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Wait for Medal due to 'Canadian protocol'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Dr. David Bercuson, director of the Centre of Military and Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary, said the real reason for the delay was likely official squeamishness."

"Canadians don't kill -- they don't even use the word kill; that's the problem," he said. "I think the military is not sure that the government is prepared to accept the fact, let alone celebrate the fact ... that Canadian soldiers do sometimes end up killing people."

Who will take credit for the next kill?...
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...Mineta, Garvey, Ridge or Bush?

PA: No speeding ticket, but cops keep his $307,000
Submitted by: Anonymous

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--Not RKBA related, but a startling example of the police state we have become. What ever happened to "no one shall be deprived of property without due process of law"?

Cops pull a man over, decide he seems "nervous," ask to search his car. He (foolishly) lets them. They find NOTHING ILLEGAL AT ALL, but they discover $307,000 in the trunk... and they TAKE THE MONEY!!!

The confiscated money will "be funneled into drug law enforcement." Score: Drug War 1, America 0.

USA 'Patriot' Act powers prompt second look
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Secret court subpoenas, examinations of bookstore records, revised immigration policies and other uses of sweeping new powers have some Senate Democrats taking a new critical look at the USA Patriot Act, enacted in the aftermath of Sept. 11."

"Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), the lone senator to vote against the measure last fall, has been its most vocal critic, warning that the act infringes on constitutional freedoms."

Ivory Towers
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Bureaucratic elitists need a wake-up call; a dose of reality; a cold shower. If their lucrative lifelong pension was replaced by social security like the rest of us, I'd be willing to bet fixing the social security system would suddenly find its way to the top of their list. We need to declare a national "take a bureaucrat to work" week, patterned after the program where parents take their children to work for a day so they can better appreciate ... what their parents do for a living."

IL: Disabled man challenges Chicago's anti-gun (criminal-protection) law
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A Park Forest man with cerebral palsy is challenging the city of Chicago's gun laws that prevent him from carrying a concealed weapon."

"In a lawsuit filed in Cook County Circuit Court this week, Christopher Morley argues that the city's ban on handguns prevents him from defending himself against muggers. Morley, 34, alleges that he is an easy target for attacks while he travels to his job at a graphics arts firm on Chicago's West Side."

PA: State wants 75% compliance
Submitted by: John Salsgiver

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Well, ladies and gentlemen, make sure your papers are in order and that your vehicle's equipment is in good condition. The Police will be establishing check points; not for DUI/DWI, not for drugs...

The checkpoints are to make sure you are using your seat belts. And make absolutely sure that if you are carrying arms, that you have the required carry permit.

Doesn't it make you all warm and fuzzy, knowing your government cares!

PA: Bullied by the city of Coatsville, family fights for their land
Submitted by: John Salsgiver

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Elderly couple being bullied by the city of Coatsville, PA. While this issue is not related to firearms, it is an issue in which the Rights of this aged couple are being trampled.

More about their plight can be found at

Note - A London, UK, Real Estate Company was instrumental in pursuading the City Planners in seizing the Farm that was NOT part of the original plan.

Join me and send these folks a few bucks, for the DEFENSE Fund.

Virtual "Child Porn" Illegal Under New Proposal
Submitted by: Stan Jordan

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--Not Gun related, but this shows how congress gets around unconstituional laws struck down by the Supreme Court. They just construct another unconstitutional law.

KABA NOTE: Another example of Congressional Abuse of Power along these lines was revealed after United States vs. Lopez (1995). In that case, the court held:
“The Act exceeds Congress’ Commerce Clause authority. First, although this Court has upheld a wide variety of congressional Acts regulating intrastate economic activity that substantially affected interstate commerce, the possession of a gun in a local school zone is in no sense an economic activity that might, through repetition elsewhere, have such a substantial effect on interstate commerce.”
Congress came back, changed one phrase, and passed the law again -- it's still on the books and being enforced to this day -- and proudly supported by the NRA. Here's a quote from NRA Exec. VP Wayne LaPierre's 1999 congressional testimony following the Columbine "Shooting Fish in a Barrel" tragedy:

It's reasonable to support the federal Gun-Free School Zones Act.

WV: Program aims to curb domestic violence
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Hard time for gun crime."

"That was the message brought to Morgantown Tuesday by U.S. Attorney Thomas Johnston, who held a press conference at Ramada Inn to announce West Virginia's new Project Safe Homes... the state's answer to President George W. Bush's national program, Project Safe Neighborhoods. The goal: to reduce the amount of gun violence in West Virginia."

CT: Police reviewing effectiveness of gun seizure after restraining order
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"State and local police are reviewing the way they enforce a law that requires people who have been served with restraining or protective orders to surrender their firearms. Police say they are enforcing the law, but they are looking into improving their protocol."

"Current law requires subjects of restraining or protective orders to surrender their firearms within 2 business days of being served. But advocates complain enforcement is not 100% and that there is no centralized mechanism for ensuring that weapons are surrendered."

UT: Gun-locker law targeted as 'safety threat'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Judge Ronald Nehring: "I respect the Second Amendment as much as the next person, But the fact of the matter is that it creates what I think — and what law enforcement thinks — is a risky situation. It jeopardizes the safety of the public and employees of the court, and their safety is important."

PA: Girl suspended for stick-figure doodle
Submitted by: Jason Alberts

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"A Pennsylvania school suspended an 11-year-old girl for drawing two teachers with arrows through their heads, saying the stick figures were more death threat than doodle."

"Becca's parents, Philip and Barbara Johnson, denied the school's contention the drawings were "terrorist threats."

CO: 2 Dems could keep gun bill in its holster (HB1410)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"With seven days left in the 2002 legislative session, time could run out on a controversial gun bill - if it survives today's vote in the Senate Appropriations Committee."

"Two fervent Democratic opponents of concealed-gun legislation could stand between success and failure of House Bill 1410 - a decade-long effort to liberalize, and standardize, the issuance of hidden-gun permits in Colorado's 64 counties."

PA: County task force targets gun-related crimes
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Assistant District Attorney Jay W. Jenkins is Northampton County's newest weapon in the fight against violent crime. Jenkins on Wednesday convened the inaugural meeting of the county's Gun Task Force, a group he formed to let people know that "guns equal hard time."

"District Attorney John M. Morganelli announced before the meeting that Jenkins has completed training authorizing him to try local criminal cases in federal court."

GUN CONTROL "A cruel distortion"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Mr. LaPierre called AGS members "extremist social guerrillas," and he said the AGS "network kind of operates and sounds a lot like Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaida. A billionaire with an extremist political agenda... funding an ongoing campaign to hijack your freedom and take a box-cutter to the Constitution. That's political terrorism, and it's a far greater threat to your freedom than any foreign force."

"If this is extremism, we need more of it in the gun-control debate." - Opinion published as "news" by

CA: 10 years after L.A. Riots, city still fails to learn lesson
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun Owners of America lamented today that on the 10-year anniversary of the Los Angeles riots, the city has still failed to learn its lesson regarding the failure of gun control. The riots began 10 years ago on April 29, 1992, after a jury acquitted two cops of using excessive force against motorist Rodney King. But ten years later, the city was once again in the news because of its anti-gun policies."

Airline Security: House panel weighs armed-pilot debate
Submitted by: Andrew Chanis

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--What's interesting is the CNN Quickvote, "Should airline pilots be armed?" At the time I voted Yes, more than 57,000 people, 70% of those polled, supported armed pilots!

The article is typical "mainstream" media. ("Let's give them stun guns-it's less dangerous", "There's too much going on for a pilot to handle a gun and fly", etc.).

Also see:

Bellesiles: Fellowship awarded professor is reviewed
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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"The National Endowment for the Humanities has taken the unusual step of demanding a review of a federally funded fellowship awarded to Emory University history Professor Michael Bellesiles."

"It really comes down to a concern about Professor Bellesiles' alleged misconduct," said Jim Turner, NEH spokesman.

WV: Prosecutor's office getting help for gun-related cases
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Kanawha County Prosecutor's Office will increase the number of forces it has to deal with gun-related crimes in the county. The Department of Justice awarded the office more than $216,000 in grants reserved for the prosecution of violent cases and drug offenses that involve the use of firearms."

"Beginning this July, two veteran prosecutors will switch their areas of focus to gun-related prosecutions and two new prosecutors will be hired to fill their vacant positions."

NY: Program offers free trigger locks
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun owners in Erie County can get free trigger locks for their weapons under a national program called Project HomeSafe, Sheriff Patrick M. Gallivan and Assemblyman Sam Hoyt, D-Buffalo, announced today. About 1,000 of the cable-style locks will be made available."

NY: Contested shooting range open
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"State wildlife and parks officials will open the gates this weekend at the new Fancy Creek Shooting Range near Randolph for a sneak peak at the recently completed facility."

"The range has been in the works for about 2 years and is being paid for through a $273,000 state grant. An in-kind match of about $21,000 is being provided by a volunteer group called Friends of Fancy Creek Shooting Range, which has done a lot of the work there."

Anti-gun Animated series aims propaganda at children
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"In an unusual move for children's television, a character in Saturday's episode of WB's animated series "Static Shock" will shoot one of his classmates."

"The episode, scheduled to air May 4 at 7:30a.m., involves a shy boy who, after being endlessly harassed by a bully, steals his father's loaded handgun and brings it to an after-school center. The gun accidentally discharges, injuring a classmate while other students look on in shock."

Airline Security: Pilots turn up heat on gun issue
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Airline pilots will join key Republican lawmakers in Congress today to pressure the Bush administration to allow guns in cockpits."

"Why should a pilot be deprived of the ability to defend himself, his crew and the passengers on board?"

"The administration has been completely irresponsible on this," Lewis said. "We're not going away. We're going to force the administration to do the right thing."

CO: Concealed carry bill is only fair
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"I'm not a fan of guns, and I'm not excited about the prospect of people packing weapons in more situations. It will just lead to more death, injury and general mayhem. However, despite my uneasiness about guns, I support House Bill 1410, which would make it easier for gun owners to get permits to carry concealed weapons. The rules, as they exist now, allow far too much discretion on the part of county sheriffs and city police chiefs to decide who gets a permit and who doesn't." - Reggie Rivers, Denver Post Columnist

ID: Man faces assault charge after intruder is wounded
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A Glenns Ferry man who police say shot and wounded an intruder was charged with aggravated assault, but the case might take more turns before everything is settled."

"Caler caught Stritesky and three juveniles -- ages 12 to 14 -- entering the motor home... he was trying to fire a "warning shot," but the bullet struck Stritesky in his arm and severed a major artery."

NRA Bristling With New Blood, Purpose
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"These are heady times for the National Rifle Association, despite its continued status as the most politically incorrect dues-paying group in the Western world. As the NRA gathers for its annual banquet in Reno, Nev., it finds itself freshly energized on any number of fronts.
Membership? That's up, surging past 4.2 million members, headed potentially, for historic highs by the end of the year."

The 'impossible' shooting
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"It wasn't supposed to happen. Not in Europe, not in Germany. Maybe in America teenagers shoot their teachers and other students. But in Germany, where only 15,000 private citizens are allowed to own guns in a country of nearly 80 million, such an incident seemed impossible."

"Such was the sentiment of German officials in response to a school shooting in Erfurt that left 12 teachers, a secretary, two students and a policeman dead."

...If a man lies under oath or procures the lie of another under oath, if he perjures himself or suborns perjury, he is guilty under the statute law. Under the higher law, under the great law of morality and righteousness, he is precisely as guilty if, instead of lying in a court, he lies in a newspaper or on the stump; and in all probability, the evil effects of his conduct are infinitely more widespread and more pernicious. — Teddy Roosevelt - May 12, 1900

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