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Newslinks for 5/28/2008

Mike Vanderboegh: History
Submitted by: Chris Horton

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... "We tend to think today, those of us who reflect back on it at all, that the War Between the States was simply a war of big battlefields and stirring changes, banners held on high, et cetera, ad nauseum. This reading of the war tends to convince us that it could never come again. But a closer reading of history reveals that this was not simply a war between the states but a war within the states, a true civil war of former friends and neighbors, made all the more ghastly by the nature of the personal associations of the combatants. Understand that, and then the spectre of its recurrence seems much more possible. Read, and learn." ...

Dr. Lott: There's no evidence that banning guns cuts crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Philadelphia had 406 homicides in 2007, and, at 28 per 100,000 people ... No wonder Philadelphians want things done."

"Recently, the city focused on a new tragedy, the murder of a 12-year police veteran ..."

"To Gov. Rendell, Mayor Nutter, Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, and freshman U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak, the solution is simple: more gun control. After pushes failed for new state and local laws, last Thursday these four politicians announced that the solution to Philadelphia's problems was re-enacting the Federal Assault Weapons Ban." ...

"This debate might make more sense if there were some evidence that the Federal Assault Weapons Ban lowered crime rates ..." ...

FL: Restrict sale and use of guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Our newspapers are filled with news of gun killings as compared to lives saved because of the protective use of guns.

People who hunt as a sport can have legally arranged conditions to use their guns for hunting only. The Second Amendment (however its original use) is giving access to guns to too many irresponsible people.

Our law-abiding citizens would not need guns if our laws prohibited the sale and use of guns except by official agencies.

Lillian Hellman
Delray Beach

CA: Oakland is drowning in guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Consider the 127 people who were murdered in Oakland last year and one similarity leaps out: All but 20 were shot to death."

"It's hardly any secret to any of us who live in the city that Oakland is drowning in guns."

"And for all of you Second Amendment watchdogs, I'm not talking about guns like my late grandmother's .38 special, which she kept loaded in a nightstand by the side of her bed, despite the crippling arthritis in her 'trigger finger.'"

"I'm talking about tens of thousands of illegal semiautomatic handguns and assault weapons in the hands of young men who'll start blasting just because they think someone looked at them funny." ...

CA: Preventive Measures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Meleia Willis-Starbuck, Wayne Drummond Jr., Maceo Smith, a student from Berkeley Technology Academy-all victims of recent Berkeley shootings. And the background story in each case is strikingly similar."

"The archetypical plotline usually includes the following sequence of events: a tension-ridden verbal dispute between two angry young men occurs, the argument turns violent, one of the parties happens to carry a gun and unsurprisingly, the other party sustains gunshot wounds-resulting in death, most of the time. If the gun had not been present, would the outcome be any different?" ...

Submitter's Note: Were any of these guns legally possessed? If not, then how would making them even more illegal change the outcome?

Gun dealer takes on New York City in court
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's crusade against illegal guns entered the courtroom on Tuesday in a battle against a Georgia gun dealer."

"It is the first of two civil cases New York has brought against 27 gun dealers in five states -- Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Virginia -- on the grounds that their sales practices allowed criminals to buy guns and then bring them into the city."

"All but one dealer in the first lawsuit -- Jay Wallace -- has settled out of court. Wallace, 51, owner of a sporting goods store in the Atlanta, Georgia, suburb of Smyrna, vowed to fight on, likening his battle to David versus Goliath." ...

NV: Three shootings leave small town shaken
Submitted by: M Morgan

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... "Just a day after gunshots fired inside Players left three people dead and two injured, the facility's manager said the bar's interior has been cleaned and it can be opened at any time ..."

"'I was there. I saw everything,' said Hayes, who lay stomach down on the floor just six feet away from shooter Ernesto Fuentes Villagomez ..." ...

"'I saw (Villagomez) shoot one guy, come back around and shoot the other guy,' Hayes said."

"Villagomez then started walking toward the middle of the bar before suddenly collapsing to the floor. Hayes later found out that Villagomez was shot by a 48-year-old customer from Reno who ... had a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon. The man was released after authorities ruled the death a justifiable homicide." ...

FL: Lauderdale Man Shoots Intruder
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A Ft. Lauderdale homeowner shot a man who he claimed was trying to break into his house." ...

"David Hadden, 50, told police he heard a noise around midnight and went to investigate. When he tried to go one of his back patio doors, he found that it wouldn't open. When he tried the second door he ran into 35-year old Michael Anderson. Hadden said he pulled his gun and fired on Anderson to stop him from breaking into his home. One of the bullets grazed Anderson in the leg, he collapsed in a backyard area as he tried to make an escape. He was taken to hospital where he was treated for his wound. ..."

"No one inside the home at the time of the shooting was injured. Police have not said if Hadden will face any charges."

TX: Tarrant County College Responds to FIRE
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"On the heels of FIRE's publicity campaign exposing Tarrant County College's (TCC's) refusal to allow an 'empty holster' protest to take place on its south campus, TCC has broken its silence and responded to our April 24th letter."

"The response, from Vice Chancellor for Administration Erma J. Hadley, states that the decision to banish TCC student Brett Poulos and his peers to the school's small free speech zone was made 'based upon an evaluation of current circumstances facing our students and employees.' Hadley also cites TCC's 'Forum for Communication' policy and claims the school established a limited public forum reserved 'for certain groups or for the discussion of certain topics.'" ...

OR: Department of Justice and Oregon School Boards Association File Anti-gun Briefs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Oregon School Boards Association has filed an amicus brief in an effort to prevent trained, licensed, school employees from having self defense firearms on school property."

"This is no surprise as the OSBA has a long history of opposing self defense in schools. But now the Oregon Department of Justice has joined the battle against self defense with their own amicus brief." ...

"Current events have made it clear that schools are one of the favorite targets of psychopaths, but the Oregon School Board Association and the DOJ have both asked the Court to ignore the very plain language of Oregon law and allow schools to declare their property open season for madmen." ...

TX: Media Covers FIRE's Case at Tarrant County College
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"FIRE's case at Tarrant County College (TCC)—where administrators prohibited students from holding an 'empty holster' protest—has garnered significant media attention. The Associated Press covered the story on Friday, quoting FIRE Vice President Robert Shibley on the unconstitutionality of the ban:"

"'Robert L. Shibley, vice president for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, said wearing empty holsters is similar to students donning black arm bands to protest the Vietnam War, a right that the Supreme Court upheld in 1969.'" ...

MT: NRA endorses Governor Schweitzer
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A big endorsement Tuesday for Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer."

"The Executive Vice President for the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre was in the Magic City Tuesday to announce the NRA's endorsement of Schweitzer."

"LaPierre says the governor earned the NRA's Political Victory Fund."

"During his term, Schweitzer opened the state's buffalo hunt for the first time in 16 years, helped to open large tracks of public land to hunting, and increased funding for shooting ranges by more than 500 percent."

"All reasons LaPierre says are reasons to support Gov. Schweitzer." ...

NY: Fixing our gun laws
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Mindful of the 2007 Virginia Tech University massacre and gun violence in general, Gov. David Paterson has proposed a sensible package of legislation to limit access to firearms. It deserves immediate scrutiny by the Legislature, particularly the Senate, which has balked at similar Assembly measures for years. Since much background work on the proposals has been done elsewhere, including at the federal level, there's no reason the measures can't be acted on before the end of the legislative session next month." ...

TX: National parks gun ban unconstitutional
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recent displays of my Second Amendment rights have earned some harsh words from editorial writers at some of Texas' big city newspapers ..."

"I've been criticized for acknowledging I carried a concealed handgun, as is my right, on recent visits to Big Bend National Park. A National Park Service rule prohibits carrying a loaded, concealed handgun."

"'Evidently, Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson was absent from school the day the Constitution was covered,' ..."

"While that's an awfully cute jab, the reality is I've learned the Constitution over the course of a lifetime – not just one day. I've taken oaths to uphold and protect our Constitution – as a U.S. Marine and as a state elected official."

"So look at the facts." ...

UT: Gun permits for residents only
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The State Legislature needs to slow the flow of concealed-carry weapons permits to out-of-staters."

"By the end of the fiscal year, July 1, the state will have issued nearly 40,000 permits. To date, 14,290 have been issued to Utahns (54 percent), and 12,075 to non-Utahns (46 percent)."

"That's a lot of permits to non-Utahns. From 1994 to the present, the state issued 77,000 permits to residents and 39,000 for out-of-staters. And the percentage going to non-residents is rising fast."

"This is possible because -- for reasons that aren't immediately clear -- state law is silent on who can get a concealed carry permit from Utah. ..." ...

PA: Philadelphia mayor takes gun control campaign to Harrisburg
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter said Tuesday he wants to work with anyone willing to help him address the gun violence that plagues his city and other parts of the state."

"Nutter ... told a Pennsylvania Press Club luncheon that he was interested in 'a different kind of dialogue,' and that both sides have to be more realistic."

"'I'm committed to working with anyone who is serious about this issue,' he said. 'And if we could, on both sides I guess, tone down some of the rhetoric, and be that much more direct and serious about how we discuss these issues, all of us will be that much better off.'"

"His priorities include requiring gun owners to report lost or stolen weapons ... and reinstating a federal crackdown on assault weapons." ...

OH: Law enforcement opposes bill on self-defense killings
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Law enforcement is not lining up behind Governor Strickland in his support of a bill that would allow a new protection against prosecution for people who kill an attacker in self defense."

"Under the bill Strickland favors, people who injure or kill an attacker in self defense no longer would shoulder the burden to prove their actions were justifiable."

"The Democratic governor has long been supported by the National Rifle Association for his views on gun rights."

"Director John Murphy of the Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association says the bill could allow drug dealers to claim self defense in shootings of rivals in deals that went sour." ...

KABA Note: Darn those drug dealers thinking that they should be presumed innocent until proven guilty!

OH: Amended SB184 (Castle Doctrine) passed out of House Criminal Justice Committee with a 9-3 vote
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buckeye Firearms Association applauds the Ohio House Criminal Justice Committee’s 9-3 vote to pass the amended SB184, Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation."

"SB184 passed the Ohio Senate in April with a 31-0 vote. Before being voted out of committee in the House, it was amended to include technical corrections and improve laws for law-abiding gun owners in Ohio."

"The amendment provides a legal way for a person who does not have a concealed handgun license to transport an unloaded firearm in a motor vehicle. It allows a concealed handgun licensee to pick up a child from school, to carry a concealed firearm in one's own home without a license ..." ...

OH: Castle Doctrine On The Move
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"OFCC Coordinator Gary Witt provided testimony to the House Criminal Justice Committee today in support of SB 184 and its proposed amendment. You will find Mr. Witt's testimony in its entirety below. A police representative testified in opposition to the amendment. After both pro and con testimony, the House Criminal Justice Committee approved the amendment and voted it and SB 184 out of committee where they will now go to the full House for a vote. The Castle Doctrine legislation as already passed by the Senate would make a rebutable presumption of self defense if deadly force were used by a homeowner against an individual performing or about to perform a list of specified crimes in the person's home or vehicle ... " ...

Peacekeepers 'abusing children'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Children as young as six are being sexually abused by peacekeepers and aid workers, says a leading UK charity."

"Children in post-conflict areas are being abused by the very people drafted into such zones to help look after them, says Save the Children."

"After research in Ivory Coast, southern Sudan and Haiti, the charity proposed an international watchdog be set up."

"Save the Children said it had sacked three workers for breaching its codes ..."

"The three men were all dismissed in the past year for having had sex with girls aged 17 - which the charity said was a sackable offence even though not illegal."

"The UN has said it welcomes the charity's report, which it will study closely." ...

UK: Nicked for throwing a cream bun: police dossier of dubious offences
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police officers are being forced to make 'ludicrous' arrests in an attempt to hit Home Office targets, it has been claimed."

"Ridiculous examples include the case of a Cheshire man who was cautioned for being 'found in possession of an egg with intent to throw'."

"In Kent, a child was arrested for throwing a slice of cucumber from a tuna sandwich at another youngster, while a boy was arrested for throwing a cream bun on a school bus."

"Now the Police Federation, which represents rank-andfile officers, has called on the Government to reverse the target-chasing culture."

"It says the pressure to meet performance indicators is compelling many officers to 'criminalise' Middle England." ...

MO: Gun-with-car offer garners ton of free publicity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Butler, south of Kansas City, one car dealer has stirred up worldwide buzz with an eye-popping marketing scheme — get a gun with a new or used car."

"The Max Motors 'God, Guns & Gas Give Away!!!' promotion first came to our attention a week ago when a reader e-mailed The Kansas City Star with the subject line 'Dangerous Advertising!'"

"'Hello. I am a concerned citizen in the Jackson County area who has recently discovered that a Bates County car dealership is giving away a gun with the purchase of a vehicle!!! My question is… Is this legal? Can a dealership really get away with giving a gun to just anybody on the street??? Please help!!!'"

"Well, no, they can’t give a gun to just anyone ..." ...

Japan: Japanese Suicides Grow
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A new government report says the number of Japanese who committed or attempted suicide due to overwork and stress has doubled in the past five years."

"The Health Ministry report says 81 people killed themselves or attempted suicide in 2007 - compared with 40 in 2003 - due to work-related problems."

"Last year also saw a record 268 people with officially recognized work stress-induced mental illness."

"The report says employees in their 30s and 40s were most prone to stress because more companies have introduced a pay-per-performance system in recent years." ...

"According to the latest government statistics available, 32,155 people killed themselves in Japan in 2006." ...

Canada: Miller wants shooting ranges shut down
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mayor David Miller wants to close recreational shooting ranges in Toronto, along with giving the city power to block gun manufacturers and wholesalers from opening new plants or warehouses."

"'Nobody can deny that hobby directly results in people being shot and killed on the streets of our city,' Miller said of sport shooting yesterday, amid debate on a possible gun bylaw."

"Canadian Olympic pistol shooter and downtown resident Avianna Chao begs to differ. She says that if Miller gets his way, it could mean an end to her sport – and it won't make the streets one bit safer." ...

H/t to David Codrea, who has some pithy comments for all those Iditot Quisling Fudds (David's term) out there.

Canada: Crash ends attacks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun-toting carjacker -- who fired at least one shot -- stretched police resources to the limit yesterday as he led cops on a two-hour chase involving as many as seven stolen vehicles."

"The spree started ... about noon yesterday, said Insp. Vic Trickett, when a man forced a driver to stop at gunpoint and fired a shot before fleeing in the vehicle to Hidden Valley Dr. N.W. where he crashed into a yard."

"From there, the suspect ... jumped out of the first stolen car and swiped another, also at gunpoint." ...

"'Approximately five to seven times, this situation with similar circumstances occurred.'" ...

H/t to Ohioans for Concealed Carry.

Rifles, muskets, long-bows and hand-grenades are inherently democratic weapons. A complex weapon makes the strong stronger, while a simple weapon — so long as there is no answer to it — gives claws to the weak. — George Orwell

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