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Anti-gun allegations against Defense honcho believable but unsubstantiated
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'Ashton Carter has not said anything about wanting private weapons in the US destroyed or supporting a ban on gun ownership,' the analysis concludes. While readers are free to disagree with that assessment, fairness would dictate dissenters should be able to produce a sourced citation."

"Just one will do." ...

A Right Delayed
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Fortunately, no one would have cause to suspect the Obama administration of such shenanigans, would they? Still, with demand for checks being created in record numbers thanks to the aforementioned surge, sheer volume seizing up servers appears to be a legitimate factor for concern." ...

'Researchers' argue that white males' thoughts on mass shootings are suspect
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Writing for the Washington Post, Charlotte and Harriet Childress claim that since, according to them, 'Nearly all of the mass shootings in this country in recent years' were committed by white males (more on that in a minute), white males' opinions on how to reduce these atrocities should be viewed with great suspicion:" ...

When Waiting Isn't Good Enough
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Illegal gun carrying should be treated the same way. The risky behavior itself should be punished; waiting until something terrible happens isn't good enough. [More]"
"Actually, I started doing it in Southern California under the advice of an investigating cop following a credible threat where he and his partner admitted to me they could do nothing until it was acted on, and who knew, my being an unconnected 'nobody,' that I couldn't get a permit if my life depended on it." ...

Are Assault Rifles Strictly Weapons of War?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A key narrative in the push to ban assault weapons is that they are exceptionally powerful, firing rounds with a special capacity to pierce body armor and pulverize human bodies. The AR-15 infamously used in the Sandy Hook massacre uses the same 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition as its cousin the M16. The 'NATO' designation seems to validate Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and company’s fear that these are military weapons which do not belong in the hands of civilians. The language of the Second Amendment and historical context in which it was conceived fundamentally undermine this logic:" ...

Bluegrass Ballistics: CMT’s Guntucky (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In another sign that post-Newtown squeamishness about firearms-related TV is fading, Country Music Television (CMT) is running a reality TV series [sic] about Knob Creek’s 'colorful' Sumner family. GUNTUCKY hits the small screen on Sunday, April 21 at 9:30 p.m. EST, with back-to-back episodes. Suffice it to say, there’ll be more (and better) explosions than ten FPS Russia uploads, a bit of T&A (though nothing to touch American Guns), manufactured domestic abuse and plenty o’ gun porn. Make the jump for CMT’s take on the series. As much as I love guns, I just know I’m gonna prefer the bourbon. Again. Still. So to speak . . ." ...

Doing My Pistol Penance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My hands [not shown] were killing me as I fired the last few rounds in the magazine. The barrel toasty enough that there was a visible mirage across the top of the slide, and the takedown pin was so hot that it actually burned my trigger finger when I indexed it along the frame. The sun was already beating down on the Texas dirt, ... I had long since passed the point where the day’s trip to the range was fun – now it was officially work. And the day was just beginning . . ."

"Following my terrible handgun shooting performance at the last 3-gun match, I needed some serious trigger time with my new FNS-9. I had never run a handgun in competition that wasn’t a P226 before, and as a result, I was way off target with the FNS-9. ..." ...

Yes, Virginia, People Really Do Need AR-15s
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is no need to justify your 'need' to own a modern sporting rifle (a.k.a., 'assault rifle'). Whether or not you need it, the Constitution of the United States protects your right to keep and bear it. Even so, there’s nothing wrong with countering anti-gun agitprop by pointing out that some Americans do in fact 'need' a 30-round, accurate, reliable, easy-shooting AR-15 ... to defend hearth and home. ... there are millions of Americans living in places where distances are great, the police are distant and the lethal threats can be both numerically large (i.e. several attackers) and extremely well-equipped. Can you say 'spillover violence'? reports on the situation in Texas . . ." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Tell the Bad Guy to Drop It Like It’s Hot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Ignoring all the drama and junk that goes on with fictional television shows, I believe that it brings up an important self-defense tip. If you tell an attacker or intruder to 'drop their weapon' do NOT, under any circumstances, accept any offer for them to hand it to you, let them approach you or let them form any sort of physical contact of any kind." ...

Soup Nazi fires off over guns
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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... "Outraged [Soup Nazi actor Larry] Thomas contacted Facebook, Serbu and even the T-shirt manufacturer to complain. He tells us, 'I own the rights to my image as the Soup Nazi. Serbu did not ask my permission, and Facebook won’t take the image down. Not only did they do this without my authorization, but also I am an advocate of gun control.'

"Thomas added, 'I have seen my face on T-shirts, random objects on eBay in the past, but politically this is the most offensive thing I have seen involving me as the Soup Nazi.'" ...

'Progressive' CSGV objects to self-defense assistance for the poor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, Fox News reported that a former Tucson mayoral candidate had kicked off a program last Monday that would not only provide poor residents of high crime neighborhoods in the city with training in armed self-defense, but would also pay for the firearms they would be using:" ...

"Not surprisingly, the plan has met with outraged indignation from the anti-self-defense crowd:" ...

"As it turns out, the Tucson program is actually an expansion of a project that is already well underway in Houston, having already trained and armed 10 women living in dangerous neighborhoods, who would otherwise have been unable to afford the gun and training. ..." ...

St. Louis anti-gun rally openly calls for subversion of 2nd and 14th Amendments
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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..."Again, pretty typical stuff for the man who comprises over 16 percent of Missouri's complement of 'Mayors Against Illegal Guns' (and with Clayton Mayor Linda Goldstein and University City Mayor Shelley Welsch also in attendance, fully half of Missouri's MAIG contingent was involved ...). The surprise came at the end of the rally, when Dr. Robert Flood, St. Louis University Hospital Director of Emergency Pediatric Medicine, delivered his speech (see sidebar video for about two and a half minutes of his speech)."

"In it, Dr. Flood called for a Constitutional amendment, the 'Children's Rights Amendment,' that would supersede the Second and Fourteenth Amendments, 'for the children.' From his speech:" ...

Military offers solution to Second Amendment dilemma
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But there is a simple solution for those who wish to bear arms because we now have well-trained militias – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and a National Guard (state militia) in every state. All legal citizens should want to register their weapons, so if they are stolen and found they can be returned. Almost all qualified people are eligible to purchase hunting weapons ...

"For all others wanting to carry non-standard hunting or military weapons, they could simply sign up with one of the federal or state militias, pass all the background checks, fulfill the training and carry requirements for the weapon they wish to own, agree to keep their weapon locked up when not in use ..." ...

As Distrust of Bloomberg Grows Among Gun Owners, NRA’s National School Shield Is a Sensible Plan
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Mayor Bloomberg ought to know by now that gun owners do not trust him. The more he agitates against guns the more they dig in their heals. The more magnificoes he gets behind his Mayors Against Illegal Guns the more gun owners and advocates of the Second Amendment see him as their enemy. He and his colleagues might only oppose the ownership of small cannons. They might only oppose extending gun ownership to convicted killers and to the criminally insane. Still gun owners and Second Amendment supporters will be suspicious of him." ...

Bloomberg’s Ad Campaign for Gun Control May Boomerang
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Is Michael Bloomberg helping or hurting his cause? When the New York mayor’s organization, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, launched its $12 million advertising campaign to pressure lawmakers into supporting gun control legislation, the negative reaction from the [NRA] was predictable, but a week after the launch, the reaction from potential allies has also been cool. ... Bloomberg’s effort to mobilize voters is less effective because it is also energizing gun control opponents. It’s pressuring lawmakers in the wrong way, too. Any legislator targeted by Bloomberg’s campaign who ultimately supports gun control legislation will look like he or she is being bowled over by a nanny-state mayor who wants to tell their constituents how to live their lives." ...

Great Gun Gobbledygook: The Paradox of Second Amendment Hardliners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the current debate over gun control, the pro-gun lobby has an ace card up its sleeve: We need weapons to prevent government tyranny, they say. These self-styled champions of liberty see guns as the ultimate insurance policy to protect the Constitution. The problem is that most of those making this argument also strongly support a massive U.S. military -- exactly the behemoth we must be armed against. It's the great gun gobbledygook." ...

Submitter's Note: So tell me Dom, what makes you think that when the SHTF the military will forget their oaths and come down on your side?

On Gun Control, White House Fails to Tap Power of (Its Own and Other) Nonprofits
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In his State of the Union speech, President Barack Obama urged the Congress to adopt stringent gun control measures, including a ban on assault weapons and large ammunition clips[sic]. It was tough talk. Did he really mean it?"

"Though he has barnstormed parts of the country on the issue, speaking to mayors and police chiefs who were already on the gun control bandwagon, his administration has done little or nothing to mobilize large constituencies that could neutralize the influence of the National Rifle Association (NRA), the powerful pro-gun lobby that appears to terrorize so many or our congressmen and senators. ..." ...

OR: Woman pulls gun on attacker, attacker takes off running
Submitted by: xqqme

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"An Oregon City woman was being attacked by a man after parking her car Sunday night, until she pulled out her handgun and sent the assailant running." ...

FL: Florida man shot and killed by family member in self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Monday morning, April 1, a disagreement between family members in Florida ended in one man being shot. Although there are very little details available at this time, according to a report by WTSP, police say the family member acted in self-defense, and charges are not expected to be filed." ...

OR: 82-year-old Oregon farmer holds burglar at gunpoint until police arrive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Early Friday morning, March 29, an elderly man and his wife were awakened by noises coming from the shop at their home ... the man and his wife got up, grabbed their robes and a shotgun before going to investigate."

"The shop had been burglarized just a few weeks prior ..."

"Upon opening the shop, the 82-year-old farmer saw a much younger man hiding behind his tractor ..."

"Unsure if the criminal was armed, the homeowner aimed his shotgun at him and released the safety. He did not shoot, but rather gave the would-be burglar an ultimatum."
"'You take one more step and this gun goes off in the middle of your chest. Do what you want.'"
"He decided not to take another step." ...

Armed teachers? NRA task force suggests voluntary program.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A task force on school safety commissioned by the National Rifle Association raised the prospect Tuesday of arming school personnel – including teachers – after they have gone through comprehensive training." ...

NRA unveils 'School Shield' recommendations
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A National Rifle Association-funded task force on Tuesday outlined a package of recommendations aimed at improving school safety, leaving aside the new gun controls that Congress is considering and instead advising schools to train teachers and other school personnel to carry guns to protect their students." ...

Vanity Fair: NRA School Shield Program Sucks. Whatever It Is.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Like many tenuous protectively-named political initiatives (cf., the 'Defense of Marriage Act') the National School Shield Program would, if implemented, probably engender the diametric opposite of what its name suggests,' Vanity Fair‘s Julie Weiner pronounces in National Rifle Association’s 'School Shield Program' Is Amazing April Fools’ Joke. Wait. 'Probably'? Yup. 'Cause the NRA is revealing details of its post-Newtown program to improve school safety tomorrow. It appears Ms. Weiner and/or her headline writer couldn’t be bothered to read the bill before passing judgement on it. To wit . . ." ...

Father Of Newtown Victim on NRA School Shield: “Real Solutions” (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As part of its post-Newtown School Shield Program, the NRA has unveiled a 225-page report on school security. [Click here to read. Click here for the summary.] As expected, it includes recommendations for a model program to train school personnel to carry firearms. At a press conference presenting their plan, NRA’s point man for the project backed away from Wayne LaPierre’s initial call for a cop in every school. Former Arkansas Rep. Asa Hutchinson said it was 'important' for every school to have at least one armed person on site but . . ." ...

UN adopts Arms Treaty with support from Obama administration
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The United Nations, with support from the Obama administration, has adopted the controversial international Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) that may be dead on arrival when it is submitted to the U.S. Senate for ratification." ...

Texas AG to Obama: I’ll sue if U.N. Arms Treaty is ratified
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott wrote a letter to President Obama on Tuesday saying that the state will head to court over the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty should Mr. Obama sign it and the U.S. Senate ratify it."

"'The UN has concluded its negotiations on the Arms Trade Treaty,' Mr. Abbotwrites. 'It is now up to you to sign it — or reject it. Do not sign this treaty.'"

"Mr. Abbott writes that he understands the apparent purpose is to combat illegal arms trafficking around the world, but that the treaty could draw law-abiding gun owners and gun operators 'into a complex web of bureaucratic red tape created by a new department at the UN devoted to overseeing the treaty.'" ...

NSSF objects to U.S. government abandoning position that U.N. treaty must be based on international "consensus"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation today strongly objected to the last-minute reversal of the U.S. government position regarding the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. In the closing hours of negotiations on Thursday, March 28, the government abandoned its previous insistence that the treaty be approved only through achieving 'consensus' of all the member states. Requiring consensus had been the United States position going back to earlier administrations." ...

Gun rights advocates fear U.N. treaty will lead to U.S. registry
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday approved a sweeping, first-of-its-kind treaty aimed at regulating the estimated $60 billion international arms trade, brushing aside gun rights groups’ concerns that the pact could lead to a national firearms registry in the U.S."

"The long-debated U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) requires countries to regulate and control the export of weaponry such as battle tanks, combat vehicles and aircraft and attack helicopters, as well as parts and ammunition for such weapons." ...

"U.S. gun rights activists say the treaty is riddled with loopholes and is unworkable in part because it includes 'small arms and light weapons' in its list of weaponry subject to international regulations." ...

Sheila Jackson Lee takes on Ted Cruz on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Houston, is perhaps the Texas delegation’s most active advocate for gun control. She is the only Texas lawmaker receiving donations from gun control groups, and has been outspoken in her support for the president’s plan to prevent gun violence."

"Based on her Child Gun Safety Act, you would hardly be able to tell Jackson Lee was from Texas. ..."

"Now, Jackson Lee is taking on Second Amendment 'big dogs' Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah. The trio wrote a letter last week to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid threatening to filibuster any gun control legislation reaching the floor." ...

Still More On S.374
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Benjamin Jarrell did a bang-up job summarizing the provisions of S.374, the Senate’s universal background check bill. But another anonymous member of the AI thinks he sees another fly in the legislative ointment. He writes:"

"'You missed a KEY point about the bill. S.374: ..." ...

NY: Putnam mom petitions county on SAFE Act opposition
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The dialogue about gun reform that a Philipstown mother-of-two and 500 others wanted to have with their representatives in Putnam County government following the shooting deaths of 26 first-graders and teachers at a Connecticut school will take place instead in May."

"Alexandra Dubroff, 38, of Nelsonville, the organizer of a 500-name petition, has been appealing to Putnam County lawmakers to open the dialogue since February, when the county Legislature voted to oppose New York’s new gun reform law."

"The vote took place without public debate." ...

MD: Fifteen Year Old Young Lady Leaves Maryland Anti Gun Politicians Speechless (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This fifteen year old absolutely gets it!"

"She crushes the logic of anti gun politicians in the Maryland state legislature."

"If only our politicians were as smart as this fifteen year old girl we might actually be taking steps to reduce violence that DON’T include attacking inanimate objects." ...

NY: Hundreds attend forum to voice SAFE Act opposition
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Calls for the repeal of the state's recently-passed the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Act received enthusiastic applause at a gun rights forum held by the Rensselaer County Legislature Monday evening."

"'This mushroomed more than we expected it to,' said the chairman of the Brunswick Sportsman's Club's legislative committee, who spoke to more than 200 people packed into the Brunswick Community Center. 'We've awoken a sleeping giant — this is something that had to be done.'" ...

TX: Bill would shorten concealed-gun class
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lawmakers are considering a proposal to reduce the amount of class time required for a concealed-gun permit."

"Under a bill heard by the Senate Criminal Justice Committee on Tuesday, new applicants would need four to six hours of classroom instruction. Current law requires 10 to 15 hours." ...

WA: Montesano mayor tells Seattle anti-gunners ‘No’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It may just break the heart of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, but Montesano Mayor Ken Estes is not climbing aboard with Mayors Against Illegal Guns, even after receiving a form letter from the Seattle-based Grandmothers Against Gun Violence (GAGV) urging him to join."

"The 75-year-old Estes told Examiner Monday that he’s not about to join a group that he considers 'a farce,' which is what he explained in a response to the anti-gun grannies." ...

NY: Cairo, Durham oppose SAFE Act
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The towns of Cairo and Durham have joined New Baltimore and Greene County in passing a resolution stating their opposition to New York’s controversial gun control law known as the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act."

"The law, passed in January in less than a day using a message of necessity from Governor Andrew Cuomo, is one of the most restrictive guns laws in the country. It broadens the definition of banned 'assault' rifles, imposes a seven-round limit on magazines, increases penalties for illegal gun possession, expands background check requirements, reduces public access to gun permit information and allows mental health professionals to report gun-owning patients they fear might harm themselves or others." ...

NY: NY State's firearm lobby taking aim at city rules
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The state’s firearms lobby is attempting to shoot down a [New York] city gun regulation, arguing that residential pistol permits block marksmen from competing in contests outside of the five boroughs."

"A 2001 city rule stated that city residents with residential gun licences can transport their firearms to and from small arms ranges or shooting clubs."

"Under the regulation, however, the only ranges and clubs permissible are those located in the city, but none of them hold regular shooting contests, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court Monday by the state Rifle & Pistol Association." ...

NE: 2 gun-rights groups sue Nebraska officials
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two gun-rights groups are suing to force Nebraska to change a state law that bars legal immigrants from getting permits to carry concealed weapons."

"The Second Amendment Foundation and the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association have sued Nebraska officials on behalf of Carlos Nino De Rivera Lajous, a 68-year-old Mexican man who has been legally living in Lincoln since 1990. The lawsuit said the state's denial of a concealed-carry permit to Lajous violates federal constitutional rights to equal protection and to bear arms." ...

Captain Terry M. Hestilow (Ret) to the DHS: Surrender Your Weapons of War to the DOD
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Dear Senator Cornyn,

It is with gravest concern that I write to you today concerning the recent appropriation of weapons by the [DHS] that can only be understood as a bold threat of war by that agency, and the Obama administration, against the citizens of the United States of America. To date, DHS has been unwilling to provide to you, the elected representatives of the People, justification for recent purchases of almost 3,000 mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) armored personnel carriers, 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (with associated weapons), and other weapons systems, when, in fact, the DHS has no war mission or war making authority within the limits of the United States of America . . ." ...

Pregnant Mother & Wife of Air Force Master Sergeant Arrested For Trying to Check Unloaded Gun at NY Airport
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A pregnant mother of 1 and the wife of an Air Force Master Sergeant was arrested for a class C felony when she tried to check her unloaded handgun at La Guardia International Airport."

"The mother, from North Dakota, had no problems checking the weapon when she left North Dakota, no problems with the airline, no problems with the TSA, nothing. She had no problems retrieving her checked bags in NY. She was traveling to NY to visit her husband while he was on leave."

"The trouble began when she tried to return home. She declared the gun just as she had in ND. That’s when she was cuffed, arrested, and her daughter taken away." ...

LA: Ex-sheriff's deputy accused of role in killing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Jefferson Parish sheriff's deputy pleaded not guilty Monday to charges that he engaged in a scheme to kill a man to prevent him from reporting the deputy's alleged theft and misuse of his debit card."

"A 60-count federal indictment unsealed earlier Monday charges the former deputy, Mark Hebert, with stealing Albert Bloch's debit card and using it to make dozens of unauthorized transactions after responding to a 2007 car accident that left the man hospitalized." ...

TN: Sheriff's deputy suspended after allegations of jury tampering in Memphis rape case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A rape case in Memphis has ended in a mistrial and a sheriff's deputy has been suspended after allegations of jury tampering." ...

"The newspaper reports Sheriff's Deputy Charles Govan was working in the Criminal Justice Center when he allegedly spoke to two jurors during a lunch break."

"The judge told jurors that Govan said: 'You know what to do when you get upstairs. It's a circumstantial case. Get this (expletive) over with.'" ...

KS: Former Kansas sheriff accused of tipping off lover
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former eastern Kansas sheriff is accused of tipping off his lover about a meth investigation, according to an ouster petition unsealed Monday."

"The document, which several media outlets petitioned the court to unseal, provides the first details related to criminal charges filed in February against Jeff Curry and deputy Jerrod Fredricks. Several hours after the document's release, Curry's resignation as Franklin County sheriff took effect." ...

FL: Fmr. police officer arrested in road rage shooting (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Flagler Beach police officer is in the St. Johns County jail charged with attempted murder."

"Police say 40-year-old Nathaniel David Juratovac fired shots at a passing car while driving down U.S. Highway 1 South between Watson Road and Southwood Road." ...

IDPA Cancels Colorado Regional Championship
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the aftermath of Colorado’s post-Newtown civilian disarmament legislation, the International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) is joining Magpul, Hi Viz, the Ourdoor Channel and thousands of hunters in telling Colorado to piss off. Here’s the presser [via]:"

"Organizers of the Rocky Mountain Western States Regional IDPA Championship, initially scheduled to take place July 4-6 2013 in Montrose, Colorado, have announced that the match is being canceled in the wake of Colorado’s recently passed gun control laws. An estimated 300-plus shooters from the neighboring states and across the country were expected to attend the three-day competitive shooting event. This is the second shooting competition to abandon the state ..." ...

IN: Legislators make pitch to Magpul
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State legislators representing Logansport and the surrounding areas are requesting a Colorado gun parts manufacturer relocate to Indiana after the company said it will leave its current location because of recently passed firearm restrictions." ...

CO: Montrose no longer in shoot’s sights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Montrose has missed its shot at hosting a major target competition regional qualifying match — as well as the opportunity to one day host the national competition."

"Officials with the International Defensive Pistol Association say gun laws set to go into effect in Colorado just days before the scheduled July 4 match pose too much of a headache to competitors and are not in keeping with the organization’s support of the Second Amendment." ...

Auburn shooting underscores problem with ‘feel good’ gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man identified by the Tacoma News Tribune as Troy Neal, 28, is scheduled to appear in court Wednesday in relation to his apparent involvement in a fatal shooting incident outside an Auburn sports bar early Sunday; a case that underscores the futility of 'feel good' gun laws that target the wrong people." ...

Another Georgia Town Mandates Gun Ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in 1982, the City Council in Kennesaw Georgia didn’t like the news from up north. ... the Morton Grove Illinois City Council passed an ordinance outlawing firearms within city limits. ... In response, Kennesaw famously passed a city ordinance mandating gun ownership for its residents, exempting anyone who couldn’t or wouldn’t comply. ... Over time, the academics looked closer . . ."

"Despite dire warnings that the ordinance would result in blood running in the streets, Kennesaw’s crime rate decreased by more than 50 percent between 1982 and 2005. It now has one of the lowest crime rates in the Atlanta metropolitan area. In 2007, Family Circle magazine selected Kennsaw as one of the nation’s '10 best towns for families.'" ...

MA: Mass. gun owners planning rally on Boston Common
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun owners from across Massachusetts are planning to rally on Boston Common in support of Second Amendment rights."

"The Wednesday rally is scheduled to begin at noon and is being organized by the Gun Owner's Action League of Massachusetts." ...

NY: Pistol permit opt-out forms swamp offices around state
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"County clerks around New York said they are struggling with thousands of pistol permit opt-out forms flooding their offices and with no money from the state for the additional work." ...

OH: Big City Schools Ask for More Money; Voters Are Shocked!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Newton, CT school shootings were a tragedy. Nationwide, the debate has ignited over what to do in response to these shootings. In response, big-city school districts have dismissed arming teachers in favor of more anti-bullying programs, locked doors, door buzzers, security cameras, 'no guns' signs, gun bans, candle-light vigils and a supply of sacrificial animals as an offering to appease angry spirits." ...

OH: Murder in Ohio church during Easter services "the will of Allah"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yet another murder occurred over the weekend in a so-called 'gun free' zone in Ohio, and church officials are thankful the death toll wasn't higher." ...

A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. — BARRY GOLDWATER (1964)

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