TX: Man Shot & Killed After Police Say He Broke Into Wrong Home
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Mark A. Taff
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A 51 year old homeowner was awakened when his wife heard noises coming from the front door.
The husband secured a firearm and went to investigate. When near the door, he also heard banging on the door and saw the door frame beginning to crack. As the door gave way, an unknown male intruder charged in and rushed at the husband.
He fired several shots. City officers responded to a 911 burglary in progress with shots being fired. When they arrived, they found the intruder who had suffered multiple gunshot wounds. |
TX: Armed Robber Holding Residents at Gunpoint Loses Upper Hand
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Mark A. Taff
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Lt. Larry Crowson of the Houston Police Department said the victim and his two roommates were at their apartment when the suspect forced his way inside as one of the residents was arriving home and unlocking the door to go into the unit.
The suspect held the men at gunpoint and tried to rob them.
That’s when one of the residents grabbed his own gun in self defense.
Shots were exchanged between the two and the suspect fled the scene. |
NH: Gov. Hassan vetoes concealed carry gun bill for second time
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Mark A. Taff
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As expected, Gov. Maggie Hassan Friday vetoed House Bill 582, which would do away with the requirement to have a concealed weapon permit.
She vetoed a similar bill last year, and like last year, the House and Senate lack the necessary two-thirds majority to override the veto.
The Senate voted 14-10 to approve the bill, while the House voted 206-146, neither total approaching the two-thirds majority needed for an override.
Ed.: 2/3 is 16 and 233, so, while short of a 2/3 majority, it is fair to say they are 'approaching' it. |
CA: CA. Ban on Assembly Video for Political Speech Challenged in 1st Amendment Lawsuit
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Mark A. Taff
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Today, two civil rights groups opposing Gavin Newsom’s gun control ballot initiative were joined by two Emmy Award-winning filmmakers, a San Diego-based civil rights activist, and a candidate for Congress in filing a new First Amendment lawsuit challenging the State of California’s ban on using Assembly video footage for political speech.
The complaint, filed in the Eastern District of California federal court, states that California Government Code section 9026.5 prohibits the use of the public video feed from the California State Assembly “for any political or commercial purpose, including . . . any campaign for elective public office or any campaign supporting or opposing a ballot proposition submitted to the electors.” |
IL: ‘Constitution Park’ celebrates 9/10 of the Bill of Rights
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Mark A. Taff
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I am fairly certain that nobody in the Downer’s Grove, Illinois Park Department has a well-developed sense of irony. But maybe they are more concerned with mowing the grass than considering what the Constitution actually means. Or maybe they are liberals who pretend that the Second Amendment is not a civil right. Whatever the reasoning (or lack thereof), the irony in this sign (spotted by Big Fur Hat of iOTW Report) is pretty stunning.
What I discovered as a pro-gun-control member of the NRA
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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I joined a few years back to see what the NRA was up to. It was my way of infiltrating the organization as a Democrat and supporter of gun controls.
With my $25 membership, I got a camo shoulder bag made in China, a flashlight bright enough that it seems like it could burn a hole in a wall, and endless mailings of solicitations for money and offers to win a whole armory for which I would have absolutely no use.
But in a presidential election year, don't just take the word of someone who says, "These people really hate Hillary Clinton." You can join and find out for yourself or browse through the publications at nra.org. |
CA: More harassment of gun owners by Sacramento
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Mark A. Taff
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The latest round of gun-control bills speeding through the Legislature should offer a reality check to those of us who own firearms: Democratic leaders will never be satisfied closing the latest round of “loopholes.” Every year they push new rounds of “reasonable and common sense” gun laws, few of which seem reasonable given they target law-abiding owners. To many legislators, the Second Amendment is the real loophole.
VA: Emphasis on locking guns up following deadly accidental shooting
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Mark A. Taff
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Dr. Paul Stromberg at Carilion Clinic's Emergency Medicine department says guns aren't a political issue, they've become a public health crisis. "Just 2016 alone, there have been nearly 230 accidental shootings of children under the age of 11," pointed out Stromberg.
"And I'm not against the second amendment. I'm saying if you choose to have a firearm, which is certainly within your right, just make sure you're smart about how you store it," said Stromberg.
Aaron Cochran, the manager at Trader Jerry's in Salem echoed that, saying "If a firearm's not being used, it should be unloaded, and if you're not around and in control of the firearm, it should be unloaded." |
RKBA & The Real Malcolm X Message
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Mark A. Taff
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In 1963, I saw Malcolm X speak in Harlem. Any who recall those times can appreciate how scary a figure he was claimed to be by our government and the news media.
Much later, I played a prison guard in Spike Lee’s Malcolm X film.
Through those and other experiences, I can attest that the real message of Malcolm X has been grossly misrepresented by people who want to destroy the Second Amendment by keeping racial animosity alive. |
MI: High School Issues Response to Student Suspended Over NRA Shirt
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Mark A. Taff
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Earlier this week, I shared the story of 18-year-old Flushing High School senior Andrew Eichorn with our readers.
Andrew, who is also the captain of the school’s skeet shooting team, was suspended by Associate Principal Deb Goldstein after he refused to turn his t-shirt inside out. The shirt, which Andrew received as a Christmas present, bears the NRA logo in the front and the saying “Keep Calm and Carry Guns” on the back. Ms. Goldstein claimed the shirt “promoted weapons and violence”. |
DC: Federal Appeals Court Halts DC Gun Rights Ruling
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Mark A. Taff
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A U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit panel voted 2 to 1 to grant an administrative stay while it considers whether to halt, pending appeal, a May 17 order by U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon. In granting an injunction sought by the gun rights group Pink Pistols and District resident Matthew Grace, Leon ruled that the “may issue” gun regulation is probably unconstitutional because it infringes on the Second Amendment’s grant of a “core right of self-defense.” |
Would a Donald Trump Presidency Be Bad for the Gun Business?
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Mark A. Taff
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If Hillary Clinton follows Obama, even though she will almost certainly face the same Republican-dominated legislature, her being a liberal Democrat suggests that the status quo would remain, and the gun industry would still have the looming threat of new laws to drive sales. However, if Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, wins the White House, then that threat will evaporate, as the candidate has been very clear on his stance on guns: |
NJ: Anti-gun activists selective with their facts
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Mark A. Taff
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A recent letter in a daily newspaper complained about proposed new gun legislation, as if what exists now is perfect. It claimed the U.S. has a higher rate of gun deaths than any other “industrialized country” but ignores the fact that this number has more than doubled since the 1968 Gun Control Act was passed. Mass shootings at grammar or high schools were then unknown. |
Keep it clean this weekend; more on Couric controversy
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Mark A. Taff
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MEANWHILE, the controversy over broadcast journalist Katie Couric’s “Under The Gun” film continues to boil across social media. It has also been discussed in depth at Fox News, but according to yesterday’s Newsbusters, the other networks are having none of it, mentioning nary a word about the flap over media bias.
And a new Rasmussen Report survey doesn’t help matters. The report, released on Monday, shows 49 percent of likely U.S. voters think most reporters are biased, specifically against Donald Trump. On the other hand, only 18 percent believe most reporters are biased against Hillary Rodham Clinton. |
ME: Maine Gun Rights: Not Limited To Your Address
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Mark A. Taff
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Disabled retiree Harvey Lembo finally purchased a firearm and used it to defend himself after being victimized for years. When his landlord threatened to evict him for having a gun on the premises, Second Amendment supporters mobilized to change Maine’s gun laws and protect people like Lembo. Now a bill has been signed into law guaranteeing the right to gun ownership for residents of subsidized housing. This exclusive feature reveals how Maine residents will be able to protect themselves regardless of economic status. |
2016 NRA Annual Meeting: The Crime Report.
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Mark A. Taff
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Someone asked me for the crime statistics showing what happens when the NRA comes to town. Miguel Gonzalez already did us the favor of posting this years results.
This is old news. The anti-gun crowd always sends up their anguished cry about “guns and blood in the streets” before the NRA event. Then, someone looks at the facts once we’ve all gone home. Crime falls when 20 to 30 thousand armed visitors come to town. It happens every year. |
CA: SF Moves to Require Long Guns to be Locked up in Home
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Mark A. Taff
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San Francisco is posed to pass an ordinance to require all guns not carried on your person to be unloaded and locked up. It would be very close to the Washington, D.C. case of District of Columbia v. Heller, where the Supreme Court reaffirmed that the Second Amendment was a fundamental, individual right to keep and carry arms for self defense. The difference with this ordinance is that it allows a person to carry a loaded handgun on their person, in their home, but requires all other firearms to be unloaded and locked up. |
MO: Gov. Jay Nixon should veto two dangerous Missouri gun bills
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Mark A. Taff
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Missouri lawmakers didn’t listen to the experts on guns in 2016.
They didn’t listen to the police officers, the prosecutors and the criminal justice officials who said it made no sense to pass two dangerous bills regarding firearms.
They didn’t even listen to the pro-Second Amendment gun owners who wanted to keep sensible laws on the books.
Instead, the legislators approved establishing a “stand your ground” law in the Show-Me State. That essentially would make it easier for someone to shoot another person for questionable reasons and then get away with a crime.
The second measure that got through the General Assembly would allow people to carry a concealed weapon — with no training and no permit. Talk about irresponsible.