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Guns At Work? Only The Bad Guys Have Them
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"People often wonder why anyone would want to have a gun in their car at work. The answer can be found in The Daily News Journal - Shots ring out in parking lot."

"... Gunfire split the Wednesday morning air as employees prepared to start the work day at Cumberland Swan. An employee lay shot, and the ex-husband she recently divorced is now charged with attempted murder." ...

"It isn't about having a gun in your car at work. It is about being able to defend yourself on the drive to-and-from work. People being stalked are most vulnerable when they are on a fixed schedule at a known location: to-and-from work, picking-up and dropping-off kids at school and daycare, to-and-from religious services. All are known locations, and known schedules. All are places that society loves to disarm people." ...

Attacking gun rights does not save lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Much ink has been spent lately in an ongoing debate about gun rights versus gun control in the wake of the tragic shootings on Seattle's Capitol Hill a few weeks ago."

"While the gun-control crowd has, by its own admission, tried to capitalize on the incident for its own purposes, the gun-rights community has been digging in and defending an individual civil right that is part of both our federal and state constitutions." ...

"Another admission from Washington CeaseFire and other gun-control proponents is that no gun-control law could have prevented the Capitol Hill incident. On that point, we all agree." ...

Gun Sense
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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"Opponents of gun control often pretend to represent the interests of law enforcement, while painting people who favor sensible firearms regulations as naive liberals who wouldn't know a 9 mm from an AK47. They should take note that most of those on the front lines of gun violence support tougher gun control measures, including laws to require background checks on all people purchasing firearms."

"A new study -- Police Chiefs' Perceptions of the Regulation of Firearms -- found that law enforcement leaders back gun control proposals that are generally opposed by groups such as the National Rifle Association." ...

My Visit To The Minutemen H.Q. In Arizona
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On April 19, 2006, I was at the Minutemen HQ in Arizona. I cannot give you the exact location as all media are required to sign an agreement which prohibits revealing the location ..." ...

"... Bush wants open borders. This has been well documented by many columnists including yours truly. The cowards who serve in Congress don't have the guts to get the job done, so don't look for the military down on the border anytime soon - which is why the state militias project mentioned above is of paramount importance. The only way to get this accomplished is for hundreds of thousands of Americans become aware that the Second Amendment mandates an armed population in defense of the Several States; see here." ...

Who, me?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Lady Liberty doesn't support the Second Amendment!"

"I've received emails on this topic ever since I started commenting on stories about Concealed Carry Weapons legislation in the various states. The problem? I'm not a fan of such laws. Saying so has apparently upset some gun rights advocates enough that they don't go on to see what I say with the very next breath, and that is this: We already have a CCW law in every state, and it's called 'the Second Amendment.'"

"My point is a relatively simple one. States that pass CCW laws require that applicants jump through a variety of hoops. ... Please don't think that this means I consider training a bad idea. It's the licensing itself I consider wrong at best, and a real danger to freedom." ...

Browning was one of greatest mechanical geniuses of all time
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Two names stand out from all others in the field of firearms design. One of these is John Moses Browning who designed many of the sporting firearms of the past and several we are still using. Two of the best-known Browning designs are the 94 Winchester lever action rifle and the Colt 1911 Government Model automatic pistol. The other great designer, Baron Von Mannlicher, of Austria is for another column sometime."

"The firm of J.M. Browning & Bro. was founded in 1880 in Ogden, Utah, to build a single shot rifle of John Browning's design. The Browning Model 1878 as it was called came to the attention of Winchester Repeating Arms Co. executives and became the Winchester Model 1885. ..." ...

TX: Police: Woman Shoots Ex-Boyfriend In Self-Defense
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A woman was accused Monday of shooting her ex-boyfriend in self-defense, KPRC Local 2 reported.

Officers said the man showed up at the woman's home in the 2300 block of West Tidwell at Rosslyn at about 10:30 p.m.

A fight ensued and the woman said the man went to the kitchen, got a knife and threw it at her, according to authorities.

She then picked up a gun and shot him in the abdomen, police said.

He was taken to Ben Taub Hospital in stable condition.

Police said the shooting appeared to be self-defense.

No names were released.

TN: Disabled Red Bank Man Gets Off 4 Shots At Home Invader
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A disabled Red Bank man foiled a home invasion early Thursday morning by getting off four shots at a man busting in his bedroom window."

"Red Bank Police Lt. Jim Kyle said the incident happened at 1:30 a.m. at 203 Euclid Ave."

"He said David McCutcheon was asleep in his bed when he heard his bedroom window breaking, then saw a masked man coming through the window."

"Mr. McCutcheon reached for a .32-caliber revolver and began firing, causing the masked man to make a hasty retreat."

"Lt. Kyle said Daniel 'Spike' McCabe, 28, was found to have a gunshot wound later in the day in Soddy-Daisy when he was examined for a drug overdose."

"He said McCabe ... has been charged in the Red Bank home invasion." ...

VA: Teen charged with having rifle on school property
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A 19-year-old had an unloaded rifle in his car parked at a Norfolk high school.

Police said Corey Benton acknowledged having the rifle in the trunk at Lake Taylor High.

School security officers got suspicious, they said, when they saw BEnton and another person leave school after classes had begun.

When they returned a short time later, officers approached them in the parking lot and smelled marijuana, police added.

Less than an ounce of marijuana also was found in the car, according to authorities.

Police stress no one was in any danger and there was no indication Benton was going to hurt anyone.

Corey Benton is in jail on one count of felony possession of a firearm on school property.

MI: Our View: Self-defense bills worth the clarification
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You'd think a concept like self-defense would be easily defined, but not so. That's why we're glad the state House has taken steps to clarify the matter."

"The House passed bills last week that specify people may assume someone who forcibly enters their home or vehicle intends to do them harm. ... You also were required to retreat before attacking the intruder, and that provision has been removed."

"Now people who feel threatened can defend themselves, using deadly force if necessary, without facing criminal or civil liability. And just so the bills don't get warped in other creative ways, they specifically protect only people who are not committing crimes and are in places they have the legal right to be." ...

IL: A right to self-defense (first letter)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The state legislature of Kansas has overridden the governor's veto and passed concealed carry for law-abiding residents. Anti-gun rights zealots are going to rant about 'blood in the streets' and 'Dodge City,' just as they have in every other state that has passed this legislation. But the mayhem never happens."

"A solitary group of three states still denies their residents this right. If you guessed that Illinois is one of the three, you're absolutely correct."

"Don't let the anti-gun rights bigots from Chicago deny us the fundamental freedom of self-defense. Tell your state representative and senator to support concealed carry in Illinois so we won't be the 50th state to restore this freedom to its residents." ...

AZ: Not a license to shoot first, ask questions later
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An amendment to Arizona’s criminal statutes signed by Gov. Janet Napolitano last week places upon prosecutors instead of householders the burden to prove whether the use of force upon an intruder was indeed self-defense."

"SB1145 becoming law should not, however, embolden anyone into assuming that somehow the Wild West has returned to Arizona and that the state has given a green light to opening fire upon any unwelcome outsider found in one’s home or car."

"As state law had before, a threatened person is still required to believe he or she is in imminent danger from the intruder. ..." ...

OH: The art of the open records flip-flop
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Most advocates of Concealed Carry feel that their personal identity doesn't belong in the news paper just because they've obtained a license to carry a firearm. In Monday's Canton Repository columnist Michael E. Hanke explores flip-flop voting on HB9 that allows representatives on both sides of the aisle to claim they voted for open-records, while simultaneously claiming they voted to make license holder identity protected."

"The open-records exclusion for CHL holders in HB347 was removed when it was evident that Bob Taft would veto the concealed carry reform bill, only to see it amended (in better language) into a more appropriate open-records reform bill known as HB9." ...

MD: Copping Out -- A City Council Report on False Arrests by Baltimore Police Fails to Address the Root of the Problem
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In Baltimore, the fight over improper arrests is a fight between two realities: 'Mrs. Jones' vs. the U.S. Constitution. So far, Mrs. Jones is winning."

"Mrs. Jones is Baltimore City Councilman James B. Kraft’s shorthand for the upstanding citizen who wants the boys taken off the corner. ..."

"So city police officers arrest the men on the corner. ..." ...

"The arrests are to placate the Mrs. Joneses of Baltimore ..."

"But ... the Supreme Court ... ruled three decades ago that police cannot arrest people for standing on the street corner ..." ...

"Arrestees now receive a form that allows them to request expungement, though they have to give up their right to sue the department for false arrest." [emphasis added] ...

WI: Jude verdicts troubling, but not unexpected
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The jury in the Frank Jude beating case took 25 hours to find three off-duty Milwaukee police officers ... not guilty. The verdicts in the Jude trial do not surprise me, but they do scare the beejebbies out of me. That an all-white jury could find three off-duty police cops not guilty of brutally beating a man is nothing new. ..."

"These verdicts are frightening because they go one step further than even the Rodney King verdict. Not only are uniformed, on-duty police officers privileged in such cases, but also plain-clothes, off-duty officers as well. ... And what about this 'blue wall of silence?' An officer’s first loyalty should be to the rule of law, not dirty and abusive fellow officers." ...

NY: Shooting down the gunmakers
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Sharp shootin' Jack Weinstein, judge of the Eastern District, has used a silver bullet to single-handedly keep alive Mayor Bloomberg's battle to get illegal guns off the street. The judge rightly ruled that the city can use federal data it already has against gunmakers and distributors who carelessly deliver their wares to unscrupulous dealers who, in turn, sell to criminals. Weinstein is the man in the white hat against the firearms black market." ...

UT: Armed coach is kicked off ball field
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Blanding city employee Danny Fleming was umpiring a baseball game recently ... when he noticed the San Juan manager, Corey Workman, wearing a gun."

"Workman is a Blanding police officer who often goes to games while on duty. He was in uniform and had his radio on in case he had to take a call while he coached first base."

"But Fleming would have none of it."

"The ump told Workman he could not wear his gun on the field because a stray ball might hit the pistol and make it discharge. The crowd groaned. Even the opposing team manager tried to come to the defense of the police officer."

"But Fleming said he was the guy in charge on the baseball field." ...

NY: Ex-officer faces pistol-whip rap
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A retired New York City correction officer was to be arraigned in Hempstead this morning on charges she pistol-whipped a man following an auto accident in a parking lot in North Woodmere."

"Nassau police said Sheala Watford, 46, of Roosevelt, struck a car driven by a 20-year-old man in the parking lot of a restaurant ... at about 4:30 p.m. Saturday."

"The two drivers got out of their cars and argued, police said, and Watford took out her licensed handgun and struck the man on the side of the head."

"The man went back to his car and called police, who arrested her, officials said." ...

"Watford, who was charged with assault, was held for arraignment this morning in First District Court."

WA: Seattle Officer Reprimanded For Shooting At His Stolen Cruiser
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske has found that an officer violated department rules when he fired three shots at a woman who commandeered a patrol car and drove away."

"Kerlikowske suspended the officer, Harold Dentinger, for five days without pay but won't impose the penalty if the officer avoids similar misconduct for three years." ...

"Dentinger told the Firearms Review Board that he thought Morfin posed a danger to him and others because she was driving erratically and because she could gain access to a rifle in the trunk. ..."

"During the internal investigation, Capt. Neil Low concluded in a memo that 'the suspect did not pose an imminent and ongoing threat of harm to the officer from which he could not remove himself... .'"

MA: Unreal danger
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A toy gun gaining in popularity among local teens has several MetroWest police departments worried because of its low price and realism."

"Officials are fearful because many Airsoft guns look so realistic they are almost indistinguishable from actual guns, even police-issued handguns." ...

"There was nearly a 'tragic incident' last month in Walla Walla, Wash., when a group of teens playing with the Airsoft guns were mistakenly believed to be using real weapons. They were surrounded by a number of police officers armed with assault rifles ready to take the teens down."

"It is that type of incident police want to avoid, Framingham Police Lt. Paul Shastany said." ...

Submitter's Note: Try pretending that cops are our servants, not our masters.

South Africa: Disarming off-duty police not a solution
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The letter 'Our cops must not take their firearms home' (The Star April 26) by Alston Nkolokosa refers."

"The writer says that police officers should be disarmed when off duty to prevent massacres perpetuated by killer cops. ..."

"It is also indicative of the successful propaganda campaigns by anti-firearm groups. Such propaganda seeks to shift attention away from 'causative issues' and diverts attention towards blaming the availability of tools as the cause of violence which ultimately is used to justify the prohibition of guns."

"Does Nkolokosa realise that his theory would crumble once killer cops arrive at work, book themselves an R-5 assault rifle, and go on a killing spree when on duty? ..." ...

Nigeria: Mobile policeman shoots colleague over N500 bribe
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"THE regular briefing on ethics and professionalism, especially as it pertains to handling arms amongst junior police officers in the state by the Commissioner of Police, Lagos State, Mr. Emmanuel Adebayo, seem to have fallen on deaf ears as a police corporal (names withheld) serving with the Police Mobile Force, (PMF) Unit 20, recently threw caution to the wind and released several hot leads from his pump action rifle into the body of his colleague following a mild argument over money." ...

South Africa: Where did the rifle come from?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Questions are being asked about why the weapon that was used to kill two young children and wound Sergeant Flippie Venter's wife, Millie, was allegedly in his possession."

"It is claimed Venter shot and killed his two young children and wounded his wife, Millie, with an R-4 military rifle on Wednesday evening."

"Venter is also on trial for the murder and rape of a 14-year-old Burundian prostitute."

"An upset colleague and other acquaintances of the Venter couple said at the weekend: 'Somebody at that defence-force base could be partly responsible for the tragic shooting.'"

"There is no clear indication of when, how or where Venter got the rifle." ...

Passing Down the Passion
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"I have four kids: three are girls, ages 20, 17 and 10; and one son, 5. I exposed the two oldest daughters to some hunting and fishing in their younger years, but by around 10 or 12 years old, neither was really all that interested, or at least the outdoors wasn't their 'passion.'" ...

"About six months ago, Natalie started talking about the mounts a little more and seemed to express an interest in deer hunting. ... Natalie enjoyed the BB gun but was usually asking about other things besides paper targets. ... She asked a lot of questions about hunting and trapping. Even though some of the questions seemed pretty funny at times, I could feel that Natalie was starting to show me that she has a true passion for the outdoors." ...

AR: Students in Lion Rifles Place at NSU Competition
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"Lion Rifles, the UA Fort Smith student air rifle club, ended its 2005-2006 season at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Okla., placing shooters in second, fourth, and fifth place in a prone and standing sporter air event against NSU’s ROTC squad."

"'We haven’t shot much sporter at all this year,' coach and adviser Roy Hill said. ..."

"Sporter air rifles weigh less than 7.5 pounds and are shot from different positions: standing, keeling and prone. Sporter competitors must wear regular street clothes and shoes while they shoot and cannot use any of the specialized jackets or pants typically worn by precision competitors." ...

FL: Random drug tests, no guns for Rush Limbaugh
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"Rush Limbaugh must pass random drug tests for the next 18 months to satisfy an agreement filed Monday that will lead to dismissal of a prescription fraud charge if he stays out of trouble."

"The conservative commentator also must continue treatment for his addiction and cannot own a gun, according to details of the deal made public Monday. And the agreement says he 'will refrain from any violation of any law.'" [emphasis added] ...

CA: Ghosts of the Old West
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"It was one of those warm afternoons when the young almonds budding on their branches soak up so much sunshine you can almost hear them growing." ...

"'Black powder is very dirty,' Jerry Bestpitch said. 'I don't know any cowboy that would go to a shootout with a dirty gun.'"

"Bestpitch is one of nearly 100 sharpshooters in Northern California who spend many of their weekends at tournaments where they weave their horses through mazes of barrels, shooting at balloons for timed scores. Several of them joined others ... just south of Ceres on Saturday for a competition, which will resume at 9 this morning."

"The sport, known as mounted shooting, combines barrel racing, marksmanship and dexterity." ...

NY: Complaints of heavy fire close gun club
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A town gun club has been temporarily shut down after complaints from neighbors about zoning violations and noise from inappropriately heavy firepower."

"Neighbors on Spring Lake Road said the Cokertown Rod & Gun Club has expanded its membership in recent years, and those members are shooting more powerful weapons more frequently, more hours of the day and in the company of more guests." ...

"In recent years, the membership has expanded ... According to the Horkans and their attorney, Cokertown also has violated local zoning ordinances ..."

"Fennell's letter said the club 'enjoys nonconforming (grandfather) status' because it has been in existence since ... 1962, but it must stop activities until it meets all of the town's zoning laws." ...

FL: University professors shape laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Type the words 'Gary Kleck' and 'guns' into Google, and you'll find links to about 50,400 Web pages."

"Many of those link to gun-rights groups ... Kleck, a professor of criminology and criminal justice at Florida State University, has become the darling of gun-rights advocates thanks to his studies into the use of firearms for self-defense."

"His research found that as many as 2.5 million victims each year have used guns to defend themselves during crimes. It also showed that victims who submitted to criminals' demands were twice as likely to be injured during crimes as those who defended themselves with guns. His research did not conclude that looser gun laws lessen crime, Kleck said, only that guns altered crimes that were already under way." ...

Canada: Biker was toting gun: cops
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"A man believed to be a member of the Hells Angels motorcycle club has been arrested and charged after he allegedly tried to board a plane with a loaded gun."

"The man was stopped by Vancouver International Airport screeners on Friday after screening devices showed what appeared to be a handgun in his carry-on luggage."

"RCMP were called and found a fully loaded, semi-automatic Bryco handgun in the bag."

"The pistol is prohibited because of its short barrel."

"Also found in the bag were Hells Angels T-shirts and Hells Angels colours identifying the wearer as the 'sergeant-of-arms' of the White Rock chapter of the motorcycle club. The luggage also contained Hells Angels documents ..." ...

Australia: Assault rifle, drugs seized in raids
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"Police raids on seven properties in Melbourne's south have yielded large amounts of drugs, cash and stolen property and a range of illegal firearms, including an assault rifle."

"Seventeen people were arrested ..."

"The raids were part of Operation Ovine ... and involved members of the special operations group, the dog squad, local detectives and regional response units."

"Sergeant Tom Nairn of Frankston regional response unit said police uncovered a large amount of amphetamines and cash, a range of stolen property and a series of firearms."

"These included a centre-fire assault rifle, a centre-fire .303-calibre rifle, a .22-calibre rifle, a sawn-off double-barrel shotgun and a small handgun, he said." ...

Australia: Gun buyback a sure-fire win for PM
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"THE issue of gun-related deaths in Australia has again risen to the fore as the 10th anniversary of the Port Arthur massacre is remembered."

"Prime Minister John Howard has reiterated his strong opposition to guns, saying:"

"'I don't think Australians need guns unless it's for your job, or you are in genuine need of protection'."

"The gun control laws introduced in the wake of Port Arthur specifically banned sales of rapid-fire rifles and shotguns to members of the public, and arranged for the buyback of such weapons then in private hands." ...

"A new study claims the buy-back resulted in remarkable reductions in gun deaths." ...

Australia: Academic urges action to tackle pistol 'proliferation'
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A Gold Coast criminologist says it is time new schemes were introduced to reduce the number of illegal hand guns in the community.

Bond University professor Paul Wilson says figures show the number of gun deaths has decreased since the introduction of the gun buy-back scheme nearly a decade ago.

But the criminologist says there is a proliferation of illegal hand guns and something needs to be done.

"The rate of hand gun crimes has increased in Australia, especially in Sydney," he said.

"There's a lot of evidence that illegal hand guns are being used in more and more crimes and I think that it suggests to a lot of us that it is time to instigate new schemes to deal with hand guns."

As I have stood in the crosshairs of those who target Second Amendment freedoms, I've realized that firearms are not the only issue. No, it's much, much bigger than that. I've come to understand that a cultural war is raging across our land, in which, with Orwellian fervor, certain acceptable thoughts and speech are mandated. — Charlton Heston

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