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Newslinks for 5/17/2007

When it comes to gun confiscation, all is nothing.
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"'Son, let me explain something to you. You don't poke a wolverine with a sharp stick unless you want your balls ripped off.' -- Grandpa Vanderboegh's Rule of Life #32." ...

"... We understand that liberty without the means to secure it is, as Hobbes wrote, merely a word. Thus, waving the bloody shirt of gun confiscation in our faces is more likely to get the waver a felony conviction under the Law of Unintended Consequences. Is it impolite here to remind them that WE are the ones with the GUNS? And there are a heck of a lot more of us than there are policemen and soldiers in this country, even if they could get all of them to go along with their scheme, which they couldn't." ...

ABC's 20/20 debunks myth that gun control reduces crime (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Given the typically uninformed and sometimes biased coverage of guns, gun crimes, and potential gun legislation, it can be extremely difficult for gun owners to read the newspaper or watch the television. But once in a while, a journalist shines through - not because they are pro-gun, but because they are fair. They weigh the facts and report the story." ...

"Another diamond-in-the-media-rough for America's law-abiding gun owners is ABC News' John Stossel, who has made quite a name for himself by debunking myths that are commonly held as conventional wisdom, often thanks to the same mainstream media of which he is a member." ...

Guns, the devil and God
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Why don't you pick up that gun and blow your brains out?'"

"'You could kill a whole lot of people with that gun.'"

"'Why not shoot her right now? That would shut her up!'"

"These are the sorts of vile mental suggestions many people experience from within their own minds when they see a gun."

"... When we see the firearm, we sense the presence of evil – so naturally we assume the gun is its source, when actually the gun's close proximity caused our own buried, angry, violent tendencies to surface for a moment."

"Thus, many people who 'dislike' or 'are afraid of' guns are actually afraid of what they might do if they had a loaded firearm in their hand. ..." ...

Interview with Robert Levy: The Way of the Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"MJ: How likely is it that Parker vs. District of Columbia will go before the Supreme Court?"

"RL: It is highly likely for a number of reasons—most importantly, this is a very big issue. In addition, this D.C. opinion was the very first opinion of any appellate court in history to overturn a gun control regulation based on the Second Amendment. And it also is highlighted by the fact that all the other circuits, with the exception of the 5th Circuit in Texas, disagree."

"MJ: A circuit split is one of the main reasons a case would go before the Supreme Court?"

"RL: That’s correct. You have a circuit split which means you have different laws that are now applicable across the country. ..." ...

Guns yesterday, guns today, guns forever?
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Have we lost our humanity?"

"When a troubled young man goes on a shooting spree, and kills 32 people, what we hear even louder than the gunfire is the sound of some people pushing an agenda to increase the number of Americans carrying guns."

"Are chunks of metal that fire other pieces of metal for the sole purpose of maiming and killing that important to us that we are willing to sacrifice lives?"

"A pattern has emerged over the years in this country. Someone or some people go on a killing rampage - the signs of emotional and mental problems are always there - but we do little to prevent the next such incident." ...

Virginia’s Attorney General Succumbs to the Disease of 'Gunism' (GunGuys)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Washington Post is the latest in a series of high profile papers to go after Virginia's Attorney General for threatening New York's Mayor Bloomberg when he should be thanking him. They say, as Bloomberg did, that if the AG were as enthusiastic about fighting guns as he was about fighting Bloomberg, we'd all be a lot better off." ...

"Bloomberg is doing everything he can to keep weapons out of illegal hands. That's it– he's fighting against crime guns. So if McDonnell is fighting Bloomberg, that means he's working for criminals. Not exactly becoming behavior of an Attorney General ..." ...

Submitter's Note: No mention here of how Bloomie's stings "jeopardized over a dozen ongoing criminal investigations".

AL: A case against gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A few weeks ago there was a heated discussion on the Paul Finebaum radio show regarding gun control. ... a noted sports writer John Feinstein attacked the second amendment."

"And in today’s Birmingham News, you’ll find evidence why gun control is a horrible idea. The News story explains how a 'Good Samaritan' with a handgun helped police catch the Wachovia bank branch murderer ..."

"Gun control is a horrible idea because it ignores human nature."

"Humans behave in violent ways, and often only respond to other threats of violence. ..."

"And that is the basis of deterrence. Even bad people don’t want to die, and if they know there are consequences for their actions, they will think twice." ...

Making Our Schools Safe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At about the same time Cho Seung-Hui was shooting to death 32 unarmed students on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, a different scenario was unfolding near Waynesburg, Kentucky. Venus Ramey had had equipment stolen from the barn on her tobacco farm before. ... Balancing on her walker, the 82-year-old woman drew her snub-nosed .38 as Curtis Parrish, a would-be thief, emerged. The revolver had a salutary effect on Parrish, who suddenly announced that he was leaving immediately. ... Ramey yelled, 'Oh, no you won't,' and opened fire, flattening the car's tires. ... While Ramey held the men at gunpoint, she flagged down a passing motorist, who then called 911. Sheriff’s deputies eventually took the men into custody." ...

Dingell, McCarthy, Working on 'Compromise' Gun Bill (GOA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gun Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) continues his assault on American gun owners."

"Dingell has been tapped by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to broker a compromise with Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) on H.R. 297, a gun control bill being pushed in the wake of the Virginia Tech shooting."

"The bill provides about $1 billion to the states to 'provide the National Instant Criminal Background Check System [NICS] with all records concerning persons who are prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm... regardless of the elapsed time since the disqualifying event.'"

"As GOA has pointed out in previous alerts, this could lead to millions more Americans being included in the FBI's database of prohibited persons." ...

A Counterattack in Gun Wars
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In what may mark a coalescing of Southern pro-gun politicians against Mayor Bloomberg, two Georgia lawmakers said they want to follow Virginia's lead in passing a law that would prevent New York City from unilaterally sending private investigators across state lines to investigate gun dealers."

"'We want to require they get our cooperation,' the chairman of the Georgia House's Rules Committee, Earl Ehrhart, a Republican, said. 'We have indoor plumbing. We have books that don't have bark on the outside of them. We can handle our own law enforcement. … '" ...

SC: S.C. considers allowing concealed weapons on campuses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To prevent school shootings, some South Carolina legislators want more guns on campuses."

"A House subcommittee approved a measure Wednesday that would allow concealed weapon permit holders to carry guns onto public school campuses, from elementary schools to universities. Supporters say having trained and armed gun owners in schools could prevent massacres like the April 16 shootings at Virginia Tech ..." ...

"'We're not talking about kids. We're talking about responsible adults,' said Republican Rep. Jeff Duncan, who sponsored the bill."

"Opponents fear more guns will mean more accidental shootings, and questioned if colleges were an appropriate environment for guns." ...

Submitter's Note: In SC permit holders must be at least 21 years old.

MI: Bill to remove Pistol Free zones introduced
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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As promised to SAFR a few weeks ago, HB 4759 [which will repeal Michigan's pistol free zones] has been introduced by Rep. Daniel Acciavatti. Co-Sponsors are: Reps. Hoogendyk, Horn, Stahl, Opsommer, Meltzer and Meekhof." ...

"Your help is needed to get this moving. Call your Representative and ask them to support HB 4759. ..." ...

NJ: Girlfriend's jaw busted cop charged
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Jersey City police officer who allegedly broke his girlfriend's jaw when he slugged her during a drunken argument was suspended without pay yesterday, officials said."

"Officer Sherwin Jones, 37, of Jersey City, surrendered yesterday morning ... after being charged with simple assault ..."

"The charge stems from an early morning incident in which the 31-year-old woman said he punched her in the face during a heated argument following a night of drinking ..."

"Jones, an officer for just over a year, has been suspended pending resolution of the charges, Eason said."

"The victim called police after Jones punched her and the department's Internal Affairs bureau took up the investigation that led to Jones' arrest ..."

NJ: Decorated officer caught drinking on job, cops say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A highly decorated Jersey City police officer was found drinking a beer in his marked patrol car yesterday afternoon and was issued a summons and allowed to go on paid leave, officials said."

"Charles Casserly, 53, was found drinking while on duty early yesterday afternoon by Internal Affairs officers who got a tip, said city spokesman Stan H. Eason."

"The 28-year veteran of the department was issued a summons for driving with an open alcoholic beverage and taken off duty, Eason said."

"Police said they do not think Casserly was drunk at the time he was found with the beer. Officers requested a blood sample and are awaiting the results, Eason said." ...

Mexico: Mexico asks USA to help stop influx of weapons
Submitted by: Clell

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"A top Mexican anti-drug official said the United States must do more to stop weapons from being smuggled into the hands of drug traffickers who are using them to kill Mexican soldiers and police. Mexican authorities are facing gunfire from increasingly well-armed traffickers and officials say the vast majority of the weapons are smuggled from the United States."

"Assistant Secretary of Public Safety Patricio Patino made a fresh appeal Tuesday for U.S. authorities to cut off the supply." ...

"Illustrating that point, Patino said that early Tuesday, federal agents arrested two suspected drug gunmen carrying assault rifles and half a dozen hand grenades ... apparently as they were on their way to carry out a hit." ...

KABA Note: And despite the hysterical shrieks of the Bradys and their ilk, assault rifles and hand grenades are not available to US civilians.

CA: What Happens Next: I hate guns, you hate guns, so why do we all have guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Hate guns? Hardly. Nonetheless, I think about it carefully before I reply."

"'I'm not anti-gun,' I finally say. 'I'm pro gun-control.' ... Crime is a common theme in discussions about gun-control. Proponents argue that guns-especially hand guns-are a means of self-defense when someone breaks into your house."

"This assumes that you have a loaded gun within easy reach. Maybe in your nightstand. A dresser drawer. Under your pillow. Bad guy breaks in and you've got a handy bargaining chip."

"Never mind that most advocates of gun safety believe that guns and ammunition should be stored separately. Under lock and key. To prevent accidents. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Of course "most advocates of gun safety" are actually antis.

SC: Entitled to opinion on Second Amendment, but it’s wrong
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A recent letter writer ('What the Second Amendment really says,' May 3) is certainly entitled to his opinion about the meaning and purpose of the Second Amendment. Unfortunately his opinion is not an informed opinion based on historical fact. I would recommend that he and any others interested in knowing for sure what the Second Amendment means read 'The Federalist Papers' which contains much of the history of the writing of the Constitution. Also 'The Second Amendment Primer' by Les Adams (Odysseus Editions, 1996) is an excellent source of information specific to the Second Amendment." ...

NY: Local Gun Dealer Involved in Investigation
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A local gun wholesaler is helping out in an investigation by special agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) and the U.S. Secret Service agents."

"The location was searched in relation to an investigation of a Louisiana gun shop tied to firearms involved in various crimes." ...

OR: Second Amendment is misunderstood
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The May 5 rant by Charles Faulk cites the U.S. Bill of Rights ... as the solution to massacres like that at Virginia Tech. 'If only some of the victims were armed ...' he writes."

"Those who quote the Second Amendment in support of more widespread distribution of firearms universally quote it selectively, ignoring the opening words ..."

"... the Second Amendment gives the people the right to bear arms in order that they may serve in the National Guard at times of need. If the [NRA] were to encourage its members to enlist in the National Guard, they might gain a little credibility. Instead, I read in the May 5 Statesman Journal, 'NRA opposes ban on selling guns to people suspected of terrorism.' It boggles the mind."

Submitter's Note: It only boggles the mind of those who have not seen and fought against the steady erosion of our rights over the last 4 decades who realize that anyone can be a 'suspected terrorist'.

IL: Son's FOID card opens can of worms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My 11-month-old son and his Firearm Owner's Identification Card caused quite a stir this week."

"My inbox overflowed as folks from throughout the country weighed in on the Illinois State Police issuing a gun card to my baby boy, nicknamed Bubba."

"Perhaps the most interesting note came from John Birch, of Oak Brook." ...

"In his e-mail, Birch included pictures of FOID cards for his two children. His son was 15 months old when he got a card. His daughter was 8 years old." ...

"Illinois law requires parents with children younger than 14 years old to keep guns in a locked safe or use a gunlock that makes the weapon inoperable." ...

"However [these] can all be avoided if parents get their kids FOID cards, Birch said. ..." ...

OH: Anti-gun politician switches sides after being made victim in mugging (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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... "While I am more than encouraged by Rep. DeBose's change in perspective, there is a question that must be asked."

"Why? Why, with all of the mountains of testimony legislators heard, and presentations of evidence legislators received about the urgent need to restore the right to bear arms for self-defense, did it take a violent attack on his own person before Rep. DeBose could see the light?"

"Before anyone decides I'm being too hard on our new friend Rep. DeBose, let me offer full disclosure. Before an armed carjacker attacked my wife's father - a concealed handgun permit-holder from Tennessee - I was of the same mind DeBose was - well, sort of." ...

UK: Knifed in his home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is the last picture of teen murder victim Shane Jackson who died in a frenzied knife attack at his flat." ...

"Families in part of Throckley had been terrorised by arson attacks, burglaries, assaults and damage to their property in recent months."

"Police blitzed the area in response to a wave of youth crime which peaked before Easter. After four suspects were arrested, calm returned to the neighbourhood."

"But violence flared in an isolated confrontation in the early hours yesterday ..."

"A post mortem was continuing today, but it is understood Shane, whose body was discovered in the early hours yesterday, suffered multiple stab wounds. A knife has been recovered from the scene." ...

Australia: Jail for stomp attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A SICKENING stomping attack and two Gold Coast Hospital bungles nearly killed Daniel Stack."

"The 27-year-old says he is still battling health problems after an acquaintance, Dean Ian Archbold, stomped on his abdomen so hard it ruptured his pancreas after a night out drinking in 2000." ...

"One of the doctors who treated Mr Stack said his injuries were rarely seen but usually the type of injuries sustained by a high-speed car accident victim."

"Yesterday, in Southport District Court, Mr Stack watched as the man who nearly killed him was sent to prison for just 12 months." ...

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? — THOMAS JEFFERSON (1801)

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