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CCRKBA Urges Gun Owners To Comment On Proposed Nat'l Park Rules Change
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"American gun owners, especially those licensed to carry concealed handguns, are urged to comment on a proposed Interior Department rules change that would allow concealed carry in national parks and national wildlife refuges." ...

"'Citizens do not leave their right of self-defense at the gates of a national park or the boundary of a wildlife refuge,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb ... 'Millions of Americans legally carry concealed for personal protection, and contrary to the rhetoric of anti-gunners, parks and refuges are not immune to crime.'" ...

"To comment on-line, simply visit and follow the instructions for making public comment." ...

Seized Cavalry Arms Inventory in WSJ
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "This is extremely frustrating to cover because of the limited statements mandated by Cavalry Arms' attorneys, although imagine the frustration they are going through. How in the world is BATFU able to legally take and dispose of property without a judgment? I understand seizures for evidence, but this is outside of anything I have ever seen ..."

"They couldn't be more 'in your face' to the entire gun owner community about this if they tried, and we need to view this latest with two things in mind:"

"1. This is all happening on the watch and under the authority of 'The Vote Freedom First President,' who gun owners put in power."

"2. This is all happening at the direction of 'Maximum Mike' Sullivan ..."

The Root Of The Problem
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"'Boston anti-gun group leader [is a] disgraced police director,' reads the Boston NOW headline, announcing the opening of the first satellite office for the Washington DC-based Reaching Out to Others Together (ROOT)."

"'The group says it doesn't expect its local leader's past, which included a stint in federal prison, to be a distraction.'"

"What? An anti-gun group headed by a felon?" ...

Mike Vanderboegh: "Dànjìn-liángjué"
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Now, by the bills he has introduced in the past and the claims of his campaign web page, Rodger Smitherman would have us believe that he is a champion of civil rights for the little guy. ..."

"His bill, SB-541, would mandate, as early as 2009, bullet serialization -- the process by which each individual round of ammunition is identified and marked with a laser-engraved serial number. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) ... has made clear that serializing ammunition on a mass production basis is not feasible from a practical standpoint and any legislation mandating such action could rightfully be considered a de facto ban on ammunition. ..." ...

"Rodger must be either be perfectly clairvoyant or smoking something (I rather think the latter) if he proposes laws such as SB-541 as if the bad old days cannot ever come again. Anyone who thinks that tyranny cannot come to America is whistling past the graveyard of history." ...

The Game of Monopoly
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"With the Bush administration casting aside the Constitution to eavesdrop on telephone conversations and hold suspected terrorists for years without access to lawyers, it's easy to see why civil libertarians on the left are finding a lot to like about the right-wing critique of expansive government power. This distrust and distaste for government authority has even made some liberals receptive to arguments advanced by gun rights groups, who suggest that private ownership of firearms is a healthy check on government run amok."

"Before we get carried away with the idea that guns are the ultimate guarantor of our civil liberties, however, we should consider what maintaining the capability to resist the decisions of a democratically accountable government really means. ..." ...

Apologies and caution needed, not shameless promotion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The story could not have been more disgusting if it had been fabricated. One year ago, a student killed 32 people and himself in a campus rampage. In a twisted sort of highlight ceremony, a man visited that campus last Thursday and spoke to the merit of concealed weapons."

"The same man, that is, who sold a .22 to ... Cho, who used that weapon in a part of his murderous foray ... The same man who sold two 9-mm magazines and a holster that aided Steven Kazmierczak in killing five people and himself at Northern Illinois University just two months ago." ...

"In light of the continued, horrific history of on-campus violence, gun control must be tightened, not loosened. ..." ...

GA: GCO Asks Decatur to Repeal Parks Ban
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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GeorgiaCarry.Org has written Decatur City Manager Peggy Merriss, asking the city to repeal its illegal ban on carrying firearms in city parks. A copy of the letter may be viewed here.

GA: Glynn County Plans to Repeal Parks Ban
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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In response to a letter from GeorgiaCarry.Org, Glynn County’s attorney has said the county anticipates "an ordinance amendment addressing your concerns." GCO’s attorney had written the county, asking that its ordinance banning carrying firearms in parks be repealed. Both letters may be viewed here.

GA: Letters and reasons to Gov. Perdue Urging him to sign HB 89
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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"GA Senator John Douglas and GeorgiaCarry.Org’s President Ed Stone have both written letters urging him to sign HB 89. Those letters can be viewed here and here."

"Also a new reason to urge the Governor to sign HB 89 is that the Department of the Interior has now published a proposed rule change for the National Park Service to allow concealed carry in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges as long as the state allows carry in their own parks and refuges, something HB 89 would do. ..." ...

Guns in parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The general sentiment behind a current push to make National Park Service lands' concealed carry laws consistent with state laws is a good one. Any measure to reduce confusion between state and federal management lines is a good idea."

"Some national parks cross state boundaries, and some of these land masses even share boundaries with corresponding Canadian parks. Concealed carry laws vary from place to place."

"In much of the national park and preserve lands in Alaska, carrying firearms is already allowed. For example, in Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, carrying a firearm for bear protection is allowed within the park. ..." ...

Proposal would permit loaded guns in national parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Visitors to Crater Lake National Park with proper permits could carry loaded, concealed handguns along with their binoculars and granola bars under a Bush administration proposal unveiled this week."

"The department of the interior's plan would partially lift a nationwide ban on loaded weapons in national parks and wildlife refuges, altering a rule that last changed in the Reagan administration."

"Campers, hikers and other visitors with concealed weapons permits would be allowed to carry loaded weapons if the state hosting the park or refuge allows it in similar state lands, such as state parks."

"Both Oregon and Washington allow legal holders of guns, concealed and otherwise, to carry them loaded in state parks." ...

MN: Suspect in St. Paul break-in caught by homeowner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jon Sokol wasn't trying to be a hero when he confronted a burglary suspect who had brazenly broken through the front door of his home in St. Paul." ...

"His wife had been awoken at about 4:45 a.m. Wednesday by their alarm system ..."

"Then she heard footsteps. 'I think there's somebody in the house,' Sokol recalled her whispering. "I'm thinking to myself, 'Noooo.'" ...

"'I grabbed our gun, which we keep for protection,' he said."

"'As I stepped around the corner, he hit me ... right between the eyes,' Sokol said. 'And I fired the gun.'"

"'Down on the ground he went and I insisted, in a not very nice way, that he not move,' he said. 'I held him at gunpoint until the police arrived.'" ...

OH: Concealed carry aids self-defense
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"I am writing in response to Mr. Calhoun's letter about concealed firearms. I feel there are several things wrong with his argument. First is regarding the right of 'the people' to keep and bear arms. The collective right theory is pure fallacy. Why would 'the people' in the Second Amendment be different than 'the people' in the First, Fourth, Ninth or 10th? Here is a hint: It is not. ..."

"Citing a small number of justifiable homicides by concealed weapon's holders is also an error. ... depending on which study you look at, lawfully owned firearms are used between 100,000 and the 2.5 million times per year in self defense. It is likely that the true number lies in the middle." ...

OH: Concealed carry ‘not worth the risks’
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"With all the concealed carry articles that have been featured lately, I am really surprised that one large point in the debate has been left out."

"In Ohio, you have to be 21 years old to own a handgun, let alone get a CC permit. When we look at incidents like NIU and Virginia Tech, the targets of these attacks are usually large lecture classes or dorms. Although I don’t know the exact numbers, I think if you took a look in a Psych 100 class or in any of the dorms, you would see that the vast majority of these students are not 21 years old. Criminals may not always be sane, but they usually aren’t stupid; I bet these targets were picked for a reason." ...

NJ: Boy, 7, brings toy gun to school
Submitted by: FMS

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"A 7-year-old boy brought a toy gun into an elementary school on Monday, police said, just days after another student had fired a real handgun in a different elementary school in the city."

"In this latest incident, a police officer was summoned ... after a teacher discovered the toy gun, said Lt. Keith Aslin, who leads the police juvenile investigations squad."

"The gun, which had a red tip, was an obvious imitation, Aslin said. An officer went to the school and spoke with the second-grader, but no charges were filed, he said."

"Police continue to investigate last week's more serious incident, in which a 10-year-old boy at School No. 2 fired a single round from a semiautomatic handgun." ...

Fake Pro-Gun Group Endorses Fake Pro-Gun Candidate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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anti-gun record since his Presidential campaign began. While his record includes opposing letting people use a self-defense argument if charged with violating local handgun bans by using weapons in their homes, and being a member of the Joyce Foundation (which provides groups like the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence hundreds of thousands of dollars to use in their fight to destroy your gun rights), Obama's campaign lip service as been all about his supposed support for gun rights."

"Obama's true beliefs about gun owners were exposed for more Americans recently when he described small town Midwesterners as 'bitter'. ..." ...

GA: Guns In Public: Don't allow gripes to kill a valid bill
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"With as much ink as is devoted to House Bill 89, it is remarkable that there is often a deficit of fact and reality. HB 89 contains language that would allow more than 300,000 Georgians who have undergone background checks and satisfied other requirements to obtain concealed handgun licenses the ability to defend themselves in restaurants."

"Ron Wolf of the Georgia Restaurant Association decries this proposal ... We think that is unreasonable. Even the finest restaurants cannot guarantee patrons sanctuary from criminal attack and life-threatening violence. In fact, some of the most horrific crimes in this country have occurred at restaurants. ..." ...

LA: Campus-gun debate hot - Panel backs bill to allow carrying weapons at schools
Submitted by: Ben Harang

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"Legalizing permitted handguns on college campuses took its first major step toward approval Thursday after three hours of debate in a legislative committee."

"Gun advocates, faculty, students and college police chiefs lined up on all sides of the controversial issue that has arisen in the wake of campus shootings nationwide, including at LSU and Baton Rouge’s Louisiana Technical College."

"House Bill 199 by Rep. Ernest Wooten, R-Belle Chasse, was approved in an 11-3 vote in the House Criminal Justice Committee. HB199 next moves to debate in the full House."

"Wooten said allowing more responsible people to legally carry guns would serve as a deterrent to killers and not create the 'wild, wild west.'" ...

LA: Concealed handgun carry bill approved
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The state House Criminal Justice Committee approved a widely-debated gun bill with an 11 to 3 vote Thursday after three hours of discussion."

"House Bill 199, introduced by Rep. Ernest Wooton, of Jefferson, Plaquemines and St. Charles parishes, would authorize concealed handgun license holders to exercise permits on higher education campuses."

"The bill aims to limit a college or university's authority to regulate or prohibit concealed carry on campus."

"Representatives Roy Burrell, Frank Howard and Barbara Norton voted against the bill."

"The bill will advance to the House floor, where it will be discussed and voted on by all representatives." ...

GA: Guns In Public: Arms far too available now
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a letter to Gov. Sonny Perdue, Woodstock Mayor Donnie Henriques (right) opposes House Bill 89, which would allow permitted gun holders to take their weapons in public parks, restaurants and on public transit. Here are excerpts:" ...

"I write however to express the collective concern of City Council regarding HB 89. While a paramount objective of any elected body is safety of the public they serve, we are inclined to believe the proposed amendments ... more than likely will escalate the frequency of armed confrontation between police and persons traveling armed, entering public property armed, consuming alcoholic beverages while armed or reacting overtly to what they perceive as a threat to another." ...

NY: Antigun pork
Submitted by: Gun Legislation & Politics in New York

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New Yorkers Against Gun Violence is on the receiving end of two pork barrel projects in this year's state budget.

From the Assembly comes $4000 via Michele Schimel and administered by DCJS. Funds will be used for Long Island youth and family educational outreach focusded on the prevention of gun violence.

From the Senate comes $5000 via Eric Schneiderman and also administered by DCJS. Funds will be used to expand speaking programs and the ReAction Program to the 31st SD.

MD: Police officer charged with sexual abuse surrenders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Baltimore police officer surrendered to authorities this week after being charged with a third-degree sex offense and child abuse involving a girl who lives out of state ..."

"The officer, Troy Jacquan Gee Sr., 33, also was charged in March with sexually assaulting a 13-year-old female relative."

"Gee, who has been on the force for 11 years ... remains suspended without pay pending an administrative review that will be conducted after the court cases have concluded ..." ...

"Police said the first incident occurred in the officer's North Baltimore home and was reported by the victim's mother. The girl told detectives that she was fondled while alone with the suspect in his basement and that he wouldn't let her leave." ...

OH: Soldier almost denied permit to carry gun in Ohio
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four years after Ohio began issuing permits to carry concealed handguns, some questions remain ..."

"But there is an even more basic one, which Army Capt. John Pritchard ran smack into: Ohio will issue the permits only to residents of the state, but what does it mean to be an Ohio resident?"

"The answer, apparently, is 'It depends.'"

"Pritchard has an Ohio driver's license, is registered to vote in Ohio, claims his residency at an address in Canal Winchester and ... paid Ohio income tax."

"With all of this proof, he was able to get an Ohio permit four years ago. With all of the same proof, however, the Franklin County sheriff's office told him he couldn't renew that permit. He wasn't a resident, the office told him." ...

NC: 911 service restored in 3 of 5 counties
Submitted by: jac

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"Five North Carolina counties were left without emergency phone service for several hours Friday after a cable was cut ..."

"Fire and police departments in Person, Granville, Franklin, Vance and Warren counties reported phone service was out late Friday morning."

"A contractor for Time Warner Cable crew severed an Embarq cable ..."

"'One of our large contractors was there laying conduit for cable and cut the Embarq line. We regret the accident ...' ..."

"An unrelated cable cut ... Fiday morning disrupted the redundancy Embarq built into the lines to minimize the prospect of service disruption ..."

"Service was restored to all affected areas by about 3:30 p.m. ... As many as 45,000 lines were affected by the outage ..."

MS: Robbery suspect in custody; police searching for stolen money
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After eluding law enforcement for a week, the former Jackson cop accused of robbing a downtown credit union last week has been arrested."

"The Jackson Police Department secured a warrant for Lawrence Epps, 46, on Friday. Investigators quickly named him as the suspect in the armed robbery of the Mississippi Employees Credit Union on South West Street Friday morning."

"JPD initially said Epps surrendered at the federal courthouse this morning about 8 a.m. But the U.S. Marshals Service later clarified during a news conference that Epps was seized outside the courthouse." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

NY: Police Officer Charged in Midtown Hotel Rape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A New York City police officer is accused of sexually assaulting a woman in a Midtown hotel, police said.

Kevin Johnson, 27, faces several counts of rape in the Monday night attack.

The rookie cop met a group of women at a bar during a hairstylists' convention. Johnson and the women then went to Gershwin Hotel in Midtown.

He had sex with one woman, police said, and afterwards crawled into bed with another woman and raped her.

Johnson, who was arrested early Tuesday at the hotel, is assigned to the 73rd Precinct in Brooklyn.

He was suspended without pay and arraigned on Wednesday.

NJ: City picks gunshot detection system
Submitted by: FMS

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"Newark has selected the California company Shotspotter for a gunshot detection system to improve police response time by pinpointing the location of gunfire." ...

"The contract for the $1.2 million system will be paid for by the Newark Community Foundation, a nonprofit group that collects donations and distributes grants." ...

"Gunshot detectors will be mounted on structures over a 7-square-mile area. When triggered, Shotspotter sensors will provide police with the location, number of shooters, and number of shots fired." ...

"'Does it work 100 percent of the time? No,' said DiElmo. 'We have had incidents where the sensors haven't alerted us.'"

OR: Gun Wars: Concealed weapons laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over 100,000 people in Oregon have concealed handgun permits, 6,500 in Jackson County. ..."

"Carrying a concealed gun in Oregon requires a permit ... To receive a permit in Oregon you must be at least 21 years-old, take a gun safety course, fill out an application, pass a background check, and pay a fee."

"In October of 2007, South Medford High School teacher Shirley Katz, who has a concealed handgun permit, asked to carry a gun at school for protection from an abusive ex-husband. The Medford School District denied her request on the basis that employees are barred from carrying weapons at school. She sued the district, saying the policy is unconstitutional, and lost. Her case is currently on appeal." ...

UK: Disabled man gun case is dropped
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A disabled Derbyshire man who allegedly threatened a group of teenagers with an imitation gun will not be prosecuted."

"The youngsters said they had stopped to help Michael Shaw, 67, from Ironville, with his broken down mobility scooter last September."

"They said he then brandished the weapon. Mr Shaw claimed he felt intimidated and so showed them the gun."

"The charge, which carries a 10-year maximum sentence, was dropped after tests showed the scooter had no faults."

"A Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) spokeswoman said an engineering report undermined the teenagers' story." ...

Submitter's Note: Is sense starting to permeate the UK?

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