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Newslinks for 5/20/2002

Deciding who owns 'Right To Bear Arms'
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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"[I]f the Bush administration's Second Amendment theory becomes law, some changes are likely. The Washington, D.C., handgun ban, for example, would probably be struck down as too broad. Similar bans in Chicago and other cities also would be vulnerable, provided that the Supreme Court follows its past practice and applies the restrictions of the Bill of Rights not only to the federal government, but also to the states."

KABA NOTE: Contact the Mercury News Editor and Perspective Editor Kim Fararo to tell them how pleased you are with their unbiased reporting!

Who Possesses The Right To Bear Arms?
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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"The Bush Justice Department's May 6 decision to support an individual's right to own guns independent of a militia is a reversal of previous administrations' positions. But the author argues that there is ample evidence to show that the individual right to own guns was well-accepted in the 1700s and 1800s. He lays out his evidence in the chronology below, and also shows how opinions shifted in the 1900s, when the first major federal gun-control laws were passed."

KABA NOTE: Contact the Mercury News Editor and Perspective Editor Kim Fararo to tell them how pleased you are with their unbiased reporting!

UT: GOP Rivals: Attack of Clones?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Candidates Tim Bridgewater and John Swallow have been on the campaign trail two months now and have yet to stumble across a fighting issue. ... both suspect the anti-terrorist "Patriot Act" went too far in eroding civil rights ... would fight to shrink the federal role in education, [and] supports gun rights."

CA: Spitball may send boy to prison
Submitted by: Roger Tweeddale

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"An errant spitball that put a fellow student in the hospital with an eye injury could land a 13-year-old California boy in juvenile prison for up to eight years on two felony convictions."

"Jeffrey and his 14-year-old brother Stephen, who allegedly urged Jeffrey to fire the spitball, both were charged with battery causing serious bodily injury, assault with a deadly weapon, assault by force likely to produce great bodily injury, and mayhem."

FAA orders police to close firing range in Oklahoma
Submitted by: serinde

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ARDMORE -- "The Federal Aviation Administration on Thursday told city officials to move a recently completed police firing range away from the city's airpark. "It's pretty obvious you don't want someone firing guns around airplanes," said John Clabes, FAA spokesman."

"The gun range is immediately beneath the approach path for planes and is considered an "incompatible use of airpark land."

Second Reading - debate over Right To Keep And Bear Arms only beginning
Submitted by: Anonymous

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“John Walker Lindh's lawyers argue that punishing him for carrying a gun in Afghanistan would violate his Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. They note that the Justice Department has taken the position that the amendment applies to individuals.”

Ashcroft and NRA Provide 2A Defense for Terrorist John Walker Lindh
Submitted by: Anonymous

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“One week after the Ashcroft Justice Department formally adopted the National Rifle Association (NRA) view that the Second Amendment guarantees a broad individual right to keep and bear arms, the defense team for accused American Taliban terrorist John Walker Lindh has used the government's arguments made to the U.S. Supreme Court to urge dismissal of the gun charge filed against him.”

Cheney: Attacks Almost A 'Certainty'
Submitted by: Vincent Beall

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Cheney said the government is "doing everything in it's power to make us a tougher target." (But I guess guns in cockpits aren't politically correct.)

VA: Pistol-packing and proud of it
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Good quality citizens are getting them. They're not getting in trouble." "Craig County's rate of concealed gun permits is the highest in Virginia."

Rules of Engagement: Who's Getting Greased Here?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The White House on Thursday defended its decision not to alert Americans before the Sept. 11 attacks that Osama bin Laden's terrorist network might try to hijack airplanes. White House officials said such a warning would have risked shutting down the country's airline system ... not only did the government have prior knowledge, but a warning DID go out to the airline industry."

Also see: Natl. Security Adviser Confirms Receipt of Terrorist Threats Before 9/11

And: Administration Issued Numerous Terror Warnings Before 9/11

Researchers Mull Civil Liberties
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"When feeling threatened, Americans have been willing to give up some personal freedoms over the past half century, public opinion researchers suggest, and that has carried over during the current terrorism threat."

"The Bush administration is trying to encourage people to return to their normal lives, while also warning about possible terrorist attacks."

Russia, Chickens, and Guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Why Bush wants Russia to be a friend. And the NRA, too."

"The NRA isn't the nation's largest lobby: It has 4 million members vs. the AARP's 35 million. But those members care so passionately about keeping their guns that they vote on that issue come Election Day. Now that so few people even bother to show up at the polling booth, any group that can promise thousands of voters pointed in one direction is a group that wields real power."

UT: Do concealed weapons laws make Utah safer?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"More than 44,000 people are permitted to carry concealed weapons in Utah. Some say that makes everybody safer by helping cops stop bad guys. Others, however, question whether the benefits outweigh the risks. The jury is still out on the issue."

Lock-and-Load Ashcroft
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"It is somewhat embarrassing that the chief law enforcement officer of our country is a gun nut, but it is more than that. Dennis Henigan of the Brady Center to Prevent Violence warns that felons arrested for gun possession will claim the alibi Ashcroft has provided them: the right to keep and bear arms." -- Mary McGrory, The Washington Post

Socialist 'Satirist' Michael Moore shocked at Cannes selection
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Filmmaker and satirist Michael Moore has said he was "blown away" when his documentary on US gun culture, Bowling for Columbine, was selected for competition at the Cannes film festival."

"Moore's film explores why the US has more than 11,000 gun-related deaths per year, and compares it with Canada and Europe, where he said numbers are often less than 100 per country. ... It also includes an interview with actor and president of the US National Rifle Association (NRA) Charlton Heston."

NYC: Deadly Spate of Gun Mayhem
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Two people were shot dead and three others wounded in five shootings over five hours, despite the city's massive efforts to curb gun violence."

--Arm the citizens. That will do it.

CO: Police get $100,000 to 'fight gun violence'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Colorado Springs police and the city's largest school district received $100,000 Thursday to direct toward preventing gun-related violence ... as part of a national public awareness campaign against gun violence."

"District 11 will use the money to increase school security, create a student Crime Stoppers "weapons watch" program and teach gun safety to elementary school children. They also will have more patrols by police dogs in schools and more security guards at after-school events."

UK: Gun law on city streets
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Between March 2000 and the beginning of this year, the total of people killed by shootings on West Yorkshire streets was 11. Another 24 were injured by gunshot wounds. In Leeds alone in that period, six people died and more than 20 were injured. The bodies of two men who were shot and killed in Manchester were also found dumped in the city."

"That dramatic rise in shootings in West Yorkshire led to police setting up two new specialist squads over the last year."

MI: 2 counties join effort to jail felons who use guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Project Safe Neighborhoods, the U.S. Justice Department's campaign to rid the streets of repeat criminals who use guns, is expanding into Oakland and Macomb counties."

"The project was launched in Wayne County in March and has resulted in federal prosecution of about 50 felons caught with guns, said Jeffrey Collins, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan."

--When are people going to realize that "cutting down on 'gun crime' does not mean cutting down on ALL crime?

MS: Hundreds rally behind 'anti-crime' project
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"An estimated 450 to 500 concerned citizens gathered at the Municipal Auditorium for the 'Project Safe Neighborhoods' kickoff rally. "We're going to take back Clarksdale so we can sleep at night," declared Mayor Henry Espy. The focus of the rally was what several speakers referred to as Clarksdale's "culture of violence."

Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The reason I am not optimistic about the future of liberty is because the freedom gains of the last two decades have come dishonestly. There are ulterior motives behind statist leaders’ efforts to partially dismantle certain aspects of Socialism. ... free market reforms are only the bait in the globalist trap of international regulatory control. Because of this ulterior motive, our enthusiasm for recent gains should be cautious."

Reporters today are far removed from America's founding values and are alarmed and contemptuous of gun owners as dangerous lower classes. — HENRY ALLEN, WASHINGTON POST

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