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Newslinks for 5/17/2013

Reese lawyers respond to government motion against joint representation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Citing precedent that the court 'must recognize a presumption in favor of [the Reeses’] counsel of choice,' the joint response further declares 'In order to overcome that presumption, there must be either a 'demonstration of actual conflict [or] a showing of a serious potential conflict.' The Government has made a showing of neither." ...

‘Waning gun culture’ in U.S. may be myth
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A well-known firearms researcher punched a pinhole in what may be one of the biggest myths being propagated by the gun prohibition lobby and repeated by the mainstream press this week when he noted today that the news media 'ignore their own reports' that show gun ownership is increasing." ...

Why You Must REJECT The Armed March on Washington
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"We, the sane, responsible gun owners of the United States of America universally and publicly reject the concept of the proposed, illegal, armed march upon Washington DC, planned by Adam Kokesh, a militant, traitorous, revolutionary instigator, scheduled for Independence Day, 4 July 2013." ...

Massad Ayoob: The Real Statistics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The pundits say that gun owners are a smaller-than-ever minority, and that a majority of American homes are 'gun-free.' (I hate that phrase, gun-free.' No, guns are not vermin. Anything which sounds that helpless as 'gun-free' can’t be A Good Thing.)

"Let’s look at some recent statistics, though. The National Shooting Sports Foundation reports their recent survey of gun dealers that in 2012, about 25% of their sales were to first-time gun owners." ...

Hunting is safe and getting safer, says IHEA exec
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday’s 'Extrano’s Alley' gun blog discussed an apparent myth surrounding guns in the house and during the course of the discussion created something of a myth of its own when it suggested that 'there were 606 fatal firearms accidents during 2012; and conventional wisdom has it that some 400 of those involved hunting accidents.'"

"Not so, says Steve Hall, new executive director of the International Hunter Education Association and former Hunter Education administrator in Texas, who spoke exclusively with this column Thursday. ..." ...

The Mystery of the Missing Crime Data
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Many corporate media outlets have been reporting on the new Department of Justice (DOJ) report titled 'Firearm Violence, 1993-2011,' which reports that shooting homicides have declined dramatically during the last two decades."

"Many outlets published an Associated Press report that drew attention away from the possibility that firearms ownership might reduce crime:" ...

The 3-D Printed Liberator: A Mettle Detector For American Society
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Long-time TTAG readers will recall my piece on the original Liberator pistol and the decision on the part of the Allies to not drop it into Occupied France. It wasn’t the first time a supposedly enlightened society has put political power and expediency ahead the safety of its citizens, and as any current resident of Chicago can tell you, it was far from the last . . ." ...

Gear Review: J. Dewey Customizable Field Cleaning Kit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While I was working on my review of J. Dewey’s .338 Lapua Magnum Bore Guide and Cleaning Tools, I had a couple of back and forth exchanges with Ken, who as near as I can figure, is Dewey’s PR, Marketing, Web Programming and general do-everything guy. As we were talking, we got around to the subject of their field cleaning kits. While Dewey is definitely well known as a maker of fine gun cleaning tools for the shop, the fact is their field cleaning tools are also well-respected by folks who know a thing or two about shooting . . ." ...

DefDist Liberators Being Printed, Improved and Shared Across the World
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite the gun control advocates’ continued collective pants browning over the idea that they may have permanently lost the ability to control anyone’s access to firearms, more and more of Cody Wilson’s children are springing up across the world. Forbes has even devoted an article to some of the better examples. One of the main themes of the piece is that while the gun itself is indeed being printed as-is, more interesting developments are happening as people are improving on the Defense Distributed design and sharing them. One guy is even making a metal barrel insert to let the .38 gun shoot .22LR, something much more practical and less prone to splitting the barrel. And that’s just the start . . ." ...

Advocacy group, Newtown families criticize Ayotte
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two men who lost relatives in last year's shooting at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school urged New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte on Thursday to change her position on a gun control measure that would expand background checks." ...

Submitter's Note: Left unexplained is just how such a bill would have prevented the twisted little P.O.S. from murdering his mother and all those helpless victims in Newtown.

New show of pressure on NH's US Sen. Ayotte (video sotry)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Activists are taking to the podium and the airwaves to criticize Republican Kelly Ayotte for the April vote against gun control, but so are supporters of New Hampshire's junior Senator."

"The fathers of Sandy Hook victims Lauren Rosseau and Jessie Lewis called on Ayotte Thursday to change her mind about expanding background checks to all commercial gun sales. Both admitted that the failed Manchin-Toomey amendment, which Ayotte voted against, wouldn't have prevented the deadly rampage in Newtown." ...

Brady Campaign sues GA town over mandatory gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A group that supports gun control is suing a north Georgia town that passed a law requiring gun ownership."

"The Washington-based Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence filed a federal lawsuit Thursday against the town of Nelson." ...

Submitter's Note: So the SAF took on New Orleans, Washington DC and Chicago while the mighty Brady Bunch goes head to head with Nelson, GA (pop. 1,300)


D.C. considering gun liability insurance requirement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A D.C. Councilwoman has introduced legislation that could make the District the nation's first jurisdiction to require gun owners to buy liability insurance." ...

Submitter's Note: Hmm . . . Given that the freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil and Constitutional right, I’m not sure an insurance requirement is, you know, Constitutional.
But hey, just for the sake of argument let’s say it is. Basic coverage on my car runs about $45/month and I drive it an average of two hours every day, so that’s $0.75 per hour of operation. I’m willing to pony up $0.75 a year to cover a gun that I might shoot (outside of practice) once every 50 years.

Controversy At 2013 USPSA Multigun Nationals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Let me preface this by saying that the shooter in question (Barry Dueck) is, by all accounts, a great guy. And from what I’ve been able to gather, there was no malicious intent at any point on his part. It looks like an honest mistake, and one that he has already made right. But it’s still a good idea to take a look at what happened, and how it might be avoided in the future." ...

Big Brother is too big
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No matter how many future generations we spawn, our offspring will never be perusing the history books, reading about another American Revolution. That is one of the few certainties in life, as, for better or worse, our government has foreseen that notion, and consolidated power to a virtually unfathomable degree. No coups, bloodless or otherwise, such as the ones that often take place in Third World countries, will ever occur here, in the land of the free. Whether we are fully conscious of it or not, the government controls nearly every major aspect of our lives in almost every conceivable degree. ..." ...

OH: Toledo woman confronts would-be home invader with handgun (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tense moments in the early morning hours, as a woman carrying a gun confronts a man trying to get into her home."

"The attempted home invasion happened on the 1900 block of Loxley near Upton, just before 5 a.m. Thursday."

"It proved Betty Collins is a woman who stands her ground - with a gun in her hand."

"'I said, 'Get on the ground.' and he got on his knees. I said, 'no, put your face in the dirt and you're gonna stay there.',' recounted Collins."

"The past two mornings, she says, someone has stolen items from her car."

"This morning, she says someone was trying to get into her house." ...

Team GLOCK Captain KC Eusebio Wins 2013 European Steel Challenge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today GLOCK, Inc. announced the Team GLOCK captain KC Eusebio won the 2013 European Steel Challenge in record time, held in Winterswijk, Netherlands, May 10-12, 2013. The competition was hosted by the Stichting Winterswijkse Accomodatie Sportschieten." ...

IL: Will County Board tells state lawmakers to pass a concealed carry law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Will County Board members Thursday sent a message to state lawmakers—pass a concealed carry law before it automatically becomes law."

"Board members voted 15-6, with three members voting 'present,' supporting a resolution backing a concealed carry law with certain restrictions. The resolution will be forwarded to state lawmakers, who under a court ruling have until June 8 to pass their own law regulating concealed carry." ...

IL: Senate panel OKs restrictive bill; full chamber could vote Friday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Chicago Democrat’s restrictive concealed-carry legislation made it through a Senate committee Thursday, with opponents vowing again to fight its passage."

"The measure, which gives local law enforcement veto power for permits and home-rule municipalities additional say over where people can carry a weapon in public, passed the Senate Executive Committee by a party-line 10-4 vote. ..."

"Todd Vandermyde, lobbyist for the National Rifle Association in Illinois, said House Bill 183 isn’t a 'carry bill' but a means to deny Illinoisans the right to carry a weapon in public." ...

IL: Concealed carry rules for Illinois emerge but face uncertain fate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Senate Executive Committee approved the Raoul legislation 10-4, but the panel is stacked with Chicago-area, anti-gun Democrats. The Raoul bill could come up for a vote in the full Senate as early as Friday. Neither Raoul nor Senate President John Cullerton would predict passage despite backing from Gov. Pat Quinn."

"In Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel said he met with Raoul and made it clear he did not want people to be able to carry weapons on public transit or at Wrigley Field, concerts and places like the proposed new stadium near McCormick Place for DePaul University's basketball team." ...

IL: Senate panel OKs concealed-carry bill over NRA opposition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Favored by gun-control advocates, a push establishing tight limits on where Illinois gun owners could carry their weapons in public advanced in the state Senate Thursday over objections from the National Rifle Association."

"The measure, which passed the Senate Executive Committee by a 10-4 vote, with one member voting present, surfaced less than a month before a June 9 deadline imposed by a federal appeals court for Illinois to end its last-in-the-nation prohibition on concealed-carry." ...

IL: Ill. Senate gun opponents decry 'moral' standard
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Illinois Senate panel approved a measure Thursday allowing the carrying of concealed weapons, but the committee's move followed sharp questioning from Republicans concerning whether packing a gun in Chicago should require special permission and how authorities would determine who is fit to carry." ...

"Republicans also decried provisions in the legislation that require applicants for conceal-and-carry permits to have a 'proper reason' and be 'of good moral character.'" ...

Cuellar promotes gun safety bill (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congressman Henry Cuellar and US Representative John Carter are teaming up on a bill that would create a tax deduction of $1,200 when you purchase a security device for your gun." ...

Submitter's Note: So when I buy a $100 Mosin-Nagant revolver I'll get a $1,200 tax credit towards an AR-10 to maintain its security? Sweet!

PA: Mt. Holly Springs officials pass resolution to uphold Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While declaring their support of the Second Amendment, Mt. Holly Springs officials stopped short of adopting an ordinance that would declare federal laws restricting gun ownership invalid within borough limits."

"Council members Tuesday voted unanimously in favor of a resolution recognizing the right of local residents to purchase, own and possess firearms 'free of unreasonable restraint and regulation.'" ...

MD: Governor Martin O'Malley Signs Gun Control Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maryland's gun laws are now among the strictest in the nation."

"Governor Martin O'Malley signed the sweeping gun control measure Thursday. Under the new legislation, which the governor helped push through the General Assembly, anyone buying a handgun will have to submit fingerprints to obtain a license. The bill also bans 45 types of assault weapons, but those who own the weapons before the law goes into effect will be allowed to keep them." ...

NY: Sheriff Howard on SAFE Act: ‘I won’t enforce it’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s no secret Sheriff Timothy B. Howard is opposed to New York’s new gun-control law."

"But Howard, who is running for re-election this year, is now ratcheting up his opposition by filing a friend of the court brief in the lawsuit seeking to overturn the SAFE Act and, even more important perhaps, by suggesting the law not be enforced."

"'I’m more than reluctant,' he said of the new law Thursday. 'I won’t enforce it.'" ...

CO: Majority of Colorado sheriffs bringing lawsuit against gun control laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"All but 10 of Colorado’s 64 county sheriffs have signed onto a lawsuit aimed at blocking the Democratic gun control measures passed by the state legislature and signed into law by Gov. John Hickenlooper back in March."

"The sheriffs have called a Friday morning news conference to detail their federal challenge, which is being led by the Independence Institute and its in-house Second Amendment expert Dave Kopel." ...

NC: Leland Police officer quits amid wrongful arrest claim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Leland Police officer named in a wrongful arrest claim has resigned."

"Hank Smith is one of two Leland Police officers Darryl Langley accused of falsely arresting him two years ago. Langley claims they cuffed him in a patrol car while his ex-girlfriend cleaned out his house, including his stuff." ...

CO: Colorado Springs to defend police officers against wrongful arrest lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man who was wrongly detained by Colorado Springs police for carrying a holstered pistol at a gay-rights parade last year is suing the city and members of the Police Department."

"James Sorensen, 24, was arrested July 21 in Acacia Park in downtown Colorado Springs under an outmoded law - repealed in 2003 - that made it a misdemeanor to carry guns into public parks. Police later acknowledged the arrest was made in error, and Sorensen's ticket was dismissed in August."

"In an April lawsuit, however, Sorensen alleges that he should be compensated for the violation of his rights." ...

IL: Reporter files federal lawsuit against city, police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A local newspaper reporter has filed a federal lawsuit alleging mistreatment by more than a dozen Springfield police officers over the last three years."

"Calvin Christian III alleges that 'malicious arrests and issuance of tickets were committed in retaliation ... for filing a lawsuit (in 2010) seeking access to internal affair(s) files of Springfield police officers who have been accused of misconduct.'" ...

PA: Former Forks policeman pleads guilty to threatening girlfriend with shotgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Forks Township police officer who threatened his girlfriend with a shotgun pleaded guilty Thursday to a domestic crime that cost him his career."

"Matthew Balodis, 30, of Tatamy admitted to two misdemeanor charges of simple assault, receiving three years of probation under a plea bargain in which he agreed to continue therapy and have his firearms destroyed." ...

VA: Second Amendment rights have nothing to do with hunting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am writing in response to Dorothy Hughes’ letter in the [May 3-5] issue, 'Don’t forget, come Election Day.'"

"She offers the same old rhetoric about automatic weapons not being needed for deer hunting. She is making the same mistake that only emotionally thinking people make. The Second Amendment to the Constitution has nothing to do with deer hunting." ...

CO: To the Politicians and Citizens of Colorado
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our hearts were broken in March as your government passed a set of draconian anti-gun laws upon your state. You see, Colorado has been kind of a second home for my family since the 1980s, and for me since 1970 when I first came out there and saw what a wonderful, colorful state it was." ...

"We have many friends and relatives who, like us, enjoyed Colorado all year round and this decision was given countless hours of thought and consideration by my entire family as well as our friends, and what we ultimately have decided is that since Colorado has become anti-gun, we shall become anti-Colorado." ...

The writings of scholars who have written on the subject are virtually united on the point that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, not simply the state national guards. — PROFESSOR GLENN HARLAN REYNOLDS

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