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Deceptive mainstream reporting shows pervasive anti-gun agenda
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Sloppy mainstream reporting on basic gun facts points to pervasive failure,' Gun Rights Examiner reported on Wednesday, giving examples of print and television journalists failing to take the simplest of steps to present accurate information." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Plan for Police Incompetence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday, I raised the issue of 911 operators, labeling them a dangerous distraction. I suggested that armed citizens facing a defensive gun use (DGU) tell the 911 operator who they are, where they are, what they look like and what’s happening (in simple terms). And then cease communication. Today I want to point out that the cops are not the U.S. Cavalry. They may be rushing to your rescue but, as Maj. Gen. Richard Taylor found out (back in the day), the cavalry can arrive too late. And that means you want to continue the fight until the moment you know for sure that the scene is secure ..." ...

Gear Review Update: Kholster Crescent IWB Holster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last month’s review of the Kholster Crescent IWB hybrid holster generated a tremendous response from our readers. Your comments were numerous and well-reasoned (h/t to Rabbi) and showed me the enormity of the Kholster’s only significant fault: the difficulty of obtaining a proper firing grip before drawing your pistol. That fault became more and more bothersome to me as I trained with the holster, and I needed to fix it or get a new holster…" ...

Crazy gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA is right. Everyone in schools, offices and other places where we congregate should carry a loaded weapon for self-defense. NRA officials must be right because the states and Congress agree with them. It is a constitutional right. The well-regulated militia part of the Second Amendment was a mistake by the authors of our Constitution. Besides if they were not right, why would they have a large office building in Washington with an army of well-financed lobbyists?" ...

Bloomberg on German Gunmakers: Bull Testicles and Swastikas:
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"America’s most prominent gun control activist—Republican New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg—owns Bloomberg Media. It’s impossible to know how Hizzoner’s unrelenting antagonism towards civilian gun ownership affects his media empire’s coverage. Does Bloomberg (the man) tell Bloomberg (his employees) to spin, surpress or distort their gun coverage? Is there institutional racism—I mean anti-gun bias? Merkel Gunning for Germany as Luxury Rifles Draw Russians is another one of those Bloomberg business features where it’s impossible to know if Mayor Mike’s minions are laughing, sneering, cheering or jeering at the the firearms industry. For example . . ." ...

Gun Surrender Protection Contract
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just a little something to keep in your wallet for thise times you have to go into a criminal feiendly zone." ...

SC: Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Tables Turned Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you needed a reminder to carry your gun, you don’t need to do much more than read the story of the unidentified woman from Landrum, South Carolina who was attacked as she left work early Sunday morning and was approached by two attackers. 'When I tried to get back away from them, he shoved me up against the door and I felt the gun in my back pocket and I was like, 'Dang, I’ve got that gun.' I forgot it,' she said. 'I said, 'I've got a lot of money. I’ve got a lot of money in my back pocket.' I said, 'I’ll give you what I got.' She gave it to ‘em, alright . . ."

"Sunday must have been her lucky day because the woman told police that was the first time she’d carried the gun. ..." ...

MI: Detroit police: Woman, 38, fatally shoots teen intruder
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police say a 38-year-old woman fatally shot a man who broke into her Detroit home."

"Police say the woman on Thursday spotted the man, who was among a group breaking into her home. She got a gun and fired, killing a 19-year-old." ...

KABA Note: Another "teen" "victim" of "gun violence" for the Brady Bunch to crow overl

Nine Lessons Learned from the Oikos College Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Monday, April 2, a 43 year old man named One L. Goh opened fire in a classroom at Oikos University. Mr. Goh was a former student of the college in California. His rampage resulted in seven people killed and three more wounded. Six of the seven victims killed were women. Most had been shot at point-blank range."

"This was a tragic event, but it is not unprecedented and is likely to happen again. Students, parents, police and school employees worldwide need to be prepared for such a crime to occur at anytime, anywhere. School violence is a problem everywhere and can happen in even the "best" of schools." ...

Loading up: Citizens declare war on robbers, burglars
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A home invader is shot dead in Puyallup, another dies in North Bend, and a third man is felled in Detroit, Michigan by an armed homeowner, while several other perpetrators are lucky just to get arrested; Americans have declared war on robbers, and one of the most active battle fronts is right here in the Pacific Northwest." ...

WA: NW Burglars Continue To Not Get It: Another Burglar Killed, More Flee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin saga unfolds in Florida amid protests and death threats, a different story is quietly playing itself out in the opposite corner of the country. But you might not know much about it, because this Northwest self-defense story isn’t getting much airplay on network news. Maybe because it doesn’t play into their race-baiting, anti-gun narrative."

"This story just keeps going and going, because NW burglars continue to practically beg to be shot by breaking into other people’s homes. And NW homeowners keep obliging them by shooting them." ...

Mr. Obama, Tear Down That Wall
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The stonewalling and obfuscation from the Obama administration continues, as information about ill-conceived and apparently politically motivated 'gunwalking' operations – and the subsequent cover-up of those programs – slowly comes to light."

"The latest bit of stonewalling comes directly from the White House, where the Obama administration has refused to make available former National Security Advisor Kevin O’Reilly to testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Rep. Darrel Issa, R-Calif., sent a letter to the White House asking that O’Reilly be allowed to testify over the phone from Iraq, where he is serving with the State Department. ..." ...

White House thumbs nose at Grassley, Issa over F&F request
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" President Barack Obama’s White House counsel has essentially told Congressman Darrell Issa and Senator Charles Grassley to 'dream on' if they think a recent request to interview former National Security Staffer Kevin O’Reilly about Operation Fast and Furious is going to happen." ...

Presidents Obama & Calderon talk gun control at border; ZERO mention of Fast & Furious
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite a year-long Congressional investigation into the BATFE gun-running operation known as Operation 'Fast & Furious,' which has uncovered proof that the Obama administration's Department of Justice was forcing American gun stores to sell hundreds of firearms to Mexican drug cartels operatives, media who attended a press conference between Barack Obama and Mexican president Felipe Calderon this week failed to ask a single question about the program." ...

Fraudulent Fears of a Second Term
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Whenever you hear about a psychic being arrested, the natural question is: Why didn't she see that coming? Conservatives who raise dire alarms about what will happen in Barack Obama's second term face a similar problem. They need him to lose so their predictions will not be exposed as products of raging paranoia." ...

"But no one can match National Rifle Association official Wayne LaPierre, who in February warned that Obama's plan is 'get re-elected and, with no more elections to worry about, get busy dismantling and destroying our firearms freedom.'"

"Oh, really? I usually agree with the NRA on gun issues, but when it comes to predicting the future, the organization is more useless than a Ouija board." ...

On guns, Obama's newfound deference to Congress is conspicuously absent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When President Obama fired a shot across the Supreme Court's bow Monday, warning that if "an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law," it would be an "extraordinary, unprecedented [oh?] step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," he did more than apparently seek to undermine the concept of judicial review. He also affected far more respect for the power of Congress than he has shown himself, at least with respect to guns." ...

IN: Lugar's not such a conservative
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite portraying himself as a strong defender of conservative values, Senator Richard Lugar's actions serve to shatter the mythical tales being disseminated about his staunch conservatism."

"By voting to confirm Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, Lugar betrayed his conservative base. ..."

"... after stating that the question concerning the right of private individuals to keep and bear arms for self defense per the Second Amendment was a matter of settled law according to the precedent established by District of Columbia vs. Heller during their confirmation hearings, these justices would, in McDonald vs. Chicago, join Justice Steven's dissent, which argued against the existence that right." ....

IL: Illinois Ruling a Victory for 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Illinois Supreme Court today reversed a trial court’s dismissal of a lawsuit challenging Cook County’s so-called “assault weapons” ordinance banning certain commonly owned and widely used semi-automatic firearms, including modern sporting rifles—a decision the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry, called a victory for the Second Amendment." ...

IL: Cook assault weapons ban justified
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Illinois Supreme Court decision this past week on Cook County’s ban on assault weapons fell short of what the gun lobby wanted, but it was discomfiting for those, including us, who blanch at the thought of gangbangers and other bad guys being able to legally possess these powerful guns."

"The justices did not reject the county’s ban as some gun control advocates had feared they would, choosing instead to punt — sending the issue back to the trial judge, who had dismissed the legal challenge, for a further hearing." ...

Breaking: confrontation between Alaska gun store and ATF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Breaking information sent to this reporter moments ago via email from a contact in Anchorage, Alaska indicates that a local gun store has refused to comply with an order from the ATF to turn over to the agency the official 'Bound Book' that firearms retailers are required to keep on site on customers and their purchases, photo I.D.s, and background checks."

"The store's refusal has provoked a confrontation with the ATF, which claims that the Bound Book is 'their property.'"

"An initial report was published here yesterday concerning this new illegal activity on the part of the ATF." ...

MN: Attorney: Moorhead Waitress To Keep $12,000 Tip
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A waitress in Minnesota will keep her $12,000 tip after police confiscated the cash, according to her attorney Craig Richie."

"'The county attorney’s office and the Moorhead Police Department have agreed to give her the entire $12,000,' said Richie." ...

Submitter's Note: Honest waitress 1; croissant crunchers 0.

KABA Note: Actually in Moorhead it's blueberry muffins not croissants.

Russia: Grisly death fuels tales of Russian police torture
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Albert Zagitov had barely set up his new fruit and vegetable stall at the bustling Volga market in the Russian city of Kazan when he was told by a stranger to pack up and go."

"After he refused, he was taken to a police car and driven to a police station where he says four officers took turns to hit him in the head and chest and threatened to rape him." ...

"He was freed six hours later with an aching head, battered ribs and a charge of petty hooliganism."

"But looking back at the encounter, Zagitov, a 33-year-old father of one, can count himself lucky to have survived." ...

Safer without guns? Hardly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights warning government that citizens would not tolerate tyrannical, high-handed or oppressive leaders. Unwritten in the amendment is that citizens also have the capacity to defend their lives, home and property." ...

NM: NRA Members Welcome NM State Affiliate Membership Meeting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association’s official state affiliate, the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association (NMSSA), will hold a general membership meeting in Las Cruces on Saturday, April 21, from 1:00pm to 3:30pm." ...

The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed. — Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers

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