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Newslinks for 4/28/2011

CCRKBA 'Guns Save Lives' Billboard Truck To Be In Pittsburgh
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms mobile 'Guns Save Lives' billboard truck is visiting Pittsburgh, PA during the National Rifle Association's annual convention in that city."

"The Guns Save Lives campaign is CCRKBA's response to anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, who have sent a moving billboard truck around the country claiming that 34 Americans are 'murdered with guns every day.' CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb said Bloomberg's campaign 'tells less than half of a story, so we're setting the record straight in the Keystone State.'" ...

National news magazines ignore ‘Project Gunwalker’ story, embrace statist fluff
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An overwhelmingly 'progressive' mainstream press, one that continually stumps for yet more citizen disarmament while for the most part ignoring what should be a major lead story/headline-generating scandal committed by officials they’re supposed to be monitoring, is all atwitter with anticipation for the upcoming royal nuptials." ...

Living for 170,000,000
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Professional victim Colin 'The Alchemist' Goddard is featured in a 'gun control' cheerleading movie called 'Living for 32,' which evidently attempts to explain how banning private sales at gun shows could have prevented the shooting of the 32 Virginia Tech victims--shot with guns not bought at gun shows. Perhaps it also explains how maintaining universities' ability to mandate that students and faculty be just as disarmed and defenseless as Goddard and the other victims were (preserving campus gun bans is, along with the 'gun show loophole' myth, one of Goddard's signature issues) will help prevent that kind of slaughter in the future." ...

Gun grabbers grasp at straws -- Federal figures shoot down left’s imaginary gun decline
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun grabbers love statistics, especially when they're misleading. The latest report from the Violence Policy Center (VPC) would have us believe that Americans are lined up at the recycling center ready to toss out their Glocks. The group claims that a firearm protected every other home in 1980 but only one out of three today. It’s a not-so-subtle attempt to convey the message that the anti-Second Amendment crowd is winning. 'Despite the short-lived uptick in gun sales that occurred after the election of President Obama, the fact is that gun-free households are an increasing majority while gun-owning households are a shrinking minority,' said VPC Executive Director Josh Sugarmann in a statement Tuesday." ...

Bitter Rules!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "If anyone thinks that gun bloggers don't have an impact is wrong. Whether it is Primanti Brothers or Project Gunwalker, gun bloggers brought attention to things that needed that attention. As usual, the media is late to the party." ...

New UW president opposed guns on campus in Utah
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Michael Young, newly-appointed president of the University of Washington, was at the helm of the University of Utah when that school was fighting a state law that allowed concealed carry by licensed students and faculty."

"Young, 61, was named to his new position yesterday by a unanimous vote of the UW Board of Regents, according to the Seattle Times. He will bring with him what Evergreen State gun rights activists may call 'baggage,' including the fact that the anti-gun 'Gun Guys' blog defended the Utah school and it’s fight against campus carry, all the way to the Utah Supreme Court, where the university lost its case." ...

National Firearms Museum: 1911 Centennial Exhibit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 1977, Charlton Heston said 'The doorway to freedom is framed by the muskets that stood between a vision of liberty and anarchy at a place called Concord bridge . . . There can be no free speech, no freedom of the press, no freedom to protest, no freedom to worship your god, no freedom to speak your mind, no freedom from fear, no freedom for your children and for theirs, for anybody, anywhere without the Second Amendment freedom to fight for it.' The doorway to the National Firearms Museum—well, the exit—is framed with muskets. And rifles. And shotguns. But let’s start at the beginning and work our way to the iconic 1911 . . ." ...

GLOCK, Inc. Celebrates 25 Years in the United States with 2,500 Limited-Edition Pistols
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 1986 GLOCK, Inc. entered the United States with the introduction of its legendary GLOCK 17 made available to law enforcement and military organizations."

"This year, 2011, GLOCK is commemorating its 25th Anniversary in the United States with a Silver Anniversary, Limited-Edition, 25th Anniversary GLOCK 17 Gen4 (9×19) pistol." ...

Sobering Knowledge From Cops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The week before last, I attended and taught at the annual conference of ILEETA, the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association. Despite the economy, the event drew some 725 police trainers from around the country and several other nations, even though a huge number had to subsidize their attendance out of their own pockets." ...

"The general consensus of police, military, and national intelligence is that it’s only a matter of time before this nation experiences an incident reminiscent of Beslan or Mumbai: armed, trained, committed terrorists massacring the innocent with automatic weapons and explosives. ..." ...

As gun battle shows, every right has limits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's veto last week of the so-called birther bill overshadowed her rejection of another piece of hot-button legislation: a bill to allow gun owners to carry their weapons on public university and community-college campuses."

"... [T]he campus gun bill was sharply divisive. It cast a clear light on fundamental differences between advocates of gun rights and gun control."

"However unintentionally, its veto ... highlighted something else equally fundamental: In politics - and even in a political gunfight - there are always opportunities for moderation." ...

Submitter's Note: Interesting illustration with the editorial. To me it shows exactly why students need guns: You can't outrun bullets.

New Blog Tests Factual Foundations of Opposition to Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Edward Green, retired professor of criminology, recently started, a website dedicated to explaining the political success of opposition to gun control despite gun-enabled killing sprees and 38,000 deaths and 100,000 injuries in the United States. Pro-gun forces depend on a disciplined base who uncritically accept research findings that guns symbolize patriotism and save more lives than they take. The deadly cost of gun freedom warrants testing the validity of the gun credo. The complete findings, given in, are summarized below." ...

New Brady Push to Ban "Assault Clips"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence has renewed its attack on firearms parts, releasing a new TV commercial as part of their efforts to 'encourage' President Obama to take stronger action to ban 'assault clips'." ...

Congressional ‘Gunrunner’ investigators in Arizona
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congressional investigators are in Arizona tracking down information in the on-going 'Project Gunrunner' investigation, and according to CBS News, one of the key figures involved in the Phoenix-based 'Fast and Furious' segment of the gun running sting may provide a link to Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano." ...

NRA Prez Wayne LaPierre on Gunwalker: “I don’t know what the truth is, to tell you the truth”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Whoa Wayne. Don’t be an oxymoron. If you don’t know what the truth is, you can’t tell the truth. Anyway, the NRA jefe is out ahead of this weekend’s convention in Pittsburgh, warming up his media memes for the big speech. As you’d expect, is giving the conventioneer major play. Today, Snr. LaPierre wants it known that he doesn’t know why the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) decided to let guns flow from Bob’s Gun Shop to the decapitation kings known as Los Zetas. But he doesn’t like it. Nor does he have much of a grasp on the concept known as irony . . ." ...

ATF Boss Threatened with Contempt Charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a congressional investigation of the Obama administration’s 'Project Gunrunner' scandal proceeds, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif., picture, left) is threatening ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson with contempt of Congress charges if he continues to defy a subpoena demanding documents. The controversial government operation being probed, known as 'Fast and Furious,' deliberately put high-powered weapons into the hands of known criminals — with tragic results." ...

How deeply has DHS been involved with 'Project Gunwalker'?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Project Gunwalker,' the growing scandal in which the [ATF] deliberately allowed thousands of firearms to be 'walked' across the U.S./Mexican border by known gun traffickers, was almost certainly primarily the work of the Department of Justice. The DoJ is the parent department of the BATFE, and DoJ's fingerprints are all over this travesty. Still, this is too big for even the DoJ to have done completely on its own. Sipsey Street Irregular Mike Vanderboegh has been digging deeply into what looks like an administration-wide operation to create the mythical 'iron river' of guns from the U.S. commercial market going to Mexico, to match the narrative we've been fed for the last two years." ...

The 411 on TTAG’s NRA Convention Coverage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This will be TTAG’s second NRA convention. Last year, our man Kozak handled it all by his lonesome. This year, we’re carpet bombing. Strafing? Sniping? Something. We’ve got four teams blogging from Friday to Sunday. ... Please check the site regularly, there will be a LOT of material. Meanwhile, a quick word about TTAG’s blogging philosophy . . ." ...

GLOCK, Inc. to Donate $115,000 During 2011 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"GLOCK, Inc. will donate a total of $115,000 to four separate organizations within the National Rifle Association (NRA) during the 2011 NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits held in Pittsburg, PA, Apr. 29 – May 1."

"GLOCK, Inc. Vice Presidents Gary Fletcher, Chad Mathis and Josh Dorsey, alongside spokesman R. Lee Ermey will make presentations to each group inside the GLOCK, Inc. exhibition booth (#2029) on Friday, April 29, 2011 at 10:00am." ...

IL: Pawlenty hits conservative themes at rally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Alton resident Phyllis Schlafly helped fire up a crowd gathered Wednesday to hear potential GOP presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty and his call for low taxes, small government, traditional family values and a reliance on God." ...

"Pawlenty said we need to renew our adherence to the U.S. Constitution, and not just to the Second Amendment, but to the entire document." ...

Submitter's Note: This is the same Governor Pawlenty who promised MN's Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance leadership that if we gunnies supported him in 2006, he would make the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (which administers MN's permit to carry law) actually follow the law with regards to reciprocity with other states. He LIED!

NRA will actively oppose Obama re-election
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association will oppose President Barack Obama's re-election next year, because the group expects an assault on Second Amendment rights if the president serves a second term, the organization's leader said Wednesday."

"Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's executive vice president and CEO, told The Associated Press on Wednesday — the eve of its annual convention in Pittsburgh — that the group's opposition to President Obama is 'no surprise,' but it felt a need to come out early and strongly." ...

AZ: Governor Brewer's gun veto emboldens college students
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. Jan Brewer's veto last week of a bill that would have allowed guns on university and community-college campuses has emboldened students on both sides of the debate over public safety."

"The veto of Senate Bill 1467 came as a surprise to many students who are familiar with the governor's staunch support of gun rights." ...

TN: Tennessee lawmakers argue over guns-at-work bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights and property rights advocates clashed on the House floor today over legislation encouraging employers to let workers with handgun-carry permits keep firearms in their vehicles while parked on company property."

"The bill sought to nudge employers into allowing workers to store weapons in their locked vehicles by exempting them from lawsuits arising from any incident." ...

Submitter's Note: It is a property rights issue! It is none of my employer's business what I have inside my property (my car).

PA: Leaders debate guns in parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The question of whether to lobby for a state law banning guns in municipal parks led to a heated discussion and a close opposition vote Monday by the Centre Region Council of Governments General Forum." ...

"The issue first came to the region’s attention in February when Tim Havener, president of the central chapter of the political action committee Firearms Owners Against Crime, sent letters and visited municipalities to tell officials that the group believes their existing ordinances, prohibiting residents from carrying firearms in parks, contradict state law." ...

CA: Pleasant Hill Planning Commission shoots down new gun shop rule
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Planning Commission on Tuesday rejected a proposal to require a use permit for new gun stores, delighting gun owners, open carry advocates and Second Amendment watchdogs from across the Bay Area who packed the council chamber."

"Mayor David Durant and Councilman Michael Harris, as members of the Public Health and Safety Subcommittee, originally proposed applying to gun stores the same restrictions on location that govern adult businesses. The council members dropped that idea after gun owners objected and pushed for the use permit." ...

OR: Senate Judiciary Committee Announces "Discussion on Topics Relating to Firearms."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Senate Judiciary Committee, dominated by anti-gun Democrats, has announced that on Thursday, April 28th, it will be holding an 'informational meeting on topics related to firearms.'"

"On the agenda; guns on public school grounds, restoration of gun rights for people convicted of felonies, and access to firearms for persons 'suffering from mental health issues'."

"This meeting is scheduled for 8:30 AM in room 343 in the Capitol. The public is encourged to attend." ...

TN: Proposed gun legislation negates right to defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to the April 19 article, "Student Senate fights against gun legislation," I find it troubling that in an academic setting where reason should be championed, the main argument against campus carry is an irrational, emotionally based one: 'I wouldn't feel safe.' The history of citizens' right to self-defense has been rife with irrational arguments and scenarios that always fail to materialize." ...

AZ: Goodyear Faces Lawsuits Over Police Actions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A botched investigation into the death of an 18-year-old has already cost the former Goodyear police chief his job."

"But rather than being disciplined, other officers involved recently have been promoted."

"An internal whistleblower shed light on the bungling of the investigation into Jered Pendleton’s death." ...

IL: Ex-police officer pleads guilty in murder-for-hire scheme
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"He was the ringleader of an 'elite' Special Operations Section that ransacked homes without warrants and shook down drug dealers for hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash."

"On Tuesday, former Chicago Police Officer Jerome Finnigan, wearing an orange jump suit and shackles, admitted to those crimes as well as to the most outrageous charge — that as an officer, he ordered a hit on another cop." ...

WA: Cop In Stomping Incident Involved In Police Video Cover-Up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Seattle police officer Shandy Cobane is caught up in another controversy -- this one dealing with the alleged manipulation of patrol car camera video and audio."

"Just a week after Cobane was videotaped kicking a Latino suspect in the head in a high-profile incident in April of last year, he was also accused of using excessive force on a young man in Belltown." ...

OH: City fires cop who exposed himself
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Cincinnati police sergeant convicted earlier this year of public indecency for exposing himself to several Sears employees at Eastgate Mall was fired by the Cincinnati Police Department on Wednesday, according to a spokeswoman with the police department." ...

"During his interview with Union Township police, McDonough said he had pulled his zipper down 'in an attempt to determine who would advise him that his zipper was down,' according to a court affidavit." ...

NY: NYPD Sergeant Escorted P. Diddy 1 City Block; Probe Launched
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The NYPD said Tuesday evening a sergeant allowed a police escort for Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs for a total of one city block after a concert. The department said the assistance was unauthorized and is under investigation."

"Police said the escort was requested by the hip-hop star's dry cleaner, who asked several officers before the sergeant agreed."

"One police van escorted Combs to just near the entrance for the Lincoln Tunnel. The department said claims that several officers escorted Combs to New Jersey are false." ...

FL: Police Confront Broward Judge at Gunpoint
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Broward Circuit Court Judge Ilona Holmes, her sister and her sister's family says they were ordered at gun point by several Broward Sheriffs Deputies on Easter Sunday to come out of her sister's home with their hands up." ...

"'The one that first recognized [the judge], he picked the gun up, opened it up, took the bullets out, he started giving her a speech: 'Judge Holmes, you know, these guys may not know who you are. I know who you are. This could have been so different.' And my sister said, 'everyone of ya'll know me. Ya'll been before me'.'" ...

TX: 2 lawsuits against Williamson County allege abuse by peace officers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two federal lawsuits filed against Williamson County this month both allege abuse by sheriff's deputies one by a woman who says a deputy broke her hip in the county jail, another by a man who claims deputies broke his collarbone." ...

"Sheffield's lawyer, Jack Bacon, said he has an audio recording of deputies at the jail discussing their prior abusive tactics, including choking a woman in custody. He did not make the tape available to the American-Statesman, which has filed an open records request seeking it from the county." ...

"The deputies then viewed the jail videotape and discussed 'what portions of the video they would save to support their actions,' the suit said." ...

CA: Valley widow gets $500,000 in shooting by deputy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal court jury on Monday awarded $500,000 to the widow of a man shot five times by a Fresno County sheriff's deputy after an alleged May 2008 confrontation in a vineyard west of Malaga." ...

TX: HISD officer accused of sex assault of child (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An HISD police officer is now facing sex charges, accused of assaulting a teenager off campus. Right now, he's in custody."

"The HISD officer is facing two felony counts of sexual assault of a child. The alleged victim in this case is a 15-year-old girl who was a new student at the school where he worked." ...

PA: 3 Philadelphia cops, 12 others charged in steroid bust (video available)
Submitted by: jac

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"A Philadelphia police detective and two police officers are among the 15 charged in a federal indictment, accused of conspiring to distribute anabolic steroids." ...

I do believe that where there is a choice only between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence. Thus when my eldest son asked me what he should have done had he been present when I was almost fatally assaulted in 1908 [by an Indian extremist opposed to Gandhi's agreement with Smuts], whether he should have run away and seen me killed or whether he should have used his physical force which he could and wanted to use, and defend me, I told him it was his duty to defend me even by using violence. Hence it was that I took part in the Boer War, the so-called Zulu Rebellion and [World War I]. Hence also do I advocate training in arms for those who believe in the method of violence. I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honor than that she should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor. — Mohandas K. Gandhi, Young India, August 11, 1920 from Fischer, Louis ed.,The Essential Gandhi, 1962

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