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Newslinks for 5/16/2008

David Codrea: How You Can Become a 'Gun Felon'
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... Savage was not permitted to personally examine the rifle — not even to touch it. He was required to observe as the ATF officer opened it for inspection. His professional credentials were challenged by the prosecution, who wanted his testimony excluded, even though Savage is a firearm designer by profession, and the government's expert witness received all of his training in the 2-1/2 years he'd been with the bureau. ..." ...

"What mattered was the government's position that none of the above was relevant because '[T]here's no indication it makes any difference under the statute. If you pull the trigger once and it fires more than one round, no matter what the cause it's a machine gun.'"

"No matter what the cause."

"Think about if your semiauto ever malfunctions. Because that’s how close you could be to becoming a convicted 'gun felon.'"

David E. Young Interview
Submitted by: David Codrea

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On Monday, WarOnGuns conducted an interview with David E. Young, author of "The Origin of the Second Amendment," the definitive compilation of founding era documents, and of "The Founders' View of the Right to Bear Arms," his latest book.

Mr. Young's work has been relied on by legal scholars filing briefs in both the Emerson case, and more recently in the Supreme Court filings for Heller, where he was cited extensively.

Bottom line: This guy's the real deal and we owe him a lot for the work he has done through his own initiative and expense. No understanding of the development of the Second Amendment can be complete without crediting the landmark research he has done for us.

During National Police Week, Brady Campaign Pays Homage to Police Officers Who Fell in Line of Duty
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence today laid a wreath at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial near the name of Senior Corporal Mark Nix, who was a fiancee, brother, son, distinguished Navy veteran of Operation Desert Storm, and seven year Dallas police officer who died in the line of duty last year, shot and killed with a military-style semiautomatic assault weapon."

"'We lose too many fine young Americans who dedicated their lives to keeping us safe. Law enforcement representatives face ever greater risks every day because we make it too easy for dangerous people to get dangerous weapons,' said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign. ..."

Down the Rabbit Hole: Part I
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From David R. Olofson (via Len Savage):"

"Now a while back I promised to show everyone how deep this rabbit hole is and let them see the whole story. As such I am releasing a number of witness accounts. Most have nothing to lose or gain from speaking up other than the fact they make themselves a target of the feds. These will be released one at a time over the next few days. Draw your own conclusions about who has been telling the truth through this, who has been full of BS, and who is out of control. Now with no further ado here is the beginning of the rest of the story from those who lived it." ...

Gun owners: one malfunction away from prison
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For some, it was perhaps easy to dismiss the persecution of Wayne Fincher as 'someone else's problem.' Not a position for which I have much respect, but it doesn't shock me that many--including some who consider themselves 'gun rights activists'--take that view. Most of us, after all, don't train with a non-government-sanctioned militia, or own machine guns without a government permission slip--or do we?"

"The case of David Olofson shows us that, given enough BATFE elbow grease, just about any firearm can be found to be a 'machine gun.'" ...

Wisconsin Man Sentenced To Prison Because Of Gun Malfunction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From the utter nonsense files . . ."

"'A Wisconsin man whose federal conviction for illegally transferring a machine gun drew national attention on CNN and the Internet was sentenced Tuesday to 30 months in prison.'" ...

"'U.S. District Judge Charles Clevert said Olofson knew or should have known the gun in question fired automatically.'"

"But it didn't just do that. It wasn't designed to. It was a semi-automatic competition rifle that malfunctioned. Talk about a travesty of justice. Ironically, the BATFE, which led the charge in this case, is in Columbus today 'sweeping up' suspected bad guys. Last night's television news said the police would have a dragnet out for 'guns, drugs and violent criminals.'" ...

AZ: Two suspects dead after police pursuit on Interstate 8
Submitted by: Wildfire

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"Two men who led law enforcement agents on a lengthy pursuit on Interstate 8 Wednesday morning were found dead inside after their car was disabled and authorities said it appeared to be a murder-suicide."

"The dead men were brothers who had been sought since they reportedly carjacked a couple and took their white Dodge sedan at the Grand Canyon [National Park] on Monday night, said Pinal County Sheriff's spokesman Mike Minter." ...

KABA Note: But the Bradys say you don't need a gun in a National Park?

Guns and Judges: Electing the Supreme Court in 2008
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The political 'hot button' issues of guns and judges have become intertwined in this election year. The fate of both issues will be decided by the candidate we elect as president. Why? Because over a four-year term, that president will likely appoint at least two and possibly three justices to the United States Supreme Court. Simply stated, this year when we elect a president, we will also cast our ballot for the next Supreme Court."

"Everyone concerned about the Second Amendment and judicial accountability should heed John McCain's speech to the NRA on May 16. The presumptive Republican nominee will speak directly to guns owners about the Second Amendment at the ... NRA Annual Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky." ...

Three Peas In A Pod
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I realize that is extremely difficult for some people to think outside the box. The vast majority of people are prone to be followers, to 'go with the flow,' to follow the path of least resistance. ..."

"Therefore, I think I understand the reasoning of many who are so reluctant to step outside the two major parties and vote for a third party candidate. ..." ...

"Look at the three leading candidates: they are three peas in a pod. There is no substantive difference between them ..." ...

"Regarding the Second Amendment, Gun Owners of America rates John McCain with an F-. It doesn't get any worse than that, folks. On gun issues, John McCain is not the 'lesser of two evils.' Not in any manner, shape, or form." ...

TN: Tenn. GOP mocks Michelle Obama's 'proud' remark
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Tennessee Republican Party 'welcomed' Michelle Obama's visit for a fundraiser Thursday night with an online video that takes the Democratic presidential front-runner's wife to task for a comment some considered unpatriotic." ...

"The four-minute video posted on YouTube is built around the remark, replaying it six times and interspersing it with commentary by Tennesseans, identified mostly by their first names, on why they are proud of America." ...

"'I'm Bob Pope and I'm proud to be an American because mainly of the First Amendment - the right to worship God anywhere I choose to - and the Second Amendment, I've got the right keep and bear arms,' he says, standing in front of a bank of guns mounted on the wall." ...

Protecting our families and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When it comes to governing, most of us agree that the less involvement the federal government has the far better off we are. This is especially true on issues concerning local matters, such as education or the right to carry a concealed weapon."

"Under current federal law, a citizen with a valid, state-issued concealed weap-on permit is unable to bring a concealed weapon into national parks. This is why earlier this year I cosponsored H.R. 5434 ... which would allow law-abiding citizens to take their firearms into national parks and wildlife refuges."

"The basic premise of the bill is that just like on Bureau of Land Management or Forest Service lands, local and state laws should govern when it comes to firearms on all public lands." ...

Solicitor General Clement Says He Will Step Down
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Solicitor General Paul D. Clement, a key advocate in court for the administration's counterterrorism policies, will resign from the Justice Department in early June, the department announced yesterday." ...

"Gun activists were upset with him earlier this year because of a brief he filed in the Second Amendment challenge of the District's handgun ban. Clement agreed with their position that the amendment affords an individual right to gun ownership, but said the lower-court ruling that struck the D.C. law was so broadly rendered that it endangered all federal gun control legislation. He urged the court to return the case for further review; it has not yet ruled." ...

Rep. Boren named to NRA board of directors
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"U.S. Rep. Dan Boren on Wednesday announced his appointment to the National Rifle Association's board of directors."

"'The Second Amendment is an important part of Oklahoma and this nation's heritage, and I pledge to uphold it for all who wish to keep their families safe and for sportsmen, shooters and hunters everywhere,' the Oklahoma Democrat said."

"'I harvested my first buck at age 9 and have taken one every season since,' the 35-year-old Boren said in his statement, recalling that he had to calm his 'buck fever' on the morning of his first hunt."

"For years the NRA has been viewed as one of the more influential and successful lobby groups in Washington, but at times its tactics have generated controversy." ...

GA: Gun Bill Supporters Happy With [Gov.] Perdue Nod
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A big victory for Georgia gun owners -- after weeks of uncertainty, Gov. Sonny Perdue finally signed off on a controversial measure allowing certain people to carry their guns in restaurants that serve alcohol, and on public transportation like MARTA."

"With headshots at 21 feet, the paper targets don't stand a chance against Maggie and Caitlin Miller. Mom and daughter have been training together at Nick's Gun Shop in Cobb County for two years."

"'Coming here and learning how to do this, it boosts my confidence,' said Maggie Moes-Mller. 'I'm fairly certain that I act differently, I carry myself different because I know I can do that if I had to.'" ...

CA: Breaking News of AB 2062 – Ammo Registration
Submitted by: John Jorgensen/GS2AC

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"The Assembly Committee on Appropriations has just placed AB 2062 on the Suspense File. Even though any bill with costs of over $150,000 automatically goes to suspense, Assemblyman Kevin DeLeon amended his bill in an attempt to get below this fiscal threshold."

"We've heard from our supporters that members of the Appropriations committee admit to having received many hundreds of phone calls on AB 2062 since our Lobby Day on May 6th, and virtually 100% in opposition. Key Democrat staffers answering the phone have indicated that their bosses believe that there is no support for this bill and it will die."

"The Suspense File is often used by the committee as a tool to bury bills they want to see go away. ..." ...

Pilots trusted to fly planes; why not let them have guns?
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"If a pilot is responsible enough to operate a multimillion- dollar aircraft, with hundreds of lives in his hands, with no security except a plastic sliding door, (little more than a curtain), he should be allowed and obliged to protect himself, and everyone else with a handgun, when needed." ...

NY: Program will trade gift cards for guns Saturday
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Rochester Police officers this weekend will hold a citywide gun turn-in at five area churches."

"The 'No Question Asked' gun turn-in program, which initially launched in 2006, will run from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday ..." ...

"Through the program, which is part of a community effort to reduce violent crime in the city, anyone can turn in a gun ... 'no questions asked.'"

"And like last year, Wegmans Food Markets is donating gift cards in exchange for the guns. That incentive was credited with significantly boosting the number of guns collected in 2007 over the previous year." ...

KABA Note: Got a murder weapon to dispose of? Some stolen guns that your fence will only give you $50 for? Bring 'em by!

PA: Gun Rights in Dickson City
Submitted by: none

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"Dickson City Police responded to a 9-1-1 call of armed people in a restaurant last Friday. Once they arrived they asked the people who were carrying the firearms to provide identification and seized the guns to check the serial numbers. Those elements of the incident are certainly agreed upon facts."

"There are other allegations the patrons chose not to provide ID to officials, and that some of the members became confrontational with officers."

"Dickson City Police Chief William Stadnitski says his officers needed to respond to the call of armed people in the restaurant. He adds, that for his officers to ask for identification of those holding firearms was called for. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Police viloated the rights of and confiscated private property of peaceful, law abiding citizens at dinner in a restaurant in PA.

TN: 911 dispatcher gets pink slip after cursing caller
Submitted by: Jordan Kummer

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"A Nashville, Tennessee, 911 operator has been fired after he was recorded saying that he didn't 'give a s---' about what happened to a woman who had just called to report her ex-boyfriend was threatening her." ...

"'Certainly this particular caller didn't receive the service she deserved,' [Emergency Communications Center spokeswoman Amanda] Sluss said. 'This is not indicative of how our employees treat citizens. It's not something that should have been said. It's not what we train our employees to do.'"

"It took police three hours to reach the scene after the first call." ...

TX: Grimes County Deputy Arrested for Burglary
Submitted by: jac

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An unlikely suspect is in custody in connection with a missing money case out of Navasota.

Grimes County Sheriff's Deputy Joseph Porter, 51, was charged Wednesday afternoon with burglary of a building. Authorities say a surveillance camera caught Porter removing $40 from a safe at Frank's Towing and Repair. The camera had been set up after money started disappearing from their safe.

Frank Vacante, co-owner of Frank's Towing and Repair, said he was shocked by the arrest. "Not because he's an officer, but because he's a close friend," said Vacante.

Porter has been fired by the Grimes County Sheriff's Office.

AZ: Off-duty Phoenix officer accused of choking neighbor
Submitted by: Wildfire

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"A Phoenix police officer is being prosecuted by Glendale authorities for an off-duty incident in which he is accused of choking a neighbor who went skateboarding past his home."

"Donnie Coury, 42, a 16-year member of the Phoenix force, has been charged in the Glendale City Court with assault and disorderly conduct, both misdemeanor violations."

"He has pleaded not guilty to the charges, which were filed April 18, and a pretrial conference is set for June 9."

"Coury declined to discuss the case when contacted earlier this week, but Sgt. Joel Tranter, a Phoenix police spokesman, said the alleged incident is the subject of an ongoing internal investigation."

"In the meantime, Coury remains on active duty, he said." ...

Canada: Ontario Provincial Police officers charged under street racing law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the most outspoken critics about the dangers of high-speed driving in recent years has been Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Julian Fantino."

"He successfully lobbied for changes to provincial laws to permit police to seize a vehicle and suspend someone's licence immediately for a week if they were caught driving more than 50 kilometres an hour over the speed limit. ..."

"'Everyone must obey the law,' Commissioner Fantino said."

"It appears, however, that some of his officers are not getting the message. Two OPP officers have been charged this year with street racing offences, while on duty and driving their cruisers. ..." ...

GA: Attorney General Defends Stone Mountain Park Carry Ban
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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The Georgia Attorney General’s office has responded to GeorgiaCarry.Org's letter requesting a repeal of the ban on possession of firearms in Stone Mountain Park. In its letter, the Attorney General succinctly informs GCO that it 'respectfully disagree[s]' with GCO’s position. The letters may be viewed here.

One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. — DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

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