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Newslinks for 5/12/2012

Gun Safety: Don’t Child Proof Your Guns, Gun Proof Your Children
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Firearms have been used by the human race for hundreds of years. In fact, the first 'firearm' was found in china and dated back to the 13th century… of course; it was a bit different than the guns we use today. Let’s face it: guns are part of our history and will continue to be a viable part of our world. Guns are not 'evil' or 'bad' in and of themselves, but when handled by someone without the proper training, they can be very dangerous. It’s not enough to keep your guns locked away or hidden from you family. No. It’s much more important to teach children (and adults for that matter) how to handle guns safely so that they can avoid dangerous situations and accidents." ...

BH Interview: Filmmaker Mike McNulty On Giving Voters The Fast And Furious Facts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The filmmaker behind the Oscar-nominated documentary 'Waco: The Rules of Engagement' is gearing up to shed light on Operation: Fast and Furious."

"Colo.-based Michael McNulty has been watching the media give scant attention to the scandal, one which involves U.S. letting arms cross into Mexico as part of an anti-gunning running probe and has GOP officials scrambling to get Attorney General Eric Holder to reveal all the information behind the matter.
Now, McNulty has had enough."

"The filmmaker, who won an Emmy for his 'Waco' documentary, is back behind the camera because, as he puts it, the press has failed to do its job." ...

Submitter's Note: You can do your part to get this off the ground by donating here.

How I Became A Hired Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Ten steps or so from the Vito's front door and about halfway to the car my father, so unbelievably happy, did what I could have only thought impossible if not completely and utterly improbably. He handed me the box and said 'Happy birthday, son!'"

"It was the day before my eighth birthday and I now had my own BB gun. (This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine.) It was profound on many levels. ..." ...

Forget 'gun control'; CSGV represents 'genocide enablement lobby'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Readers of this column will notice that the term 'gun control' is rarely used here, except in the ironic sense, within quotes. This is because controlling guns is only the means to an end for what is more accurately referred to as the forcible citizen disarmament lobby. The desired end is a meek, docile citizenry, not only unable to conceive of resistance against an out of control government, but utterly dependent on government for protection against any threat."

"The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) most starkly exemplifies this way of thinking, with their insistence on a 'government monopoly on force,' ..." ...

Columnist Argues “Gun Problem is a First Amendment Issue”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"John Archibald of The Birmingham News wrote a provocative article in last week’s Sunday Edition in which he argued that wanton gun violence is not a product of our right to, as he puts it, 'bear-hug' all the arms we want, but a result of a failure to communicate about important gun-related issues, mainly gun safety."

"'We need to talk about guns,' Archibald pleaded in his piece, because the 'biggest threats to the Second Amendment are not the anti-gun, tree-hugging Greenpeace hippies. The biggest threats to responsible gun owners -- and to public safety -- are idiots with guns.'" ...

Gun rights letters to editor contest winner selected
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Judges turned out to be secondary to chance in selecting today’s winner of the Gun Rights Examiner letters to the editor contest, first announced one month ago in this column. In the end, three finalists split one vote from this correspondent and one each from fellow judges, Seattle Gun Rights Examiner Dave Workman and St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner Kurt Hofmann." ...

Tacoma nightmare, Mother’s Day message, and ‘senseless gun violence’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Tacoma couple was terrorized Thursday evening by two armed home invaders about the same time that an emotional Mother's Day message from Trayvon Martin’s mom, featuring a demonstrably false statistic, was crossing the Internet, and central to both cases is the term 'senseless gun violence.'" ...

Kim Rhode Knows How to Handle Her Perazzi
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Comparing my shotgun skills to what Kim Rhode does is like comparing the fat ladies in the pool swaying to waterobics to Michael Phelps. But you don’t have to be a crack shot to appreciate what she does. Rhode won Olympic gold back in Atlanta in double trap. When the IOC scrapped that event for women after Athens she figured, what the hell, let’s try skeet . . ." ...

Red Dot Rundown: the 1st gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After waiting on some parts, the first official gun for the Red Dot Rundown test is finished and ready to hit the range for an initial sighting in session. This gun uses a number of components from aftermarket manufacturers for several reasons, not the least of which is ease of acquisition."

"There are very few parts in this gun that are stock Glock parts, most of the slide internals are OEM, and the barrel is OEM but that’s it. The only OEM frame part is the slide lock lever, which I’ll be replacing shortly with a Vickers lever because it’s just better. A quick and dirty rundown of the major bits parts of what makes this gun and why they were selected." ...

Some things I think Beretta did better than Glock
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Having run the Beretta long enough to get a feel for it I think I am in a position to offer some opinion on a few things I think Beretta executed exceptionally well as compared to the other gun I am most familiar with, a Glock 22." ...

At The Range: Reason Prevails
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's always refreshing when that happens."

"I had a lunch date with my wife this week — at the range. We both had new ammo we wanted to try out, so Colleen suggested 'Let's just take the steel. It's quicker to get set up.' (Eat your heart out boys.)" ...

Video: How To Buy A Used Pistol (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Beretta Officially Unveils the ARX-160 .22 Rifle and Pistol (VIDEO)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although we got a chance to handle Beretta's tactical and sexy black ARX-160 firearms chambered in .22 Long Rifle at SHOT Show, as it turns out, they were technically keeping them under their collective hat. The official announcement of these firearms was at the recent NRA Annual Meeting."

"Patterned off the centerfire ARX-160, the rimfire variants will have the look and feel of the real thing even though they shoot the smaller cartridge. The ARX-160 .22 rifle will come with a standard ARX folding buttstock and 16-inch barrel while the pistol will ship with an 8.5-inch barrel." ...

Buy Your Guns Now Before They're Sold Out
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun sales are currently so high that prospective gun owners might have a hard time purchasing their next dream firearm."

"Firearm stores and distributors, like Fred's Gun Emporium in Lubbock, Texas, are finding that the demand is far exceeding the supply. Rick Parrish, who works at the store, reports that people are getting on waiting lists just for a chance to get a specific gun model. A good example is the Kel-Tec PMR-3, which has been in incredibly short supply recently." ...

Winchester Offer: Save Cash, Shoot with an Olympian
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Winchester has started a promotional deal that will let gun owners save as much as $100 on ammo, as well as giving them a chance to shoot with four-time Olympic medalist Kim Rhode."

"Summer's on its way, and that means that our tea-sipping cousins across the pond will soon be hosting the London Olympic Games. Americans can look forward to days of entertainment, rampant jingoism as we rake in the medals, and Olympian Rhode shooting for the USA."

"Winchester is offering a chance for you and your favorite shooting buddy to get a marksmanship lesson from the world's number one female skeet shooter." ...

Trayvon Martin's mother in Bloomberg gun control video
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The mother of Florida shooting victim Trayvon Martin appears in a Mother's Day gun control video produced by an advocacy group led by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg." ...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Ridicule the Bastards Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Incendiary Image of the Day: Trayvon Martin Shooting Target
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Trayvon Martin gun range target—complete with Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea—is so politically incorrect it’s funny. ..."

U.S. House Oversight Committee Makes Case for Contempt of Congress in "Fast and Furious" Investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in February, U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) promised to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress if Holder didn't hand over Justice Department documents that had been subpoenaed as part of an ongoing investigation into the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives' now-infamous 'Operation Fast and Furious' gun-walking operation." ...

Sheriff Joe Should Arrest Eric Holder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sheriff Joe Arpaio should get a warrant for U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s arrest. Fast and Furious guns have been implicated in the killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry." ...

TRAITORS TO THEIR OATHS. "Democrats’ Support for Holder Collapsing" but GOP leadership Gang of Three rides to Holder's rescue. So what are YOU going to do about it?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With a bit of hyperbole, Newswmax reports that Dem support for the principal Gunwalker at DOJ is 'collapsing' when maybe it is just cracking the facade a bit."

"David Codrea, however, draws our attention to this Politico story entitled 'GOP leaders go slow on Eric Holder contempt vote.'"

"I seem to recall my being vilified for running stories early on that Boehner and his GOP 'leadership' were trying to help the Gunwalker Conspiracy by roadblocking the investigation. They denied it then. Now, they are hiding." ...

CBS News: 'Most open and transparent administration in history' returns blank pages as answer to "Fast & Furious" FOIA request
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"CBS News, which for more than a year has been investigating the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms' 'Fast and Furious' operation and related cases that also employed the controversial tactic of 'gunwalking,' reported recently that after repeated refusals by Justice Department officials to grant interviews, the news agency has finally received a 'partial response' to a Freedom of Information Act request made more than a year ago." ...

Nebraska GOP Senate race turns toward Fast and Furious over frontrunner’s support of Holder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nebraska’s GOP Senate primary frontrunner Jon Bruning supported Attorney General Eric Holder’s nomination and confirmation back in 2009. Bruning, Nebraska’s current attorney general, was one of a group of Republican state attorneys general who pushed to get Holder confirmed at the beginning of the Obama administration."

"Bruning and his campaign remain mum when consistently asked if he continues to support Holder as attorney general in the wake of Operation Fast and Furious, especially with Holder’s demonstrable failure to comply with a lawfully issued congressional subpoena. For more than two months, Bruning’s campaign hasn’t returned The Daily Caller’s requests for comment on the issue. ..." ...

VA: Radtke questions NRA endorsement of Allen
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Senate candidate Jamie Radtke has questioned the National Rifle Association’s endorsement of former senator and Governor George Allen."

"'I know all too many gun enthusiasts who would dispute this endorsement,' Radtke told the Richmond Republican Examiner."

"This Thursday the NRA endorsed Allen for the U.S. Senate citing his 'stellar record of defending the Second Amendment' and protecting the Constitutional right to bear arms."

"Radtke disputes this saying she has been to numerous gun shows all over the Commonwealth and the sentiment is overwhelming: 'we don’t need six more years of George Allen.'" ...

OK: Senate advances measures to bolster Second Amendment rights of Oklahomans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The full Senate this week advanced two measures to strengthen the Second Amendment rights of Oklahomans. The proposals now await the Governor’s signature."

"Senate Bill 1733, by State Sen. Anthony Sykes and State Rep. Jeff Hickman, would allow citizens licensed to carry a firearm under the Oklahoma Self Defense Act to carry their weapon openly or concealed. SB 1733 passed the Senate Thursday." ...

OK: Lawmaker: Open carry could confuse cops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The governor's signature is all that is needed for Oklahomans to be able to openly carry their guns."

"An open carry bill is headed to Gov. Mary Fallin's desk, but some people still have big concerns. Those in favor of the bill say it has a lot of safeguards."

"... One lawmaker, however, said the law will cause problems for cops."

"'I truly believe in Second Amendment rights,' said Sen. Al McCaffery."

"McCaffery, a former cop and Marine, said he is no stranger to guns and he supports the right to bear arms. However, McCaffery said he also has deep concerns about how the open carry law, passed in the legislature and headed to Fallin's desk, could affect how police do their job." ...

OK: Newberry praises passage of open carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Dan Newberry on Thursday praised his Senate colleagues following the passage of open carry legislation. Senate Bill 1733 allows citizens licensed to carry a firearm under the Oklahoma Self Defense Act to carry their weapon openly or concealed."

"Passing by a vote of 33-10, the measure now advances to the desk of the Governor."

“'The Senate this year has advanced a number of bills protecting the Second Amendment rights of Oklahomans, none more important than the open-carry proposal,' said Newberry, R-Tulsa. 'The right to defend ourselves is inalienable, and as an elected official I will always do everything in my power to uphold it. ...'" ...

D.C.’s mayor holds up gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Washington gun owners’ rights are, once again, getting blown off by city leaders. While the city council voted unanimously on April 17 in favor of a bill to ease restrictions on Second Amendment rights, Mayor Vincent Gray has not signed the bill into law."

"The mayor’s spokesman, Pedro Ribeiro, has not responded to my repeated requests for an explanation. The council’s website shows the legislation had not been updated since it passed."

"But on Friday, the bill suddenly appeared as having been transmitted for mayoral review on Wednesday. Members of the council had expected the mayor to sign the bill within days of passage." ...

OK: State voters evenly split on open carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oklahomans remain evenly divided about whether civilians should be able to carry openly displayed sidearms, an Oklahoma Poll conducted in the past week has found."

"Forty-six percent of the 504 likely voters surveyed May 6-10 supported open carry, with 42 percent opposing it."

"The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 4.4 percentage points." ...

IA: Governor Branstad recinds lead ammo ban
Submitted by: Sean McClanahan

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"In a surprise move, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad signed an Executive Order this morning that rescinds the ban on traditional lead ammunition for Iowa's new dove hunting season. The order was signed shortly before 8:30 AM during a press conference in the Governor's formal office at the Capitol. Several legislators were present, as well as members of the hunting and gun rights community." ...

Australia: Ammo opened up to family, staff
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The family and staff of licensed gun owners will be able to buy bullets under a new state government regulation."

"The NSW government introduced the regulation yesterday to appease its National Party members who have complained about a new bill restricting ammunition sales to licensed gun owners."

"The new Firearms Amendment (Ammunition Control) Bill 2012, which passed through the upper house of Parliament last night, tightens the Firearms Act so gun owners can only buy ammunition for weapons they are licensed to own." ...

CalGuns Foundation And SAF File Suit Against San Francisco And Oakland
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The CalGuns Foundation and the Second Amendment Foundation have filed suit against California Attorney General Kamala Harris, the City and County of San Francisco, and the City of Oakland over their refusal to return lawfully-owned firearms to their rightful owners after an investigation exonerated them. The case, Churchill et al v. Harris et al, is being brought in US District Court for the North District of California. The attorneys in the case are well-known California gun rights lawyers Don Kilmer and Jason Davis.." ...

NJ: Judge rules blind Rockaway Twp. man can have guns despite concerns about drinking
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A judge today ruled that authorities must return all firearms they seized from a blind Rockaway Township man and that he can keep his firearms identification card."

"Based upon beliefs and information that Steven Hopler, 49, abuses alcohol and poses a danger to others by being a gun-owner, the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office had sought orders ... to revoke Hopler’s firearms ID card and for forfeiture of all guns in his possession."

"After hearing testimony last November and twice last month, [Judge] Manahan ruled in favor of Hopler, who went blind in 1994 from diabetes but was granted judicial permission in the 1990s to own guns and to fire them in the company of a responsible person." ...

KY: Fayette deputies face gun-theft charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Fayette County sheriff's deputies were arrested Thursday and a former deputy was cited following an investigation into missing guns."

"Sgt. Merle McDaniel, 55, Maj. Chris Tudor, 37, and former Sgt. Bill Beers, 47, were charged after an internal investigation at the Fayette County sheriff's office. The investigation revealed that guns confiscated by McDaniel and Beers had not been booked into the office's property vault." ...

DC: D.C. cop's overtime aids Lanier household income -- Couple made $400K in 2011
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier renegotiated her $253,000-a-year salary this week as the nation's fourth highest paid police administrator, one argument unavailable to her was that she is hurting for money."

"Figures released by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer show that Chief Lanier and her boyfriend, Metropolitan Police DepartmentSgt. James M. Schaefer, with whom she shares a 'principal residence' in Maryland, received more than $400,000 in salary and 'employer paid benefits' in 2011."

"Despite Chief Lanier's promise to cut police overtime pay, more than $34,000 of the couple's income came from Sgt. Schaefer's overtime pay for just the first six months of the year, according to the figures." ...

GA: Police officer investigated after allegedly kicking pregnant woman in stomach
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Jerad Wheeler, a police officer in DeKalb County Georgia, is now under investigation after a pregnant woman filed a complaint with the police department, alleging she was kicked in the stomach by Wheeler while she was five months pregnant."

"The incident occurred when Officer Wheeler responded to a call regarding a custody dispute involving her brother. When the officer tazed her brother, Raven Dozier asked the officer why her brother had been tazed. It was then that she was allegedly attacked by the officer ..." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: "Allegedly"? The thug even described the kick in his report!

MI: UPDATE: Ex-Royal Oak Police Officer Faces Child Porn Charges
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A former Royal Oak Police officer was charged with 20 counts for the alleged possession and distribution of child pornography, the state Attorney General's office announced today." ...

FL: Baby pulled off JetBlue flight for being on No Fly list
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An 18-month-old girl was pulled off a JetBlue flight before it departed Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday because airline officials thought her name was on a No Fly list."

"The child's parents, who declined to give their names, say they think their daughter Riyanna was singled out because they are of Middle Eastern descent. The mother wears a hijab, a traditional head scarf." ...

"The TSA, however, said it played no role in taking the family off the plane, other than to be called to the gate by the airline."

"'TSA did not flag this child as being on the No Fly list,' agency spokeswoman Sari Koshetz said."

"She said the TSA instead determined 'the airline had mistakenly indicated the child was on a government watch list.'" ...

GA: Outrage as police officer admits kicking nine-month pregnant woman in the stomach... and receives NO punishment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Georgia policeman has come under fire for kicking a pregnant woman so hard she was forced to have an emergency C-section."

"Raven Dozier said that when officer Jerad Wheeler came to her house to quell her brother's dispute with her mother, Wheeler used a Taser on him."

"She cried out and Wheeler pounced, kicking the nine-month pregnant woman in the stomach and charging her with obstruction." ...

"Wheeler dragged the injured pregnant woman to jail, but the guards refused to book her for obstruction, seeing her protruding stomach."

"Mrs Dozier filed a complaint with the police department, but it was never investigated, according to WSBTV, and several supervisors signed off on Wheeler's behavior."

"But WSBTV uncovered this incident was just the latest in which Wheeler used force against bystanders." ...

Germany: German police fired just 85 bullets total in 2011
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"German police officers fired a total of 85 bullets in 2011, 49 of which were warning shots, the German publication Der Spiegel reported. Officers fired 36 times at people, killing six and injuring 15. This is a slight decline from 2010, when seven people were killed and 17 injured. Ninety-six shots were fired in 2010."

"Meanwhile, in the United States, The Atlantic reported that in April, 84 shots were fired at one murder suspect in Harlem, and another 90 at an unarmed man in Los Angeles." ...

Canada: No federal help for provincial long-gun gun registries: Toews
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Canada's public safety minister has instructed the heads of the RCMP and the Canadian Firearms Program to provide 'no assistance or direction' to any province that may be undertaking measures to create a provincial long-gun registry."

"'Canadians gave our government a strong mandate to end the wasteful and ineffective long-gun registry once and for all,' Vic Toews wrote in a letter sent Tuesday to Bob Paulson, the RCMP commissioner, and Pierre Perron, director general of the Canadian Firearms Program."

"Officials with the Chief Firearms Office of the Ontario Provincial Police have previously said that the OPP will continue to maintain records of all firearms sales and who bought them." ...

Oklahoma Welcomes Out-of-State Concealed Gun Carriers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oklahoma governor Mary Fallin, a Republican and NRA member, signed a bill into law that allows residents of other states to carry concealed weapons over state lines into Sooner territory."

"This new law will benefit residents of states that do not require a concealed carry permit. Oklahoma legislators have rather politely concluded that if that's how it works in other states, then Oklahoma's willing to respect that. Of course, gun owners are still going to need to prove their residence if they want to benefit from this new law. Concealed carriers will need to keep their weapon hidden at all times and they will need to carry ID to confirm that they are a legal resident of a permit-free state." ...

WA: Change coming to Washington Concealed Pistol License
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Washington State Department of Licensing has confirmed to the Gun Rights Examiner that a change in format of the state’s Concealed Pistol License is just over the horizon, but this one will likely make gun owners happier." ...

CA: Gun Rights Activist Fires at Buy-Back Program
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun buy back events in Los Angeles endanger lives and run 'counter' to the Second Amendment right to bear arms, a man says in Federal Court."

"Bruce Boyer of the Sons of Liberty LA wants an injunction against the city for refusing to allow gun activists to protest at events around the city."

"Boyer was arrested for trespassing at a gun buy back event in Hollywood in 2010, according to his lawsuit. He says that other activists are now afraid to show up to voice their opposition for fear of arrest. The Sons of Liberty website describes Boyer as 'chief instigator' of the group. It is not clear from the website or complaint how many members belong to the group." ...

AK: Investigators unveil evidence seized in alleged Alaska militia murder plot
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The jurors who will determine the guilt or innocence of Fairbanks militia leader Schaeffer Cox and two of his lower ranking men, Coleman Barney and Lonnie Vernon, are getting a thorough look at what investigators found the day the men were taken into custody in March 2011. ..." ...

"The defendants, who are part of the sovereign citizen movement, are accused of multiple weapons crimes and with plotting to harm federal officials. None of the weapons showcased Wednesday was specifically identified as illegal to own or purchase, a point defense attorneys were quick to raise in their cross examinations. ..." ...

There are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpation. — James Madison

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