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Experiment Tests Children's Knowledge of Gun Safety
Submitted by: News Director

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"...These pre-kindergartners will come face to face with a handgun. We've placed an unloaded simulated gun into a hidden place in the classroom."

"We put it in a chair. Two hidden cameras have also been placed in the classroom. The children have just come in from recess and the teacher is now giving them an assignment before she leaves the room."

" 'It's a gun, don't touch it, I know what is all about, do not touch it, its dangerous,' screams little Natasha Fanning. She takes charge, telling her classmates repeatedly to stay away from the gun."

"The children are excited. They try to get a teacher's attention. But not one of them touches the gun."

New Data Shows That 97 Rogue Gun Dealers 'Lost' Thousands of Guns in 2005; Meanwhile, Bill to Weaken ATF Advances in Congress
Submitted by: News Director

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"New data released by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) shows that 97 rogue gun dealers had 11,840 guns 'disappear' from their shops in fiscal year 2005. These dealers accounted for an astonishing 96 percent of all guns that ATF identified as missing from 3,083 federal firearms licensees that ATF inspected in 2005. The remaining 2,986 gun dealers inspected in 2005 had less than 500 missing guns."

"On the heels of the release of this data, a U.S. House Subcommittee today approved a bill that will make it virtually impossible for ATF to revoke the licenses of gun dealers who violate federal law."

Helmke to lead national gun-control organization
Submitted by: News Director

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"Paul Helmke, former Republican mayor, will become president of the country’s largest gun-control organization this summer and be the lead spokesman on an issue usually associated with Democrats." ...

"Helmke acknowledged the apparent oddity of a Republican heading the gun-control group, but said:

" 'This really shouldn’t be a Republican vs. Democratic issue. Jim Brady obviously worked for a Republican president. Sarah Brady (worked for) the Republican National Committee. President Reagan supported the Brady Bill and the assault weapon ban.... Somehow the group’s gotten painted, and I think unfairly, as just liberals and Democrats.' "

David Codrea: O Canada
Submitted by: News Director

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"It’s bad enough they missed their target estimate a thousandfold. ...There’s also no end to the violent crime the registry promised to reduce, or the calls for more 'gun control' by opportunistic politicians."

"Canada’s Law-Abiding Unregistered Firearms Association estimates noncompliance with the gun registry at 70 percent overall, including handgun and long-gun registration, and citizens not obtaining required licenses. But rather than admit complicity in a boondoggle, those who pledged improved public safety have instead adopted a policy of dancing in blood, blaming guns, and pointing fingers at the US."

Concealed carry hero -- concealed within an anti-gun story! (Blog)
Submitted by: News Director

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"The two young North Philadelphia men grew up in the same tough neighborhood, but their lives took significantly different turns. One chose college, the other packed a gun." ...

"Notice the way the 'choice' is set up."

"Either college or a gun."

"Naturally, I found myself wondering whether Ms. Boyer ever knew a law-abiding gun owner. Or a college-educated gun owner. ..." ...

"In that confrontation, in the 1900 block of North 22d Street, one of two victims had a permit to carry a gun - and he used the weapon on the two suspected robbers." ...

"So, the presence of a gun in the hands of an armed, law abiding citizen was what captured a wanted murder suspect!"

"Right here. In Philadelphia."

Project Safe Neighborhoods: Is it working?
Submitted by: News Director

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"The violent crime rate is at its lowest level since 1973, when the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics started collecting crime victimization data."

"... In 1995, the violent crime rates began to drop again and continued to decline from 46.1 per every 1,000 in 1995 to 21.1 in 2004."

"Given the cyclical nature of crime rates and the fact that violent crime began to decrease in 1995 -- before Bush, before PSN and during Clinton's time in office, how can the DOJ in good conscience imply that PSN was somehow responsible for the decline?"

Betrayed From Within.... (Blog)
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"It might do well for you to be sitting down while reading the following from Mr. James Madison. As well as refraining from eating or drinking, as there may be danger in choking. For James shows, in explicit detail, how that We The People are in fact being betrayed by our supposed public servants...."

AZ: Sheriff's posse to patrol desert
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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"Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced Tuesday that 100 deputies and volunteer posse would begin patrolling the desert to stem the flow of undocumented immigrants into the county."

"Deputies and posse members would patrol county roadways and desert areas looking for suspicious activity, such as human trafficking and drug smuggling, Arpaio said. Deputies usually uncover these activities while making routine traffic stops, he added."

AZ: NRA bankrolls Fish murder defense
Submitted by: Shovelhead

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"Funding for the defense of a retired school teacher who shot and killed a man on a remote county trail comes, at least in part, from the National Rifle Association."

"The prosecution says the jury should hear that Harold Fish's defense is being supported by the NRA's Civil Rights Defense Fund. The defense says the information is irrelevant and the jury should not hear it."

"Judge Mark Moran of Coconino County Superior Court will decide the matter."

AZ: Guns in bars' revived for eateries (Another report)
Submitted by: Shovelhead

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"It's back."

"The Senate on Tuesday resurrected a variation on the 'guns in bars' bill that was vetoed last year. The measure differs slightly though as it would allow patrons to carry guns only in restaurants that serve alcohol and not in bars."

"Sen. Jack Harper, R-Surprise, attached the measure during a floor debate to another bill that would relax the rules for revoking liquor licenses for establishments whose food sales fall below 40 percent of overall sales."

IL: Project ChildSafe coming to Rockford
Submitted by: News Director

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"Organizers of Project ChildSafe, a free gunlock distribution and safety education program, will be in Rockford on Friday and next week."

"The program will give the community a chance to interact with local police and receive free gunlocks, along with educational brochures, children’s safety pledges, badges and bookmarks."

"Project ChildSafe is managed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and funded through grants from the U.S. Department of Justice. Organizers are on a 21-day tour, which began April 22, to promote responsible firearm ownership."

MN: Gun laws are what we should be afraid of
Submitted by: News Director

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"The Daily editorial board should check its facts before trying to put fear into people. Guns are not as bad as reporters instigating panics. This is in response to the April 25 editorial 'Fewer guns, fewer dead people.' "

"...Gun control has never worked because criminals don’t obey the 'gun control' laws."


NY: City police plan targets gangs
Submitted by: News Director

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"Rochester police plan to tackle the city's gang and gun problems by assigning more officers to the department's street-crime unit and requiring those officers to spend part of their time on early intervention efforts in city schools."

Australia: Tight gun controls: the most powerful weapon
Submitted by: News Director

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"...After a decade of very public gun massacres - Queen and Hoddle streets in Melbourne and at Strathfield Plaza - people had overwhelmingly had enough of anyone with a grudge gaining easy, mostly legal, access to weapons designed expressly to kill a lot of people in a very short time."

"Just 12 days after the Port Arthur shootings John Howard's first major act of leadership, and by far his most popular in his first year as prime minister, was to announce nationwide gun law reform. The new laws specifically addressed mass shootings, banning rapid-fire rifles and shotguns."

KABA Note:

Too bad their gun ban was worthless.


UK: Police swoop in all-day raid
Submitted by: News Director

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"POLICE swooped on seven houses and made five arrests on Thursday as part of the largest all-day raid ever seen in the town."

"Operation Zloty - the first of many high-visibility operations planned by police - took months of planning and intelligence work and involved 30 officers, with supporting teams from Exeter, Exmouth and Ashburton."

"From 7am, the police and other agencies worked together to serve eight warrants under the Theft and Misuse of Drugs Acts, seizing a quantity of class A drugs along with money estimated to be in the thousands of pounds; property; cars; and one firearm."

NY: Gun rumor freezes schools
Submitted by: News Director

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"An anxious air pervaded the neighborhood around Schenectady High School on Tuesday afternoon as parents milled on the sidewalks, fretting about their children locked inside and the possibility of gunmen on the loose."

"The adults traded rumors and waited in vain for cellphone calls from their children, who weren't allowed to use their phones. A State Police helicopter whirled above, and police officers guarded every street corner."

KY: Eddie Eagle teaches students about gun safety
Submitted by: News Director

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"Thanks to Officer Ed Dye and Eddie Eagle, primary students at three Pierce Township schools know what they should do if they ever find a gun."

"Eddie Eagle is the mascot of the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program, a program sponsored by the National Rifle Association used to educate children about gun safety and teach them what they should do if they come across a gun."

"Dye, the school resource officer, presents the Eddie Eagle program at the township's three schools -- Locust Corner Elementary, Merwin Elementary and St. Bernadette -- once each year. Most recently, the program was held at Merwin April 26."

Yemen: Anti-Gun Slogan on Bottled Water in Peace House Campaign
Submitted by: News Director

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"Adverts on bottled water are to promote the anti-gun campaign of the Peace House, or Dar Al Salaam Organization, as part of the group’s third national campaign to work towards peaceful solutions."

"The water company has offered the peace organization the free advertising space for their logo, a crossed assault rifle and pistol surrounded by a red ‘stop’ sign."

"The organization’s national campaign aims to change public opinion to help get rid of the hazards of violence, abundant weapons, and extremism."

"However, this activity is only one part of a large campaign, which also includes a competition between a thousand schools in nine governorates."

WI: Judge Won't Throw Out Concealed Carry Records Lawsuit
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A judge has refused to throw out a lawsuit by Wisconsin's attorney general that's aimed at classifying bill drafts as public records once lobbyists have seen them."

"Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager filed the lawsuit last fall after two Republicans -- Sen. Dave Zien of Eau Claire and Rep. Scott Gunderson of Waterford -- refused to give her a bill draft even though they had shared it with lobbyists."

"The draft was for a bill that would let Wisconsin residents carry concealed weapons."

"The suit accuses the lawmakers of violating the state's open records law."

AZ: Senate backs allowing guns in restaurants
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Resurrecting an issue that led to a veto last year, the Senate on Tuesday voted to let people carry guns in restaurants with liquor licenses."

"The Senate voted to attach the guns measure to a House-approved bill (SB2740) to make it easier for restaurants to keep their liquor licenses even if their percentage of food sales falls below required levels."

"Gov. Janet Napolitano on April 25, 2005, vetoed a bill that would have allowed people to carry guns in bars and restaurants if they weren't drinking and if the establishment didn't post notices banning firearms."

CA: Women & guns in the Valley
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"They get manicures, they wear make-up and some are dead-eye shots."

"They're average women, buying guns and learning how to shoot them--- even in a life-or-death situation."

"The National Rifle Association has caught on with a new magazine targeting women."

" 'Women's Outlook' features female gun owners hunting, shooting in competitions and learning how to defend themselves."

WA: The fight against firearms
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A week after returning from a gun-control summit in New York to find his own city staggered by a spate of deadly shootings, Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels pressed Tuesday for stronger laws regulating firearms." ...

"Addressing reporters at the Police Department's evidence warehouse, where about 3,000 confiscated firearms are stored, Nickels said it's time to push state and federal legislators for tougher gun laws."

KABA NOTE: Of course, if the criminals don't abide by the 20,000+ gun control laws already on the books, they'll surely abide by these new ones. /sarcasm

NY: Mayor's Summit On Illegal Guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"What is a city to do? There are illegal guns on the street that are being used to commit violent crimes, so as a city you do what you can on your own." ...

"While it is true that shootings are down in New York so far this year, in many ways Bloomberg has staked his second term on making tangible progress in his campaign against illegal guns. He made the issue a central plank in his State of the City address, traveled to Washington to testify before Congress, and now has attempted to put together a broad coalition of local politicians from across the country. If nothing else, the effort has made Bloomberg a nationally-recognized name."

NY: Officer's Son Dies After Playing With Father's Gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"The 10-year-old son of a city police officer who accidentally shot himself with his father's gun on Sunday has died." ...

"He was playing in the basement of his Massapequa home when he found the handgun hidden in a closet. He and his eight-year-old sister were playing with the gun when it accidentally went off."

Two questions:

1 - Why did the father - a police officer - teach his son gun safety so that this tragedy could be avoided?

2 - Why did the father - a police officer - leave his firearm unsecured?

FL: House members approve stun-gun restrictions for cops
Submitted by: News Director

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"Police officers may get restrictions on when they can use stun guns under a measure state House members passed 116-0 today."

"Because of an amendment filed this week, the bill will have to go back to the Senate for approval before it can go to the governor's desk."

"Lawmakers decided to remove language that would have required police to report to the state when they use stun guns at elementary schools. Supporters of the change said police departments already keep track of such incidents."

UK: Armed response police called to three capital gun alerts in 12 hours
Submitted by: News Director

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"ARMED response officers raced to three gun alerts in the Capital in just 12 hours."

"Frightened members of the public raised the alarm after spotting different men carrying firearms in the city yesterday."

"The gun incidents come in the wake of the double shooting at The Marmion pub in Gracemount when former boxing champion Alex McKinnon was blasted to death with a shotgun, although police are not linking the murder to yesterday's incidents."

MI: SAFR Announces Free Family Firearms Day May 20th at the Howell Gun Club
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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"The Shooters' Alliance for Firearms Rights (SAFR) is once again joining with Michigan Gun Owners, Michigan 2nd Amendment, and several other groups and businesses to present the Second Annual Family Firearms Day at Howell Gun Club in Howell, Michigan on May 20, 2006, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m."

"Family Firearms Day is a free event designed to introduce families to the safe and fun use of firearms. All children who attend will be given a presentation on the safe handling of a firearm, as well as instruction on how to deal with firearms safety at home and when they are with their friends. They will then have the opportunity to try out several shooting activities using .22 rifles, handguns and a modified version of trap shooting. Other activities that will be available include a Tae Kwon Do demonstration and prizes. Lunch, snacks and drinks will be provided throughout the day without cost to participants."

UK: Brave shopkeeper defies gun threat
Submitted by: News Director

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"A woman shopkeeper bravely ordered an armed robber out of her second-hand store yesterday lunchtime - despite him demanding money at gunpoint."

"Sam Jarrett refused to hand over cash from the till, despite the threats from the masked raider."

Australia: Man to face court accused of gun trafficking
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"A Queensland man is due to face Tweed Heads Court today, accused of arms trafficking."

"The 52-year-old from the Brisbane suburb of Mount Gravatt was arrested yesterday in Tweed Heads, in northern NSW, by officers from the State Protection Group."

"They allegedly seized two semi-automatic hand guns, firearm parts, magazines, silencers and ammunition."

To prohibit a citizen from wearing or carrying a war arm . . . is an unwarranted restriction upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of constitutional privilege. [Wilson v. State, 33 Ark. 557, at 560, 34 Am. Rep. 52, at 54 (1878)]

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