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Newslinks for 4/30/2001

Submitted by: Chuck Hoffman

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California Senate marches toward firearms licensing. The measure is called the Handgun Safety License bill (SB52) but its effects would be felt across a much broader spectrum. In addition to establishing a licensing mechanism for handguns, it would:
1) outlaw the transfer of any firearm from father to son, for example, without the intervention of a licensed firearm dealer or the county sheriff;
2) require complete physical descriptions of both the firearm and the recipient;
3) establish a written and practical test of up to 8 hours duration, to be conducted by a Department of Justice certified examiner;
4) require an applicant to submit a thumbprint in order to obtain a license;
5) establish a government database of gun owners that would be accessible by any state agency;
...and more...

Oasis For Gun Lovers: resort aims to change view
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"A resort that has no rival," Piazza says of his dream. "This is a resort where law enforcement and private citizens can train together and enjoy it." Over the long haul, Piazza hopes that Front Sight -- with its proposed palm trees, shopping community and school -- will do more than just train people on how to shoot a gun. Decades from now, he expects that Front Sight will have changed some of the nation's negative views on gun ownership and the Second Amendment by providing gun training to America's policy- and decision-makers. "Is it because we want to rub elbows with all those celebrities?" Piazza said. "No. We want to educate them on who the real gun owners are in this country."


More attacks on the Geckle brothers.
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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KABA NOTE: Michael Olesker of the Baltimore Sun writes, "Their property was invaded in Glyndon, and so was mine in the city of Baltimore, but the Geckles will spend the rest of their lives wondering if protecting material goods is worth the loss of a human life." -- As we read in a previous article, the Geckle's are NOT going to "spend the rest of their lives wondering", because they felt their LIVES were in danger.

Why is the Sun going out of their way to try and make these good citizens (the Geckles) look like bad guys? The bad guys were the robbers who were breaking into private property. They got what they deserved.

Australian call for ban on handguns
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Greens Senator Bob Brown yesterday used the fifth anniversary of the Port Arthur shootings to call for a national ban on handguns. He called on the Federal Government and the Opposition to devise a national plan of action to rid Australia of hand-held firearms."

More drivel from Australia about how many people die from handguns. Of course no stats on how many lives SAVED by the use of handguns.

Students refuse to censor gun story
Submitted by: Ken Bach

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"This is a story the administration shouldn't be afraid for us to tell," said Ashby, who has been on the newspaper for four years. "This is a story students should read. This is about their safety. This story does not pose a threat."

Where [Principal Ferguson] drew the line was the "tabloid style" of the photo illustrations. One was a montage showing a student holding a gun in front of a school within a television screen, as though it were a scene pulled from CNN.

Britain: Elite team to fight armed crime
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"Scotland Yard has formed a task force of elite officers to tackle armed criminals in London."

"The scale of gun crime in the capital has forced senior officers to set up a specialist unit to deal with black-on-black shootings."

"One senior detective said: 'We always knew there were a lot of shootings but we never tackled them in a co-ordinated way.'"

"Drive-by shootings involving rival black Yardie-style gangs are also common and often involve automatic weapons."

Billionaire's Gun Control Role Is Debated
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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Juliet Eilperin of the Washington Post writes, "If he had been an ordinary gadfly, McKelvey might have gone unnoticed. But as the owner of, the job search Web site, the billionaire New York businessman used his wealth to position himself at the center of the gun control movement -- and to emerge as its dominant force.

The ascension of his advocacy group, Americans for Gun Safety, has altered the national debate over guns. At a moment when the steam has seemingly gone out of congressional efforts to enact tougher gun control laws, McKelvey's supporters hail him as a potential savior who can attract a broader constituency to their cause."

KABA NOTE: Since when does a person's wealth make them no longer an "ordinary gadfly"? (Incidentally, the definition of "gadfly" in this context is "a person who stimulates or annoys especially by persistent criticism".)

By a very conservative estimate, a hundred million people have died at the hands of their own governments in this century. Given that record, how bad could anarchy be? — Joseph Sobran

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