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Newslinks for 5/16/2005

John Cahill: On Target – NRA supports Filibuster Rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Some genuine conservative groups and authors have pointed out risks involved with changes in the filibuster rule. George Will, the Gun Owners of America, and CATO author David Boaz, have offered facts and opinions that the filibuster should not be changed. The GOA cited history that the filibuster has been used by them to stop anti-gun rights legislation. So, Republicans have been assuring conservatives that only the judicial

The Real ID Rebellion
Submitted by: David Codrea

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Sunni Maravillosa has created a clearinghouse for internet resistance to the Real ID Act.

The site includes links to resources and articles explaining the concerns of gun owners and liberty advocates, and presents FAQs on how this edict will affect you.

The End of America: May 10, 2005 (JPFO)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"On Tuesday, May 10, 2005, America became a true police state. Your U.S. senators voted -- unanimously, with no discussion, and without even reading the bill -- to create a national ID card."

"The Real ID Act blackmails state governments into turning their drivers licenses into a draconian tool of the federal homeland security apparatus. If states refuse, their citizens lose such 'privileges' as being allowed to board an airplane, enter a federal building, or apply for social security. President Bush is expected to sign the bill eagerly on Thursday."

"In three years -- by May 2008 -- this Stalin-style internal passport will be an American reality. But your government will have more control over you than Stalin ever dreamed in his most violent, vicious, anti-freedom dreams. ..." ...

Surprised Homeland Security Committee Members Shown Fake IDs
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A woman whose brother was killed in the September 11 attacks yesterday surprised top members of the House Homeland Security Committee with counterfeit Mexican matricula consular cards bearing the members' identities and showcasing how easy it is to get valid identification to board an airplane."

"'They look exactly like what I've seen. The back is particularly good,' said Rep. Christopher Cox, California Republican and committee chairman. He recognized the photo on his card as coming from his Web site, and the address listed as his congressional district office." ...

Does The Right To Arms Impede Or Promote Economic Development?
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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"Editor’s note: In July of 2001, the United Nations concluded a Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in All Its Aspects, designed to address security and humanitarian threats posed by unlawful trade in these weapons. The resultant Program of Action called for a follow-up review conference to be held no later than 2006, and suggested eventually moving toward a treaty to regulate the international trade of SALW. The United States supported the goals of the Program of Action because, as negotiated, they did not undermine American sovereignty or rights enshrined in the Second Amendment. During the conference, however, delegates from several nations had sought to expand the scope of the Conference to include restricting the private ownership of weapons, which has raised concern that U.S. domestic rights could be threatened in the future. ..."

AR: Store owner, 80, returns to work, gun at the ready, after shootout
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Cochran, 80, keeps another handgun in his mobile home next door and a shotgun rests behind a shelf in the store. He takes a ribbing for his cache of weapons, Cochran’s family said, but one of them was a lifesaver when two men bent on robbery entered his store the night after Christmas last year. 'If it hadn’t been for that gun, he’d be dead,' Tommy Turner, 33, Cochran’s son, said during an interview at the ramshackle, low-ceilinged store Thursday. 'They came in the store with three things on their mind: kill, kill and kill.'" ...

IL: Man defends shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Less than a week after Mike Harman pleaded no contest to charges of attempted cruelty to animals, the 45-year-old rural Bethalto man doesn't know if he will appeal the punishment, requiring him to pay $6,000 in restitution and surrender his shotgun."

"'I have 30 days,' Harman said Friday. 'I've had some offers from high profile organizations that feel this was totally inappropriate.'"

"Harman shot at two dogs that had entered his barn in November and had begun chasing his kittens. Harman said the dogs were not purebred hunting labs, as some in the media had portrayed them, but were 'mixed breeds.' The dogs belonged to Bill Matheny, who lived in rural Alton, six miles away. The dogs had escaped after Matheny's fiance let them out while she was feeding them or letting them out for a run." ...

NH: In praise of not being a good victim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ever notice that even courage is subject to a double standard? We honor those who overcome the innate fear of death to act in defense of our country. Yet, those who do likewise in defense of life and property are frequently admonished for not being good victims. People like Tony Nader must find this hard to take." ...

"One might be forgiven for thinking Nader’s bravery would at least be mentioned by someone. Not in today’s society. What Nader did was politically incorrect."

"Nashua police implied Nader should have been a good victim and freely given his property to the criminal. The spokesman said, 'The more weapons become involved, the more chance somebody could get hurt.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Did these people learn nothing from the 9/11 hijackings?!?

OH: Ohio tourist trap: Doctor from PA shot, killed in attack on turnpike (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that a Pennsylvania doctor was shot to death along the Ohio Turnpike in Broadview Heights Friday night." ...

"There is no indication that reporters asked OSHP Lt. Zwayer why Dr. Moonda didn’t simply 'drive away' when attacked in his car, as OSHP Capt. John Born once explained was an acceptable alternative to allowing licensed citizens the right to carry a loaded firearm in their car." ...

FL: Forum writers have few problems with Florida gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Florida's law allowing the use of legal deadly force in the face of mortal danger is not just common sense, but is recognizing the Biblical act of natural self-preservation. No longer do Florida's citizens have to run and allow themselves to be cornered, or put themselves in a compromising situation, while the criminal is allowed to penetrate even further giving them the advantage."

"The message is clear, Florida will not give criminals any quarter, I only wish California had enough fortitude to do the same thing. ..."

"Our courts have continually ruled that police are not under any obligation whatsoever to protect us; their primary role is law enforcement, not to be our personal caretakers or security guards." ...

FL: Guest commentary: Hysteria over Florida gun law is misplaced
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Professional doomsayers are having something of a field day, fomenting hysteria over recent passage in Florida of a law that lets citizens defend themselves against criminal attack without first making an attempt to flee."

"The Sunshine State's 'No Duty to Retreat,' or 'Stand Your Ground,' law is not a novel concept, although it is hardly universal in the land of the free and home of the brave. In my home state of Washington — where our state constitution explicitly guarantees 'The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired' — the state Supreme Court has twice affirmed in recent years that there is 'no duty to retreat.'" ...

Thailand: Victim shoots motorbike assailant dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A suspected militant was killed in Raman district yesterday in an exchange of gunfire with a village security member."

"Police said the incident took place at about 9am as Sakariya Waebusa, a member of the security team of Ban Buyong Tawa in tambon Buemang, was walking from a rubber plantation to a roadside shelter."

"At the time, two hooded men arrived on a motorcycle and the pillion rider opened fire at Mr Sakariya with a .38 pistol. Mr Sakariya returned fire with his 9mm handgun, hitting his attacker once in the back."

"The pillion rider fell on the road while the other assailant sped away." ...

"The village security guard was shot in the arm and leg. He was admitted to Raman hospital for treatment." ...

MI: Advocates Call Gun Law A Right, Others Say It's A Tragedy In The Making
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One by one, they brought their opinions to the microphone."

"There was the Ionia County woman who wants the right to carry a concealed pistol on school grounds."

"And the Detroit woman who believes allowing guns around children could lead to tragedy."

"In the end, strong feelings were the only common thread among nearly 50 people who testified Friday during a Senate hearing on the state's concealed weapons laws, held at the Caledonia Sportsman's Club."

"It was one of four stops state Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Alan Cropsey is making around Michigan while he considers introducing legislation to change the laws." ...

AL: Area schools keep guns off campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A pair of gunmen, boys really, in a Colorado school a few years ago changed the way America's schools dealt with the potential of students bringing weapons to campus."

"Schools began adopting policies to aid administrators in stopping a student from bringing a gun to school, even before they get to campus."

"In addition, a rash of teen gun violence has Dallas County and other area educators on alert."

"Dr. Fannie Major-McKenzie, Dallas County's Schools Superintendent, said the county system has worked in the past and she feels like her students work and learn in a safe atmosphere."

"'We have a system-wide policy,' she said. 'I feel like we are safe.'" ...

Submitter's Note: You'll feel safe until armed men with ill intent come ito your school, at which point you will feel helpless to save yourself or the children you have been charged to protect.

IN: Zap-happy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police departments say the evidence is clear. Study after study indicates high-voltage Tasers are 'less lethal' than other weapons, and that’s why they use them, officers say. Some departments defend their use by saying Tasers aren’t lethal at all."

"But when a Taser is in the hands of a private citizen, that can be a different story. 'They can be used as a deadly weapon,' Porter County Chief Deputy Prosecutor Brian Gensel said." ...

"Civilians who buy these electrical guns should not expect the same freedom to use them that officers have. It’s illegal for civilians to possess and use the weapons in seven states and several major cities, including Chicago." ...

Japan: 2 men steal Gifu policeman's gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police were conducting a widespread search for two men Saturday after they stole a pistol from a police officer and fled the scene in Tajimi, Gifu Prefecture, the police said." ...

"One of the police officers chased the truck driver. After a 200-meter run, the 23-year-old policeman caught the driver in the driveway of a private house."

"But immediately after that, the policeman was hit on the head from behind by another man who appeared in a car. The policeman also was poked in the eyes by the truck driver."

"The policeman fired two warning shots, but the two men took his pistol by tearing off the lanyard securing the pistol to the officer's belt. ..." ...

Haiti: Jordanian peacekeeper killed in Haiti after rifle goes off accidentally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Jordanian police officer was killed after his rifle went off accidentally, becoming the seventh peacekeeper to die since the U.N. mission arrived in Haiti nearly a year ago, a U.N. spokesman said Saturday."

"Officer Wael Al-Ganmeen, 26, died May 7 after his weapon discharged while on guard duty in front of the base for Jordanian peacekeepers in Port-au-Prince, said U.N. police spokesman Dan Moskaluk. U.N. officials waited until an internal investigation was completed to announce his death, Moskaluk said." ...

Guinea: Escaped prisoners terrorize city
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Escaped prisoners sowed panic in Guinea's capital Conakry on Sunday, shooting in the air and robbing people in a market before security forces restored order, witnesses said."

"People fled the Niger market in the center of Conakry, a city on edge as the deteriorating health of President Lansana Conte fuels fears of political unrest, as gunshots rang out."

"By early afternoon calm had returned, but the market remained near-deserted."

"Security Minister Ousmane Camara told state radio a number of people, including some soldiers, had escaped from Conakry's main jail. It was unclear how they had obtained weapons." ...

VA: Group wants shooting range at Indiantown
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A local group that fears more development will result in fewer places to recreationally shoot firearms wants Northampton County to create the Eastern Shore's first open-to-the-public gun range on the eastern edge of 55-acre Indiantown Park."

"Dr. John Snyder of Franktown, a member of the group, cited recent concerns in Accomack County -- where homeowners in agricultural and residential areas have objected to nearby shooting ranges -- in asking the Northampton County Board of Supervisors to consider the public range."

"'We envision that as farmland vanishes, objections to shooting over open land and the use of private land for firearm ranges will occur here, as well' ..." ...

FL: Airgun enthusiasts keep eyes on targets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was a gesture of confidence when a mourning dove perched atop a target stand at the Rio Grande air gun range."

"Really, it wasn't a bad idea. After all, the winged creature got a bird's-eye view of the air gun and archery ranges, and the nearby postal station and Rio Grande family pool from its resting spot."

"And the bird was safe."

"According to Dick Armstrong of The Villages Air Gun Club, his peers aim to hit only their targets. Those targets are limited strictly to paper imprinted with concentric circles and a black center."

"Just as his fellow Air Gun Club members are good shots, so is Armstrong."

"'I might be in the top five,' he said Thursday morning at the airgun range. 'I'd like to get into the top one.'" ...

TX: AP Interview: New Texan Ted Nugent still 'Madman'
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"With a slight breeze blowing the ponytail that drapes halfway down his back, Ted Nugent draws his bow and aims at one of a dozen lifelike deer figures he uses for practice until hunting season begins." ...

"At 56, Nugent is ever the 'Motor City Madman' — the hyper rock star, avid hunter and outspoken National Rifle Association board member. But the newly relocated Texan can't help but be amused by his newfound acceptance among more and more Americans." ...

WV: Young guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Right now, they’re kids punching holes in paper. But 10 years down the road, who knows? A shooter in today’s Putnam County Gun Club Youth Smallbore Program might bring home an NCAA championship medal."

"That’s certainly the hope of the club’s organizers."

"'Our ultimate goal is to start sending kids to Morgantown to shoot on the West Virginia University rifle team,' said Ed Seitz, the man described as the driving force behind the four-year-old organization. 'Historically, the team’s coaches have had to recruit outside the state because that’s where the really good junior programs are. We’re trying to change that.'" ...

GA: Milev borrows pistol and sets record the ISSF World Cup
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Emil Milev borrowed a pistol and to set a record at International Shooting Sport Federation World Cup on Saturday.

Milev, who is from Bulgaria, set a world record of 783.2 in the 25m rapid fire pistol men's event.

Alexei Kilmov of Russia took second, shooting the best final round score of 201.8 and passed China's Zhang Penghui, who finished third. Klimov won his first world cup medal.

Penghui was the holder of three world cup silver medals and two bronze medals.

GA: Strong opinions on Roswell gun ordinance
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A proposal to toughen Roswell's city gun ordinance has churned up feelings of support and opposition."

"The change would curb a resident's right to fire a weapon to protect property."

"Roswell officials say the amended ordinance would bring the city's law, written in 1955, in line with the state's, which allows the use of force only to protect a person. But the National Rifle Association is concerned the ordinance is a step that could lead to residents giving up the right of self-defense." ...

"What is your opinion?"

IA: Majority of council resigns over police chief's gun business
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A majority of the City Council in this central Iowa town resigned over rifts in town, most recently a flap over the police chief's gun distribution business."

"Councilwoman Merry Lee Novak resigned last week saying she was worried the city could face a lawsuit if Police Chief Dave Roberts' firearms business overlapped with city business."

"'If he uses his cell phone that's provided by the city for any gun business and if that gun is used in a crime, I can be sued,' Novak said."

"Roberts insists he doesn't use his city-issued cell phone for personal business. He also said his private business sells mostly to gun dealers, not individuals." ...

KABA Note: That's one way to get ignorant hoplophobes out of office!

Swiss: Shooters target Schengen accord
Submitted by: Haddock

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"Shooting is more than just a sport to many Swiss, who believe a whole way of life would be under threat if the nation signs up to the Schengen accord."

"Geared to improve cross-border security, the European Union agreement also lays down minimum requirements for acquiring and possessing firearms." ...

"Not all hunters, however, are calling for a no."

"'Hunters can live with Schengen,' says Urs Weber, director of the 200,000-member Swiss Shooting Association."

"'I had to register my mobile phone – I don’t see why one should refuse to register a weapon.'" ...

India: Puttur: Country Pistol-making Ring Busted - Three Arrested
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Puttur rural police, led by circle inspector P Sanjiva Naik, has unearthed a country pistol-making racket on Saturday and have arrested three persons. Finished products like native revolvers and raw materials used for making them have been seized from their possession.

The ring was being operated by Nakoor Ganapati Bhat at Sarve on the outskirts. Based on the beans spilled by him, the police then arrested Panjettadi Gopanna Achari and Nellyadi Abdulla alias 'Pistol Addu' were rounded up.

Puttur ASP Dr Subrahmanyeshwar Rao is monitoring the progress of the case.

Submitter's Note: But, but, but, guns are banned!

UK: Trigger-happy teenagers boost crime figures with toy guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A CRAZE for cheap imitation ball-bearing guns among teenagers is fuelling a boom in gun crime.
Costing as little as £14.99, BB guns could be responsible for up to 30 per cent of gun crime, according to police research.Easily available on the internet and with no restrictions on sale, BB guns fire tiny plastic pellets or ball bearings."

"Modelled on real weapons such as a Smith & Wesson or Kalashnikov, they usually cause nothing more serious than bruising. Nevertheless, offences involving the guns are included in national firearms statistics for England and Wales."

"Chief constables are concerned at the rise in their use and the effect they are having on public perceptions of gun crime. ..." ...

UK: Man arrested after explosives find
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 61-year-old man was arrested following the discovery of items believed to be linked to the manufacture of explosives, police said."

"Rifles and pistols were also discovered during a raid at 10.20am on Saturday at a house in Station Street, Cheslyn Hay, south Staffordshire."

"An Army bomb disposal team was called to the scene and all the items are now being examined by forensic specialists."

"A Staffordshire Police spokesman said the raid was carried out under the Firearms Act by detectives from nearby Cannock."

"He added: 'A specialist police search adviser was also called to the scene. He found materials and property believed to be related to the manufacture of explosives.'" ...

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. — C. S. LEWIS

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