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'Universal background check' opponents get unexpected boost from ACLU
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "These are powerful arguments that can be used as counters to those who would scoff if the source were simply the NRA. And as for the hollow protest that current law prevents the establishment of a database, does anyone doubt the same people who are pushing for background checks, and who would push for total citizen disarmament if they thought they could, wouldn’t end such a prohibition in a heartbeat if they could get the votes?" ...

Obama complains about mistrust on ‘gun control’ while spreading falsehoods
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues: gun control,' the official White House transcript of his remarks records, noting the mention elicited applause. 'I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon -- by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.'" ...

Smiley-Face Lies and Homicide Hogwash in Dem Hellholes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Let's face it. Gun-grabbers in Democratic-dominated cities have an institutional incentive to fudge the numbers. In New York City, which rivals Chicago when it comes to out-of-control gun-control regulations, a New York Police Department whistleblower recently exposed systemic manipulation of crime data."

"As anti-Second Amendment crusader Michael Bloomberg made the rounds last spring touting the Big Apple as 'the safest big city in America,' an internal NYPD report confirmed that more than a dozen crime reports had been manipulated -- including felonies downgraded and incident reports deep-sixed -- to lower the crime rate. ..." ...

NRA Commentator Colion Noir RIPS Democrat Who Thought Magazines Could Only be Used Once (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NRA commentator Colion Noir released a new video today in which he rips Democratic Congresswoman Diana DeGette after her comments which make it seems like she believes gun magazines are only good for a single use."

"Noir points out why comments like this drive Second Amendment supporters crazy. Anti gunners keep trying to say, 'Why won’t you pro gun people have a serious discussion about guns?'"

"Well, we would if you knew what the hell you were talking about. It’s hard to have a discussion on a topic with someone who obviously doesn’t understand the most basic points of what they’re trying to argue." ...

Is Rep. DeGette just stupid, or an example of anti-gun mindset?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Can the remarks of Colorado Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-Denver) be simply dismissed as mind-numbingly stupid, or does her arrogance and lack of firearms knowledge reflect the typical anti-gun mindset that is behind new gun control laws in Colorado, New York and Connecticut?" ...

Lately, you can’t escape the great debate over gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Americans can’t seem to exist without a tribe to join and a tribe to loathe. We are directionless without rivalry, without a constant us vs. them, Ravens vs. Niners, iPhone vs. Samsung, vampires vs. werewolves."

"And the division of the moment? Guns." ...

WaPo: Obama’s Gun Control Failure Top Ten
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the interest of diversity, the Washington Post has themselves a token conservative columnist. I know, go figure. Anyway, Jennifer Rubin’s out with a Lettermanesque top ten list of reasons why the president’s losing on the whole gun control thing, federally speaking. You can check out the hit parade, here, including items like the fact that he simply overreached, opposition from members of his own party, his inability to sway anyone from the bully pulpit any more . . ." ...

Supporters of Second Amendment Want to Shoot You, Maddow Warns (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guess this hinges on how one defines "threaten." As far as Rachel Maddow is concerned, anyone who disagrees with her, and who owns a firearm, is inherently threatening. And boy would she love to make a citizen's arrest."

"Continuing in her efforts to exploit the murders at Sandy Hook into political advantage for liberals, Maddow on her MSNBC show last night deceitfully accused Indiana gun owners of threatening to shoot a group of mothers protesting in favor of more restrictive gun laws. ..." ...

The Numbers Show Gun Owners Really Do Back Obama
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Barack Obama said Wednesday that he has the backing of gun owners when it comes to proposals for new laws governing firearms. On Thursday, yet another poll showed he’s probably right."

"The latest national survey from Quinnipiac University confirmed something that’s been widely evident in the months since the massacre in Newtown, Conn.: Support for universal background checks is pretty much, well, universal. According to the poll, 91 percent of American voters support background checks for all gun buyers, while a mere 8 percent said they are opposed. The poll also showed 88 percent of gun owners in favor of universal background checks ..." ...

NRA is a wolf in sheep's clothing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Defending the Second Amendment has always been an American right, but let us not confuse the right to bear arms with the National Rifle Association's agenda to promote the sale of guns. The NRA's recommendation to all schools in America to have staffs and teachers trained to carry guns is nothing more than self-promotion." ...

Rewrite the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE elementary-school shootings in Newtown, Conn., in December produced two polar public reactions: fear among some Americans that the federal government will restrict gun rights, and hope among others that it will actually do so. Colorado, New York State and, most recently, Connecticut have clamped down on guns ..."

"Lost in this confusion and anxiety is the possibility that a basic consensus on guns exists among Americans. Opinion polls suggest that a majority recognize a right to bear arms, subject to reasonable regulations protecting public safety. This strong dual commitment, if clarified and entrenched in our Constitution, could reassure most, though not all, of us." ...

Gun Votes For Sale
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is really incredible to me that the lobby of a small segment (four million or so) of the population barks so loudly for no-change-in-gun laws, – falsely citing impingement of the Second Amendment – when is no secret that the vast majority of the people (91 percent of 330 million – do the math) want significant gun law change, including a majority of the members of the NRA."

"Our republic was founded on the principal of sustaining and serving the will of the majority. Historical examples of countries where a few controlled the rights of many are unquestionable proof of the eventual calamity this brought. ... The United States is supposed to stand out as an example of rule by the people." ...

Submitter's Note: Sorry Gene but my individual, civil, Constitutional and human rights are not subject to your "majority rule".

Obama: Sandy Hook Shooter Used “a fully automatic weapon”
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Obama told a group of Democratic donors Wednesday night that the children that the children of Sandy Hook Elementary were gunned down by a fully automatic weapon. Interestingly he misspoke at first and said semi-automatic, but then corrected himself to say fully-automatic."

"So I guess the only real question is… is he truly an ignorant fool or is this all by design?" ...

PA: ‘Mayor Against Illegal Guns’ Arrested In Gun-Related Incident (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A member of the Michael Bloomberg-sponsored gun control organization 'Mayors Against Illegal Guns' has been arrested and charged in connection with a handgun incident at his home."

"James Schiliro, a.k.a. Jay Schiliro, the mayor of Marcus Hook, a small town in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, faces charges of official oppression, reckless endangerment, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, and furnishing a minor with alcohol. ..."

"Schiliro, 38, allegedly ordered a local police officer to bring a 20-year-old male friend to his home, where the mayor plied him with alcohol, and made sexual advances which the man refused. Schiliro allegedly brandished several handguns and fired one of them into the floor ..." ...

MD: Maryland Homeowner Shoots and Kills 1 of 2 Baseball Bat Wielding Home Invaders (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A retired police officer in Maryland had to use deadly force to defend himself and his home from two violent home invaders on Easter Sunday."

"Two suspects armed with baseball bats started banging on the door of the homeowner."

"The homeowner confronted the suspects and when one made a threatening move towards the homeowner, he fired and hit one of the suspects." ...

KS: 60 Year Old Homeowner in Kansas Shoots Would be Intruder in the Foot (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 60 year old homeowner in Kansas was forced to defend himself and his home after an unidentified man banged on the front door of the home demanding to see a woman inside."

"The homeowner told the man to go away, but then shortly thereafter heard someone trying to kick in his backdoor."

"The homeowner fired one shot through the door and hit the intruder in the foot." ...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: No Shots Were Fired Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They say if you live long enough you get a date with Jennifer Love Hewitt. By the same token, you’ll encounter a mainstream media report chronicling a defensive gun use where no shots are fired. ... 'Their M.O. this time was almost identical. The driver pulled the car to the end of the car wash’s driveway, and the three men got out and approached Watson [not shown],' reports. 'One of them gestured toward the man’s car and asked if it was his. Then, he pulled a black pistol from his waistband. What the robbers don’t seem to have realized was that the man, Charles Watson, is a retired Dallas cop. He’d been on alert since he first seen (sic) the car approaching ... In other words, he was ready . . ." ...

Reid’s Background Check Bill Can Make You a Felon if Your Gun is Stolen
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to the Heritage Foundation, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s 'universal background check' bill can turn otherwise law abiding citizens into felons if they fail to report a stolen firearm within 24 hours." ...

Gun Control Fight Shows Signs Of Splitting The Democratic Coalition, And Liberals Don’t Seem To Mind
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The debate over stricter gun control laws appears to be the hill that progressive Democrats want their congressional representatives to fight on regardless of the odds stacked against them – maybe even because of those odds. On Monday, one progressive voice on MSNBC’s Now called some Democratic lawmakers representing purple states 'chicken' for failing to champion new gun control laws, even if that means risking the Democratic Senate majority and President Barack Obama’s second term agenda. The idea that Republicans and pro-gun rights advocates could defeat their progressive legislative aims is, apparently, too terrible an outcome to contemplate. They would rather go down swinging." ...

Gov. Malloy signs anti-gun laws, NSSF and NRA respond
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Almost before the ink had dried on the anti-gun legislation signed by Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy earlier today, the Newtown-based National Shooting Sports Foundation had a bristling reaction, calling it 'a package of gun-control legislation that was assembled in secret by a small group of state legislators and that never received a public hearing.'"

"'Most legislators had little time to even read the actual bill language,' NSSF said." ...

S. 649: The 'Young Adult Disarmament Act'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The many intolerable aspects of Senator Harry Reid's (D-NV) S.649, the 'Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013,' are receiving, quite rightly, a great deal of attention. John Pierce, for example, notes that the legislation would, in effect, mandate the disarmament of same-sex couples. Gun rights blogger Sean Sorrentino explains another problem (at a "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" press conference, no less, at which Mr. Sorrentino was able to convey some of his objections via the mass media in attendance):" ...

Sen. Feinstein Blames NRA, Gun Makers For Derailing Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The National Rifle Association and gun manufacturers are to blame for the “disconnect” between the broad public support for gun control and the reluctance in Congress to ban assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein said Wednesday." ...

Submitter's comment: The true disconnect is between this harridan's statist ambitions and the broad public support for freedom from such anti-American oppression.

Cuomo praises Conn. gun control passage
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY
Website: http://www.gun

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"Gov. Andrew Cuomo expressed praise for the Connecticut Legislature’s passage of its own gun control bill, which is expected to be signed into law today by Gov. Dannel Malloy, with whom his administration has not always played nice. The Connecticut Post has a full report on Wednesday night’s debate." ...

The National Conversation on Guns Continues . . .
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sometimes it can be hard, from the pro-2A perspective, to carry on the national conversation about guns the president has asked for. Sometimes you run into anencephalic hoplophobes who are pretty sure they know what’s best for everyone (and are willing to legislate accordingly) even though pro-RKBA types are pretty sure they don’t know from which end of a gun the bullet emerges. Then there are those who are reticent about even walking near bitter clingers who may oppose their pro-disarmament POV, let alone engaging them in any civil discourse. So what’s an enquiring constituent to do when they’d like to let their lawmakers know they value their Second Amendment rights? How about an email? . . ." ...

Pascal: We Can Do Better Than This
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TTAG reader Pascal writes:

The Connecticut legislature has passed House Bill 1160, AN ACT CONCERNING GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND CHILDREN’S SAFETY. The Senate passed the measure by a margin of 26 – 10. The House passed the measure by a margin of 105 – 44 with two abstentions. The number of Republicans who voted for the CT bill just makes me sick. Paul Doyle has (had) an NRA rating of 92 and he voted for this . . ."

"On many a TTAG post, Democrats come in for lots of vitriol. But it’s important to understand that Republicans are just as willing to throw gun owners under the bus." ...

OR: Pro Gun Bill to Get Hearing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a move that has surprised many, the House Committee On Higher Education and Workforce Development has scheduled a hearing on HB 3009."

"This bill, sponsored by House Rep Sal Esquivel, specifically protects CHL holders on the property of colleges and universities. The bill is scheduled to be heard on April 8th at 8:30 am in Hearing Room D at the Capitol."

"Given the toxic anti-gun environment in Salem, it’s odd that a bill of this type would receive the courtesy of a hearing. The new House Speaker, Tina Kotek, has not been known to be friendly to bills sponsored by Republicans." ...

CT: Connecticut governor signs major gun control law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Connecticut's governor signed into law one of America's toughest restrictions on weapons and large capacity ammunition magazines, four months after having to tell parents that 20 children had been killed in a school shooting."

"Also on Thursday, Maryland's already strong gun laws will become among the toughest in the U.S. after the state Senate passed a measure that will go to the governor, who proposed the legislation, for approval." ...

OR: Debate over gun laws taken to steps of state Capitol (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun rally outside the state Capitol was designed to bring attention to gun safety laws."

"It specifically was focused on two bills going before the Senate."

"One would keep guns away from schools, while the other would focus on universal background checks."

"Not everyone at the rally was in support for stricter rules." ...

OK: Okla. panel OKs several gun-carry expansion bills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Measures that would let judges, private investigators and public bus passengers carry guns sailed through an Oklahoma Senate committee Thursday."

"The Senate Public Safety Committee approved six gun-related bills Thursday and sent them to the full Senate. All have already passed the House, but one would have to go back to the lower chamber for concurrence in an amendment." ...

MD: Md. lawmakers pass strong gun-control measure onto Gov. O’Malley for his signature
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maryland’s already-strong gun laws will become among the strictest in the nation with a measure passed by the General Assembly Thursday, sending the bill to the Democratic governor who proposed the legislation in the aftermath of December’s massacre at a Newtown, Conn., school." ...

LA: Gun Control Debate Heads to LA Legislature (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Of the six gun-related house bills sponsored by Northwest Louisiana lawmakers ahead of the legislative session starting Monday, April 8, most have one thing in common: they are a reaction to the events in Aurora, CO, and New Town, CT." ...

CO: Colorado Democrat quickly backs off gun bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Colorado Democrat who wanted to prevent individuals suspected of posing a threat from possessing a gun quickly backed off that plan after details of the proposal became public late Thursday."

"Rep. Beth McCann said she's still working on a bill dealing with firearm restrictions for people believed to be a danger, but it's unclear when it could be introduced or what it would look like."

"She said she made a mistake by releasing a draft of the bill." ...

"That plan would have allowed psychologists, nurses and counselors to enter a person into the national background check system, prohibiting that individual from legally possessing a firearm for a year." ...

PA: Police: Westmoreland County sheriff’s deputy arrested with drugs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Westmoreland County sheriff's deputy who just completed her training in December was arrested on Wednesday in East Liberty when undercover officers spotted her and a companion using heroin in a vehicle parked in a store lot." ...

KS: Wichita City Council approves settlement in civil lawsuit against former police officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An $89,000 settlement with a woman who was sexually attacked by a Wichita police officer was approved by the Wichita City Council without comment Tuesday."

"The settlement, recommended by the city’s lawyer, closes a civil lawsuit brought by the woman in June 2012 against the city and Wichita Police Chief Norman Williams in the Feb. 27, 2011, attack."

"Then-officer Joseph T. McGill pleaded guilty in January 2012 to sexual battery in this case and in a separate incident that occurred in November 2010. He was sentenced to three years’ probation. McGill, who had three years on the department, resigned after the charges were filed after originally being suspended by the department." ...

IL: Officer who shot family's dog suspended for day without pay
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Champaign police officer who fired his gun in a residential neighborhood last fall, killing a dog and sending a round through a nearby apartment, has been suspended for a day without pay." ...

"Police reports ... revealed he fired seven shots at the dogs, killing the family pet of Jake and Kathy Saathoff as their teenage daughter watched."

"She had been walking their Labrador retriever, which was on a leash, when an unleashed pit bull terrier approached and began fighting with it."

"Police were called when she and another man were unable to separate the animals."

"The pit bull terrier ran away after the shooting but was caught and euthanized about 10 days later when no one claimed it. ..." ...

NC: Family irate after woman's body found 3 days after vehicle towed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Parker assumed she was visiting with friends over the weekend but reported her missing to police Monday morning when she did not show up to her job ..."

"Smithfield police detectives matched the description of her 2000 Pontiac coupe with a state Highway Patrol report of a car found in a ditch on Swift Creek Road on Friday and towed to Dustin’s Towing & Recovery’s lot."

"North Carolina State Highway Patrol Trooper Marlon D. Williams, who processed the scene, noted in the accident report: 'No driver at the scene of this collision.'"

"But when the Smithfield detectives went to the towing company’s lot to search the car for clues, they found Watkins’ body inside." ...

MI: Kalkaska Police Officer Sentenced
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Village of Kalkaska Police Officer was sentenced today, after assaulting his neighbor over the summer."

"Sergeant Glen Artress was sentenced 5 days in jail, four months probation, and more than $600 in fines, after pleading no contest to assault and battery charges."

"Upon sentencing, aggravated assault charges were dismissed." ...

OH: Oxford settles Taser case for $750,000
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of Oxford paid a former Miami University student’s family $750,000 after they settled the case involving a 2008 Taser incident."

"The city and officers who tased Mary and Charles Piskura’s son settled the case March 6."

"The city’s insurance company will pay the $750,000 settlement, City Manager Doug Elliott said." ...

CO: Holmes psychiatrist warned of threat before attack
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A psychiatrist who treated James Holmes told campus police a month before the Colorado theater attack that Holmes had homicidal thoughts and was a danger to the public, according to documents released Thursday."

"Dr. Lynne Fenton, a psychiatrist at the University of Colorado, Denver, told police in June that the shooting suspect also threatened and intimidated her. It was more than a month before the July 20 attack at a movie theater that killed 12 and injured 70."

"In the days after the attack, campus police said they had never had contact with Holmes, who was a graduate student at the university." ...

Submitter's comment: After they pass their anti-gun laws, the news comes out that the cops dropped the ball. And they say we're not being manipulated!

Brownells Gunsmith Conference Packs Them In
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No matter what kind of agitprop the Gun Control Industrial Complex™ may be spouting, the gun industry is very much alive and well. That’s what months of panic buying will do for you. Which explains the turnout for Brownells’ Gunsmith Conference and Career Fair held in Des Moines last week. Someone has to work on all those firearms the industry’s so assiduously cranking out. And if they ban some or (God forbid) all of them some day, there’ll be that much more demand for people who can keep grandfathered guns — the ones you can’t get any more — happy and shooty. Press release after the jump . . ." ...

NY: Coming on ‘NYN’: Large turnout for SAFE forum (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY
Website: http://www.gun

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"The 'New York Now' crew is in Western New York looking at Upstate America’s attitudes toward the SAFE Act and gun ownership in general."

"For a sense of the current animus against the bill and those who backed it, here’s footage from Wednesday night’s Canandaigua forum — which drew hundreds of participants — on the new law held by local officials, including Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb." ...

You can never have a revolution to establish a democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution. — G.K. Chesterton, English journalist and author, 1955

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