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Florida Gun Legislation Reaching Critical State
Submitted by: Skypod

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The Florida Coaltion to Stop Gun Violence issues an action alert regarding HB-449 that would protect guns and gun manufacturers by disallowing law suits against gun manufacturers.

Make sure you CONTACT YOUR FL HOUSE REPS TO SUPPORT THIS BILL if you haven't already done so!

Embedding Crime Prevention in State Policy & Practice
Submitted by: Skypod

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The initiative, "Embedding Crime Prevention in State Policy and Practice," will help Arizona, California, Connecticut, Kentucky, Iowa and Oregon establish and sustain prevention policies and practices and make prevention the preferred choice for local governments and communities in dealing with crime, violence and drug abuse.

Firearms Training: Options for Personal Security
Submitted by: Skypod

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"OPS firearms, self-defense, and tactics courses develop the ultimate weapon: YOU! Experience the confidence that comes with reflexive motor skills, advanced tactical acumen, and a warrior's mindset forged in the crucible of World Class, state-of-the-art training."

Congressional Staff Buys Guns Illegally
Submitted by: Skypod

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by Ari Armstrong - "One definition of a police state is when government agents get to do things that send normal citizens to prison. ..."

OPPOSE H.R.1248 "Hospital Zone" Gun Ban
Submitted by: John Rich

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Congressman Meehan (D-MA) has introduced H.R.1248 to ban guns in "hospital zones", defined as any area within 1,000 feet of a hospital.

If this passes, if you drive within 2/10 of a mile of a hospital while going to the shooting range or while traveling for a hunting trip, it could net you up to 5 years in prison.

Contact your U.S. Reps & the Committee on the Judiciary to OPPOSE this bill!

Concealed Weapons Detection Technology
Submitted by: John Rich

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This link is a National Institute of Justice report titled "Guide to the Technologies of Concealed Weapon and Contraband Imaging and Detection". The purpose of the Guide is to provide information to law enforcement to understand the operation, limitations, and applicability of CWCIDS, and to provide an overview of the state of development in CWCIDS.

Now you can see what kind of radio waves they'll be beaming at you to try and detect your licensed concealed handgun...

KABA Note: Adobe Acrobat Reader Required

Also, check out their lovely government-sponsored website, the National Criminal (in)Justice Reference Service

ISRA: You're needed to keep up the pressure
Submitted by: Ken Bach

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An update by ISRA lobyist Todd Vandermyde on events in Springfield. It seems the anti-gun crowd is trying to divert attention away from concealed carry and onto other bills.

UK: Bill could turn MoD police into a paramilitary force
Submitted by: Skypod

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UK - "A bill expected to be passed by the Commons today will give the Ministry of Defence police extensive powers allowing officers to arrest civilians anywhere in the country - akin, opponents say, to a national paramilitary force."

U.S. Supreme Court Limits Right to a Lawyer
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 along ideological lines Monday that the constitutional right to have a lawyer present during police questioning did not extend to the investigation of closely related but uncharged crimes."

Also see article at

Danforth's Waco Test Rigged
Submitted by: Skypod

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This is very bad stuff.

SC Update: Home Invaders Beware
Submitted by: Skypod

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Condon's underlying policy, which we believe is sound, hasn't changed - namely that the law should be weighted in favor of the homeowner's use of deadly force when there is evidence of a home invasion.

Instead of "open season" on home invaders, the more appropriate message should be "home invaders beware."

Constitutional Carry Bill Info from Neal Knox
Submitted by: Skypod

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"There are a couple of Federal bills up regarding carry. One is good,
another is a Trojan Horse."

Senate Passes Anti-gun Incumbent Protection, Battle Moves to House
Submitted by: Skypod

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ACTION: If one or both of your Senator voted for the unconstitutional Incumbent Protection Bill, please forward your displeasure to them by phone, fax or email. (See link for list of Senators voting for S.27) Be sure to thank your Senator if he voted right. Also, please communicate with President George Bush and let him know that S.27 deserves a veto if it ever gets to his desk." -GOA Alerts

Louisiana court says city can't sue gun manufacturers!
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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Delivering a crushing blow to New Orleans, Louisiana's Supreme Court on Tuesday threw out the city's lawsuit aimed at forcing gun manufacturers to pay the costs of gun violence.

In a 5-2 decision, the court upheld a state law passed to retroactively block the lawsuit and said the city had no right to sue anyway.

Sometimes the courts get things right.

Anti-gun Mass. state senator in hot water
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Jacques solicited the involvement of 150 federally funded "City Year" youth workers for the "First Monday" rally sponsored by her on October 2, 2000 where she called for more gun control legislation.

Over 20 "City Year" workers were used to set up the 4000 shoes at Trinity Church for the "Silent March" exhibit which were to represent the 4000 children killed by gunfire.

Savage says the workers were also used to attend the rally to boost tepid attendance.

OPPOSE S.649 - School Gun Ban Expansion
Submitted by: John Rich

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Senator Feinstein (D-CA) has introduced S.649 to amend the Gun Free School Zone Act. It would "clarify" language to ban guns not only "in" school, but also anywhere on school grounds.

Teenagers in rural America that keep a gun in their car so they can go hunting after school would face automatic school suspension for one year.

Click on "References to this bill in the Congressional Record". Then click on "Statements of introduced Bills", and scroll down.

CONTACT the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions to OPPOSE this bill!

You can never have a revolution to establish a democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution. — G.K. Chesterton, English journalist and author, 1955

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