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Newslinks for 5/30/2002

PA: Monroeville cop claims self-defense in shooting
Submitted by: John Salsgiver

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It should be noted that Smith was a Police Officer in Apollo PA and Willkensburg PA. The news article does not point this out.

Still saving lives
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"People who are able to defend themselves against armed criminals continue to save lives and protect property in America and throughout the world."

"Gun control disarms victims, not criminals." -- The Florida Times-Union

TN: Excellent Opportunity To Pick Up A Pro-gun Seat (GOA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Your help is needed now to increase our numbers in the U.S. Congress. Brent Taylor may not be campaigning in your district, but he definitely will vote for you if he is elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Memphis, TN. ... I am asking you to support Taylor for Congress because he will be one of the handful who will make a difference for all of us who are working to preserve our liberty."

CA: Armed Intruder Spurs Evacuation at CBS Studios
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Despite security bolstered in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, a gunman stormed into CBS Television City studios in Los Angeles at 5 p.m. today and tried to open fire. His weapon evidently jammed as hundreds of people fled the sprawling media complex..."

--Not ONE person was armed to be able to defend against this madman. All they could do was flee and pray.

Arming pilots steals hijackers' element of surprise
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"As for being distracted, bomber pilots in World War II were distracted by anti-aircraft fire, enemy planes and who knows what else, but they all wore sidearms. My outfit was all fighter planes, P-47s, mostly, and a few P-51s. The pilots all carried.45-caliber semiautomatics or.38-caliber revolvers, in hip holsters or shoulder rigs."

"Ah, but, you say, that was during a war. Well, aren't we supposed to be at war now?"

Government 'Incredibly Hypocritical' for Refusing Firearms, Pilots Say
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Capt. Tracy Price, chairman of APSA, doubts the TSA's explanation. He believes airline passengers deserve more protection than can be offered by a limited number of air marshals with questionable training. The only other choice should not be "murdered, defenseless pilots and an F-15 shooting down the airplane," he adds."

Gun Control For Government Still Needed
Submitted by: Mark M Stehly

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"the American Taliban case raises fundamental questions of group loyalty, and what it means to cross the line between Constitutionally-protected activities and openly treasonable behavior. Moreover, if Walker Lindh's youth and alleged naïvete‚ turn out to be mitigating circumstances, how are we to judge disloyalty committed by older, presumably responsible citizens who swear an oath to protect the Constitution when they assume elective office?"

'George W Bush, Political Terrorist'
Submitted by: Mark M Stehly

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Threats Of Terror For Psychological, Political Advantage... 'Callous' and 'clueless' are the only 2 words that come to mind after this read.

"If we are attacked again, they will have no one but themselves to blame. ... They are purposefully making people afraid to further this agenda. ... Such foulness is beyond contempt, and reeks of desperation. There will be a reckoning."

MMM Photographer Points Handgun at Infant's Face
Submitted by: Anonymous

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--This has been out for over three weeks, but wanted to make sure it was seen by many and hopefully addressed in many venues.

OR: Mommy, Why Can't You Be With Us?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Did anybody tell you to say (your father) pointed the gun, sweetie?" I asked. "Yes," came the diminutive response from the adorable little girl clutching her rag doll rabbit. "Who, sweetheart? Who told you to say that?" "He did," said Bethany, pointing directly at Deputy District Attorney Rick Wesenberg. The gasps from the courtroom audience brought a moment of suspense singularly lacking in the proceedings until that moment." Edgar J. Steele

The NRA Takes Aim at 10th Amendment
Submitted by: Rodney L. Hendrix

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"The Constitution, he said, "is pristine and inviolate..."

"Strong words and fine sentiments; but, ironically, the NRA is currently engaged in the very trade-off that LaPierre decried. The organization played a key role in promoting President Bush's crime-control initiative, Project Safe Neighborhoods, which undermines the 10th Amendment."

--Alas, MORE bad news showing how the NRA "defends" our rights.

Israel: 4 killed in road ambush, school shooting
Submitted by: serinde

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"A Palestinian gunman assaulted an Israeli settlement near Nablus late Tuesday night, killing three yeshiva students before being shot to death [by a settler]."

--No gun-free-zone at this school, and it worked!

IL: No Charges in 1999 Chicago Shooting
Submitted by: serinde

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"Two Chicago police officers will not be charged in the killings of two unarmed motorists during traffic stops hours apart, prosecutors said, closing a probe into shootings which sparked community protests three years ago."

"It's certainly not what anyone would hold up as quality police work," [Cook County State's Attorney Richard] Devine said. "But there was no evidence to show criminal intent on the part of the officers."

The Best Defense
Submitted by: serinde

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"the government cannot and should not be expected to protect the public from all dangers. Average citizens must take some responsibility for their own self-defense."

"Law-enforcement officials ... are finite in their capabilities. But the demonstrated success of civilians in preventing and thwarting terrorist attacks (compared with the glaring failures of the national-security bureaucracy) have seemingly gone unnoticed in Washington." -- Chris Weinkopf

Freedom of Speech
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The Second Amendment protects the rest.

UT: Judges Want Guns Out of Court (Update)
Submitted by: SASister

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"A panel of judges found a way to keep guns out of Utah courthouses, at least temporarily. The 13-member Judicial Council has approved a 90-day suspension of a rule allowing judges to establish 'secure areas' where lockers are required to stash visitors' guns while they are at courthouses."

"Tuesday's decision does not affect courthouse security. "

--I know a few people who would beg to differ. Of course they called Brady Handgun Control people for a quote on the matter.

OK: Media get rough reception in Webbers Falls
Submitted by: Rodney L. Hendrix

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Strange how for years, "the media" have conspired with the government to deny and destroy the 2nd Amendment. All the while forgetting it is the teeth that protect all the others - especially the 1st Amendment which they hold in such high regard. See how they scream when "their" rights get stepped on!

Still, I can't hardly believe this happened in Oklahoma. By the way, The Daily Oklahoman has a history of generally being very supportive of our 2nd Amendment rights.

KY: Shooting range as worthy as other recreation
Submitted by: Culpepper Gadsen

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"The editorial 'Putting politics over policy' (April 26) was long on political rhetoric and short on substance. There's really only one question to answer: Should the county buy land for a combined pistol, rifle and shotgun target range. The short answer is yes." ...Warren S. Moore, Mayor of Union, Ky.

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety. Nor, are they likely to end up with either. — Benjamin Franklin

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