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Connecticut gun ban signifies ‘new phase in history’
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Asking how many panicked buyers packed the offices of their legislators would be a fair question. So would asking how many are members of the group Burgess represents." ...

DeGette spokeswoman doubles down on congresswoman’s ignorance
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "This inexcusable incomprehension of the basics illustrates not just arrogant incompetence, and what, in any other profession would be actionable malpractice, but also bigotry, which, rooted in ignorance, manifests itself in fear and hatred." ...

Upstart Group Pushes Harder Than the N.R.A.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When word surfaced in February that Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, was plotting with Democrats on a bill to expand background checks for gun buyers, Larry Pratt got really mad. Then, Mr. Pratt, the executive director of Gun Owners of America, got busy, mounting a lobbying blitz that helps explain why a bipartisan Senate deal on background checks remains elusive." ...

"Once largely unknown, Gun Owners of America, with its war chest, membership and lobbying strength dwarfed by the [NRA], is emerging as an influential force as a series of gun control measures heads to the Senate floor." ...

Connecticut Gun Control and the Big Lie About Spree Killing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A ninth grader from Arizona called me yesterday for a school paper on gun control. 'What new laws would you pass to prevent spree killing?' he asked. None, I answered. You can’t legislate away crazy. Not to mention the 500-pound amphetamine-crazed gorilla in the room: terrorists. ... While 'lone wolf' spree killers like Jared Loughner, James Holmes and (finally) Adam Lanza inspired the current push for civilian disarmament, odds are this country will eventually face a Beslan-style terrorist attack. Whether it’s at a school, shopping mall, state house or whatever, when that s hits the f, the time for laws will be long past. I repeat: no law is going to prevent spree killing. Not that the New York Times wants to face that fact . . ." ...

Obama has ‘credibility loophole’ on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barack Obama is scheduled to drop in to Denver today to tout that state’s new, restrictive gun control laws, and he’s already facing a huge credibility problem with police, to say nothing of the Washington Post Fact-Check slap at his repeated claim that 40 percent of all gun transactions in this country happen without background checks." ...

NRA's David Keene: "We will never surrender our principles."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The head table at the annual Lincoln Day Dinner encouraged the 320 other diners to welcome [NRA] President David Keene with a standing ovation."

"They needed no such prompting when Keene ended his calm, but forceful talk. Those attending the $60-a-ticket fundraiser for the Franklin County Republican Party rose to their feet and applauded warmly." ...

"'A successful political movement has to be based on principles,' Keene said at the start of his speech. 'No political movement worth its salt changes its values to meet the whims of the day.'"

"By the end he said, 'We will never surrender our principles. I'll talk to anybody. I just won't surrender. We need to talk with people. We don't have to surrender.'" ...

Do people have the right to own any semiautomatic rifle, magazine size? Yes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We, the people, have the constitutional right to own semiautomatic rifles and the standard-capacity magazines designed for those rifles. The plain words in the U.S. and Ohio constitutions establish this, so long as those words are given their ordinary, everyday meanings."

"This is why proponents of gun control engage in sophistry at every opportunity. For example: 'You don't need an AR-15 to hunt.' Fortunately, hunting has nothing to do with the question. ... Or: 'If an AR-15 is an 'arm' for constitutional purposes, then the people also have the right own rocket launchers.' It is far easier to argue that a gun is not an 'arm' than to justify why the citizen's right to own that arm should be abolished." ...

The NRA's disarming plan to arm schools
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gun-lobby goons were at it again."

"The National Rifle Association’s security guards gained notoriety earlier this year when, escorting NRA officials to a hearing, they were upbraided by Capitol authorities for pushing cameramen. The thugs were back Tuesday when the NRA rolled out its 'National School Shield' — the gun lobbyists’ plan to get armed guards in public schools — and this time they were packing heat."

"About 20 of them — roughly one for every three reporters — fanned out through the National Press Club, some in uniforms with gun holsters exposed, others with earpieces and bulges under their suit jackets." ...

Quietly and behind the scenes, gun research and regulation has been stymied
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Each year, lawmakers quietly tuck language into spending bills that restricts the ability of the federal government to regulate the firearms industry and combat gun crime."

"It’s the reason the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can’t research gun violence, the Federal Bureau of Investigation can’t use data to detect firearms traffickers and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives can’t require background checks on older guns." ...

Gun banners in Connecticut see proposal as merely a start…
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you were a low-information voter, you might think leftist, gun-grabbing political hacks wanting to take away your civil rights would be thrilled at the proposals in Connecticut – almost assured of passage, by the way - as a huge victory in their efforts to recreate past tyrannies."

"The paid director of Connecticut Against Gun Rights, er, something like that, announced that they will be back in later sessions to take away the few guns remaining for personal defense for Connecticut residents." ...

Progressives: “How Do We Guns?” (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The most disturbing trend in the gun-control conversation is that the most uneducated people on the topic are the ones in charge of policy. Take for instance Congresswoman Diana DeGette and her demonstration before the Denver Post editorial board:" ...

"As Revealing Politics notes:"
"DeGette demonstrated her lack of knowledge as to what a magazine (not a clip) actually is: a reloadable container that houses ammunition, and can be used and reused. Her bill doesn’t ban the ammunition that is loaded into a magazine, and therefore her misconception that once high capacity magazines are shot they will 'decrease dramatically' exposes the complete lack of understanding of the very thing she is trying to legislate." ...

Mark Kelly's Video Failed To Show He Was Denied Handgun Purchase, Too
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Breitbart News can now report that although Gabby Giffords' husband Mark Kelly successfully purchased a .45 caliber semi-automatic handgun from Diamondback Police Supply on March 5, the gun store had denied his attempts to buy a handgun approximately two weeks before that." ...

Hunting group wants background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The leader of a hunting advocacy group said Wednesday that implementing criminal background checks is part of the 'ethics of responsible gun ownership.'"

"'Background checks fall within the ethics of responsible gun ownership that American sportsmen have been teaching and living for generations,' Bull Moose Sportsmen co-director Gaspar Perricone told POLITICO." ...

Submitter's Note: Obviously the Fudds have been reading 1984: "Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! Not me! Julia! I don't care what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me!"

Piers Morgan, Oprah, TriBeCa Films asked to ban guns from movies #ForTheChildren (video story)
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"Project Veritas investigators urge Piers Morgan, Oprah Winfrey's production company (Harpo), and Robert DeNiro's production company (Tribeca) to help ban all guns from past and future movies."

"With some disturbed murderers citing violent movies as the impetus for their crimes, would Hollywood elites agree to remove guns from their flicks #ForTheChildren?"

"Or would money and fame supersede their malleable ideology?"

Obama: 'No conflict' between respecting gun rights, enacting gun controls
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"President Barack Obama on Wednesday insisted 'there doesn't have to be a conflict' between respecting gun rights and enacting new gun controls as he tries to use the power of his office to prompt a reluctant Congress to take action in the wake of the Newtown shootings." ...

"'The loopholes that currently exist in the law have allowed way too many criminals and folks who shouldn't be getting guns -- it's allowed them to avoid background checks entirely,' Obama said in a speech at the Denver Police Academy." ...

"Lawmakers are preparing to consider new gun laws on the Senate floor in the next two weeks, a package that Obama says is 'commonsense' reform." ...

Attention criminals, terrorists: Illinois disarmed for your convenience (picture)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Submitter's Note: They say a picture is worth a thousand words . . .

Jim Carrey vs. Charlton Heston
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A while back I wrote an article Entitled 'Hollywood Hypocrisy on Guns' where I exposed the double-standards of celebrity anti-gun rights activists like George Clooney, Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg. Today, the topic is hotter than ever since Obama’s administration decided to attack the 2nd Amendment. Most recently Hollywood comedian Jim Carrey has joined the debate as a champion of the anti-gun movement after releasing his Internet video entitled 'Cold Dead Hands,' a 'Hee Haw' style music video where he mocks legendary actor Charlton Heston, and attacks American gun owners . . ." ...

"... So, I thought I’d offer you, the reader, a first-hand glimpse into the mind-sets of both Carrey and Heston, minus the gun debate." ...

Pro Tip: Never Sell Guns On Consignment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let’s say you’ve got some extra guns when what you really need is some extra cash. And you might need that money for something every bit as important as guns, like chemotherapy to treat your cancer. You might be tempted to take them to a local gun shop to sell them on consignment. Do not ever do this. And not because 'you should never ever ever sell a gun' like some guys believe . . ." ...

WA: Grandmother holds burglar at gunpoint until police arrive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A grandmother of ten fired a warning shot and then held a would-be burglar at gunpoint in her home until police arrived and arrested him." ...

"A K-9 began tracking Denny but before police could find him he had broken into Mize's home."

"'Lady called saying that somebody had forced their way into her house, she had grabbed a firearm that she kept for her own personal protection, fired one round, ended up hitting the wall and then she held him at gunpoint in her living while the police responded,' [Spokane Police Lieutenant Dean] Sprague said."

"Denny made a last ditch effort to escape out the back door but was greeted by that K-9 team that was out looking for him." ...

PA: Burglar shot after Pennsylvania homeowner interrupts home invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Saturday, March 30, a Hazelton, Pa. homeowner returned home around noon to find that he had been the victim of a home invasion. Upon entering the home, he discovered a burglar inside in the process of stealing his belongings reports WNEP 16."

"Authorities state that the homeowner shot the intruder in the pelvic area. The intruder then ran from the scene, but was found by police in another home nearby. The criminal was airlifted to a local hospital where he is currently listed in critical condition." ...

Obama urges end to rhetoric blocking gun control progress
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Concerned about eroding momentum for stronger gun control laws, President Barack Obama used remarks in a state shaken by mass shootings to press his call for congressional action." ...

"Obama urged an end to rhetoric he said is blocking honest discussion about gun violence, and addressed the notion he said some Americans have that he is attacking their constitutional right to gun ownership." ...

Submitter's Note: Be careful what you wish for Barry; block off the soap box and people might start resorting to the cartridge box.

U.N. Passes gun Control Treaty: International and National Gun Battles Looming
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With yesterday's passage of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, the Obama administration added more fuel to the fire of critics who refer to the 'imperial presidency' rather than the 'current administration.' Reversing previous national policy to endorse a gun control treaty that would essentially allow the United Nations to have the final say on any firearms exports, the administration put its full weight behind the measure." ...

Obama criticized for using dated, disputed gun stat to sell background checks
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As President Obama prepares to head to Colorado on Wednesday to push gun control legislation, some are calling into question the validity of a key statistic he’s using to tout his message on near-universal background checks."

"During several speeches, Obama has said 40 percent of all gun purchases were made without a background check."

"But that number is nearly two decades old and comes from a poll with a relatively tiny sample size. Gun rights groups like the National Rifle Association, as well as The Washington Post’s 'Fact Checker,' are calling out the president’s stat, saying his numbers on background checks need a background check of their own." ...

Democrats says the darnedest things
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"The media loves to point out the stupid things that Republicans say … and, being politicians, they do say their share of stupid things."

"But if you depend on the mainstream media for your news, then you might think that Democrats are all genius-level intellects whose every word is cherished wisdom designed to send thrills down Chris Matthew’s leg."

"But let me assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. And this is particularly true when Democrats attempt to talk credibly about the firearms that they want so desperately to ban and the constitutional right to keep and bear arms that they wish to destroy."

"I thought it would be illustrative to share a few of the more frighteningly egregious comments that Democrats have made." ...

Key provision of gun bill could be stripped after NRA opposition
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A central part of the Senate’s gun control package is in danger of being gutted as the National Rifle Association voices opposition."

"Legislation to crack down on gun trafficking has garnered rare Republican support in both chambers and has long been seen as low-hanging fruit."

"Increased penalties on straw purchases of guns sailed through the Senate Judiciary Committee and looked like a safe bet to win Senate approval ..."

"Now the straw-purchasing bill could be in danger because of NRA demands to change the language so law enforcement officials would have to prove that a straw purchaser intended to commit a crime ..." ...

Senate Gun Bill May Lose Key Clause
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Seriously, what is left in the Senate’s gun bill? On Wednesday, increased penalties for straw purchases of guns—one of the key provisions—looked in danger of being cut from the bill following pressure from the .... you guessed it, National Rifle Association. The provision passed through the Senate Judiciary Committee without a problem, but the NRA has called for the language to be changed so the penalties can be applied only if police can prove the straw purchaser intended to break the law. ..."

KABA Note: Wait, people actually have to have mens rea, i.e. criminal intent before you can treat them like criminals? Oh the horror!

As lead sponsor in House on gun legislation, Rep. Diana DeGette appears to not understand how they work
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Democratic Rep. Diana DeGette has been the lead sponsor on a federal ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines in two Congresses, saying it’s one of her top priorities."

"But Tuesday ... the senior congresswoman from Denver appeared to not understand how guns work."

"Asked how a ban on magazines holding more than 15 rounds would be effective in reducing gun violence, DeGette said:"

"'I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.'" ...

CO: Denver Cops Criticize Obama In Advance Of Denver Speech (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Some current and former Denver police officers have taken to Facebook to criticize President Barack Obama’s planned use of Denver police officers as a backdrop for a Wednesday speech on gun control."

"'This is wrong and it shouldn’t be happening,' said Mike Rossi, a retired Denver police detective who left the department in 2005."

"CBS4 has learned that the Denver Police Department has been asking for officers — in uniform — to volunteer to stand behind Obama as he makes his speech Wednesday at the Denver Police Academy." ...

CO: Colo. dog owners: Train police to avoid shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Scar was an 8-year-old bulldog mix who was fatally shot by a police officer pursuing a suspect, even though witnesses said he never left his yard and was not barking or growling."

"Kupa was a service dog who was shot and killed while a sheriff's deputy was responding to a welfare check on her owner."

"And Ava was a German shepherd who had a rawhide treat in her mouth and was turning toward her summoning owner when she was fatally shot by an officer responding to a call."

"Dog lovers ... lobbied Colorado lawmakers on a bill Wednesday that would require new training for law enforcement on how to handle canine encounters in the line of duty, a legislative idea that appears to be unique in the country." ...

CT: Polarizing debate on tough gun laws put pressure on both sides
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The head table at the annual Lincoln Day Dinner encouraged the 320 other diners to welcome National Rifle Association President David Keene with a standing ovation."

"Leading up to Wednesday's approval of sweeping gun-control measures for Connecticut, House Republican Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr. of Norwalk said he and other lawmakers faced pressure from both sides in the polarizing debate."

"'On one side were those who believed the Sandy Hook tragedy required the outright ban of many currently legal guns,' wrote Cafero, R-142, on his Facebook page. 'On the other side were those who rightly said that whatever we did would not have prevented Sandy Hook.'" ...

MD: Beretta Group Representative Delivers GREAT Testimony to Maryland Lawmakers; Company May Relocate (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jeff Reh, member of the Board of Directors for Beretta USA, Corporate Secretary for Benelli USA, President of Stoeger Industries and general counsel for the Beretta family of companies for the Beretta family of companies addressed lawmakers in Maryland ahead of their vote on a proposed assault weapons ban and a proposed limit on magazine capacity." ...

NY: SAFE Act forum draws hundreds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They came in by the dozens and they came in with a lot of questions."

"Gun owners from all over the area spoke to lawmakers directly about the New York State SAFE Act Wednesday night, many of them actually calling it the 'un-SAFE' Act."

"It's been almost three months since the new gun laws went into effect, but a lot of people still have serious questions."

"Hundreds of men, women, gun shop owners and veterans, packed the Inn on the Lake in Canandaigua to try to get some answers."

"News10NBC attended the educational gun forum, that actually felt more like a gun rally."

"You could definitely feel the passion in the room Wednesday night, but you could also feel the confusion and the frustration." ...

CO: County's move to laud NRA draws fire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Even before the El Paso County commissioners vote, a proposal to name April 4 'Friends of NRA Day' is drawing flak."

"'Our objection is that we just feel that the county commissioners, as elected officials, should try to represent the view of everyone in the county,' said Monica Hobbs, one of a group fighting the proposal."

"'By creating a day like that for the NRA, it’s going into a niche area,' she said. 'And with the heated debate and direction the county has already gone, it’s just another way of saying that we are not listening to everybody in our constituency.'" ...

OK: Gun issues dominate Sen. Tom Coburn discussion at Oklahoma City town hall
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A weary U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn tried to steer the conversation away from guns after responding to a couple questions about the topic during a town hall meeting Wednesday night. But questioners were determined to talk about gun control legislation, especially background checks."

"'I know you want to get off guns, but that's why I'm here,' a woman told Coburn, R-Muskogee, after he twice told a crowd of about 150 at the Metro Tech Technology Center he that didn't want to field any more questions about guns."

"Coburn, who traveled more than 1,000 miles since Monday hosting 11 town hall meetings, said he would fight to uphold the Second Amendment. He said he isn't interested in limiting the types of weapons Americans may buy." ...

WA: Seattle lawmaker ‘disappointed’ on gun violence measures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gun State Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles told the Seattle Times she is 'very disappointed' that the Senate Law and Justice Committee did not accomplish more on the subject of 'gun violence' this session, passing only two gun control measures out of committee Tuesday evening."

"Gun rights advocates could quickly respond that Kohl-Welles is lucky that one of the measures she sponsored – the controversial attempt to ban so-called 'assault weapons' that would have allowed warrantless annual searches of gun owners’ homes by sheriffs’ deputies – died back in February. The measure was also sponsored by Ed Murray and Adam Kline. All three are Seattle Democrats." ...

CT: Click Here to Read Connecticut Gun Ban Bill 1160
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New York legislators had twenty-minutes to read the SAFE Act before they voted on it. What’s the bet they didn’t? Flash forward to today, when Connecticut legislators are due to vote on their very own gun ban bill. The Bipartisan Task Force on Gun Violence Prevention and Children’s Safety released a summary of the bill yesterday. The 92-page bill dropped this morning. Click here to read the Bill 1160. A few details . . ." ...

CO: Colorado Gun Grabber Recall Efforts Get Rolling (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Newton’s third law of motion: every action elicits an equal and opposite reaction. That’s kinda the principle at work behind a new group called the The Basic Freedoms Defense Fund. Their purpose is to show Colorado’s legislators that their actions (abrogating their constituents’ right to keep and bear arms) have consequences. And they intend to do that by recalling some of the most prominent civilian disarmers in the state legislature. First up: Senate President John Morse . . ." ...

CO: Denver Cops Balk At Obama Anti-Gun Agitprop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A Denver police officer has asked the city’s ethics board whether it’s appropriate for President Barack Obama to promote his gun control proposals Wednesday at the department’s training facility, saying it creates the impression that Denver police support Colorado’s recently passed gun-control laws,' reports. 'Danny Veith, a technician and 18-year-veteran [and career suicide victim], said he and several officers have discussed the situation with each other and on social media. 'My concern is our police department is being used as a vehicle for partisan political influence,' Veith said.' Check this: Denver Board of Ethics director Michael Henry responded to Veith’s concern. Publicly . . ." ...

NY: Gov. Cuomo defends gun law
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Gov. Andrew Cuomo, often rumored to be a 2016 presidential hopeful, may have put his political reputation on the line in January when he stuck his neck out and pushed some of the nation’s strictest gun laws through the state government."

"After the law passed, a firestorm erupted. Gun enthusiasts felt their rights were violated. County officials said they were overwhelmed with new responsibilities. Mental health providers feared an unfair stigma over those they serve. Response to the law wasn’t all bad. Cuomo had the support of many mayors across the state, including Rochester Mayor Tom Richards." ...

SAF Wins Preliminary Injunction In New Mexico Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation was granted a preliminary injunction in their case challenging the state of New Mexico's requirement requiring US citizenship for the granting of a concealed carry permit. Chief Judge for the District of New Mexico M. Christina Armijo granted the preliminary injunction in Jackson et al v. King et al on Friday." ...

MA: Lawyer challenges state's ban on stun guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 2011, Jamie Caetano carried a stun gun as protection against her ex-boyfriend, against whom she had twice taken out restraining orders."

"But on Sept. 29, 2011, Ashland Police arrested the Fall River woman when they found a stun gun in her purse when she was a passenger in a car they pulled over. She was charged with possession of a stun gun, which is banned under state law."

"Now, her lawyer, Paul McManus, is challenging the constitutionality of that charge. He said the Massachusetts ban on all stun guns violates the Second Amendment rights for a person to bear arms. ..." ...

Responses to Senator Coburn’s November 13, 2012 Letter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"1. How many rounds of ammunition has the Department purchased during each of the past three fiscal years? How much did these acquisitions cost?" ...

"2. Does DHS plan to purchase more ammunition in the current fiscal year? How much is budgeted for ammunitions acquisitions?" ...

"3. How many rounds of ammunition does the Department currently have in its inventory? How are these rounds allocated to each of its agencies?" ...

4. Please describe how DHS (and its component agencies) plan to use this ammunition. How many rounds are allocated for training? How many are allocated for operational use? How many rounds are allocated for other purposes?" ...

H/t to David Codrea.

NY: NYPD Officer Arrested For Allegedly Helping Group Rob Drug Dealers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A New York City police officer was in big trouble Wednesday evening, after allegedly helping a group of criminals rob drug dealers."

"Officer Jose Tejada, 45, was charged following an Internal Affairs Bureau investigation, police said."

"He was charged specifically with conspiracy to commit Hobbs Act robbery. A violation of the Hobbs Act involves three elements – an obstruction or interference interstate commerce, a robbery or extortion attempt, and a threat or use of violence, police explained." ...

AR: Welcome to Sulphur Springs, Where the Police Chief is a Murderer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like many third-world countries, Arkansas is a beautiful place inhabited by lovely people who are burdened with an extravagantly corrupt ruling class. This helps explain, but by no means does it justify, the fact that the minuscule town of Sulphur Springs, Arkansas now has a convicted killer as its police chief." ...

TX: Prosecution of South Texas lawmen widens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A seventh former deputy of a South Texas sheriff's department appeared in court Tuesday on drug conspiracy charges in a federal investigation that has been expanding since last year."

"Former Hidalgo County sheriff's Deputy Jorge Garza made his initial appearance in federal court in McAllen a day after his arrest, according to court records. Garza is just the latest member of the department who prosecutors say helped steal or protect drugs to be resold by a trafficker."

"Garza's attorney declined to comment." ...

KY: Police officer indicted in off-duty fight told grand jury he and friend were attacked
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Louisville Metro Police officer and a woman he was out with while off duty in July both told a grand jury last month they were attacked by a group of men in a parking lot when the officer was punched in the face while another man repeatedly jumped on his vehicle and smashed in the windshield."

"Officer Joseph Pence and Veronica Zeigler both testified that Pence followed a group of men to an apartment complex — after one of the men threw something at his blue Mazda ... — where the men surrounded the car and punched the officer through his window."

"But Sgt. Rick Polin, who investigated the incident, told the grand jury on Feb. 20 that Pence and Zeigler initially lied to police ..." ...

FL: Doral police chief aims to fix sloppy gun-keeping
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Organization was one of Chief Richard Blom’s first concerns when he took command of the Doral Police Department in February."

"He gave himself 60 days to do a complete inventory of the department, along with a self-imposed April 15 deadline."

"'I dealt with the most important things first: guns, money and drugs,' Blom said. 'Those are the things that can get you in trouble — missing drugs, missing money and missing guns.'"

"So far, all confiscated money and drugs are accounted for, but as for the weapons — that’s another story." ...

CO: Is CO Giving Secret Service The Power to Arrest Sheriffs?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Colorado sheriffs have gone on record against enforcement of the unconstitutional Colorado gun rights restrictions. Scuttlebutt is that noncompliant law enforcement officers are in the crosshairs of the governor. The rumor grew out of proposed SB 13-013, appointing certain federal agents as Colorado peace officers. To quote from the bill’s summary, 'The bill gives a special agent, uniform division officer, physical security technician, physical security specialist, or special officer of the United States secret service limited peace officer authority while working in Colorado.' Should the Sheriffs be afraid? . . ." ...

VA: Norfolk deputy leaves gun in Macy's dressing room
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"The Sheriff's Office said it has disciplined a deputy who accidentally left his gun in a dressing room at the Military Circle Macy's on Monday." ...

CT: 'Insane' crowds as customers flood Connecticut gun stores before vote
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Gun stores all over Connecticut were packed Tuesday, one day before lawmakers were expected to vote on a sweeping package of laws that would ban military-style assault weapons and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds."

"'They’re insane. I’ve never seen them so busy before,' shopper Shari Reilly, who bought up several high-capacity magazines, told NBC Connecticut." ...

"Bob Montlick, owner of Bob’s Gun Exchange in Darien, told the Connecticut Post he believes people will try to get firearms while they can."

"'The only people who are going to comply with any of this are going to be the honest ones,' Montlick told the paper. 'The bad guys are going to get what they get or steal with anything else.'" ...

CT: Conn. gun stores packed ahead of expected gun restrictions (video available)
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"Customers packed gun stores around Connecticut on Tuesday ahead of a vote expected to bring sweeping changes to the state's gun control laws, including a ban on the sale of large-capacity ammunition magazines like the ones used in the Newtown shooting and a new classification for more than 100 types of guns as banned assault weapons."

"Lawmakers have touted the legislation expected to pass the General Assembly on Wednesday as the toughest in the country. ..." ...

Local police increase firepower for patrol officers (video story)
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KABA Note: Amazing how an "assault rifle" morphs into a "patrol rifle" when it is in a LEO's hands.

Hutchinson clarifies position on background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association adviser who broke with the organization's position has clarified his position on gun sale background checks."

"After announcing the NRA's National School Shield Project school safety findings at a Tuesday press conference, he appeared on CNN later and said he 'absolutely' supported expanding background checks. The NRA supports expanding the data included in the database - such as those with mental health issues - but does not support conducting a background check on every gun sale, including so-called private sales currently exempt from the federal requirement." ...

70,291,049 Background Checks for Gun Purchases Under Obama
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"There have been 70,291,049 background checks for gun purchases since President Obama took office, according to data released by the FBI."

"In 2009, the FBI conducted 14,033,824 background checks. If we subtract the month of January (Obama did not assume office until the end of the month) we get 12,819,939." ...

MA: Gun rights rally draws 1,000 to Boston Common
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"American flags mixed with Revolutionary War banners that warned, 'Don’t Tread on Me.' Dire predictions of tyranny were answered with defiance by 1,000 people on Boston Common. And the overarching message, delivered by a parade of speakers today to a receptive audience, was that gun control will subvert the US Constitution and open the door to a police state." ...

DUBAI: Can America confront its gun culture?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Ever since last December’s massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, the question of gun control has haunted US politics. America’s attachment to guns is unique, as is its imperviousness to the sort of outrage a mass shooting generates pretty much anywhere else in the world." ...

Submitter's comment: Can the Muslim world confront its culture of misogyny?

The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. — JOHN F. KENNEDY

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