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Why did prosecutors drop gun charge against defiant prohibited person?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Will the prosecutors show the same restraint for all otherwise peaceable citizens who run afoul of draconian Illinois and Chi-Town gun edicts? If not, why not?" ...

A Thought For A Sunday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In this recent incident, an aberration of society walked into a church in Spartanburg, raising a shotgun."

"Fortunately, before mayhem could ensue, an armed parishioner took him at gunpoint. This was not what the violent intruder had come for; he surrendered, and a mass murder was averted."

"These things don’t always have such happy endings. For a number of reasons, houses of worship are disproportionately likely to be the targets of mass murderers. ..." ...

The Dangers of Being GUNLESS
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gunless people, those who steadfastly refuse to keep and bear arms, practice marksmanship or learn gun safety create certain burdens for the rest of society."

"Gunless people increase the need for police protection, by being unable to fend for themselves in certain dire emergencies."

"By remaining unarmed, a gunless person becomes a 'free rider,' obtaining safety and protection against criminal activity through the responsible actions of others." ...

OMG! Justifiable Homicide Rates Skyrocketing! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to this petition, the Tampa Bay Times reports:"
"Since [SYG] went into effect in Florida, "justifiable homicides" have skyrocketed, says Tampa Bay Times."
"Nice precise figure there Ms. Susan V, petition-writer; however by going to the source we find that Justifiable homicides have tripled since SYG went into effect. But according to a press release from State Sen. Chris Smith (D-Ft. Lauderdale):"
"'We can’t keep turning a blind eye to the number of lives this law has claimed,' said Sen. Smith, noting that since the law’s passage, deaths due to self defense have jumped over 250%." ...

WA Ceasefire to honor Seattle City Attorney
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Washington Ceasefire has revealed that it will honor Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes during the organization's 25th annual luncheon scheduled May 22, but it is not likely that his introduction will include one embarrassing fact: His side lost in the city's effort to overcome the state’s model preemption act, three times in a row." ...

Why the nation is arming itself
Submitted by: None

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... "Why are Americans arming themselves?"

"More and more citizens ... fear that if or when they confront a threat to their family, lives or property, the police will not be there."

"Reports of home invasions and flash mobs have firmed up the market for firearms. After the 1992 Los Angeles riot, when Californians found themselves defenseless in homes and shops, gun sales soared."

"Others argue that a fear of new laws in an Obama second term, or even the possible confiscation of handguns, is driving sales."

"Gun-control organizations claim that gun ownership is actually declining, that fewer and fewer people are buying more and more of these guns."

"But the numbers seem to contradict the gun-controllers." ...

Ask Foghorn: Buying a Gun Safe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nathan asks:"
"I’m in the market for a gun safe, and have been reading as much as I can about the topic, but still am not sure which way to go. I thought a story/review by one of your writers about their experiences with safes might be helpful to folks. Is it worth going big $$$ for a name brand or saving some coin and getting a cheaper one from a big box store? Are electronic locks better/worse than dial combination locks? How much fire protection should I get? ..."
"I don’t personally have any experience with safes, but I do have a rather extensive background in risk analysis and lockpicking. And this, my friends, is a risk analysis question." ...

The Guns of Top Shot: Season 4 Episode 8
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This episode was all about guns from our favorite gun control paradise: Great Britain. I tried taking an English co-worker to the range a few weeks back, but unfortunately the freedom was too much for his fragile brain and he hasn’t been quite the same ever since. Then again, he wasn’t quite all there to begin with. Anyway, I digress. To the guns!" ...

Pistol Training: MDTS Combative Pistol 1 and 2
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tyler Kee is in the middle of his series on getting his CCW training in Texas and I saw how much he liked his instruction. So when I read about MDTS after hearing only good things locally, I signed up. Although there’s plenty of debate in the firearms community on the issue of forcing citizens to undergo training, there’s no doubt about the merits of taking a good class or two. However, the MDTS Combative Pistol 1 and 2 class is probably beyond what a typical out-of-the-box noob can handle . . ." ...

The Earth is Flat. And Dark. And Glock. All At The Same Time
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like other national distributors, Lipsey’s is always looking to add value to fixed margin firearms (i.e. make more money). And so the Baton Rouge-area gun seller’s making and selling Glocks in Flat Dark Earth frames. ..."

Hickok45 On The MagLula UpLula (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have a MagLula UpLula and just love it. It really saves your thumbs when trying to load double-stack pistol magazines."

"I also have their loaders for the AR-15 and the AK. They will load a mag as fast as you can put the cartridges in it. They also can unload mags just as fast."

"Greg Hickok - Hickok45 - just posted a new YouTube video showing how fast and easy it works. Like Greg, I wasn't sent one by MagLula but love it nonetheless. However, if they want to send me one for the FAL, I wouldn't turn it down!" ...

Carrying It Off: The Springfield XDs Review
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At the last SHOT Show, I walked up to the Springfield Armory range (the day before the show opens, there’s a hands-on range day) and saw Springfield's Robbie Leatham. After our usual exchange of greetings, he asked me, 'Have you seen it?' There on the table was the new Springfield XDs. The little blaster in question was a surprise to just about all of us."

"'I didn't know about it until I walked on the range this morning,' Robbie told me. That's how much of a secret it was. I'm glad I got there early. Everyone was soon crowding around to see, handle and shoot it. I'm sure whatever ammo they planned on shooting was exhausted soon after lunch." ...

How to Prepare Your Gun Collection for Disaster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "To attain accreditation with the American Association of Museums, every museum must develop a disaster plan that outlines steps taken to protect the collection ... Now while we can not foresee every eventuality, we take precautions that we feel are within reason and provide a secure environment for the priceless items entrusted to our stewardship."

"While your personal collection may or may not be headed for a permanent home in a world-class institution, it obviously holds a great deal of value to you, or you would not have spent so much in time and resources acquiring it. It is our hope that you would treat your collection with the same amount of care and conservation that we treat the objects we guard." ...

Gun Review: Beretta DT10 Sporter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Designed for breaking clay targets, the Beretta DT10 is actually an extension of the company's ASE 90. Made from 1992 through 1999, the ASE 90 was Beretta's attempt to build a hand-made shotgun at a price that fit between its top-of-the-line SO series and the range of over-unders in the 686 series. Although made in trap, skeet and sporting configurations, Beretta did not produce many ASE 90s, probably because they required so much bench time. As a result of manufacturing evolution, Beretta is able to produce the DT10 using a combination of hand work and modern high-tech machining, bringing it into the under-$10,000 range." ...

No need to dual-wield with this double-barrel .45 (video available)
Submitted by: Mike DeArmond

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"It looks like dual-wielding isn’t just for FPS video gamers anymore. Italian gun manufacturer Arsenal Firearms has created the world’s first double-barreled .45 to commemorate the 100th birthday of the famous Colt 1911-A1. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Now I know what bored Swiss Mechanical Engineers do during long winters.

Question of the Day: Does TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia Represent Gun Owners at Large?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The short answer is 'no.' Here's my thinking. My impression is that the folks who comment here, and probably many who read and do not comment, are for the most part extremely responsible and safe people. Although there’s some disagreement on things like home carry, for example, everyone seems to agree on the need for training and adherence to the 4 Rules of Gun Safety. The problem starts when you guys begin to extrapolate from that and apply these characteristics to gun owners at large. This is just not the case . . ." ...

Right to bear arms is safe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let me start by saying that I am a gun owner and have owned guns since I was a child. I strongly believe that every citizen has the right to own guns for protection, hunting and for anything else considered legal."

"That said, the letter written by Jimmie Delk ('Protect your gun rights,' March 5) was outrageous. He accused President Obama and members of his Cabinet and staff of continuing 'to try everything within their power to take away our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.'" ...

The NRA’s silent motive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"America has witnessed the proliferation of gun-happy laws in recent years, especially laws making it easy for citizens to carry concealed handguns, and the now widely discussed 'stand your ground' laws. The spread of such legislation would lead you to believe that Americans are fonder of guns than ever before, but in fact fewer citizens own firearms now than in the 1960s. Why have America’s gun laws loosened even as guns themselves decline in popularity?" ...

Submitter's Note: Ooh, swing and a miss! According to the Gallup Poll the peak in the 60's was 1968 with 50% of homes having a gun. Today the number is 45%.
Now according to, in 1968 the US population was 200,706,052. If 50% of them lived in a household with a gun (or two, or five or . . .) that's 100,353,026.
According to the Census Bureau in 2010 the population was 308,745,538 and if 45% of them live in a home with guns we get 138,935,492 folks living in a house etc., which gives a 38% increase in the number of "citizens" who "own firearms".

Hunters vs. Animal Activists Over Lead in Ammunition
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Activists have renewed their campaign against lead bullets, which cause lead poisoning in scavenger birds like the endangered California condor, despite warnings that confrontation may spook hunters away from voluntarily giving up lead."

"The Center for Biological Diversity and other opponents of lead-based bullets want the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate ammunition under the Toxic Substances Control Act." ...

CT: Folks fired up over Woodbridge gun shop (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The idea in itself is simple: allow one unit at Woodbridge's Selden Plaza to be zoned for retail. However, some in the quiet town are taking issue with Frank Kloss' plan to sell guns."

"'It's very frightening to think that this may happen in our community,' said long-time resident Tina Brogadir." ...

Smith & Wesson Stock Soars
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Shares of firearms maker Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. hit a new 52-week high Monday after a Wedbush analyst said that gun sales are rising on worries that President Barack Obama may tighten gun laws if he is reelected.' I don't think that means what they think it means. At best, the Prez could tighten federal regulations via his (but not our) good friends at the ATF." ...

Houston Astros Throwback Jersey to Feature Old Colt .45 Gun
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"If you are a Houston Astros fan or a fan of old guns, circle April 10 and April 20 on your calendars. Those are the days the Astros will wear throwback jerseys, complete with a controversial handgun on them."

"For the first three years of their existence, the Astros were called the Colt .45s and their jersey had a Colt on it."

"For their 50th anniversary, the Astros are wearing all of their old jerseys on Fridays this season (yes, including the infamous multi-colored rainbow one!). When the team told MLB its plan, the league pulled the ultimate PC move and said it couldn't wear the pistol." ...

MO: Elderly MO Couple Shoot, Kill Home Invader Who Violently Attacked Them (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 20 year old man threw a landscaping brick through the glass front door of a MO home where a 65 year old man and his wife were watching TV, charged into the home and began attacking them. The older man, who could not physically fight off the young intruder, retrieved a .38 caliber handgun and shot the intruder once in the chest, killing him." ...

WA: Couple Shoot and Kill Crazed Man Who Confronted Them in Their Bedroom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A WA couple hid in their bedroom after a man broke into their home screaming and banging on walls. When the man burst into the bedroom the male homeowner shot the man, killing him. Police were actually trying to find the intruder after he accosted several customers at a nearby gas station and banged on the doors and windows of several other homes. They entered the home after they heard the gun shot." ...

FL: Female Store Clerk in FL With Carry Permit Shoots and Kills Armed Robber (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An armed 16 year old entered a FL convenience store, demanded money and began firing at the female clerk. The clerk is a concealed weapons permit holder and drew a gun carried on her person. The clerk fired at least one shot at the suspect, hitting him. The would be robber later died from his injuries. ..." ...

IN: Homeowner Shoots Late Night Home Intruder In The Hip
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner in Indiana waited until the last possible moment to fire a shot at a man breaking into his home around 3:30am. The suspected intruder was shot once in the hip by the homeowner and was then arrested by police. The suspect is undergoing medical treatment and will be questioned by police after he is released." ...

WA: Shooting aftermath: Roaring silence from Washington Ceasefire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While King County sheriff’s detectives wrap up their investigation of a fatal shooting in North Bend, one group has been silent about the incident."

"Not a peep is being heard from Washington Ceasefire, the group that last month announced a $50,000 Metro bus billboard advertising campaign urging homeowners to unilaterally disarm. That campaign, launched March 6, ironically cautioned people to 'Think twice about having a gun in your home.'" ...

CA campus shooting draws out the extremes in Seattle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Monday’s fatal campus shooting in California has drawn out the extremes in the pages of the Seattle Times on-line edition, where pro- and anti-gunners are squaring off, while a national pro-gun student organization highlighted the irony because Monday saw the kick-off of a national 'Empty Holster Protest.'" ...

Another school shooting, another preventable tragedy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On April 2, 2012, we once again witnessed the tragedy of a shooter walking into a place of education, totally unimpeded, and killing one (or more) people before getting safely arrested (sometimes after leaving the scene of the crime) or committing suicide. Or, as we have unfortunately come to call them, school shootings. This time, a 43 year old man who was angry over being teased about his inability to speak English and for being expelled from Oikos University in Oakland, California randomly chose people at the university to shoot after he was unable to locate a specific school administrator." ...

'Project Gunwalker' and human sacrifice
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The idea of sacrificing human life for one's own gain of course requires fully investing oneself in the notion that the people being sacrificed are of so little value, compared to what one hopes to gain, as to make their deaths an acceptable cost. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) supervisor David Voth put it this way, when agents under him objected to the inevitable loss of life in Mexico stemming from 'Project Gunwalker':"
"If you are going to make an omelet, you need to scramble some eggs." ...

Senate approves Breuer supporter as head of OIG at Justice
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It would seem if anyone is qualified, the administration has picked the right guy—if his CV is all that matters. But there is one relatively obscure piece of background information that is nonetheless extremely relevant to this particular nomination, and one that has received virtually no media coverage, with only a few notable exceptions." ...

Florida Law Means You Can Pack Heat at the RNC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Oops. Seems Florida's preemption law won't let Mayor Bob take away anyone's guns. Not even on a temporary basis. Not legally anyway."

"No, the only people at the convention that will be able to stand between you and your gun is the Secret Service. They're not going to allow anyone with a heater inside the security perimeter immediately around the convention center.." ...

NRA-PVF releases "Defeat Obama Fact Sheet"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) has released a flyer intended to inform pro-gun voters about President Barack Obama's war on their Second Amendment rights."

"The document lists 'Ten things every gun owner must know about Barack Obama.'" ...

And They Say We Are Paranoid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights activists have often been accused of being paranoid when it comes to President Obama and guns. His supporters like to point out that that he signed into law the bill that allowed concealed carry in National Parks. Moreover, they note he hasn’t proposed any new assault weapons (sic) ban or similar gun control measures so our distrust of him must either be racism or paranoia. " ...

‘Stand your ground’ laws not just GOP policy, records show
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite liberal protesters’ claims that Florida’s so-called 'stand your ground' gun law demonstrates that Republican policymakers are responsible for the February death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, an analysis of its legislative history shows that it was a bipartisan effort ..."

"One Democrat, Fort Lauderdale state Sen. Mandy Dawson, missed the vote. But the rest of the Senate chamber supported it, 39-0."

"The Florida House vote was 92-20. Twelve Democrats voted in favor."

"And of the 15 states that have passed variations of the law since 2005, the year Florida’s model legislation became law, eight — a majority — had Democratic governors when the laws were enacted. None issued a veto." ...

Rep. Owens supporting bill to protect firearms transportation
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The incumbent North Country congressman is cosponsoring legislation the National Rifle Association has put forward that will strengthen protections for people who want to check unloaded firearms onto airline flights."

"23rd District Rep. Bill Owens has signed on as an original cosponsor of a bill that would protect law-abiding gun owners from what he says have been incidents of inappropriate detention."

"The bill, H.R. 4269, bolsters both the Second Amendment and the Firearm Owners’ Protection Act (FOPA) by ensuring that no state regulation will impede the lawful transportation of firearms." ...

NY: NY legislator calls on law abiding to 'give up some of their liberty'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "None of this bothers Schimel (she also seems unconcerned about the the tax revenue and quality jobs New York would lose if Remington left the state because of such a law), though, and when NRA News' Ginny Simone interviewed her late last month (see sidebar video), it became apparent what else does not bother her--the fact that it's the law-abiding who will be affected by this:"
"Sometimes the responsible people, the law abiding people, have to give up some of their liberty to make sure for [sic] the public safety of all." ...

"Unfortunately, there are criminals out there who will not obey the laws, but at the same token [sic], you have to give up some sense for the greater good." ...

WA: Sportsmen squaring off against proposed Thurston County shooting measure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Evergreen State gun owners and particularly waterfowl hunters are bracing for action Thursday when the Thurston County Commission gathers at 2 p.m. to discuss a proposed ordinance that would effectively eliminate waterfowl hunting along much of the county’s shoreline." ...

IA: Iowa firearms legislation update
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The second half of Iowa's 84th General Assembly is beginning to wind down, and it appears that Iowa firearms owners are going to be left in the cold with nearly everything they had hoped to accomplish this year. A long list of bills was presented to the House of Representatives, but nearly all of them are going to die due to inaction." ...

IA: Interview with Dan Charleston
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I had an opportunity to speak with Sgt. Dan Charleston of the Polk County Sheriff's Office on Monday afternoon. Sgt. Charleston is a road supervisor, and he's currently running as a Republican against the incumbent Democrat, Polk County Sheriff Bill McCarthy in November. Sheriff McCarthy has traditionally been a shall-issue Sheriff, but he hasn't been one to stand up for the firearms rights of Polk County residents like some of the Sheriffs I mentioned in yesterday's column have done." ...

IA: Iowa Sheriffs still hold power over firearms legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is no secret to those who have followed firearms rights in Iowa for any length of time that the office of County Sheriff has been pivotal in the fight to regain our rights. Until Iowa became a 'shall issue' state on January 1, 2011, it was the Sheriff who decided what the permit process would entail and who would be eligible to receive an Iowa Permit to Carry Weapons (PCW). Some Sheriffs issued a PCW freely, while others never issued a PCW at all except to a few privileged citizens. It was this kind of unequal application of the law that caused the Iowa Legislature to enact a law that removed nearly all of the Sheriff's discretion from the permitting process." ...

UT: 3 New Pro-Gun Laws Signed in Utah
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"The NRA is pleased to report that Governor Gary Herbert has signed three pro-gun bills into law: House Bill 117, House Bill 129 and House Bill 395. All three laws went into effect immediately upon the Governor signing them." ...

OH: Ohio Proposes Pro-Gun Legislation
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"Last week, state Representative Terry Johnson (HD-89) introduced House Bill 495 which would address several problems with current Ohio gun laws. Specifically, HB 495 would make the following changes:" ...

NY: Cuomo shoots down CoBis to save money (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"'Looking at all of the money that was spent on it, he made a very wise and executive type decision saying the program's got to end,' said New York State Rifle and Pistol Association President Tom King."

"It was an 'I told you so' moment, said King, when governor Cuomo shot CoBis down."

"'We just can't throw good money after bad money to try to make a program that has been a failure for 11 years into a success,' said King."

"The Combined Ballistics Identification System put in place during governor George Pataki's administration was dubbed a DNA database for handguns that gave police the ability to trace bullet casings found at crime scenes, but capital sources say it didn't solve any crimes." ...

Federal judge: Americans can bear the arms they keep
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During the winter storms that pounded North Carolina in 2010, Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue declared a state of emergency. ... This put North Carolinians in a difficult spot: there was a state of emergency, but if they ventured out of their homes for supplies, they were not allowed to take their guns along for personal protection. The ban also prevented them from buying ammo for their weapons."

"In response to this draconian ban, Grass Roots North Carolina, the Second Amendment Foundation, Virgil Green of Stokes County, N.C., Michael Bateman of Washington, N.C., and Forrest Minges Jr. of New Bern, N.C., filed suit, claiming North Carolinians’ Second Amendment rights had been infringed." ...

Court Upholds Illinois Ban on Carrying Guns
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Illinois basically bans private citizens from carrying guns outside the home in any way that’s useful for immediate self-defense. Shepard v. Madigan (S.D. Ill. Mar. 30, 2012), has just upheld this ban; other courts, in California, Illinois, Maryland, and Massachusetts have done the same, though the federal district courts in Maryland and North Carolina, as well as an appellate court in Puerto Rico have held the opposite." ...

Permanent resident aliens have second amendment rights too
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"In Fletcher v. Haas, the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that Permanent resident aliens are included amongst ‘the people’ as the term is used in the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution." ...

MA: Judge: Massachusetts Gun Law Violates 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Massachusetts firearms regulations violate the Second Amendment by prohibiting permanent residents from obtaining a firearms license, a federal judge ruled."

"Plaintiffs Christopher Fletcher and Eoin Pryal are lawful permanent residents of the United States, who emigrated from the United Kingdom."

"Before relocating to Cambridge, Massachusetts, Fletcher lived in California where he held a Basic Firearms Safety Certificate ..."

"Pryal ... currently works as an assistant instructor at the Massachusetts Firearm School in Framingham and as a customer service representative at a Massachusetts firearm manufacturer."

"Both men applied for, and were denied, a license to possess a personal firearm in their home for self-defense purposes." ...

Obama's NSA: Close to knowing all about us
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "... [N]ow for the first time in American history, according to the Government Accountability Project's Jesselyn Radack, Attorney General Eric Holder has officially and publicly declared 'new guidelines that permit the federal counterterrorism investigators to collect, search and store data about Americans who are not suspected of terrorism, or anything …'"

"'According to the Justice Department, law enforcement and other national security agencies can copy entire databases and sift through the data for suspicious patterns to stop potential terrorist threats' ('Govt. Keeping Data on Americans With No Connection to Terrorism,', March 23)." ...

CA: Gilroy police negligent in 2008 shooting death of man, jury decides
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal jury Tuesday slapped the Gilroy Police Department with as much as $1.25 million in damages, finding that officers trampled on the constitutional rights of a combative man when they shot and killed him on Pacheco Pass in 2008." ...

OR: Police Force May Take Frashour Back
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ron Frashour, the Portland Police officer who was fired from the force in November 2010 after he shot Aaron Campbell in the back with an assault rifle—killing the distraught, unarmed man outside his home in January 2010— may soon be reinstated into the police force." ...

MN: Coon Rapids sexual abuse victim: "I was molested 1,480 times"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"People in the community knew Joe Hunt as a veteran police officer, but to his son, he was a sexual predator."

"With his voice shaking, Chad Hunt told a crowded Anoka County courtroom Friday, March 30, that his adoptive father sexually abused him five times a week for eight years while he was growing up in their Coon Rapids home more than two decades ago. His only escape, the now-40-year-old said, was when he got to stay with his grandmother for three months every summer."

"'By my estimation, I was molested 1,480 times,' Chad Hunt said, adding that the memories haunt him daily." ...

IL: Justice Department: Harvey cops used ‘heavy-handed force’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal investigation of the Harvey Police Department found officers engaged in 'heavy-handed uses of force that were largely avoidable.'"

"The Justice Department probe launched in 2008 didn’t reveal that officers were involved in a pattern of violations of the law."

"But in a Jan. 18 letter to Harvey Mayor Eric Kellogg and Acting Police Chief Denard Eaves, the feds warned they might re-open their investigation if the south suburb doesn’t take 'appropriate measures.'" ..

NY: Police: Man arrested in standoff is former cop
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A distraught man who barricaded himself inside his home during a brief standoff with police last week is a former Brewster and Yonkers police officer who resigned from the village police force in February."

"Pat Frezza, 50, kept Carmel police at bay at his Wayacross Road home for about 45 minutes Friday before surrendering, police said. He was treated at Putnam Hospital Center and is now being held in the county jail without bail." ...

UT: Utah appeals court rules against former assistant police chief
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"Regardless of job title, a former assistant police chief acted as the second-in-command in South Jordan, and was therefore subject to being fired any time, the Utah Court of Appeals has ruled."

"Daniel Pearson was hired away from the Midvale police department to be assistant chief in South Jordan in 2002, said his attorney, Greg Skordas. Almost five years later, he found his job on the chopping block."

"'They said, 'We like you, you're great, but we don't have room for you anymore,' Skordas said."

"Pearson sued to get his job back and a 3rd District Court sided with him, ruling that an assistant police chief is entitled to due process before being terminated." ...

Submitter's note: Wow, just wow. The "I deserve preferential treatment" attitude is deeply part of police culture nowadays. He had to deal with being laid off JUST LIKE THE REST OF US, and then he tried to play the "I'm a superior citizen" card.

MA: Massachusetts Cop Harry Wareham Denied Gun Permit
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"A police officer in Massachusetts finds himself in the odd position of being denied a permit to carry a gun, all because of a new law that unsealed his juvenile record." ...

"The change in the law has already affected Framingham Lt. Harry Wareham. Wareham admittedly had a troubled childhood, and when he was 15 he committed an undisclosed crime."

"'I was very dumb and I made a mistake,' he said."

"Wareham was able to turn his life around and for the past 16 years has been a rising star on the Framingham force."

"But now the firearm licensing board has denied his permit to carry a gun while off duty because of what he did as a teenager."

"'I feel like I made a mistake and I did my part, and now this is coming up all of a sudden,' Wareham said." ...

KABA Note: Damn that shoe sure pinches when it's on the other foot, doesn't it?

H.Res. 612 - For Those Who Thought This Was Just A Police Matter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you thought the Trayvon Martin case was just a local police matter which would be handled in a court of law, you are so sadly mistaken. It is a political matter now and you have to look no further than House Resolution 612 to get confirmation of that." ...

Constitution Check: Is There a Constitutional Right to "Stand Your Ground"?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "At this point, if [Zimmerman] is charged, his defense very likely will be based in part on a Florida statute now widely known as the 'Stand Your Ground' law. But behind that law, initiated by the National Rifle Association and now imitated in more than 20 other states, is an argument that such a right to defend one's self in the face of imminent danger ought to be treated as constitutional in nature."

"That is based on a theory that has been talked about for years in academic circles and among gun-rights advocates, and, if one could discuss it without the emotion of the kind stirred up by Trayvon Martin's tragic death, the theory is not entirely frivolous." ...

Trayvon Martin Fallout: Congress Targets Guns, Neighborhood Watches
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"When Congress' spring break is over in two weeks, expect a flurry of bills related to the Trayvon Martin shooting, ranging from gun control to neighborhood watch regulations." ...

CT: Gun range coming soon to Meriden? (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you want to exercise your Second Amendment rights, Doug Odishoo has an idea: create an indoor gun range."

"'When we went to the first zoning meeting, everyone was for it, other business owners, others residents,' Odishoo said, 'something they wanted to do, because it's going to bring in revenue.'" ...

For those that will fight for it, FREEDOM has a flavor the protected shall never know. --L/Cpl Edwin L."Tim" Craft, February 1968, Khe Sahn Combat Base

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