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NV: Lawmakers look at curbing civil liberties to protect state
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Protecting citizens in a time of terrorism and war outweighs assuring certain traditional civil liberties, some key lawmakers said Tuesday." ...

"In a Judiciary Committee hearing addressing what Nevada would need to survive an enemy attack, legislators and witnesses called for holding private governmental meetings and keeping records closed from the public. Some expressed distrust of the news media."

NE: Tired, Alarmist Rhetoric Mars Nebraska CCW Debate, Says Citizens Committee
Submitted by: MichiganShooter.cOm

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"Nebraska lawmakers opposed to allowing their constituents the same self-defense rights as citizens in over 40 other states are hauling out the same, tired, alarmist rhetoric that has been proven false time and again, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said today."

GOP-controlled House committee prepares to approve gun lawsuit bill again
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"House Republicans began on Wednesday their annual push to block more lawsuits against gun manufacturers, a move Democrats suggested was timed to placate the National Rifle Association just before its convention." ...

"The full committee was likely to approve the legislation Thursday, a day after the subcommittee hearing. The panel passed similar legislation last year, but it was never considered by the Senate."

OH: Police Officer Indicted For Allegedly Falsifying Report
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Cuyahoga County grand jury indicted Cleveland police officer Ed Lentz Wednesday on charges of falsifying a report."

"The grand jury said Lentz acted recklessly when he fired 14 bullets into the front seat of a station wagon in December 2001."

"Three of the shots hit Lorenzo Locklear, 12, who was unarmed and at the wheel."

New Zealand: Pacific awash with guns - report
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The 14-month study, Small Arms in the Pacific, published by the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey, looks at gun issues in 20 Pacific countries."

"It highlights state armoury security risks pivotal to three major conflicts in the Pacific." ...

"Disarmament Minister Marian Hobbs said the report was a 'wake-up call' and that she would be working to close loopholes identified."

The fact that they have a "disarmament minister" should speak volumes about their views on an armed populace.

MN: Gun club has a lot to offer
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Grand Rapids Gun Club, located on Peterson Road just north of Grand Rapids, regarded as one of the nicest facilities of its type in the state, will open for the season on Tuesday, April 1." ...

"The gun club offers an air-conditioned clubhouse, nine trap fields, three skeet fields and a hunter’s clays course."

PA: High school teacher gets five years in prison for robberies
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Philadelphia high school history teacher was sentenced Wednesday to more than five years in federal prison for robbing three banks."

"Alvin Jumpp, who pleaded guilty to the robberies last year, told authorities he needed the money to stave off mounting tax bills, credit card debt and college tuition bills for his son."

FL: Two sealed notes from jury in Miami police corruption trial
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"A federal judge cleared reporters and the public from his courtroom three times Wednesday to consider two sealed notes from a jury deliberating the planted gun and conspiracy trial of 11 Miami officers." ...

"The officers are accused of planting guns on unarmed suspects after four police shootings or covering it up from 1995 to 1997. The shootings left three men dead and one wounded."

CA: Gun range endangered
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A proposed police shooting range facility to be shared by several Solano County law enforcement agencies has hit environmental and financial troubles that could doom the project." ...

"Because of high construction bids and a potential environmental problem with a rare owl at a proposed site near Fairfield, the estimated cost of the gun range and training post has risen from an estimated $5.5 million to $7 million, according to police chiefs involved."

UK: Police warning on illegal guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Dyfed Powys Police Chief Inspector Phil Davies said: 'I encourage everyone who possesses an illegal firearm or a legally held weapon be it real, replica or an air weapon for which they no longer have a genuine use to take it to their local police station and surrender it.' "

" 'All police stations will accept firearms surrendered under this amnesty and people who wish to do so should take them to the front desk where they will be dealt with for the benefit of society as a whole.' "

CA: Minors Carrying Firearm Face Gun-Purchasing Restrictions
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Several officials backed legislation Friday that states juveniles convicted of possessing or carrying a firearm would be banned from legally purchasing a gun until they turn 30." ...

"Existing law bars juveniles convicted of violent crimes like murder or kidnapping from legally purchasing a gun until they turn 30. Frommer's legislation would extend that to include juveniles convicted of possessing or carrying a loaded weapon."

AK: Guns and children
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Today, however, it is sufficient to take note of some words that Ben's principal at Tanana Middle School spoke this week. She said that while children are regularly reminded about the perils of drugs, tobacco and alcohol, they don't hear such a steady message about gun safety."

"Whether at home or in the schools, which do not have a formal gun safety curriculum, this is the time to renew the discussion with children about gun safety."

"Ben's death calls for no less."

New Zealand: Gun laws back in MPs' sights
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A revival of universal gun registration to bring New Zealand in line with other Pacific nations could be on the cards."

It failed miserably the last time they tried it. What makes them think more people will comply this time?

TX: East Texas Gun Sales Rise with War
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The outbreak of war has brought an increase of security here at home. Some people are arming themselves for security and sales are picking up at some local gun stores."

"Gun shop owners in East Texas say the war in Iraq has some people concerned about the possibility of more terrorism here at home, concerned enough that they're arming themselves."

IN: Bill would disarm batterers
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Legislation that prohibits domestic batterers from possessing firearms moved a step closer to becoming law Tuesday." ...

"Federal law prevents people convicted of domestic battery by a state court from possessing firearms."

"But an Indiana judge ruled last year that if those convicted have other civil rights restored such as the right to vote, they’re also entitled to possess a firearm."

"The judge made the ruling because Indiana law doesn’t have a statute on the firearms issue."

UK: Shopkeeper calls armed robber’s bluff
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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... "The robber demanded money from the till, but the shop owner refused to give in."

"The robber then repeated his threat and produced a gun."

"Instead of handing over the cash, the shop owner challenged the robber, believing his gun to be a fake."

"After failing in his threat, the robber fled the shop empty handed. Luckily the owner of the store escaped the ordeal without injury."

Canada: NFU equates quality system for grain to gun registry
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The National Farmers Union is comparing a proposed new quality control system for grains to the issue of gun control, saying it could amount to a mountain of paperwork and burgeoning costs."

Japan: Gun found in canal may have been used in robbery
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A gun that investigators suspect may have been used in a recent convenience store robbery has been found in an irrigation canal here, investigators said Wednesday."

"A U.S.-made revolver and 17 bullets were retrieved from an irrigation canal in the Kagawa Prefecture town of Kokubunji."

UK: Carjack gun hell for city student
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A city student suffered a terrifying ordeal when a gun was held to his face and fired during a carjacking."

"Daniel Travers, who is studying law at Birmingham University, was with his classics student girlfriend Hannah Rosenheim when they were targeted in the city centre."

"Fortunately the gun was later found to have only been filled with blanks."

NY: Women take up arms
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Handgun ownership has risen in Westchester and Rockland counties since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, including ownership by women. Permits issued to women in Westchester have increased nearly 50 percent from 1998 to 2002, county figures show. Figures were not available for Putnam County."

"Data from the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago show that at least 17 million of the country's 90 million gun owners are women."

OH: Appeals court rules in favor of gun show
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A gun-show operator will get a chance to defend himself against a lawsuit filed by a patron injured by a flare launcher."

"A decision to throw out a $600,000 judgment against the Niles Gun Show was right, the 5th District Court of Appeals said."

"The court, in a ruling issued Tuesday, agreed that the show’s promoter was never properly notified when a lawsuit was filed against him in Stark County Common Pleas Court in 2000."

AL: Former officer to turn himself in
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Former Lawrence County Chief Deputy Jim Martin plans to turn himself in today to federal authorities to answer charges that he illegally obtained firearms."

"Martin, 44, was indicted last week. He is charged with six counts of making false statements in the acquisition of firearms and larger capacity ammunition feeding devices."

MI: Senate OKs cheaper licenses for military personnel
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A bill to give hunting and fishing licenses to military personnel for $1 was unanimously approved Wednesday by the Michigan Senate."

"The bill, passed 37-0, was sent back to the state House, where it had been approved earlier in slightly different form."

TIA proponents defend domestic spy plan
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Heather MacDonald, a lawyer and fellow at the Manhattan Institute, dismissed criticism of TIA as 'hysterical vociferous cries' from privacy advocates who oppose making government more efficient at snaring wrongdoers and protecting innocent Americans. 'If you don't trust government to protect us from terrorists, good luck doing it yourself,' MacDonald said."

CA: Man calls yellow ribbons 'offensive'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A disgruntled California man has demanded the mayor of Burlingame remove the many yellow ribbons displayed on a major retail thoroughfare and to apologize to 'any person who may have been offended by his illegal actions,' reports the San Mateo Daily Journal."

"Mayor Mike Coffey had decided the city would not enforce an ordinance against private displays on public property when a woman asked if she could put ribbons on Burlingame Avenue." ...

ME: Canaan girl tries to make donation, is thwarted by Homeland Security bill
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A young girl raised money to buy a bulletproof vest for a special police dog.

"...under the new Homeland Security bill, any gift, no matter how sincere, could not be accepted."

Ratification Of The Constitution (Part 2 of 3)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"According to Madison, none of the legislative powers being granted to the federal government would directly affect the life, liberty or property of the people of the several States. Those powers would be reserved exclusively to the States. In fact, other than the preamble to the Constitution, the word "people" appears only once in the body of the Constitution concerning the election of members to the House of Representatives. Yet, the words State or States, referring to the several States, appears approximately seventy times."

Bandits Hindering British Peace-Keeping Process
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The main problem, many complained, is that while the British troops patrolling here confiscate weapons from ordinary villagers, the thieves - many of them deserters from Hussein's Army 51st Division that was based here - roam outside the control of any authority, preying on villagers." ...

" 'We are afraid from both sides,' said the man, who asked that his name not be published. 'We are afraid of the thieves, and we are afraid of them,' he said, pointing at the British troops garrisoned in what was the headquarters of the ruling Baath Party. 'The thieves have guns,' he said, 'but we have no guns.' "

NDAA and DOJ Launch Gun Violence Prosecution Trainings
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"Project Safe Neighborhoods, as the initiative is known, builds on existing programs that have proven effective in reducing gun violence and promotes an unprecedented partnership among federal, state, and local prosecutors and law enforcement officials toward a shared goal of reclaiming communities and saving lives."

Get Ready for PATRIOT II
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Safeguarding civil liberties is an unpopular project in the most placid of times. Since Sept. 11, the Bush Administration has shown that it will push the envelope on nearly every restriction it considers to be impeding its prosecution of the war on terrorism. This single-minded drive requires extreme vigilance, before the fog of war becomes toxic."

Ruled by scoundrels
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Rep. John Shadegg, R-Ariz., has introduced the Enumerated Powers Act several times. It would require each act of Congress to contain a concise and definite statement of the specific constitutional authority relied upon for the enactment of each portion of that act or else the bill could not go forward. Shadegg's Enumerated Powers Act (HR 175) went down to three crushing defeats."

"Can we ask for more compelling evidence of Congress's contempt for our Constitution, or do you think our congressmen are simply reflecting the constitutional contempt of the people?"

CA: Marine Reservist Refuses To Serve
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"With his sister carrying his duffel bag and his mother holding his hand, a 20-year-old Marine reservist surrendered to military authorities Tuesday and declared himself a conscientious objector, weeks after refusing to report when called up to active duty."

Constitutionally Incapable
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Founding Fathers, it could be said, failed to do the same with firearms. They never anticipated the Glock 9mm or the AK-47, so whatever the intended meaning of the Second Amendment, it also fails to account for the forces that shape public safety today."...

They also failed to foresee the internet, television and radio that are used to ruin careers, perpetuate misinformation and destroy lives. Maybe these electronic advances aren't protected by the First Amendment? Is the First Amendment outmoded?

Keep Iraqi POWs off American dole
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"We need a pre-emptive strike against another taxpayer-subsidized Iraqi POW invasion: Keep them off our dole. Keep them off our soil. Send the wretched refuse of the Iraqi military to a friendly welfare state where they'll be assimilated by appeasers with open arms:

Ship them to France."

Feds plan to seek broader ability to hunt terrorists
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Patriot Act has helped the government cast a wide net in its hunt for terrorists." ...

"That dragnet has turned up a relatively small number of major catches. There have been a few high-profile arrests, such as Jose Padilla, who, authorities allege, was planning a dirty bomb attack."

"But most of the 108 terrorist-related convictions the government is taking credit for since Sept. 11 are for relatively minor crimes such as credit card fraud and forging housing subsidy checks."

The Emperor Has No Clothes
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Last year, in response to Congressman Ron Paul's attempt to adhere to the Constitutional requirement of declaring war before the President may act as Commander-in-Chief, Speaker Hastert declared that the Constitution was 'no longer relevant to modern society.' Admittedly, he didn't intend to include the entire Constitution... The problem is that once you start being selective in your application of the Constitution, it becomes possible to ignore ALL of it."

Profiling by grocery receipts?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The U.S. government has discovered a powerful resource in its war against terrorism — credit-card records, hotel bills, grocery lists and other records detailing the private lives of its citizens. Government investigators are turning to commercial databases to track down and isolate possible hijackers and suicide bombers before they strike, raising fear among privacy advocates that long-standing protections against government snooping may be eroded."

CA: County hears plan to ban gun shows
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"Marin County moved a step closer yesterday to taking action on a proposal to ban gun shows."

"The Board of Supervisors heard the first reading of an ordinance prohibiting the possession of firearms and ammunition on county property. Officials made no comment on the proposal."

"A public hearing and vote is scheduled for April 15."

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