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Newslinks for 5/26/2006

Newslinks Founder Selling Personal Firearm Collection to Pay Gun-charge Related Legal Expenses
Submitted by: News Director

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" founder and former executive director Angel Shamaya is selling most of his personal firearm collection to help defray legal expenses that resulted from gun-related charges in Michigan. Although the court ordered the police to return Shamaya's firearms, the legal expenses are steep -- so he's now selling those firearms. ..."

ABC News Bias: Assigns Anti-Gunner on Staff to Cover Gun Issues
Submitted by: News Director

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"Washington correspondent Jake Tapper once worked for Handgun Control, according to a piece he wrote when he worked for Salon News. His obvious bias greatly alarms SAF founder Alan M. Gottlieb."

"'This is the same ABC News that rushed to the air this week to report that Republican House Speaker Denny Hastert is under investigation by the Justice Department, when the Justice Department said he wasn't,' Gottlieb noted. 'This is the same news network that added George Stephanopoulos, a former top aide to anti-gun President Bill Clinton. Now they've got a former staffer for an extremist gun control group reporting on firearms issues.'"

Losing Freedom, The UN Attacks the Second Amendment
Submitted by: News Director

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"July 4 is Independence Day. Many across America will celebrate the day that America declared itself a free and sovereign people. People will cook out on the grill, have family get togethers, and just celebrate freedom in general. However, the UN has plans for this day as well - and these plans are not at all celebrating freedom. These plans are sinister in character and threaten our sovereignty as a free nation."

"...The UN and its liberal allies in Canada, Australia and liberals right here in America would like nothing more than to erase the Second Amendment from the constitution and ban all firearms around the world."

Self-defense gun law gains favor
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A campaign by gun rights advocates to make it easier to use deadly force in self-defense is rapidly winning support across the country, as state after state makes it legal for people who feel their lives are in danger to shoot down an attacker - whether in a car-jacking or just on the street." ...

"Ten states so far this year have passed a version of the law, after Florida was the first last year. It's already being considered in Arizona in the case of a deadly shooting on a hiking trail."

CA: Physics teacher under fire for gun experiment
Submitted by: Brian D. Kohl

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"Every year, physics teacher David Lapp brings his Korean War era M-1 carbine to school, fires a shot into a block of wood and instructs his students to calculate the velocity of the bullet."

"It is a popular experiment at Mill Valley's Tamalpais High School, where students are exposed to several unique stunts that Lapp performs in his five classes every year to illustrate inertia, velocity and other complex formulae."

"Turns out, it also may be illegal."

"It is a felony to bring any rifle, loaded or unloaded, onto a school campus without the written permission of the school district superintendent or his designee, according to Marin County District Attorney Ed Berberian."

"Actually firing a gun inside a classroom would, in all probability, be considered a 'reckless discharge' and could bring about harsher punishment under Penal Code section 626.9, better known as the Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1995."

PA: Student Suspended Over Caffeinated Chewing Gum
Submitted by: News Director

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"Students in the Burrell School District said a female student who attends Charles A. Huston Middle School was suspended for passing out chewing gum."

"The chewing gum in question -- Jolt -- has caffeine and ginseng."

"The school superintendent said products acting as a stimulant are prohibited and possessing these products on school grounds will result in disciplinary action."

"The school district said its zero tolerance for stimulations is spelled out in the student handbook, which is not only accessible on its Web site, but also given to each family in beginning of school year."

FL: Burglar Steals Police Officer's Badge, Off-Duty Gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"Police aren't sure if it was a thrill seeker or a police impersonator who stole a Windermere police lieutenant's badge and gun. According to the police report from the Casselberry Police Department, the crime was anything but random."

"The burglar made off with the lieutenant's off-duty gun, his badge and a stack of his business cards."

"It's common in apartment complexes around Central Florida for off-duty officers to park their take-home cruisers in plain view. In fact, many residents tout it as a security enhancement, deterring crime. But sometimes the officer becomes the victim."

IN: IPD officer fined $50 in beating
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An Indianapolis police officer was ordered to take an anger management course and fined Wednesday after pleading guilty to beating and choking a man he was questioning."

"Frank Jameson admitted attacking Keith Jerome Ellis, 18, in March while interrogating him about a kidnapping."

"Judge Linda Brown gave Jameson a suspended one-year sentence and fined him $50. He choked Ellis in a police interview room and then hit him before choking and hitting him a second time."

Submitter's Note: There are two sets of laws in this country. See what happens to you if you beat and choke a cop.

AL: Assault rifles concern police
Submitted by: News Director

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"Local law enforcement officials have worked at least four cases in the past month involving semi-automatic assault rifles, a rate that has caused some alarm."

"The Saturday shooting that left Michael Green... on life support was committed with an assault rifle, according to police. Green, who was shot in the neck and the back, remained in critical condition Tuesday."

"Capt. Huey Thornton, a Montgomery police spokesman, said an assault rifle also was used in the May 14 slaying of 22-year-old Kimberly Davis at her Woodbrook Drive home."

"Thornton said although assault rifles like AK-47s and AR-15s are not used in a large percentage of the city's shootings, the Police Department is not going to be 'reactive' to the situation."

Target shooting loaded with camaraderie
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Action pistol shooters are a unique group. National Rifle Association Press Chief Joe Roberts, 60, who has been involved in the sport since 1954 drew artistic parallels."

"To get (to the top level of the sport), the same way a concert pianist gets to Carnegie Hall: practice, practice, practice."

"Action Pistol shooting also tends to cultivate a close community of competitors. The annual tournaments and the small number of participants makes shooters close. The competitors at this year’s NRA Bianchi Cup National Action Pistol Championship, being held this week at Chapman Academy in Hallsville, are no different."

"'It’s a family, mostly,' shooter Jeff Rowe, 50, of Amherst, Virginia said."

PA: School Evacuates After Teen Brings Gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"A teenager distraught over a breakup brought a loaded rifle, a hunting knife and bottle rockets to school Thursday, leading almost 2,000 students to evacuate until he surrendered, authorities said."

"The 18-year-old senior at Northampton Area Senior High School was taken to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation. He was expected to be charged with two misdemeanors, including bringing a weapon to school, police said."

WA: Fake gun at school causes lockdown
Submitted by: News Director

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"A 14-year-old student at Bellevue's Highland Middle School was released to his father and is expected to be expelled from classes after a replica of a gun was found in his backpack Wednesday."

"Police were called to the school at 15027 N.E. Bellevue-Redmond Road just after 10 a.m. after a student told a teacher about another student who was believed to have a pistol in a backpack."

"The school went into lockdown."

"The principal contacted the student, secured a backpack and detained the student."

OH: Strickland Courts Pro-gun Vote
Submitted by: News Director

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"Ohio gubernatorial candidate Ted Strickland(D) wants you to believe he is pro-gun at heart. For some, it is enough that he is pro-gun on paper."

"Strickland has been an 'A' rated politician by the NRA. He was endorsed by the NRA in the Democratic primary. Yet, some disturbing facts surround his purported views on gun control..."

UK: Star Trek sword seized by British police
Submitted by: Adam of UAT

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"THIS five-foot martial arts sword capable of beheading a man was recovered by shocked cops in a house raid."

"It was shown yesterday at the start of a five-week national knife amnesty. Cops hope 30,000 blades will be handed in, with owners free from prosecution."

"He said: 'It is a particularly nasty weapon which could easily take someone’s head off.'"

"Knife crime will only get worse if we don’t introduce a five-year mandatory sentence for anyone carrying a knife."

WA: Effective gun control in Seattle University
Submitted by: News Director

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"The calls for gun law reform in Washington State are long overdue. Despite the saber-rattling of 2nd Amendment purists, the need for reform overshadows any ideological struggle for freedom. The reality of our current system has been horrifically displayed through the recent shootings on Capitol Hill..."

"Mayor Greg Nickels’s call for sensible gun control measures aims to restrict the ability of those seeking to do others harm. ...He hopes to see measures which would restrict the legality of military-style assault rifles, as well as close the current gunshow loophole, which allows people (including convicted felons) to purchase firearms with no background check."

Jeff Snyder ("Nation of Cowards") discusses "The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Last column I finished offering my reflections on Michael Moore’s Bowling for Columbine. But there is one incident in that film that I have not talked about yet that is going to be our point of departure for a new series of columns. In the movie, Moore is talking to the brother of Terry Nichols. (You may recall that Terry Nichols was convicted for assisting Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing.) Moore is asking Nichols about the meaning of the Second Amendment. Nichols correctly states that one of the purposes of the Second Amendment is to enable the people to resist a tyrannical government. Moore asks, what about Gandhi? When Nichols doesn’t have an answer, Moore asks, do you know who Gandhi was? Nichols answers, no."

"Moore is asking, essentially, have you ever thought about nonviolent ways of dealing with tyranny? He is testing Nichols, and by proxy, questioning the moral seriousness of the whole gun rights crowd. ..."

CA: In California, Brady Campaign Hires Seasoned, Creative Leader and Expert on Building Long Term Alliances
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, proud of its long partnership with the people and leaders, today announced they had hired Ellyne Bell, an experienced and creative progressive grassroots organizer and coalition builder to serve as Field Director for California. The state has been a leader in implementing innovative policies, programs and laws that represent cutting- edge new ways to combat gun violence."

"Bell will begin immediately, based in Sacramento, California's Capitol city. The Brady organization had earlier maintained an office in Los Angeles."

Canada: Keep gun registry alive
Submitted by: News Director

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"If we could offer one piece of advice to Stephen Harper's Conservatives with regard to the national gun registry, it would be: get your act together."

"Canada needs a gun registry for both handguns and long guns such as rifles. This registry - of which the government wants to scrap the long-gun portion - is a useful tool that helps in the fight against crime. But any registry needs to be set up and monitored efficiently."

"The Liberals didn't do an efficient job of handling our gun registry, overrunning costs in the billions and giving us a computer system that is still full of bugs. The Conservatives now have the chance to change that."

VA: Virginia is for Gun Lovers
Submitted by: News Director

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To the Editor:

Re: Remove 'Gun Lobby' From Office." If Ms. Fischer would prefer to live in a fantasy land with no guns, perhaps she should consider a move across the river to Washington, D.C., where they've had a nearly complete ban in place since 1977. Instead of worrying about the elected officials who are standing up for our freedoms, she can always vote herself "off the island."

Philip Levy
Oriole Avenue

TN: Knox Co. high schooler in custody for bringing gun to school
Submitted by: News Director

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"A Fulton High School student is in juvenile custody Thursday after police say he brought a loaded gun to school Wednesday morning."

"Officers confiscated the loaded gun without incident later taking the student out of class."

"The 17-year-old appeared in court for the first time Thursday morning in a detention hearing."

"Officers at Fulton say the student claimed he brought the weapon in self defense after two students threatened him the day before."

UK: Figures show drop in gun permits
Submitted by: News Director

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"The number of firearm and shotgun certificates issued in Scotland fell last year, according to Scottish Executive figures."

"Statistics show 26,538 firearm certificates were issued in 2005, down 359 on the previous year."

"The figures show 51,110 shotgun certificates were issued over the same period, 1,299 fewer than in 2004."

Domestic Violence: Women at Increasing Risk From Batterers with Firearms; Firearms 'Triple Threat' to Women Says Former Prosecutor
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Women are more likely to be killed by an intimate partner than to die at the hands of a stranger. Violent partners armed with firearms are especially dangerous. But state laws to take guns away from likely or actual perpetrators of domestic violence vary widely, and even where there are laws to do so they are often not enforced."

"Those and other conclusions emerge from 'Intimate Partner Violence and Firearms,' a new set of studies published in the June issue of Evaluation Review."

As Feds Go to Court to Try to Stop Reckless Gun Merchant, Brady Center Issues Report on Rogue Dealer's Embarrassing History
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A federal court will hear arguments today in a lawsuit brought by San Leandro, California gun dealer Trader Sports, in a last-ditch attempt to prevent revocation of its federal firearms license. The gun shop is slated to lose its federal license June 1, after committing "thousands of violations" of federal law, according to the U.S. Department of Justice."

"In advance of the hearing, the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence issued a new report, Trading in Death, highlighting decades of legal violations by Trader Sports. The report includes detailed information on Trader Sports' record as the second largest supplier of crime guns of any retailer in the nation. In 2005, 447 crime guns were traced to Trader Sports. Law enforcement recovers crime guns sold by Trader Sports at an average rate of more than one per day."

From James Brady: Questions for California Attorney General Candidates on Gun Violence Prevention Policies
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"As the June 6 California primary approaches, the electorate continues to be concerned about one of the most important issues facing our state -- the issue of gun violence. Gun violence and illegal gun trafficking are leaving a terrible impact on our children and our communities."

"California has some of the strongest gun laws in the country. There is no denying that these strong and popular laws are working; however, the work is ongoing and more must be done. Gun violence continues to haunt California. No one in Los Angeles will forget last year's terrible series of freeway shootings. Police leaders have called an Oakland neighborhood a 'war zone'."

UK: Armed police officers surround car, arrest three after chase
Submitted by: News Director

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"Seven unmarked Metropolitan Police cars 'boxed in' the white Ford Escort, bringing it to a stop outside the Nationwide bank at the top of the High Street."

"One shot was fired accidentally by an officer, but no-one was injured by the bullet."

"Sussex Police has launched an investigation into the shooting with the Metropolitan Police Directorate of Professional Standards."

"Staff in the Nationwide were ordered to remain inside the building and the whole area was declared a crime scene."

Federal Farmer, No. 16 (Blog)
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"In the following you will discover some very interesting bits of factual information that will make you wonder ‘What the h….?’ . The more I’ve read the documents surrounding the Constitution, during the period of debate concerning the instrument. The more I’m discovering, that what our supposed ‘representatives’ are doing to our Rights, can very well be considered as criminal. Our Bill of Rights was specifically enumerated so that they could not be touched upon at all by those in government."

MD: Student arrested for gun possession
Submitted by: News Director

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"A senior at North Carroll High School was served with an arrest warrant by the Circuit Court of Carroll County after he showed a student a handgun at school."

"Michael Judd was charged with having a deadly weapon on school property after Hampstead Police Department received information about the incident while they investigated an unrelated case."

"Judd, 18, of the 4300 block of Downhill Trail of Hampstead, was arrested and charged with possession of a firearm by someone younger than 21 and possession of a deadly weapon on school property by the Hampstead Police Department, according to court records."

Gun sellers target women
Submitted by: News Director

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"Kay Clark Miculek is a champion shot, especially with a handgun. Though she may be pretty deft with a shotgun, she's got to put some work into using that weapon."

"That's because this Louisiana gun shop owner usually must get shotguns shortened to fit her 5-foot-3-inch frame." ...

"Gun makers have started offering shorter, lighter shotguns, new grips on handguns and flashier designs, all of which attract women buyers."

KS: Governor signs bill closing records of concealed gun permits
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Although critical of the idea, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius signed a bill Wednesday keeping Kansans in the dark about who has a concealed gun permit."

"The record-closing language was folded into a broader bill addressing various shortcomings of the concealed guns law, which takes effect July 1 after lawmakers overrode the governor's veto."

"Closing records for concealed gun permit holders never received a committee hearing. Rather, it was tucked into a House-Senate conference committee report, and legislators had to accept or reject the entire package."

NY: Wounded warrior gains sniper rifle
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Amid an avalanche of applause and music and cheering faces, one thing caught the eyes of wounded Marine sniper Eddie Ryan."

"It was a sniper rifle, long and powerful, complete with scope. And it was his, a gift from the more than 500 people who attended a National Rifle Association fundraiser Monday in Westchester County in his honor."

"Eddie used a similar McMillan Model 700 Remington sniper rifle on his second tour of duty in Iraq. He carried his weapon to a rooftop April 13, 2005, to hunt for insurgents." ...

"...Monday night, Eddie sat cradled in a wheelchair. With braces, he stands on his own an hour a day, but he is not yet walking. His right arm is weaker than the left and the right hand tends to curl at the wrist."

"But Monday night, as an uncle carried the sniper rifle to him, Eddie reached out to take the weapon with his right hand - his shooting hand."

Staring down barrel of NRA's evil lobbyist
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The devil does not wear Prada.
The Devil wears an off-the-rack suit and tie and speaks with a honeyed Southern accent."

"That much remained clear yesterday as you gazed at the congealed blood on W. 22nd St., where four more New Yorkers had been shot with an illegal gun. The figure who immediately leapt to mind was the guy in the suit you had seen over the weekend at the National Rifle Association's annual gathering in Milwaukee."

"His name is Chris Cox, and he is the NRA's chief lobbyist. He leads the charge to block Bloomberg's effort in Washington to get the federal legislation that is the only way to stem the flow of illegal guns into New York."

OH: HB347 & HB541: Stalled until fall
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"As part of a deal to get Ken Blackwell's TEL amendment (see: The Devil is in the Details - Sportsmen Beware of TEL) off of the ballot this November, the legislature worked late into the afternoon on Tuesday to pass a statutory version of the TEL that was purported to have eliminated some of the concerns with the proposed constitutional amendment, which politicos had increasingly come to view as an albatross around the neck of Blackwell's gubernatorial chances."

"In doing so, the General Assembly's GOP caucus proved that, when it so desires, it can move legislation at lightning speed. The Columbus Dispatch notes that the House and Senate approved the TEL bill in less than 26 hours. Yet unfortunately for Ohio gun owners, it is apparent after the events of this week (the Senate will adjourn today for the summer) that caucus leaders do not put saving lives in the same category as saving political fortunes."

UK: Passengers' gun terror on city bus
Submitted by: News Director

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"POLICE are hunting a man who brandished a gun at terrified passengers on a busy bus."

"The man got on the number 57 First bus in the centre of Glasgow as it headed towards the south side of the city."

"But a short time later he showed fellow travellers a gun which he had hidden in the waistband of his tracksuit trousers."

"He then pointed the weapon at a frightened male passenger. The driver immediately stopped the bus and the man ran off."

NY: Gun shops' rotten goods make for sour apple
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The nation's five worst-of-the-worst gun dealers sold weapons that were used in 64 Big Apple crimes, new statistics revealed yesterday."

"The majority of the guns, 44, came from the Hyatt Coin & Gun Shop in Charlotte, N.C."

"Hyatt, which sold 405 guns used in crimes across the nation last year, was fifth on a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives list of the top five sellers of guns traced to crimes."

Sierra Leone: Against Gun Violence: SLANSA Urges Government to Protect Civilians
Submitted by: News Director

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"Sierra Leone Action Network on Small Arms (SLANSA) Wednesday issued a press release urging the government to protect civilians against gun violence."

"The statement, which was issued during the Global Week of Action Against Small Arms 22-29 May states that anti gun campaigners across the country are working tirelessly to raise public awareness to demand that government, protects its people from gun warfare."

KS: 1,635 crimes that didn't happen
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"More than 1,600 violent crimes that could have occurred in the past year didn't, according to a study released Wednesday from Wichita State University."

"That's a result of the Wichita Area Gun Task Force, said Brian Withrow, associate professor of criminology."

"The task force united local, state and federal authorities to target convicted felons who had histories of carrying guns and continued to do so. They took more than 50 cases to federal court, where penalties are harsher, and achieved prison sentences of up to 16 years."

"Using the criminal histories of the offenders and the lengths of their prison sentences, the study determined the same people would have committed 1,635 crimes had they not been put behind bars."

TX: Prank Blamed For Lockdown At 3 NEISD Schools
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"Lee High School, Jackson-Keller Elementary School and Nimitz Middle School were under lockdown for about two hours Thursday morning following an incident outside Lee."

"According to North East Independent School District spokeswoman Deb Caldwell, a bus driver reported seeing a man with what appeared to be a gun and waving it at passing cars near Lee at 9 a.m."

"There was no evidence, though, that shots were fired and a weapon was never found."

America needs fewer laws, not more prisons. — JAMES BOVARD

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