court and Dan Greear for GOP Nomination for Attorney General
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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The West Virginia Citizens Defense League Political Action Committee has endorsed Chief Justice Elliott “Spike” Maynard and Beth Walker for election as justices of the Supreme Court of Appeals and Dan Greear for the Republican nomination for Attorney General in the May 13 primary election.

WVCDL-PAC is the political action committee of the West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. WVCDL is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, all-volunteer, grassroots organization of concerned West Virginians who support an individual’s right to keep and bear arms for defense of self, family, home and state, and for lawful hunting and recreational use.

AR: Gun laws draw protest
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Travis Robinson wasn’t alone last week as he toted his empty holster around campus.

The junior at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville was among college students around the country who engaged in a subtle form of organized protest.

Robinson and others believe people with state licenses to carry concealed weapons shouldn’t have that privilege halted once they step on campus.

“An assumption people have is, they think we want everybody to be packing AK-47 s. That’s not the case,” said Robinson, 21, a criminal justice and sociology major from Clarksville.

When Right And Left Agree, Something Is Happening!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The political situation in the United States is different at this particular time than in any other time that I have witnessed in my 57 years on this planet. This is the only time in my life that I can ever remember when the right and the left agree more with each other than the so-called “centrists’” of the GOP and the Democratic Party. Those that lean left, like myself, are afraid of losing their civil liberties, afraid of the corporate control of the mainstream media, afraid of the government’s surveillance of our personal activities, afraid of violations of the second amendment when it comes to gun ownership and are thoroughly disgusted with the governments clampdown on our 1st Amendment rights on free speech.

FL: Second Amendment based on the times
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Our Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, wrote the Bill of Rights to help guide us in doing the right thing as a country. They wrote that Bill of Rights based on their life experiences. Addressing the Second Amendment, their life experiences were pretty much limited to the weaponry of the day, which included rapid-fire muzzle-loading muskets, the dreaded rapid-fire tomahawk, the knife, sticks and stones.

Rapid-fire handguns didn’t come into existence until well into the 1800s. They didn’t anticipate nor intend for us to own a bazooka, mortar, the recoiless rifle or an “H” bomb.

TN: Would Be Car-Jacker Gets Gun Pulled On Him
Submitted by: Jon

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A would be car-jacker messed with the wrong victim, and it was all caught on tape.

IL: Chicago Police Get M4 Rifles
Submitted by: clell

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Mayor Richard Daley said Saturday Chicago police officers will he armed with high-powered assault rifles when they're on the streets fighting gangs and other criminals.

"Many times they're outgunned, to be very frank," Daley said at an event in the Englewood neighborhood. "When they come to a scene, someone has a semi fully-automatic weapon and you have a little pistol, uh, good luck."

The city's police officers carry pistols, and Daley suggested they will start carrying "M4 rifles."

The NRA has a point about the inadvisability of simply taking guns away from the populace. If that were possible, it would not disarm that small percentage of the population willing to break the law.... Punishing people who obey the law is backward thinking. — Hugh Downs, Veteran ABC newsman

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