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Second Amendment Foundation Alarmed at Absence of Civilian Rights in the UN Arms Treaty
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The controversial Arms Trade Treaty passed by the United Nations General Assembly (GA) with the United States’ support represents an alarming policy shift, and a potential threat to American gun rights, the Second Amendment Foundation said.

“The vote was not about public safety,” stated SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “The United States already has the strongest regulations in the world on the international trade of conventional weapons.”

UT: Lee praises momentum for protecting Second Amendment rights, launches #Protect2A
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“The more people learn about the consequences of current gun control proposals, the less they will support the new restrictions,” said Sen. Lee, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. “The proposals serve primarily to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens, while doing little – if anything – to reduce violent crimes. Senators have an obligation both to uphold the Constitution and to promote solutions that effectively address national problems. The current gun control proposals fail both tests.”

Guam: Guam gun shops see spike in sales
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Prices of firearms have shot up in the past couple of months — and so has the number of people wanting to buy more.

A rifle that used to sell for $700 apiece now costs about $1,500 in the mainland, and that means much higher prices for Guam buyers, according to James Parks, owner of Unified Fire Power.

But price hikes do not discourage purchase.

Unified Fire Power has been seeing more clients since late last year when President Obama once again pulled the trigger on his efforts to keep gun ownership in check.

Why does Obama fear armed citizenry?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Barack Obama recently made some extraordinary statements about gun ownership that need a thorough refutation.

Not only did Obama misrepresent the very reason the Bill of Rights includes a specific protection of the unalienable right to bear arms, he also misrepresented his own personal position, which is clearly for the ban of most firearms currently owned by Americans.

Here’s what he said in Colorado last week: “The opponents of some of these common-sense laws have ginned up fears among responsible gun owners that have nothing to do with what’s being proposed, nothing to do with the facts, but feeds into this suspicion about government.


Why We Need Guns for Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You may have heard about the recent slaying of a Texas district attorney and his wife in their home. It follows the brazen daylight killing of a prosecutor in the same county, and it has everyone on edge. This is what local law enforcement is going through:

Survey Finds Law Enforcement United Against Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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These results strongly show that law enforcement officers do not support President Obama’s gun control agenda. They do, however, strongly support the Right-to-Carry by law-abiding Americans. The survey respondents are united in their desire for politicians to focus on keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill and to reject unconstitutional gun control measures that infringe on Second Amendment rights.

DC: Man Arrested At West Front [of the U.S. Capitol Building], Charged With Unregistered Firearm Possession
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Capitol Police on Sunday afternoon arrested a man and accused him of possessing unregistered guns and ammunition on Capitol grounds.
At approximately 12:48 p.m., 59-year-old Ty Carroll Mitchum of Clearwater, Fla., was apprehended at the West Front [of the Capitol] after a search of his car revealed “three firearms and several rounds of ammunition,” spokesman and Officer Shennell Antrobus said in an evening news release.
According to the release, Mitchum volunteered to officers that he had weapons in his vehicle and allowed a search. ...
Antrobus would not comment further on Sunday’s incident, specifically whether Mitchum’s behavior aroused suspicion that he intended to do real harm.

TN: Wife of deputy shot and killed in Wilson County accident -- A 4-year-old gained access to a gun at family gathering
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The wife of a Wilson County Sheriff’s Office deputy was shot to death Saturday at their Lebanon home by a 4-year-old who gained access to a gun at a family cookout, police said.
The shooting occurred while Wilson County Deputy Daniel Fanning, 51, was with another relative looking at guns in a bedroom of the home, according to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.
The 4-year-old and Josephine Fanning walked into the bedroom where a loaded weapon was on top of the bed, TBI spokeswoman Kristin Helm said. The child picked up the gun and fired one round, which killed Josephine Fanning.

CA: Oroville Business Owner Fights Back After String Of Burglaries, Catches Suspect
Submitted by: Anonymous

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After a string of burglaries at his Oroville store, a fed up business owner fought back to catch the crooks.
Darin Fowler says he camped out at his business and confronted the burglar. ...
Around 3:30 a.m. Saturday, they heard a noise.
“They were yanking units through the fence,” said Fowler of the burglar.
With a concealed weapon permit, Fowler pulled out his gun.
“As soon as he saw the gun he was very compliant,” he said.
Fowler would order — who officers identified — Dillon Masterson to the ground. He dropped to his knees, and within two minutes officers would take him into custody. ...
For Fowler, it’s a win; and despite the possible danger, he says he’d do it again.

2013 Winchester Firearm Tax Rebate
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Here is the latest promo from Winchester…. they are gonna pay the taxes for you on your next Winchester gun purchase:

NY: New Dem ad urges ‘Washington’ to follow Cuomo
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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As I reported this morning, the latest ad from the Democratic State Committee features gun control advocates James and Sarah Brady, and challenges “Washington” to follow New York’s lead on gun control. James Brady was permanently disabled by a bullet intended for President Ronald Reagan in a 1981 assassination attempt, and his name has become synonymous with gun control advocacy over the years. “Thanks to the courage of Governor Cuomo, New York State has the strongest gun law in the country,” Sarah Brady says in the ad. “We need Washington to show the same courage as New York — now.”

TX: Firearms Company Relocating To North Texas
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A firearms company that makes AR-15 style rifles for the iconic brand Colt, will open a plant in Breckenridge in Stephens County. Oregon company Bold Ideas confirmed the development Friday.
Bold Ideas goes by the name Colt Competition, making high accuracy rifles for competition shooting. ...
The move by Colt Competition into Breckenridge comes as the CEO of Colt Manufacturing in Connecticut has said there will soon be few good answers to keep his company in the state. Connecticut passed some of the nation’s most restrictive gun laws this week.

Perhaps Loki was onto something
Submitted by: John Pierce

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In the 2012 movie The Avengers, Loki threatens a crowd and makes them kneel before him as he delivers a speech about what he thinks of the human race.

“Is this not your natural state? It’s the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.”

As I was watching the movie, I was properly outraged at the character’s assertions. I remember thinking that he was going to be surprised at the fighting spirit inherent in the human race.

But as I sit here tonight watching the Democrats across the country systematically stripping away the self-defense rights of their ‘subjects’ one state at a time and being praised by their sycophants for doing so, I am made to wonder

AR-15 is front, center in NY SAFE Act debate
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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If you've seen any war movie or walked past an on-duty soldier, you've seen this rifle: an AR-15, the civilian version of the semiautomatic rifle that remains standard issue for the U.S. military. But as Kevin Zacharewicz held his AR-15 alongside other rifles in his Round Lake store, Zack's Sports, he chuckled and called it "my big bad wolf."

Innocent Victims of Gun Control: The bear attack
Submitted by: John Pierce

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A Massachusetts man is facing charges of illegal possession of a firearm and failing to secure a weapon after using a shotgun to kill a bear that began chasing him in his own backyard while he was stocking his bird feeders.

The man in question is 76 year old Richard Ahlstrand of Auburn Massachusetts and the bear was 7 feet tall and pushing 400 pounds. But despite the reasonable fear that a 76 year old man might feel in such a situation, the local prosecutors have gone after Mr. Ahlstrand with a vengeance.

As Obama presses Congress on gun controls, McConnell says he'd join GOP filibuster
Submitted by: D. Smith

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With the families of children killed in last year’s Newtown school shooting looking on, President Barack Obama on Monday made an emotional plea for Americans to urge Congress to pass new gun control measures.

As Obama was speaking -- and the crowd was chanting, "we want a vote" -- the Senate's top Republican announced he would join a GOP filibuster of gun control legislation and oppose allowing a Democratic gun control bill to come to the Senate floor for debate.

The Senate is poised to start debating and voting on gun laws as early as this week.

Gun legislation’s prospects improve
Submitted by: D. Smith

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Prospects for a bipartisan deal to expand federal background checks for gun purchases are improving with the emergence of fresh Republican support, according to top Senate aides.

The possibility that after weeks of stalled negotiations senators might be on the cusp of a breakthrough comes as President Obama and his top surrogates will begin on Monday their most aggressive push yet to rally Americans around his gun-control agenda.


FL: Burger King diner defeats would-be robber by shooting him
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A father who was trying to eat with his family at Burger King was able to defeat an armed robber by pulling his own weapon and shooting at him, Miami police said.
It was at the height of lunch time, about 1 p.m., when a would-be robber walked into a Burger King, flashed his gun at one of the family diners, and demanded the diner fork over money and valuables, police said in a CBS report. The robber was exiting when the father, who feared for his and his family’s life, CBS said, took out his own gun and shot the suspect in the leg.

PETA Plans to Fly Drones That Would 'Stalk Hunters'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is actively shopping for a drone that would "stalk hunters," the organization said Monday.
The group says it will "soon have some impressive new weapons at its disposal to combat those who gun down deer and doves" and that it is "shopping for one or more drone aircraft with which to monitor those who are out in the woods with death on their minds."
The group says it will not weaponize the drones, but will use them to film potentially illegal hunting activity and turn it over to law enforcement.

Connecticut Republicans voting for gun ban may go unpunished
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"It took years of settling for unprincipled GOP poltroons to get places like Connecticut into the sorry state they’re currently in, and now that gun owners there are reaping the results of widespread apathy and settling for the perceived 'lesser of two evils,' it’s merely a statement of fact to point out that continuing to reward people who betray you gives them absolutely no incentive to change and even less reason to respect you."

Gun Control Fight in Focus for President Obama
Submitted by: Anonymous

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With the Senate returning from a two-week recess, the Obama administration is gearing up for an all-out push this week to get lawmakers to take action on gun control.
President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Michelle Obama all have events scheduled this week to advocate for the administration's gun proposals, but even though Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., moved a comprehensive gun package to the calendar for the Senate to consider in April, it is not clear whether Republicans will let the measure come to a vote.

NJ: 'State sanctioned'
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Suppose there was a class of citizens who could be factually categorized as "state sanctioned," bona fide good guys/girls. Now suppose that the official policy of that state was to assail that group to the point where, in effect, feeling so targeted, so denigrated and then ultimately so fearful that they actually started to leave that state in droves. What kind of insanity would common sense determine such a policy to be?

NY: Assembly Members and Senators No Show at Save Long Island SAFE ACT Event
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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What happens when in the middle of the night a bill gets rushed to the NY Assembly and Senate and you awaken to find your 2nd Amendment Rights have been infringed upon? Well, most citizens want to speak to their legislators to find out why they voted or did not vote. They would like some answers; some civil conversation that doesn’t include a form letter….that’s what they want. What did they get?

Gentlemen may cry, 'peace, peace'—but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! Is life so precious, or peace so dear, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! — Patrick Henry to the Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775.

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