Does the Second Amendment Protect Laser Guns?
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Mark A. Taff
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Scalia’s written opinion argued that our interpretation of what constitutes “arms” can be no different than what the Founding Fathers intended. “The 18th-century meaning is no different from the meaning today,” Scalia wrote. “The term was applied, then as now, to weapons that were not specifically designed for military use and were not employed in a military capacity.” No matter that the weapons of today do not resemble the weapons of yore: Scalia argued that we cannot pick and choose which constitutional rights remain applicable in modern times and which do not. |
IL: Illinois bill would revoke guns from people deemed a danger
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Mark A. Taff
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A plan to temporarily suspend gun permits of people in Illinois who show signs of being a danger to themselves or others is headed to the House floor.
Addison Democratic Rep. Kathleen Willis says her proposal to allow family members and close friends to file a petition to temporarily revoke a person’s ability to purchase guns is a response to mass shootings and suicide deaths. The petition for revocation of a person’s Firearm Owners Identification card could be filed in any circuit court. |
NY: Clinton Blames New York Gun Violence on Vermont
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Mark A. Taff
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In a private meeting with New York legislators on Monday, Hillary Clinton reportedly claimed that Vermont—home of Sen. Bernie Sanders, her rival for the Democratic presidential nomination—is an important source of guns used by criminals in the Empire State. "She said that it's going to be coming out in the very near future that many of the catastrophes that have taken human lives in the State of New York have been the product of guns coming over the border from Vermont," state Sen. Tim Kennedy (D-Buffalo) told Politico. "That's the first I heard it. I think it caught everybody's attention, and we're looking forward to learning more about it."
The main reason this complaint about Vermont was news to Kennedy: It isn't true. |
NM: ASUNM, UNMPD hold Safety Day to open discussion about campus security
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Mark A. Taff
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Members of the group stood near ASUNM’s table, talking with students and gathering signatures from those supporting the use of stun guns on campus.
Earlier in the semester, ASUNM rejected a resolution supporting use of the devices by students, a move which led to outcry and protests by conservative students and groups on campus.
Despite the ongoing effort to build a pro-stun gun petition and present it to ASUNM in the hopes that it changes its stance, Students for Self-Defense members said their overarching focus on Wednesday was standing in solidarity with ASUNM for increased awareness of safety concerns. |
CA: Concealed Carry Surges in Orange County
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Mark A. Taff
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Concealed carry is surging in Orange County, with permits in the county up “nearly tenfold” over the past two years, the Orange County Register notes.
The reasons behind the surge include the December 2 San Bernardino terror attack, but also the larger threat of terrorism and unrest that pervade the country. And although Orange County does not sit directly on the border, the violence pouring over the border is credited with driving up interest in carrying concealed as well.
RI: Councilors take aim at target shooting
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Mark A. Taff
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Initially, Dickinson was open to regulations if they would alleviate fears. However, he believes the discussion has morphed. Opponents also questioned times. First, the final meeting of the committee to discuss target shooting was at 10 a.m. on a Tuesday. Second, the shooting hours discussed end by 4 p.m..
“What do you do at that time?” Dickinson asked. “Most people work.”
His brother, Bruce, said more people get hurt riding bicycles. Shooting is an Olympic sport, he said, and teaching gun safety is important. He shoots with his sons.
MD: Don't blame Hogan for gun law debacle
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Mark A. Taff
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Let's cut right to the chase: I believe The Sun's editorial board has never read what "good and substantial" really means as defined by the Maryland State Police ("Hogan and guns," April 5). Not the Maryland General Assembly but the Maryland State Police. Good and substantial means having a number of police reports showing that the prospective permit requester has been shot at, stabbed, raped or assaulted more than once. So it is only after a law-abiding citizen has been bloodied does that person have a chance of self defense. A very slim chance at that. |
Why Don’t We Disarm Security At The Democrat National Convention?
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Mark A. Taff
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While it certainly came as a shock to him, Jim’s petition was embraced by a good number of guns rights supporters—Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, and Republican—for the very simple reason that we do try to live by our principles, which includes respecting the entire Constitution, not just those parts we like this week.
In keeping with that exact same spirit of Jim’s petition, why don’t we have Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders live up to the same standards they desire to force upon the American people, and have them require that their Secret Service agents and private security guards relenquish their firearms before entering any campaign venue, set foot on the campaign trail, or attend the Democrat National Convention? |
Give Us Election Ammunition!
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Mark A. Taff
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They could easily do that by bringing Rob Bishop’s (R-UT) “Lawful Purpose and Self Defense Act,” H.R.2710, to the floor for a vote. It’s a gun control reform that removes some of the bureaucratic power over firearm imports and sales. There’s no way that Obama would ever sign it, but that’s not the objective. While we would like to see the bill passed and enacted, its more important purpose this year would be to activate GunVoters, point up distinctions between R’s and D’s, give presidential candidates something to campaign on, force Obama to take a stand, and demonstrate to an important segment of the Republican base that their politicians are actually listening and responsive to them. |
CNMI: Gun-law measure now with governor
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Mark A. Taff
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The Senate on Wednesday unanimously passed Senate Bill 19-94 as amended by the House.
Before acting on the measure, Sen. Paul A. Manglona expressed support for the House amendment that will impose an excise tax of $1,000 per handgun.
The amendment was offered by Vice Speaker Joseph Deleon Guerrero and will expire one year after the effective date of the law.
Manglona said this provision will go a long way toward reducing the number of guns coming into the islands.
But Senate Vice President Arnold Palacios said the tax amount was nery high and may be challenged in court. |
Wilson Combat's New CQB Shotgun
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Mark A. Taff
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The Wilson Combat CQB Shotgun has been developed at the request of tactical shotgunners looking for a tactical shotgun package with the adjustability and modularity inherent to a collapsible AR-compatible buttstock.
This customized Remington 870 12 gauge has been tuned by our gunsmiths for smooth, flawless function and reliable performance in extreme use. From the low-maintenance Armor-Tuff finish to our time tested Trak-Lock fiber optic adjustable sights, this model is all business-on the range and on the street. |
AL: JeffCo sheriff supports bill allowing drivers to pack pistols without permit
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Mark A. Taff
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Soon the driver next to you could be packing and without a permit
The Alabama Senate passed Senate Bill 14 Tuesday night that would allow drivers to carry a pistol in their cars without a permit.
Jefferson County Sheriff Mike Hale said he’s in the only sheriff in the state that backs the bill. Hale said it’s about public safety.
“This just helps that young mother or that young dad. It would encourage them to carry a gun in their car and protect themselves,“ Hale said.
Hale said he’s strong supporter of the Second Amendment right and the car is an extension of your home. He said this law will not encourage more violence, instead it will allow law abiding citizens the opportunity to protect themselves. |
TN: Gun owners’ rights should be respected
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Mark A. Taff
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So because of one guy who is afraid, the rights and freedoms of his fellow citizens should be abridged? Here is a fact that even he should be able to grasp: No gun law will protect him from someone who is truly irrational and intent on doing harm. If he can't control his fears, he should at least respect the rights of the tens of millions of us who believe in our right to keep and bear arms. |
NJ: New Jersey Pays Big Money In Lawsuit Over Firearms & Open Records
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Mark A. Taff
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In an unprecedented (partial) victory the New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS) was awarded $101,626.59 for legal fees stemming from a lawsuit we filed against the State in 2011.
This is the first time in New Jersey history that the State had to write a check to a Second Amendment organization for legal fees, and living up to our reputation we will continue to fight until we receive a full victory! |
ME: Garland is No Moderate
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Mark A. Taff
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Like Collins, Garland has a unique record of his own, one that is far from what the President and other liberals deem as “moderate.” In 2007, while serving on the D.C. Circuit, Garland voted to overturn a court decision that struck down an incredibly restrictive gun law passed in the District of Columbia that barred citizens from possessing a handgun, even if kept within the home for the purpose of self-defense.
Garland sought to reconsider that decision and succeeded, siding with Judge David Tatel, one of the most liberal judges on the D.C. Circuit. Both showed extreme discontent for individual gun rights in their decision. |
The Top 5 Media Misrepresentations Of Gun Ownership
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Mark A. Taff
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Many people who are familiar with Second Amendment issues have come to adopt a certain bemused resignation when it comes to the way gun ownership is reported in the media. It’s very common to see the media portray aspects of gun ownership as if they were unusual, when in fact they’re very simply par for the course for the majority of gun owners. Here are our top five such canards—and how you can counter them. |
Are Stun Guns, Well, Guns Protected By The Second Amendment?
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Mark A. Taff
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The Supreme Court agreed with her. It smacked down the Massachusetts decision. Specifically, the Supreme Court set aside the state court ruling and sent the case back to the Massachusetts court “for further proceedings not inconsistent with [its] opinion.”
Now, if you’re wondering how the eight justices currently on the Supreme Court voted, we’ll never know. It was an unsigned opinion without full written or oral arguments. The Court did, however, refer to its landmark 2008 decision, District of Columbia v. Heller, as it ruled that the Second Amendment applies “to all instruments that constitute bearable arms,” even those not in existence at the time of the founding. |