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TN: Lancaster case a wake-up call to gun owners
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"...the Lebanon Democrat in Wilson county wrote an op/ed commentary on Mark Lancaster and his plight with the BATF. Since the Lebanon Democrat doesn't put many stories online, I have copied it directly for everyone to see."

"It is a must read it you are a gun owner...Actually, it is a must read if you are a citizen, and if doesn't make you stop and think, then it's too late." ...

Do not be a victim
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"As I resumed my rather hectic schedule during the aftermath of the World Trade Center tragedy, two questions were asked of me more than any others during my travel. First, why would an airplane full of people allow a handful of men, armed only with box cutters, to take over the aircraft and fly in into one of the world's tallest structures? And, what would have happened if only one or two of the passengers or crew members on those doomed flights had been armed for self-defense? Funny how one question kind of answers the other." ...

"Instead of telling people to fight back, they caution us to just surrender. Instead of instructing people to arm themselves by mastering the use of a weapon, they are taught to cow down to the weapon when it is held upon them. Instead of urging individuals to be responsible for themselves, they are programmed to be dependent on a justice system that everyone admits cannot protect them."

Another Montini assault on the Second Amendment
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"While Washington, D.C., wastes time talking, Arizona acts. While politicians in the nation's capital point fingers and quibble over homeland security and the ongoing threat of al-Quida, politicians here have taken steps to make sure that any terrorist who sets foot in our fair state will quickly - and without remorse - be supplied with a weapon. ..."

"In fact, they might be doing so right now at the big gun show going on this weekend at the Arizona State Fairgrounds."

Montini is once again attempting to exploit the nonexistent "loophole" that is used by less than 2 percent of criminals to get weapons. Facts won't sway him, but you can try at:

Another celebrity who understands the benefits of carrying a gun for protection
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"Jennifer Lopez's close friend Marc Anthony is so concerned about her safety that he carries a gun around with him to protect her."

"A source told magazine Us Weekly: 'Mark often has a gun on him. He feels more secure taking care of himself and whoever he is with.' "

OH: Local Navy Seal Offers In Depth Concealed Weapons Course
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"In only four days, residents in the state of Ohio will be allowed to carry concealed weapons. The question is, what do you need to know? Weapons instructor Frank Hoagland tells News 9 he wants to make sure the people his staff is training are thoroughly educated about any concealed weapons that they may carry."

"Frank Hoagland and his staff provide the general public with a very detailed Ohio Concealed Carry Weapons Course, or an o.C.C.W. This is the fourth class provided this year, and despite the cold weather, 38 individuals attended Sunday's course to give them a better understanding of the concealed weapons that they may carry."

OH: Businesses prepare to deal with new concealed-carry law
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"Ohio's concealed-carry law takes effect Thursday, but this won't alter policies regarding weapons some local businesses already have in place."

"This week, local employers plan to post signs prohibiting weapons from their stores, offices and plants. These signs will serve as reminders of company policies and as notification to members of the public entering a business that guns are not allowed."

And these signs will let gun owners know where freedom and personal responsibility are not welcome, so they can take their business elsewhere.

OH: Police Train For Handgun Law
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"The new concealed carry law doesn't mean changes for just private citizens -- many police officers have been undergoing training on how to deal with people legally possessing concealed weapons."

"On Thursday, Ohioans will be allowed to apply for permits to carry hidden guns."

"Permit holders who are stopped by police are required to tell the officer that they have a permit and that they're carrying a gun."

"Sergeant Kelly Hamilton of the Columbus Police Training Academy says the new law gives them more reason to believe that the people they approach are armed."

OH: So much for 'very little interest' in concealed carry among Ohioans...
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"Ohio's media outlets are continuing to provide extensive coverage of the pending implementation of Ohio's new concealed carry reform law."

"As you read about the many thousands of applicants, keep in mind all the old claims from the gun control lobby that there was very little interest among Ohioans for concealed carry."

OH: Have gun, watch where you travel
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"In a non-scientific online poll at the Telegraph-Forum's Web site, an overwhelming 92 percent of respondents said they will feel safer when Ohio's concealed carry law takes effect." ...

"For instance, people who carry weapons onto certain properties will face felony charges if caught. And, concealed weapons will automatically be prohibited in government-owned or leased buildings, law enforcement facilities, airport passenger terminals and aircraft, school 'safety' zones, certain places where liquor is dispensed, churches and other places of worship, licensed day-care centers, institutions for the mentally ill, courthouses and any place prohibited under federal law."

OH: Firearm trainers now in big demand to facilitate gun-law requirements
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"It was not among Gov. Bob Taft's arsenal of bills for job creation, but Ohio's new concealed-carry law has led to a boom for firearm trainers."

"Existing trainers are booked for months, and new instructors are earning certification so they can help. Steve Thompson, a National Rifle Association-certified instructor and owner of ADCO Firearms at 6616 Monroe, Sylvania, said he is booked six months ahead for training. Prior to the passage of concealed-carry, he had one or two sessions a month."

OH: To carry or not to carry?
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"That is a question many Ohioans are facing as the state's long-debated new law allowing residents who pass criminal and mental background checks to carry concealed handguns goes into effect Thursday."

"Thousands are expected to flock sheriffs' offices across Ohio seeking new permits. More than 100 people attended a public forum held Saturday morning by the Marion County Sheriff's Office, which will be issuing the permits in Marion County." ...

"This week The Marion Star will present a series of stories examining this process and its implications for local residents."

OH: Gun law takes aim on Thursday
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"Criminals in Ohio have been carrying guns for years -- and now the rest of Ohio will get its chance."

"The state's long-debated new law allowing residents who pass criminal and mental background checks to carry concealed handguns goes into effect Thursday, and thousands are expected to flock to sheriffs' offices across Ohio seeking new permits."

"But whether the law is ultimately effective at making people safer may never really be determined."

OH: Some Ross residents see guns as a means of protection
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"At least a few Ross County residents are looking forward to Thursday."

"That's when Ohio's concealed carry law goes into effect..."

"Robert Cenci, a 36-year-old real estate investor, completed firearms training several weeks ago through the Pickaway-Ross Adult Education Center and will hopefully be permitted to carry his 9 mm semi-automatic handgun once the law goes into effect."

" 'It's about personal protection,' he said. 'The police can only respond to a crime after the fact. They can't prevent things from happening to you, and I want to know I can prevent something from happening to me or my family right then -- not after the fact.' "

OH: Gun restrictions get murky
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" 'I'm not sure about open parkland and whether or not, because it's owned or leased by a local political subdivision, whether they could post it for no carry,' he said. 'I would imagine there will be governments that will choose to post that. And this could become a legal case.' "

"The question of where guns cannot be carried under the new law has businesses and local governments searching for answers and making preparations. The law contains a whole host of restrictions, including schools, churches, public buildings and any private business owner who posts a sign banning guns on the property."

CA: Domestic violence is targeted by group
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A San Diego County task force on domestic violence wants to put some muscle behind laws that require abusers to give up their registered firearms."

"People convicted of domestic violence crimes and those who have restraining orders placed against them are supposed to give up their guns." ...

"The task force studied 61 domestic violence-related fatalities that occurred between 1997 and 2003 in the county and found that guns accounted for 44 percent of the deaths."

This just shows a piece of paper does nothing to protect the victim of domestic violence. Instead of worrying about whether or not the abuser gives up his firearms, why not encourage the victim to get a gun and put some teeth in that restraining order?

FL: Felon-friendly gun bill
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Suppose a member of your family is threatened by a gunman who, in fleeing from the police, drops the weapon he purchased at a pawnshop or flea market three months ago. It would be a simple matter for law enforcement to trace him through the computer records of firearm sales that are kept for just such a purpose. But tracing soon would be illegal, under a bill that has shot through the House and Senate."

1 - Felons are not generally in the habit of dropping their weapons for police to trace.

2 - Most criminals do not purchase their weapons legally anyway.

Ergo, these records become a de facto gun owner registration system of law abiding citizens. No thanks.

IL: Jackson Opposes Lowering Gun Ownership Age Requirement
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Is it any surprise that the lying, adulterous, "reverend" is trying to disarm his fellow African Americans, attempting to keep them subservient to the government and defenseless so that he can then promote their victimhood as a claim ticket for handouts?

" 'We lost more Americans on the streets of Chicago than we did in Iraq,' Jackson said, speaking of U.S. service personnel." ...

"Rev. Jackson said he hopes Gov. Blagojevich considers that statistic when deciding whether to lower the legal gun ownership age in Illinois from 21 to 18."

No, it doesn't matter to the "reverend" that some of the kids dying in Iraq are 18 and all of them are armed and capable of defending themselves against the armed enemy.

IN: Homeowner fatally shoots burglar
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"A 75-year-old man shot and killed a homeless man who broke into his house early Saturday, police said." ...

"Finch's daughter, Debbie Skaggs, said her father was sleeping in a recliner in a front room when he heard someone breaking a back window and entering. Skaggs said her father got his gun, a semi-automatic pistol, and told the intruder to leave. She said the man kept coming toward her father, who shot him." ...

"Sgt. Russell Burns with the Indianapolis police said no charges will be filed in the case because investigators concluded the shooting was justified."

"According to court records, Richardson had a history of theft, trespassing and prostitution arrests."

MA: Police want to trade in old guns
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"The police department wants to replace their 11-year-old .40-caliber Berettas with 80 new .357-caliber Sig Sauer pistols, said Leominster Police Department Capt. Thomas Bisol."

"The standard issue Berettas, which officers have used since 1993, have worn down and are falling apart, Bisol said." ...

"Bisol said it is not so much the age of the gun as it is the amount of use. The average officer has shot his weapon 2,500 to 3,000 times, Kinney said." ...

"Most of the shooting takes place during training, where officers learn to shoot their weapons at ranges and in different scenarios, Kinney said. Officers will shoot about 200 rounds per training session, and officers are expected to train once or twice a year, Kinney said."

NY: More gun violence in "gun-free" New York
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"27-year-old man was killed by a gunshot yesterday morning in a Queens nightclub, but the shot may have been fired in celebration, not anger, the police said." ...

"The man, Anderson Pizarro, 27, of 79th Street in Howard Beach, was struck in the head and killed."

"Mr. Pizarro's wife, Jennifer Pizarro, 28, said she believed that he was hit intentionally. 'The way he was gunned down was in the back of the head, and there was one bullet, I don't think there was anything random about it,' she said yesterday."

Trinidad & Tobago: Woman killed while claiming police brutality
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"Police said Saturday they were investigating claims that an officer shot and killed an unarmed woman after she accused him of police brutality in an impoverished community in Trinidad."

"Witnesses said the officer shot Galene Bonadie, 40, in the head on Friday as a crowd looked on in Morvant, a hilly neighborhood of bamboo stalks and broken-down cement houses just east of the capital, Port-of-Spain."

Canada: Teen earns credit learning to shoot
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"Leandra Lepko is shooting for high marks."

"The 17-year-old Lethbridge student is working on a self-designed school project that has her studying handguns and ammunition while perfecting the subtleties of becoming a crack shot."

"And she's earning five credits toward her high school diploma for the initiative that includes firing off rounds from her 9-mm Sig Sauer P-220 handgun once a week after sanctioned classes end."

"Lepko, who is in Grade 11 at Catholic Central High School and needed to make up five credits, pitched the idea of a shooting class after learning about the special projects program offered by the province."

Australia: Samurai swords face ban
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"SAMURAI style swords and machetes wielded by criminals during violent assaults could be banned in NSW, the state government said today."

"Announcing a review of prohibited weapons, the NSW government also revealed it had destroyed 30 tonnes of weapons since a NSW gun amnesty was introduced last October."

"NSW Police Minister John Watkins said the five-yearly full review of the state's prohibited weapons law would include possible additions to the banned list and appropriate penalties."

"While it was illegal to carry swords under the NSW knife possession laws, it was not illegal to own, buy or sell them, he said."

Australians: The call for licensing nail gun operators
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"NAIL guns are as lethal as firearms in inexperienced hands and consideration should be given to licensing operators, the Master Builders Association of Tasmania says."

"Association executive director Chris Atkins warned do-it-yourself handymen that nail guns should be treated with just as much respect as a firearm." ...

"Mr Atkins said professional builders did on-the-job and technical training before using nail guns, and DIY users should not use the tools until they had completed a training course."

"He believed the industry should be moving to establish a nail gun licence, similar to a chainsaw ticket, issued only after a safety course was passed."

UK: Gun mum's plea to city
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"A gun campaigner is calling on people in Birmingham to support her march on Parliament to demand further changes in the law."

"Gleen Reid, whose son Corey was shot dead in Handsworth, wants the city to be represented at the national event organised by Mothers Against Guns on Easter Monday, April 12."

"Gleen also wants people to log on to and petition to ban the sale of replica weapons."

While we sympathise with this woman's plight in the loss of her child, we hardly think that disarming everyone else and leaving them vulnerable to the same armed thugs will save any lives.

UK: £9m Lotto winner in firearms probe
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A former dustman who won a £9.7 million National Lottery jackpot has been questioned following the discovery of "firearm-related items" in a house, police sources said .

Michael Carroll, 21, of Swaffham, Norfolk, was questioned on Saturday before being released on police bail without charge.

A police spokesman would only said that a 21-year-old man had been arrested and released.

But sources said the man was Mr Carroll, who won his prize in November 2002.

Why was his house searched?

Does winning the lottery make British subjects an automatic target for police investigation?

What is a "firearm-related item?"

Patriot Act: A poor compromise on civil liberties
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"For the Pakistani community, which was hugely impacted by some of the provisions in the Patriot Act, the act was very much a reminder of conditions in Pakistan, where the government has complete access to everyone's records and wiretapping by intelligence agencies on anyone who disagrees with the government is commonplace."

It appears that in our zeal to fight terrorism and save the world from oppression, we have become the very thing we fight against.

UK: Police nab man on run with girl
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"A DANGEROUS escaped prisoner who was caught by armed cops had stayed at a hotel - next door to a police base."

"Stuart Snow, 26, who was serving nine years for robbery, went on the run from North Sea Camp open jail at Boston in Lincolnshire, where disgraced peer Jeffrey Archer was once held." ...

"Yesterday senior officers revealed Snow had booked into a Travelodge at Bangor with a 17-year-old girl - apparently not noticing a fleet of patrol cars and speed camera vans parked outside the western traffic base next door."

Notice it's armed police that caught this fugitive. The value of firearms as tools of protection in dangerous situations cannot be denied.

PA: Police offer an eye-opening experience
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More than anything else, the participants of the Norristown Citizens' Police Academy have gained a greater respect for the police." ...

"As one of the 17 members who graduated from the 10-week course Wednesday night, Britten explained that her eye-opening moment during the program was the mock vehicle stop."

"Officers posed as the suspects in the vehicle stop and did not give the participants any formal instruction on how to approach the car or what to do when the 'suspects' did not cooperate."

Australia: Being a public nuisance nets you a free home
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"A FAMILY which terrorised six neighbourhoods in two towns has been given a hectare of land and a comfortable home paid for by taxpayers." ...

"In an unprecedented move, the Government has now bought the family a $264,000 home among the olive groves and orchards of semi-rural Shepparton East." ...

"Neighbours said they had been assaulted, had property smashed, stolen and set alight and had been abused and threatened." ...

"One child has been bound by intervention orders over allegations of threatening to rape, shoot and bash complainants, fire bombing a property, stalking, throwing objects at homes and making lewd and sexual comments."

FL: Fines failed, so lawsuit seeks to ban dogs
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"Louise George clutches a can of pepper spray when she walks through the neighborhood."

"Holly Jones sometimes drives her son to school so he doesn't have to walk to the bus stop."

"And George Knecht thinks about getting a permit so he can carry his gun when he takes his 5-mile bike rides through Gulf Harbors." ...

"They are among the two dozen residents who have complained during the years about the dogs that wander out of Kevin Ford's home ... They tell similar horror stories about the dogs chasing neighbors, charging at children and chomping at bicyclists."

"They pay the fines and move on,"

"That's why the county is asking a judge to take an unusual next step: Ban all animals from the house..."

FL: Police incident traumatizes family
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"The sound of a backfiring car prompted police to shoot and kill Jana Chadwick's dog, throw Chadwick to the ground and handcuff her as they searched her house for a gun that was never there."

"The police finally determined that the sound was a backfiring Cadillac driven by her son, Jared Lamb, but not until he was thrown to the ground and, according to his mother, pistol-whipped."

"Chadwick, who has hired a lawyer, called the incident last month traumatic. She said the police wouldn't listen to her and that she now plans to file a lawsuit."

TX: Taylor police sergeant charged in road rage case
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"A Taylor police sergeant has been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in a case that other officers say stemmed from road rage."

"Sgt. David Garrett is accused of being off duty, out of uniform and driving his personal car when he got into an altercation with a driver from Hutto."

"Details are sketchy."

"The victim in the case said Garrett pointed the gun at him."

Patriot Act 101
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"Of course, the legislation regarding library records wouldn’t worry normal people. According to the Boston Globe article, 'Justice Department officials have long insisted that such warrants are used rarely and only with proper judicial oversight from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which oversees espionage and foreign terrorism cases. This week, Attorney General John D. Ashcroft called complaints about the law 'baseless hysteria.' ' Which pretty much sums up liberals’ attitude toward the Patriot Act as a whole."

Never mind that the FISA court has much laxer standards for granting warrants or that it has granted the vast majority of warrant requests.

Never mind that According to Section 213 of the Act, police may conduct searches of homes and offices without notifying the owner that the search is being conducted. Furthermore, this section allows an officer to delay notifying the subject of the search that a warrant is being executed if reasonable cause exists “…to believe that providing immediate notification… may have an adverse result.” This same section also allows the government to delay notifying a home or business owner about the execution of a warrant if a court finds there’s a “reasonable necessity for the seizure.”
The above stipulation represents a further erosion of Fourth Amendment inquiry into what constitutes a “reasonable” search and violates Rule 41(d) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. Part of the “reasonableness” statute of the Fourth Amendment, according to case law (Wilson v. Arkansas, 514 U.S. 927, 929 (1995).), is the right of the home or business owner to examine the warrant for any deficiencies and to ensure that the search is being properly conducted in accordance with the warrant. Meanwhile, under the aforementioned Rule 41(d) “The officer taking property under the warrant shall give to the person from whom or from whose premises the property was taken a copy of the warrant and a receipt for the property taken or shall leave the copy and receipt at the place from which the property was taken.” If notification of the execution of the warrant is delayed, both the precedent set in Wilson v. Arkansas and Rule 41(d) can be violated.
According to Section 213, notification may be delayed for a reasonable period of time, but no specific limit is set, allowing the government to conduct unconstitutional searches of homes of offices.

DE: Panel: Gun bill may be too costly
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"It's easy for lawmakers to say they want to be tough on crime. It can be a lot more difficult to decide how tough they want to be."

"In an effort to crack down on gun-related crime in Delaware, House Speaker Terry Spence, R-Stratford, last year proposed drastically ratcheting up penalties for use of a firearm during the commission of a serious crime."

"Under current law, possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony carries a minimum mandatory sentence of three years in prison."

"Spence's bill would retain the three-year minimum for possession of a gun. But if a criminal displayed the gun, he would face a minimum of 15 years behind bars."

SC: Former West Columbia Police officer arrested
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State agents have arrested a former West Columbia Police officer and charged him with misconduct in office and two other crimes.

Timothy Scott Spradley, 40, misled investigators and lied about information he received about an arson fire last month that burned a health food store in West Columbia, according to arrest warrants issued by the State Law Enforcement Division.

Spradley was taken to the Lexington County jail Friday evening and charged with misconduct in office, obstruction of justice and misprision of a felony, which is failing to notify authorities of a crime, SLED said.

UK: Driver dies after stabbing
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"A driver was found stabbed at the wheel of his car with his terrified 11-year-old sister cowering in the back with her teenage friend." ...

"Just minutes earlier, the victim had been involved in a row with a group of youths outside McDonald’s, in Newtown Row, Birmingham."

"Witnesses also reported hearing several gun shots minutes after the argument."

Looks like British gun control is not having the desired effect. People are still being victimized and dying. But they are dying disarmed and helpless.

South Africa: Teacher robbed in front of kids - twice
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"There are Grade 1 children in Cape Town who are too terrified to go to school because they have seen their teacher robbed by armed men in the classroom - twice."

"Their teacher, Patience Ntathu, refuses to return to the school because she fears the next robbery could kill her."

"Ntathu's nightmare is becoming all too common in the Western Cape."

And yet the South African government believes that the way to protect the populace against the increasing scourge of crime is to make them vulnerable to criminals.

By calling attention to a well-regulated militia for the security of the Nation, and the right of each citizen to keep and bear arms, our Founding Fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fears of governmental tyranny, which gave rise to the second amendment, will ever be a major danger to our Nation, the amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic military-civilian relationships, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of the country. For that reason I believe the second amendment will always be important. --JOHN F. KENNEDY

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