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Newslinks for 5/11/2004

Washington D.C.: Don't play million moms cheap
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"About 3,000 people [the numbers are starting to creep up . . .] went to the west front of the U.S. Capitol on Mothers' Day to call for Congress to renew a decade-old federal ban on assault weapons set to expire Sept. 13."

"While it was a small crowd, don't underestimate the commitment of gun control activists." . . .

"Sunday's marchers listened to speakers, including the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr., and sang the civil rights movement anthem, 'We Shall Overcome.' Jackson bussed members of his Rainbow/PUSH Coalition to Washington. Semi-automatic weapons are not for marksmen, he said. 'These guns are for those who spray and kill en masse.'"

So that's how they boosted their numbers, they bussed in professional protesters.

Gun Control Rally Fails to Draw Large Crowd
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A crowd in the hundreds gathers for the Million Moms March on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol. The turnout was far smaller than the tens of thousands who showed up for the first Million Moms March, four years ago. Organizers downplayed the small size of the crowd -- but they acknowledged these are tough times for gun control. ..."

Attendance Down for Anti-Gun Million Mom March
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It was business as usual in the nation's capital on Sunday despite the presence of the anti-gun Million Mom March, which drew only 2,000 people, a fraction of the number expected to attend."

"The rally was billed as the kickoff to the 'Halt the Assault' tour, a nationwide campaign to renew the so-called 'assault weapons' ban, which expires in September." ...

"While organizers of the Million Mom March said the crowd numbers alone shouldn't be used to judge the importance of their campaign, critics thought otherwise."

Weapons of mass possession
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Kelly Champlin grew up so opposed to guns that when her new husband, a Marine, wanted to bring a shotgun into their home, she told him, 'Over my dead body.' "

"But after her husband brought her to a shooting range, Champlin changed her mind. She found she loved shooting. 'I was hooked,' she says." ...

"Champlin is one of an estimated 11 million to 17 million women in America who own guns--a number that could be on the rise, as more women than ever are taking up target shooting and hunting."

The Culture of Violence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"There are many reasons for these self inflicted wounds: deteriorating family values, the failure of government housing programs, overcrowding in poor urban centers, underfunded public schools, and an inner-city subculture that glorifies violence and misogyny and derides conventional family values. One thing is clear: This must change."

"So how does the liberal establishment and our civil rights leaders respond to the violence that is destroying our communities? Often they blame the guns. Sometimes they blame the gun manufacturers. Rarely though, do they blame the ones pulling the trigger."

Bill to Ban High-Powered Rifles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill introduced in Congress by U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) would ban the commercial sale of .50-caliber rifles. The high-powered guns are capable of blasting a hole through the metal skins of trains or airplanes." [KABA NOTE: So can a .308 and a .223. Are they next?]

"In introducing the bill, Moran said terrorists could easily obtain the rifles and do major damage. The U.S. Army classifies use of the weapons for attacking tanks and other heavy-armor targets. 'These are weapons of war' that could cause a 'massive catastrophe,' Moran said." . . . [KABA NOTE: HORSEFEATHERS! See .50 Caliber Liars]

"The NRA is opposed to the bill, saying the guns are used for hunting big game and in marksmanship competitions."

AR: Armed intruder fought off by armed residents pays the inevitable price of violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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[Original headline Gunbattle Erupts At Lavaca Home]

"A shootout at a residence Sunday night left one person dead and one injured, police said."

"The incident occurred at a residence in the 1800 block of Holt Street sometime between 9 and 9:30 p.m., authorities said. When first responders arrived at the scene, they found a man dead and a woman injured, Lavaca Police Chief Randy Dean said." . . .

"Witnesses told police an armed man forced entry through the back of the house, which was occupied by four people, and an exchange of gunfire followed, Dean said. The man who was killed was identified as the man who broke into the residence."

URGENT!! CNN web poll online now!
Submitted by: Anonymous

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CNN has a web poll asking respondents whether or not they want Clinton "Assault weapon" ban renewed.

This link takes you to a story on the attempted "million mom march" and a "QuickVote" poll. Currently, of course, the poll is pointing in the direction you'd expect from people who read CNN.

AR: Armed ex-boyfriend breaks in and is killed by armed residents (Another report)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One person is dead and one is injured after a Sunday night shootout."

"The man who forced his way into the home, Billy Bowen, was killed during a shootout with people inside the home. A woman was injured during the melee."

"Billy Bowen was upset with his ex-girlfriend when he forced his way into her family’s home and began shooting with a semi-automatic rifle."

"What Bowen didn’t know, according to authorities, is that some family members inside the home were armed with guns."

"Bowen shot his ex-girlfriend’s grandmother during the rampage. Cpt. William Hollenbeck said Bowen then aimed the gun at his ex-girlfriend’s nephew. However, the ex-girlfriend reacted first and shot Bowen with her own gun."

"Bowen later died."

Israel: Armed Israeli Civilians Help Curb Terror Damage
Submitted by: Sidmystic

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"Israeli civilians who carry their own guns are helping to curb the damage that terrorists can inflict by being able to deal immediately with a terrorist situation, an Israeli security official said." ...

" 'Armed civilians at the scene of terror attacks prevent further damage,' said Israel police spokesman Gil Kleiman."

" '[We've] seen it time and time again,' Kleiman said. 'Armed civilians who are well-trained [can] save people's lives.... If there isn't a policeman [on the scene], civilians can deal immediately with a terrorist situation.' "

I would take exception with most of their ownership laws, but clearly Israel understands the value of an armed citizenry. Will America ever see such a value in its own citizens?

OH: Cincy Biggs mega-grocery removes signs; great shopping alternative to Kroger!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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For those former Kroger customers in Cincinnati who are searching for a new place to purchase food for your family, Biggs Eastgate has removed signs barring CHL-holders. They now join Walmart SuperCenters, Meijer's and a long list of other Cincinnati-area grocers that do not discriminate against people who choose to bear arms for self-defense.

From: Chris J. Dever
Subject: Conceal Carry

Thank you for your insight surrounding the carry conceal law that recently passed.

. . . . We have removed the signs from the front of the store. If there is anything else I can help you with please let me know.


Chris Dever
Store Manager
Bigg's Eastgate

Nigeria: Robbers Raid Lekki
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Armed bandits raided Lekki Peninsula and its environs recently, attacking residents and causing confusion in the area."

"The hoodlums who started their operation in the afternoon reportedly snatched two exotic cars and escaped through the expressroad."

"Attempts by policemen at Ajah Police Station to stop the bandits ended in a shootout with the robbers during which one of the policemen was seriously injured."

"Police sources said the attacks took everybody in the area, including policemen, by surprise."

"It would be recalled that armed hoodlums, last week, snatched two white jeeps in the same area, killed a policeman and took away his AK 47 rifle."

They can't even protect themselves and retain their weapons, but you are supposed to rely on them to protect you!

IL: Daley Warns Against Gun Laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Mayor Daley says last Thursday’s fatal shooting near Wrigley Field shows why more gun control measures are needed, and why laws allowing more weapons on the street should be defeated."

Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country, and yet, shootings continue in the Windy City. Guns are outlawed in Britain, and yet, criminals rule the streets. Daley needs to wake up.

Kosovo: German troops 'hid like rabbits' during rioting according to German Police report
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"German troops serving with the KFOR international peacekeeping contingent in Kosovo have been accused of hiding in barracks 'like frightened rabbits' during the interethnic rioting that erupted in the province in March."

"A hard-hitting German police report sent to the Berlin government last week criticizes the troops for cowardice and for their failure to quell the rioting in which 19 people died and about 900 others were injured."

"The charges -- the most serious made against the German army since World War II -- have been levelled by police officers serving with the United Nations civil administration in Kosovo."

But according to Sarah Brady and her ilk, we should all disarm and place our lives in the hands of soldiers and cops!

IL: Primedia Outdoors Editor's Roundtable, Day Five: Kimber, Winchester Ammunition, and Leupold
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New firearms, ammunition, optics, gizmos and gadgets are all apart of the Primedia Outdoors Editor's Roundtable. Designed for the editors and writers, the Editor's Roundtable is held twice a year and provides magazine and television staffs an inside and hands on look at different products and gadgets."

"Day five at last. Or at least that's how some of the writers and editors must have felt on the final day of presentations for the Primedia Outdoors Editor's Roundtable. The theme of the last day could be described as 'quick and to the point,' as the manufacturers scheduled to present, Kimber, Winchester Ammunition, and Leupold could sense the 'brain-to-mush' phenomenon that was taking place in the S&W Hall at PASA Park."

South Africa: Gang boss jailed for life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mpumalanga gang leader Thabo Khoza was jailed for life on Monday for killing a neighbour who refused to pay a fee for living on the same block as the gangster."

"Khoza will also appear in court for the stabbing dead teacher Enoch Maphanga last year." ...

"Maphanga, who taught at Vulamasango primary school, was cornered outside a KaNyamazane tavern after criticising Khoza's behaviour." ...

"He was slashed and stabbed with a knife, while a woman held [government disarmed] bystanders at bay with a 9mm pistol."

The final blow was when Maphanga was stabbed through the eye.

On July 26 last year, fed-up [government disarmed] residents stoned to death one of Khoza's gang members, Kenneth Magagula, to avenge the teacher's murder.

Australia: Killers turn deaf ears to family plea
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE brother of a murdered lawyer yesterday begged three cold-blooded killers for one act of mercy."

"Eyes filling with tears, Lyle Allan called on the killers to tell him where they had dumped his brother Keith's body."

"For ordering the murder -- to cover up stealing nearly $500,000 from the law firm's trust account -- Clarke was jailed for a minimum of 25 years."

"Cavkic was sentenced to a minimum 23 years and a maximum 27."

"Justice Cummins said Cavkic was a contract killer who had killed Mr Allan after Athanasi had paid him in cash."

"...Police also found a loaded Russian Tokarev self-loading pistol falling out of Cavkic's underwear."

But Australia has very strict gun control! How is it possible that a disarmed man has to beg for a last act of mercy from armed thugs?

UK: Drama triggered by sniper youths armed with a pellet gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Armed police swooped on a Warwickshire town after reports of teenagers firing an air pistol from a multi-storey car park."

"The firearms officers were called after reports of three youths, aged about 15, firing pellets from the first floor of the Covent Garden Car Park."

"Cathy Ward, spokeswoman for Warwickshire Police, said: 'We got reports that pellets were being fired at cars in the street, a busy street both for shoppers and for people going out at that time of the evening.' "

"Armed officers were sent to the scene and the road was closed while a thorough search was carried out in the immediate area."

"Several youths were stopped and searched but no firearms were found and no arrests were made."

NY: Yassky, Moskowitz, Vann Unveil Bill to Make Gun Manufacturers, Dealers Pay for Deadly Selling Practices (Press Release)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Council Members David Yassky (D-Brooklyn), Eva Moskowitz (D-Manhattan) and Albert Vann (D-Brooklyn) unveiled bold legislation today aimed at stopping the flow of illegal guns into New York. Their 'Gun Industry Responsibility Act' (GIRA) would make firearms manufacturers and dealers liable for reckless selling practices that put guns in the hands of criminals."

"Under the GIRA, any victim of gun violence in New York State who is injured or killed by an illegal gun could sue the gun's manufacturer or dealer. Both manufacturers and dealers could exempt themselves from liability, however, by meeting a code of responsible conduct designed to prevent illegal gun trafficking."

Aaron Russo's website shut down for spamming?
Submitted by: TriggerFinger

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"There have been reports that Aaron Russo, one of the most prominent Libertarian candidates for President, has sent out spam for his campaign. I didn't get it myself, but it was posted to one of the most popular anti-spam mailing lists. This is a great way to alienate a lot of technically-inclined voters... and probably explains why his website is currently offline, in case you were wondering."

NOTE: I have gotten a great deal of unsolicited email from every source imaginable. But I have never gotten anything unsolicited from the Russo campaign.

Nicki Fellenzer
Newslinks Director

FL: Buyback takes 68 guns off streets, allowing BGs opportunity to get rid of a gun with a body on it
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Darlene had no problem parting with one of her father's possessions Sunday."

"She hardly considered the .38 caliber revolver an heirloom."

"She found the gun four years ago while cleaning out her parents' home after they died."

" 'I've hung on to this thing for a long time,' she said. 'I didn't want to sell it because whoever buys it may try to kill somebody with it.' "

"So, she turned the weapon over to police on the last day of the Bradenton Police Department's gun buyback program."

"Bradenton Police officers collected 68 firearms this weekend. In exchange for the weapons, they handed out gift certificates to Beall's and Albertsons during the past three days."

Allowing thugs to dump a gun and get a gift card! What a deal!

IN: At least one Sheriff's Department has the right idea as they offer firearms class
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Boone County Sheriff's Department will offer a 16-hour introduction to the defensive pistol course to qualified applicants Saturday and Sunday.

The course, for novice or experienced firearms owners, will be at the Boone County sheriff's firearms range in Lebanon.

Instruction will be about mind-set, gun handling and marksmanship.

Requirements include either a valid Indiana firearms permit or criminal history report, eye and hearing protection, a suitable pistol, about 400 rounds of ammunition and tuition of $150.

For more information, call Capt. Ken Campbell at (765) 483-3359.

The Election Is Kerry's To Lose (Zogby poll)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"I have made a career of taking bungee jumps in my election calls. Sometimes I haven't had a helmet and I have gotten a little scratched. But here is my jump for 2004: John Kerry will win the election."

DC: Police response to 911s slowing
Submitted by: Doug

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Metropolitan Police officers took more than a minute longer to respond to emergency calls last year than they did in 2002, according to recent police department statistics.

department's fiscal 2005 budget performance report, show that the average response time for the highest-priority calls — Priority 1 — was 8 minutes, 25 seconds in fiscal 2003, up from 7 minutes, 19 seconds in fiscal 2002 and 7 minutes, 47 seconds in fiscal 2001.

Eight minutes to get to me in a life threatening situation? Yeah, right, I want to rely on the police for protection.

Ganging up on the People (Blog)
Submitted by: TriggerFinger

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"The two-party system ensures that no single party can remain in power without a strong challenger because it's opponents are fragmented between several other parties. It acts to mute dissent and provides the illusion of broad consensus around the party positions. But increasingly, the two-party system is providing another illusion: an illusion of conflict."

NY: Lawsuit faults gun records' cost, use
Submitted by: Joe Eldred

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"A state system requiring the ballistics “fingerprinting” of new handguns sold in New York has cost taxpayers millions while doing nothing to solve crimes, a federal lawsuit contends."

"The lawsuit challenges the state CoBIS, or Combined Ballistic Identification System, which requires that most new handguns sold in the state be test fired so the state can file specific ballistics information into a database. CoBIS has cost the state more than $12 million and 'since inception, not one crime has been solved using the system,' the lawsuit alleges."

"The lawsuit, filed in late April in U.S. District Court, also seeks to overturn a law placing restrictions on firearms sales at gun shows."

CA: Extend assault weapons ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"WE support the extension of the federal assault weapons ban. We join California's senior Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Sens. John Warner (R-VA) and Charles Schumer (D-NY), who have introduced a 10-year extension of the federal assault weapons ban, set to expire Sept. 13 unless Congress and the president act."

"An Annenberg election survey released at the end of April reported an overwhelming majority of those polled (gun owners and non-gun owners alike) support reauthorization of the ban. So do civic leaders and law enforcement."

"Virtually every national health and child advocacy group also supports the Assault Weapons Reauthorization Act of 2004."

Too bad there are no actual facts to support such an extension, and the emotional calls for an extension are just that - vacuous boo-hooing.

UK: Gangsters threaten actress
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"GANGLAND hitmen have issued a chilling threat to TV beauty Jennifer Ellison warning her: 'You're next.' "

"The actress and singer has become the latest target in a five-year underworld feud."

"Details of the latest plot to kill Richardson and Ellison were revealed to the Sunday Mirror by a source close to one of the hitmen involved in the execution of Richardson's pal Craig Barker."

"Richardson's younger brother was shot in the back in the same attack. The driver of the vehicle was critically injured."

"The gangster told our source that whoever targets Richardson will get a £10,000 'bonus' for killing or maiming any friends and family caught in the cross-fire."

But if Ellison tries to carry a gun for defense she'll be jailed. Luckily for her she's one of the "elite" and can afford an armed bodyguard. But what about the rest of the disarmed public?

Australia: Victim may be gangland kill No.24
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MAN shot and dumped in a Melbourne street could be the 24th victim of Melbourne's underworld killings with detectives from the Purana gangland taskforce called in to investigate."

"The 40-year-old, whose body was found on Saturday night, was killed and then dumped in Brunswick."

"The man is said to have been a close associate of underworld figure Mick Gatto, 48, who was recently charged with the murder of Andrew 'Benji' Veniamin, the bodyguard to alleged crime figure Carl Williams."

"Gatto claims to have acted in self defence."

"The latest casualty, whose name has not been released, is thought to be the 24th victim in a battle that began six years ago between factions of Melbourne's underworld."

Australia: Parker poses a perfect possible - twice
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Highlanders Hunting and Target Club conducted a three event centrefire rifle shoot at Tenterfield rifle range on Saturday."

"The scope-sighted target event was a hotly contested struggle between Neil Parker and Paul Ward with each scoring a possible in the first round."

"This was the first time any member has achieved this feat in a club event."

"The second round saw Parker again scoring a possible with the final placings being Neil Parker 50.10 - 50. 10 from Paul Ward 50.10 - 50.8 and Lindsay Ross third with 50.7 - 50.7."

"Junior Kurtis Parker showed that he is capable of keeping the pressure on his dad Neil when he recorded a personal best of 50.5 - 50.6."

VA: Hopewell police promote gun safety
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The same day Hopewell police reported that a child brought a loaded weapon into one of the city's schools, the department announced it would be participating in a firearm safety program." ...

"At Carter G. Woodson such safety measures include a School Resource Officer and metal detecting wand. Odom said there is a possibility that cameras will be installed if funding becomes available. He said the number one safety feature is the high level of vigilance in the students, staff and administrators."

Does anyone remember when a "safety program" implied teaching children about firearms safety, not strip searching them when they walk into a school?

LA: Senate rejects gun ban for domestic violence offenders
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Senate turned away an effort Monday to restrict firearm possession by those guilty of domestic violence, effectively killing a bill after fears were raised that it would restrict gun rights."

"It is already a federal crime to own a gun if convicted of domestic violence. But federal authorities rarely pursue such cases, said the author of Senate Bill 470, Sen. Jay Dardenne, R-Baton Rouge. And local police won't make arrests for federal crimes." ...

"He assured his Senate colleagues he had been careful to get the NRA's approval, and that the bill was not an expansion of current restrictions, but simply entered into state law an existing federal statute."

New Zealand: Shooting Highlights Need For Gun Safety
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police say the fatal shooting of a 12-year-old boy in the Waikato on Sunday is reinforcing the need to store guns carefully."

"They are currently investigating what seems to be the accidental shooting of Cecil Mahara in his family home in Hoe-O-Tainui."

"He died on Sunday night from gun-shot wounds to his chest."

"Waikato gun club president Peter Krippner says there are precise laws in place to prevent children getting easy access to guns."

Former DEA agent speaks
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Castillo told the audience of about 30 he comes from a family of war veterans."

"He fought in Vietnam, where he saw drug addiction among his fellow soldiers and vowed to become a DEA agent, Castillo said."

"But his 13 years with the agency changed the course of his life. While working as lead agent in Guatemala, he discovered and documented what he described Saturday as the American government's direct involvement with cocaine trafficking, Castillo said."

"He said he also saw numerous human rights violations, many connected with death squads trained by Americans."

CA: Are gun show signs posted in S.J. legal? (Q&A)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In April, there was a gun show at the Santa Clara County fairground sponsored by TS Gun Shows of Willows." ...

"I have noticed the signs on poles in the parking lots of Denny's and 7-Elevens and doubt they were placed there with the permission of the owners."

"This is an ongoing situation, as the signs appear prior to every gun show sponsored by this company."

"Would you please explain the legality of this, and what, if any, action can be taken by individuals to eliminate this blight on our streets?"

Canada: Grits aim to fix gun registry
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Liberal government is considering four main proposals to fix the $1-billion gun registry -- including reducing or eliminating user fees, extending the renewal period to register guns to 10 years and handing over management of the registry to the RCMP."

"It is also considering changes to the firearms registry that will address the needs of long gun owners, such as farmers, hunters, fishermen and aboriginals."

UK: Gun scare as officers told about 'weapon'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A MAN was spreadeagled on the ground in a police firarms operation after a friend mistakenly told officers he was carrying a gun."

"Police launched a full-scale armed response, with two vehicles carrying guns sent to intercept the man and the force helicopter scrambled."

"They were responding to a 999 call from a concerned resident in Carr Road, Deepcar, who told them he had seen a man carrying a gun."

"Officers located the suspect, who was ordered to the ground before the gun was seized."

"It turned out the suspect was a friend of the caller, who had visited his house to ask he could mend a broken 'BB' gun..."

This is what happens when you indoctrinate an entire nation into a hoplophobic agenda.

Presidential Candidates on Amazon
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" takes the friction out of grass roots contributions to presidential candidates. A 1-Click payment is the easiest way to make a contribution -- from $5 to $200." ...

"You read the nonpartisan listings we provide and you decide which candidates to support, if any. We just make it easy."

You can take a look to see who is running and how much money they have raked in on Amazon's website. And you can examine each candidate's platform and biography as well.

CA: Ex-San Bernardino sheriff took 523 guns from department, DA says
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A former San Bernardino County sheriff pleaded guilty Monday to four felonies after an investigation that concluded he took hundreds of guns from the department's property division during his eight-year term."

"Investigators found that Floyd Tidwell, sheriff from 1982 to 1990, took at least 523 guns from the department, including confiscated weapons that should have been returned to their owner or illegal firearms that should have been destroyed, said Assistant District Attorney Michael Risley." ...

"Tidwell used to go through the property division periodically, as if shopping, to take his pick of weapons."

OH: Crain's Cleveland Business publishes OFCC response to 'business scare' letter
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Lori O'Neill has been claiming that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has some bearing over concealed carry for more than a year. But careful readers will note that she never mentions actually calling OSHA for their opinion on the issue." ...

"Jeff Lewis, Safety and Occupational Health Manager, of Region 6 of OSHA, has told Ohioans For Concealed Carry that OSHA has no policy or the authority to regulate firearms in the workplace. ..."

"Before creating policies which would render employees defenseless on the trip to and from work, why not ask other states if allowing employees to keep their firearms on their person at work, or in their personal vehicles on company property, has created problems. O'Neill hasn't, but we have."

MD: Brazen robbers open fire at officer despite stringent gun control laws in Maryland
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police in Prince George's County say a brazen daylight robbery in Suitland may be linked to others in the area.

Three men with assault rifles and shotguns robbed the Chevy Chase Bank at 3601 Saint Barnabus Road.

They hit around noon when the bank was busy with lunch-hour customers.

When a Prince George's County police officer pulled up to the scene, the robbers started shooting, hitting the police car twice and shattering the back window of a Lexus that was parked at the bank.

Nobody was hurt in the shooting.

The robbers used a getaway van that was later found burned in Southeast Washington.

Police said Monday's robbery may be linked to at least two others in the area in which the robbers had automatic weapons, black ski masks, and escaped in a stolen van.

Poland: Thousands protest police shooting
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"THE Polish government said today a second person died after being hit by a police bullet during weekend clashes in the central Polish city of Lodz, as more than 3000 people staged a protest in the city against the death of a teenager in the unrest."

"The 23-year-old woman died of her injuries ..."

"Police admitted they had fired guns mistakenly loaded with live bullets instead of rubber bullets when clashes broke out between students and soccer hooligans in a student district of Lodz, Poland's second city with about one million inhabitants."

CA: Calif. Survey Says One in Five Teens Live with Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A survey by the University of California at Los Angeles finds that nearly 20 percent of 5,801 California adolescents polled live in homes were firearms are present, the Health Behavior News Service reported April 29.

According to the survey, white, male Americans ages 14 to 17 living in higher-income or rural households were the most likely to live in homes where guns were present. The most common guns found in households were rifles, followed by handguns.

However, the poll also found that only 3 percent of adolescents have their own gun. These teens were generally from lower-income homes or teens that had jobs.

Allowing riflery training while decrying gun violence doesn't send a mixed message any more than does supporting a wrestling team while opposing schoolyard brawls. — CHICAGO TRIBUNE

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