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MI: Local veteran encourages passing of 2A resolution
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I do not understand why Pegge Adams, who lost her re-election bid, continues to throw political punches at her successor, Commissioner David W. Martin…especially during a virus pandemic! The sour grape former Commissioner (Adams) wrote an opinion piece about how: “the right to bear arms is not God given.” Are you kidding me?

As a United States Veteran (who has been under enemy fire) and resident of this community, I feel the need to respond. The Genesee County Board of Commissioners will soon vote on a Resolution in which the Commission will go on record as supporting the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution of the United States. The Resolution does NOT support further infringement. I support this resolution.

USCCA Partners With Nine Line Apparel to Support America’s First Responders
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCCA), which represents over 325,000 members and provides firearms training and education to millions of American gun owners, announced today it is partnering with Nine Line Apparel in an effort to mass-produce American-made masks that will help protect our nation’s first responders and medical providers. Tim Schmidt, president and founder of the USCCA, will welcome Tyler Merritt, CEO of Nine Line Apparel, in a live online USCCA broadcast this Thursday night to discuss these critical efforts to help combat the coronavirus outbreak.

Below The Radar: S Res 110
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One thing to keep in mind is when you look at what has been introduced in Congress, not all of the items are legislation. Sometimes, attacks on our rights can come in other ways – even if they don’t actually infringe on our rights, they hold the potential to shift the political landscape against our rights.

Bernie Sanders Withdraws From 2020 Presidential Race
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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And while it's undeniable America is in a better place overall with an outspoken Socialist out of the presidential race, Joe Biden is hardly better. Joe, “uncomfortably close to visibly-frightened girls” Biden is a die-hard Democrat with a long history of supporting further gun control in America. And who can forget his brilliant quote suggesting Americans don't need magazine-fed rifles and instead should illegally discharge a shotgun in the air to defend their homes.

OH: Lakemore killing ruled self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Authorities ruled Wednesday that the shooting death of a man in Lakemore was self-defense after an investigation found that he had threatened to kill his roommate before he was shot.

Franklin Deem, 63, was shot during an altercation Monday afternoon. Lakemore Police Chief Ken Ray said the man who shot Deem won’t be charged.

Ray said Deem and the roommate were in a home in the 2500 block of South Street with several other people when a quarrel erupted between the two. He said the roommate tried to leave the house, but Deem followed him outside.

In times of crisis, guns pose greatest danger to their owners and family members
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun dealers have reaped significant profits from the COVID-19 crisis as frightened Americans arm themselves out of fear of their neighbors. The president has seemingly validated this paranoia by declaring gun dealers “essential businesses.” Those lining up to buy arms and ammunition no doubt believe they will use their weapons only in self-defense. The evidence says otherwise.

FL: One dead after shooting between family members in Arlington
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police say the incident at midnight, they were called out to a home in the 10100 blk of Agave Road. Upon investigating, police discovered that the shooting involved two adults in a non-romantic domestic relationship. On the scene, JSO told First Coast News that it involved two family members.

JSO said the victim threatened the suspected shooter with a knife, which then the suspect shot and killed the victim.

MA: Gun shops essential? Exposing fallacies in Constitutional argument
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Consider the claim made by the Second Amendment Foundation that “no malady, however severe, can nullify or even temporarily suspend the exercise of a constitutionally delineated fundamental right.” This claim is categorically and demonstrably false. The Supreme Court has consistently held that even the most fundamental of rights and liberties can be curtailed if the government has a sufficiently compelling interest. The right to keep and bear arms is no exception.

Here’s Where the Demand for Guns Is Soaring
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some states have seen especially big rises in demand for guns. In Rhode Island, Michigan, Arizona, and New Hampshire, the number of background checks more than doubled in a month. (Still, the number of background checks in Rhode Island was relatively small to begin with, increasing from 2,597 in February to 6,169 in March.) Illinois had the most background checks overall, with more than 600,000 each month this year so far, but didn’t see a particularly big change month over month. Texas, Florida, California, and Michigan had the biggest changes in the number of background checks between February and March.

NY: The Supreme Court is poised to extend gun rights at the worst possible time
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Meanwhile, the Supreme Court is poised to issue its first major Second Amendment opinion in more than a decade in a case that originated, fittingly, in New York City, now the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States. The case—New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. City of New York—has the potential to vastly extend the rights of gun owners, and not just in New York, but throughout the entire nation.

The Future of Hunting in America
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When I think about the future of hunting, I consider Cameron Hanes. You might think that strange, and if you don’t, you should. Hanes is a bowhunting junkie whose “Lift Run Shoot” lifestyle, as he summarizes it, has attracted a massive social media following. He crushes a couple of marathon-length runs a week. His mottos, “Keep Hammering” and “Nobody Cares, Work Harder,” appear on T-shirts gobbled up by his fans, who are mostly young men. His very manly persona has drawn many of these young men into bowhunting and all the self-improvement that comes from struggling to be a successful predator.

OR: Council tables Second Amendment resolution
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Albany City Council postponed a vote Wednesday on a proposed resolution supporting the Second Amendment.

Pitched by Councilor Mike Sykes as a "sanctuary city" for gunowners in the same line as sanctuary state designations for undocumented immigrants, the resolution was first raised in mid-February prior to the COVID-19 stay at home order.

On Wednesday, city staff read more than 30 letters from the public for 45 minutes during the remote meeting that followed social distancing standards.

PA: Montgomery mulls ‘sanctuary’ for gun owners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Montgomery Borough Council this week agreed to consider becoming a sanctuary from unconstitutional state and federal gun control laws.

Meeting via Zoom technology, council unanimously approved the drafting of a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution for review and potential action at a later date.

CO: ‘Indeed, they are coming to take your guns’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Fast forward to 2019, when we heard candidates for the Democratic nomination for president such as former Texas U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke, U.S. Sen. Cory Booker, and U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell declare their support of mandatory buyback programs for “assault weapons” — a term that Democrats still struggle to define to this day. Mandatory — meaning that if a law-abiding Coloradan decided that they wanted to keep the firearms they owned, police could come to their door to confiscate them forcibly.

GA: I Thought Georgia Was A Free State? Time for Constitutional Carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So now you get the idea. Georgia requires its law-abiding citizens to have a Weapons Carry License, which is issued by your respective county probate court. As of March 14, 2020, the probate courts have suspended most operations, including weapons licensing. That emergency order has now been extended by Governor Kemp to at least May 13, 2020, as of Tuesday, April 7, 2020. Because Georgia does not provide for the option of openly carrying a sidearm without that weapons carry license, well pardner, you're just plain old s**t out of luck.

MD: Local Democratic Elected Official Explains Signing Of Letter Calling For Gun Store Closures During COVID-19 Pandemic
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One of the Democratic legislators who signed a letter sent to Governor Larry Hogan asking that he order gun stores to close during the coronavirus pandemic is Frederick County Delegate Karen Lewis Young. She says allowing these stores to stay open is not necessary when the state is facing this type of an emergency. “There’s been stories of long lines at gun shops. And that’s just not safe now,” she says. “I don’t see that gun stores are necessarily an essential business>”

Girl Scout Councils Offer Gun-Safety and Marksmanship Training
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The River Oaks Firearms Training Center, in Winton, Calif., gives more people firearms training than any other range in the Golden State. Recently, its training included over 100 Girl Scouts from a local Girl Scout Council. The River Oaks Firearms Training Center gave them their first introduction to the shooting sports.

NRA Launches Online Gun Safety Courses for New Shooters
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In response to the growing number of first-time gun buyers during the coronavirus outbreak, the National Rifle Association's Education & Training Division is pleased to announce the launch of four new online gun safety courses.

“These courses will provide an option for first-time gun owners who don't have the ability to take an NRA certified instructor-led class at their local shooting range at this time,” said Joe DeBergalis, executive director of NRA General Operations. “While there is no replacement for in-person, instructor-led training, our new online classes do provide the basics of firearm safety training for those self-isolating at home.”

IL: Armed intruders force their way into home — but homeowner punches one out and shoots the other to death
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A doorbell video showed two men forcing their way into an Arlington Heights, Illinois, home at gunpoint Saturday, WGN-TV reported.

But like many other stupid criminals, they didn't count on the homeowner being up for several rounds of fisticuffs — or practicing the Second Amendment.

Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any colour or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction. — St. George Tucker, in his edition of 'Blackstone's Commentaries,' 1:300 (1803).

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