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Newslinks for 5/12/2002

Press coverage of implanted chips distorted?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Tien is speaking out because he believes the media are doing a poor job of reporting the threats that the chip can propose to individual rights, as well as the technical security weaknesses inherent in the Digital Angel technology delivery system."

"The media give an obligatory nod to civil liberties and privacy issues," Tien explains, "but the reports lack objective, educated analysis, resulting in them being 'one-sided.' There are few reporters interested in ... the real problems."

NJ: Group To Inform Drivers Of Rights In Searches
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The Black Ministers Council of New Jersey today announced a campaign to inform minority drivers that they have a right to refuse to submit to so-called automobile consent searches, which have been the focus of the fight over racial profiling. The ministers said at a State House news conference that they would begin their "Just Say No" campaign next week, in messages to minority churches and the news media."

--But of course this applies to the rest of us also.

CA: Affidavit outlines accusations against Sacramento officer
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A Sacramento police officer charged with multiple sexual assaults raped a 16-year-old girl in the back seat of his patrol car before taking her to Juvenile Hall, where he assaulted her again, according to a court affidavit..."

"The document provided details of the accusations made by the girl and five other women against Officer Darryl George Rosen, 26, who faces 17 felony and misdemeanor charges that include rape, sexual battery, assault by a public officer and false imprisonment."

A false sense of (homeland) security
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Had you attended the Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on homeland security the other day, you probably wouldn't have felt too secure."

"When Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama expressed concern that about 150 workers at airports had been arrested for fraudulent possession of badges enabling them to gain entry to supposedly secure areas, Mr. Mineta said the arrests only demonstrated the effectiveness of "aggressive oversight" on the part of enforcement officials."

Are Parents Boycotting Public Schools?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Take your children out of public schools."

"That's what James Dobson, founder of the conservative Christian organization Focus on the Family, told more than five million American listeners in a March 28 broadcast of his daily radio show. "In the state of California ... I wouldn't put [a] youngster in a public school," Dobson bluntly stated.

"His words sparked a campaign that reveals the extent of parental discontent with public schools."

Does the Second Amendment protect individuals' rights?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Obviously, you know what the answer is. But if you are so inclined, you can cast your vote and VOTE.COM will send it to Congress and the Justice Department.

YES - "The decision to officially recognize a citizen's right to bear arms is long overdue."

NO - "This misinterprets the Constitution; the Second Amendment refers to militias, not individuals."

Europe: Hidden cameras to monitor aircraft passengers
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Airbus, the European jet manufacturer, is planning to build concealed cameras into the light fittings above the seats in its aircraft. The idea is to let the crew monitor passengers and spot hijackers before they strike. The cameras also work in the dark. The move is part of an attempt to reassure people who have been frightened off flying since the 11 September attacks."

Argentina: Weapon sales rise with spike in crime
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Argentina, once one of the safest countries in Latin America, is gripped by crime, and many Argentines are responding by buying guns for self-defense."

"People blame the crime wave on a variety of reasons: economic problems, rampant drug use and corruption in the police force."

First Humans to Receive ID Chips
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Eight people will be injected with silicon chips Friday (May 10), making them scannable just like a jar of peanut butter in the supermarket."

"Applied Digital Solutions, Inc., the maker of what it calls the VeriChip, says that it will soon have a prototype of a much more complex device, one that is able to receive GPS satellite signals and transmit a person's location."

"It's a prospect deeply unsettling to privacy advocates, no matter how voluntary the process may initially appear."

NPR Radio: The 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Guest host Steve Inskeep explores the legal scholarship and White House policy on the Second Amendment."
Nina Totenberg * NPR Legal Affairs Correspondent
Akhil Amar * Constitutional Law Professor at Yale
Eugene Volokh * Law Professor at UCLA (teaches free speech law, copyright law, the law of government and religion)
Matt Nosanchuk * Litigation Director, Violence Policy Center
Trish Gregory * Spokesperson, National Rifle Association
Direct link to RAM file (Requires RealPlayer)

Rancher Wins Fight for Land Rights
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Rancher Wayne Hage's decade-long struggle for his property rights resulted in a significant victory this year in the United States Court of Federal Claims. ... The potential ramifications of this decision are enormous; thousands of ranchers now have good hope for redress against harassment and abuse by federal agencies."

Schools turn to 'smart lockers' to track student activity
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The locker has long been viewed by students as their own two square feet of personal space in schools. But that may soon change. A new invention called the "smart locker" would allow principals across the country easy access to lockers and even monitor how often students use them."

"If a principal notices that a student is going in and out of his locker 18 times a day, that can raise suspicions," says Harry Popolow, senior project manager of Penco, a manufacturer of the smart lockers.

Where Is The Militia?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"During World War II, governors of east and west coast states called up the citizen-militia to deal with the threat of invasion by the Germans and Japanese. Following 9/11, the governors did nothing and the federal government created a new bureaucracy in Washington to coordinate federal police agencies."

Bush Administration's Announcement Very Timely
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"This announcement couldn't be more timely. Gun bans in Chicago, Washington DC, and other cities are leaving victims defenseless, and innocent people are dying as a result. ... Notice that a total gun ban disarmed the victim, but not the perpetrator. This is why the individual right to own guns is essential. Women such as Ronyale White of Chicago are especially at risk when they are prevented from defending their lives with firearms." -- Erich Pratt, GOA Director of Communications

Michael A. Bellesiles: Mega Anti-Gun-Nut -- Part XXXII
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"to his credit, Dr. Lane completely, and angrily, takes back his previous review. As a self-identified "card-carrying Liberal," who has spoken to Bellesiles by phone and in email, he says:

"I'm mad at the guy. He suckered me. It is entirely clear to me that he's made up a lot of these records. He's betrayed us [Liberals]. He's betrayed the cause." Dr. Lane adds: "It's 100 percent clear that the guy is a liar and a disgrace to my profession. He's breached that trust."

Become A Movie Producer - And Change America
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Your assignment: stand up in front of a crowd and present the most powerful argument for the right to keep and bear arms. Oh, and by the way... your presentation must shatter their illusions, fill their minds, awaken their souls, and leave them speechless."

"Too tough? Absolutely! I couldn't do it without a lot of help, and like you, I've been working for years on ways to explain RKBA to people."

"The Solution: Play the video."

ND: Should The State Limit Non-Resident Hunting Licenses?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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YES - "Limiting the number of non-resident hunters will provide more access for North Dakota hunters to hunt on private land at no charge."

NO - "It would be wrong to cut off a huge revenue source for many small communities simply because a sportsman organization is concerned about land access."

VOTE.COM will send your vote to Gov. Hoeven and state legislative leaders.

NJ: Pro-gun Legislator Running For Open Congressional Seat (GOA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Wouldn't it be great if the New Jersey delegation to Congress had at least one pro-gun vote? That could happen if Assemblyman Scott Garrett is successful in his race to replace retiring anti-self defense Rep. Marge Roukema. ... Garrett is the only candidate with a perfect pro-self defense voting record in Trenton. He also has an excellent chance to win..."

WV: 2002 Primary Election Candidate Survey Results (GOA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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--The results of the GOA candidate survey for West Virginia. Primary voting date: Tuesday, May 14, 2002

NE: 2002 Primary Election Candidate Survey Results (GOA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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--The results of the GOA candidate survey for Nebraska. Primary voting date: Tuesday, May 14, 2002

UK: Knifeman jailed
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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Man goes beserk with two knives, Police "armed response" unit deploys... Sidebar stories include taxi driver "jacked" at knifepoint, elderly woman mugged and beaten, a missing child...This stuff was supposed to cease when guns were banned, right?

KABA NOTE: These criminals also wouldn't be so bold if the citizens were able to defend themselves.

Hungary: Gunmen kill seven for 34,000 Euros ($31,790)
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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--Using machine guns in crime is extremely rare in the U.S. (unlike hollywood imagery), not so in Europe these days...

Lawmakers Still Prefer Snail Mail
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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"The very real threat of anthrax-laced letters hasn't changed the fact that lawmakers prefer that their constituents send them physical letters, rather than e-mail messages, according to a new study."

KABA NOTE: FAXES are also attention-getting communications. You can fax your federal and state legislators for free at Gun Owners of America's Legislative Action Center.

Doctors Divided on Guns
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"Doctors say those who question gun ownership are entering a political arena that has nothing to do with medicine. Morley Safer talks to doctors on both sides of this issue in a 60 Minutes report to be broadcast Sunday."

Also see: Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws

UK: Hero shows burglar the window
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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KABA NOTE: Home resident tackles burglar, dislocating his shoulder, and sits on him for 15 minutes waiting for police arrive.

Good thing the burglar wasn't armed or the homeowner would be dead.

Good thing the homeowner wasn't armed or the police would have arrested him as well, no doubt.

Is this any way to live?

A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie. — VLADIMIR ILYICH LENIN

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