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Sandy Froman: Judging the 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A massive change may be coming regarding your right to own a gun, and possibly coming very soon. Though the last 40 years have seen massive battles in legislative halls between gun-rights supporters and gun-control advocates, the emphasis of this movement is now moving into federal courtrooms."

"No one questioned the reasons or need for private ownership of firearms when the Founding Fathers drafted the Second Amendment. ... The Framers were passionately devoted to the idea that an armed citizenry is self-sufficient and is also one of the best ways to ensure that freedom can be preserved from one generation to the next." ...

Gun owners as scapegoats
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "American gun owners make great scapegoats for governments that refuse to enforce the law in the first place. A classic example were the Columbine murderers. Harris and Kleibold were provided their guns by a straw buyer. The straw buyer was a woman in her mid-20s and was never prosecuted as the authorities thought prosecuting a young woman would look bad to the public."

"I used a gun once in self defense, and if I had not done so would not be writing this letter. There were about 20 of them. The odds were not good." ...

Gun Free Zones Make for a Target: Packing Heat Can Save Lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If only Virginia Tech’s mass murderer had read the school's policy handbook. He would have learned the college was a gun-free zone. So then he wouldn't have brought any guns on campus and the tragedy could have been averted. That's roughly the logic used by many proponents of gun control. Adding more laws, rules and regulations to the thousands already on the books will somehow stop the violence."

"A sad irony is a statement made last year when the state legislature let die a bill permitting licensed students and employees to carry handguns at public colleges. ... One must speculate if an armed student or college employee could have ended the murder spree." ...

Campus killer thinks guns should be eliminated
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"And what would this sub-human monster do with guns?"

"Ideally, guns should be eliminated, but I know that won’t happen. There should be stricter checks. Obviously a waiting period would be great ... school got out on Friday, and I did that on a Monday. If I had a two-week waiting period for the gun, I wouldn't have done it.
"Yeah. Sure you wouldn't have. You wouldn't have purchased a gun on the black market, where they're readily available ...? Right. Eliminate guns. That way more depraved, deranged maniacs like you and Cho will have access to more disarmed, vulnerable prey."

"Leave it up to a murderer to propose disarming the rest of society. Would you take his advice?"

Gonzales: More Campus Guns Aren't Answer
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Wednesday that having more guns on college campuses is not the way to prevent campus violence like the massacre at Virginia Tech."

"Since the April 16 shootings that left 33 people dead, including the gunman, at Virginia Tech, some have suggested that the carnage might have been lower if a student or professor with a gun had stepped in."

"'I don't think that is the answer quite frankly,' said Gonzales, who was participating in a governor's task force to study safety and security on Oklahoma college campuses."

"Instead, authorities should enforce existing laws concerning the ownership and use of handguns, he said." ...

Gun violence: What is happening to us?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We've seen it tear apart and ruin young lives at Columbine; we've seen it strike at the heart of innocence in Lancaster; now we've witnessed it bring sorrow to the beautiful campus of Virginia Tech."

"Gun violence is something that must be taken more seriously. In 2005, 68 percent of the 14,860 homicides in the United States were linked to firearms. This staggering number of deaths is higher than any other developed country."

"... as we move towards life in the wake of VT, we should be thinking about strengthening and tightening our policies on gun control. Gun violence is not something that should be linked solely to mentally deranged, isolated individuals but rather something that occurs on many different levels." ...

Regulators Are Asked To Share Data on Guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"When handguns with bullets that can pierce body armor showed up on the streets of New Jersey, Senator Lautenberg asked federal regulators to share data that could help local police figure out where the weapons were coming from. That information, the New Jersey Democrat was told, is off-limits."

"The amendment that bars such sharing of gun trace data has now touched off a feud between its sponsor, Rep. Todd Tiahrt, a Republican of Kansas, and a coalition of more than 200 mayors led by Mayor Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino." ...

KABA Note: As acting ATF Director Sullivan explained these data are available to law enforcement agencies in order to conduct criminal investigations, but not to politicians on fishing expeditions.

Queen's Tribute To US Shooting Victims
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Queen has arrived in the US where she will pay tribute later to the 32 people who were gunned down on a university campus last month."

"She will make a speech in the state of Virginia where the tragedy happened but is not expected to visit the Virginia Tech campus." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: She'll pay tribute to them for sacrificing their lives for the British ideal of a disarmed society.

Gun Group Presses for Firearms on Campus, [Brady] Center Says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association, a gun- rights group with 4 million members, is pressing lawmakers in U.S. states to allow staff and students to carry firearms on campus, according to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence."

"The center, in a report today, cites as a recent example an April 2 letter from the association urging Maine legislators to vote down a measure that would enable public colleges and universities to prohibit guns on campus. On April 16, a mentally ill university senior shot dead 32 students and teachers at Virginia Tech before killing himself." ...

A Sane Response
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A week after the massacre at Virginia Tech, gun-control advocate Sarah Brady distributed a letter seeking contributions of $32 ..."

"The Brady Campaign ... saw the horror at Virginia Tech as an opportunity for fundraising and publicity. Most elected officials, however, have responded with appropriate caution. ..."

"In Washington, few politicians have rushed forth with rash demands to 'do something.' Congress may even be headed toward passing reasonable legislation that unites gun owners with some of their traditional foes, in the name of preventing people with dangerous mental illnesses from buying firearms."

"To some degree, this reflects a new bipartisan consensus in favor of Second Amendment rights. ..." ...

Americans Ponder College Campus Violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many adults in the United States believe more surveillance is required in their country’s college campuses, according to a poll by Gallup released by USA Today. 75 per cent of respondents think increasing the police presence would be a reasonable approach to take to reduce the risk of violence."

"Seven-in-ten respondents support banning all handguns on college campuses and expelling any student who exhibits violent tendencies in their behaviour or schoolwork. In addition, 61 per cent of respondents would install metal detectors at the entrances to all public buildings on campuses." ...

NC: Murder Charges Dropped Against Kings Mountain Woman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cleveland County's district attorney has dropped murder charges against a woman accused of killing her husband."

"Tina Brown Weaver, 40, was arrested in November after police say she shot Ronald Todd Weaver several times at their home ..."

"Weaver bonded out of jail shortly after her arrest. Her attorney spoke ... said his client was the victim of domestic abuse and was protecting herself. Photos taken the day after her arrest show Weaver with swollen eyes and bruised arms."

"According to the dismissal filed Thursday, Weaver was indeed beaten by her husband. The papers point to a history of domestic violence between the two. The district attorney found that Tina Weaver acted in self-defense." ...

AR: Shots fired at armed midnight intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Responding to a call for help around midnight, the parents of Rebecca Little of 150 County Line Road arrived to see a man armed with a shotgun fleeing from the residence."

"When told to stop, the man reportedly turned and pointed the shotgun at the parents, and a shot was fired at him in return before he fled into a wooded area."

"Sgt. Mike Price with the Independence County Sheriff’s Office said Little told him that she was awakened by someone knocking and then pounding on her door around midnight."

"Unable to see anyone outside, Little said she called her mother and step-father, Tony and Debbie Mesa, to come to her house." ...

IA: Man with gun vs man with dog; no charges filed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Des Moines police declined to file charges against a man who pulled a gun on a neighbor's dog." ...

"Officers spoke to the man with the gun ... He claimed the dog came onto his property and 'charged,' him, which is when he pulled the firearm. He said Wilson also came onto his property and yelled for the dog to stop."

"The man said he ordered Wilson and the dog off his property and admitted only that he 'lightly tapped' Wilson on the chest with a finger. He added that he pointed the gun only at the dog."

"Police concluded the man was acting in self-defense. They filed no charges and did not release the man's name. Police said Wilson loudly disagreed with their decision."

TX: Man's wounds healing after being bit by stray dog
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lance Grote holds no anger toward the dog that bit him last week."

"He reserves that disgust for the person or people who abandoned the canine." ...

"The dog was shot and killed in a field ... by David Walton, who lives on a neighboring street. The dog had been wandering around the neighborhood with another dog, which also was shot and killed. ..."

"Sgt. Mike Williams with the Victoria County Sheriff's office said the law allows people to shoot an animal in self-defense, so long as they do not violate any firearms regulations and local laws. But no one can just indiscriminately shoot animals, he said."

"Grote said the sheriff's office gave residents the OK to shoot the animals if they posed a threat ..." ...

TX: Student Removed from High School after Making a Map of His School in Counter-Strike
Submitted by: ChareltonHest

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"A senior from a Texas high school will not be going to his graduation ceremony after designing 3D levels of his school in a shooting game."

"Officers came into his home and reportedly found five swords which they deemed a level 3 terrorist threat. Since then, the unnamed man had been transferred to an .alternate education facility'"

"The man's family and community have rallied to the defense of the student who they claim was judged too harshly."

"'I feel we went beyond our jurisdiction. If he put something on a computer at Clements, that's different – but he didn't do that. I think we've jumped the gun here,' Stan Magee, trustee for the school district, said." ...

NY: SUNY Cobleskill student suspended for gun pose
Submitted by: ChareltonHest

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"A State University of New York at Cobleskill student, suspended after posting a picture of himself posing with a shotgun on the Internet, said he received a five-day academic suspension."

"The student, Tharindu Meepegama, in a Wednesday phone interview from A.O. Fox Hospital in Oneonta, where he was undergoing an evaluation, said he posed no threat. But he received the suspension 'pending a psychological evaluation' after posting the picture April 17 on his profile page on the social-networking Web site Facebook." ...

Primary Elections
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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"National voter turnout in presidential elections averages approximately 55%. And yet, voting is the easiest form of activism. A little research (made oh, so easy by the internet), a couple of phone calls, and show up to vote -- twice. Once for the Primary Election and once for the General Election."

"Compare that to the effort involved in fighting for your rights in Dianne Feinstein's district."

"Many people complain during the General Election that they just can't choose between two evils. Or that no candidate closely matches their values. And yet, the Primary Elections offer a variety of choices from a variety of parties. It is perhaps even more important than the General Election." ...

Webb: No need to change federal gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The nation needs to look harder at mental health policy issues in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings last month, Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., said today."

"Webb, a gun-rights supporter who has a concealed weapons permit, said he did not see the need for any change in federal gun-control laws at this time."

"'I believe very strongly we need to focus on mental health issues in our country,' Webb said in a telephone news conference. He has decided to co-sponsor the Mental Health Parity Act, he said. It is a bill requiring insurers to offer mental health coverage on a par with benefits for physical illness." ...

Gun bill is a small step
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Prodded by mass murder at Virginia Tech, Congress is considering a bill that would push states to provide mental health records for the federal database used in background checks of gun buyers. It's a small thing that should be done. But it's a shame that in the face of such carnage, Congress won't embrace more muscular gun control." ...

"Some advocates for the mentally ill oppose the bill, citing privacy and concern that the lists could discourage treatment and stigmatize people after they improve. But only those ruled dangerous by a court and ordered into treatment would be kept from buying guns. ..." [emphasis added] ...

KABA Note: Until they move to close that 'loophole'.

TN: Gun Laws Expanded for Self-Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Law-abiding citizens will be able to use deadly force in self-defense in more places under legislation that unanimously passed the state Senate Thursday and is on its way to becoming law."

"Currently, Tennesseans can use deadly force when faced with a threat of death or serious injury in their own homes. The bill approved by the Senate Thursday and by the House last week extends those areas to include all homes and vehicles, regardless of who owns them."

"Another bill involving the use of weapons also got the nod this week. That bill would prevent the governor or any local official from confiscating weapons or restricting their sale or transportation during a state of emergency or disaster." ...

IL: Illinois Senators Cautioned Against Supporting Gun Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The ISRA-PVF is warning Illinois state senators that a vote in favor of a recently introduced gun control bill would jeopardize the political support they receive from Illinois hunters and sportsmen."

"The bill in question, SB1007, bans the sale and possession of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Additionally, the bill would ban sale and possession of any firearm that has a fixed magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds. Under the provisions of this bill, many popular sporting arms would be banned along with firearms designed for the self- defense market." ...

NY: Rifle bills resurface for 4 more counties
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Legislation that would allow rifle use for big game in Steuben, Yates, Chemung and Chautauqua counties has resurfaced after not being approved last year."

"Bills have been introduced in both the Senate and Assembly to expand rifle use to those counties and comes after approval in 2005 to allow rifles in Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chenango, Herkimer, Montgomery, Oneida, Oswego, Otsego, Schoharie and Tioga counties."

"Sportsmen were, following the addition of those 10 counties in the rifle zone two years ago, surprised when legislation involving Steuben, Chemung, Yates and Chautauqua counties didn't proceed smoothly in Albany." ...

H.R. 1859: To reinstate the prohibition on the possession or transfer of large capacity ammunition feeding devices, and to strengthen that prohibition
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A couple days ago, I mentioned Carolyn McCarthy's H.R. 1859, "To reinstate the prohibition on the possession or transfer of large capacity ammunition feeding devices, and to strengthen that prohibition," (by the way, for anyone who has not yet seen that McCarthy is utterly clueless about her own H.R. 1022, and what features of a firearm it would ban, check out this War on Guns blog entry). At the time, I was more focused on the incredible, exploitive insensitivity of introducing that legislation within hours of the killings she intends to capitalize on. Now, let's take a more thorough look at why it's simply bad legislation." ...

Submitter's Note: I guess if you can't get it all in one (the AWB) go for them one at a time.

MD: Baltimore Mayor Unveils Strategy to Attack Increase in Gun Crime
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"With violent crime rising sharply here, Mayor Sheila Dixon announced plans Wednesday to form a task force on illegal guns and install a system to track where and when guns had been used in crimes."

"Attacking gun crime,' Ms. Dixon said, 'means cracking down on gun sales and arresting, prosecuting and putting in prison criminals who carry and use guns.'"

"The city has had 93 homicides so far this year, compared with 88 at the same time last year. Last weekend alone, six people were killed."

"The problems with illegal guns are not unique to Baltimore, said Leonard Hamm, the police commissioner. Many cities are struggling with a wave of violent crime." ...

TX: Bill would require info about gun buyers' mental health
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prospective gun buyers have long been subject to background checks when they try to purchase firearms from federally licensed dealers."

"But, despite a widely held and erroneous belief to the contrary, Texas — like many other states — does not supply any mental health information about its residents to the federal agency that performs those checks."

"State Sen. Rodney Ellis, D-Houston, is making another attempt to change that. A bill he introduced last month — before the mass shootings at Virginia Tech reignited the debate over the availability of guns — would require Texas to hand over the names of residents ordered by courts to be committed to hospitals for inpatient mental health care." ...

IL: Confiscation of Registered Guns Begins in Illinois
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Chicago Police Department and the Illinois State Police have teamed up to make good on Mayor Daley's pledge that, if it were up to him, nobody would have a gun. Daley and his elite 'CAGE' unit are apparently taking advantage of gun privacy loopholes to pinpoint certain individuals for inclusion in the confiscation program."

"... An elderly first-generation Chicago resident was recently paid a visit by an Illinois State Police trooper. After asking to come inside the man's home, the trooper asked if the man owned a gun - to which he replied yes. The trooper then directed the individual to surrender the firearm. The man complied with the officer's demand and the trooper left with the gun. And the story gets better..." ...

CA: LAPD Chief Disturbed By Rally Violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three investigations have been launched into police officers' tactics in dispersing a crowd at an immigration rally, where authorities wielded batons and fired rubber bullets into crowds."

"'This incident is one of the more disturbing and troubling in my 37-year career,' Police Chief William J. Bratton said Thursday on CBS News' The Early Show."

"Bratton did not try to defend the actions of his officers, reports CBS News correspondent Steve Futterman. Instead he promised a complete and very public examination of Tuesday night's events."

"News images showed police hitting a KCBS/KCAL television cameraman to the ground, shoving people who were walking away from officers and injuries from the rubber bullets." ...

NY: Officers Gather, 5,000 Strong, to Mourn Fallen Trooper
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A little more than two and half years ago, a young woman named Barbara Rhodes stood at the front inside Bethlehem Lutheran Church here, just outside Albany, and pledged to have and to hold a young state trooper named David C. Brinkerhoff so long as they both should live."

"But death took Trooper Brinkerhoff, 29, sooner than either of them could have imagined when a fellow trooper accidentally shot him last week during a confrontation with an armed suspect in a Catskill farmhouse. On Wednesday, his wife returned to the church where they were married, this time to mourn." ...

Cuba: 'Fierce' gun battle at Havana airport
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A fierce gun battle broke out at Havana's Jose Marti airport Thursday between police and three fugitive soldiers attempting to commandeer an airplane to leave the country, an airport source told AFP.
"Now everything everything is under control, but there was a fierce gunfight," the source said, saying the men were riding a bus toward a Boeing 737 at the Terminal 1 when the shooting took place.
The three men, young conscripts who fled their military unit Saturday near Managua southeast of Havana, were "neutralized" by the police, according to an airport worker.


MA: Drastic measures needed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We are living in a very different world than when the Constitution was written 220 years ago. The Second Amendment, which enabled every citizen 'to bear arms,' is no longer relevant. When this right was established, individuals feared for their safety from marauding Indians and 'to keep the wolf from the door.'"

"Today, we have well-regulated police departments to provide for our safety, so the necessity for gun ownership should be limited to those who have permits for hunting purposes. And to provide additional safety, I suggest that those who own guns (hunters) should store their guns in an armory when not in use." ...

Submitter's Note: See Castle Rock v. Gonzales for the answer on whether the police are required to protect us.

IA: Courting of gunmaker strikes debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Proposed anti-gun legislation in Illinois has brought controversy to the Iowa side of the border over what types of businesses cities should recruit in the name of economic development."

"The Illinois law, which appears headed toward passage, would make it illegal for Les Baer to run his gun factory near Rock Island, Ill., where he and his 14 employees produce high-caliber pistols and assault rifles. So Baer looked for room in Le Claire, just over the Mississippi River, to set up shop."

"'It's close,' he said of the proposed location, nearly three acres of commercially zoned wooded area. 'My employees are very much in favor of this move.'" ...

SC: Sensible people shouldn’t be drowned out by fringe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Evangelical — adjective: marked by militant, crusading zeal (Heritage Dictionary). Considering the thoughtless, predictable political hyperbole following the Virginia Tech tragedy, one cannot help but observe that contemporary politics is practiced more in the manner of religion than as a reason-based process for governance. ..." ...

"Lost in the pseudo-patriotic ravings of the gun nuts ... is the fact that polls indicate most Americans believe societal issues (including gun control ...) impacting the safety of innocent lives warrant reasonable regulations. Sensible citizens advocating this approach should not allow their views to be drowned out by 'religious' persecution from the political fringe."

TX: Hard to argue with Perry's stance on concealed handguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just when Gov. Rick Perry looked increasingly like a Bush-lite homeboy, out he comes with an amazing proposal that will make him the guv hero-of-the-year with the National Rifle Association: Texans with concealed-handgun permits should be allowed to carry their pistolas everywhere."

"Advance disclosure of Second Amendment bias: I have a concealed-handgun permit."

"But having a permit is more trouble than it's worth. My employer forbids firearms on the premises. There are highly discouraging signs regarding weaponry at the library and City Hall, plus all kinds of no-nos involving bringing a heater to honky-tonks, schools, courthouses, churches, hospitals and athletic events." ...

AK: Eagle River's young gun
Submitted by: William Furby

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"Eagle River trapshooter Corey Cogdell has gone from good, to really good, to great."

"The 20-year-old Alaskan, who learned how to shoot by target practicing off her deck as a toddler, wowed a World Cup crowd last month, taking third place in the women's trap-shooting division at a World Cup event in South Korea."

"The win keeps her on track for a spot on the U.S. Olympic team in the 2008 Beijing Summer Games, and solidifies her status as the best female trap shooter in the United States." ...

PA: City to sue state over gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fed up with foot-dragging in Harrisburg over gun control, Philadelphia is now taking its case to court."

"City Councilman Darrell L. Clarke said last night that the city plans to file a lawsuit today in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court alleging that the General Assembly has failed in its duty to protect the residents of the city."

"'It is becoming increasingly clear to me that the General Assembly is unwilling or unable to act,' Clarke said in a telephone interview last night. 'We have no choice but to go to court.'" ...

"Straw purchases have proliferated dramatically because the state has failed to enact laws that rein them in, he said." ...

TX: Guns deep in the hearts of Texans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Much of the rest of the nation might have begun debating whether new gun-control measures are in order in the wake of the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history at Virginia Tech last month. But here in Texas, a place where guns seem a part of the state's very DNA, folks have got some other ideas."

"The state's governor, Rick Perry, suggested the other day that Texans would be a lot safer if gun owners who hold concealed-weapons permits were allowed to carry their weapons in places where they are now prohibited, such as schools, churches, courthouses and bars." ...

MD: Good luck taking handguns away
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am writing in reaction to the letter from Marc C. Stephens regarding his plan to reduce incidents like the Virginia Tech shootings by outlawing handguns ..." ...

"... I just want to offer a bit of advice for Mr. Stephens and others like him who think the supply of handguns would 'soon dry up' if they were outlawed."

"There are more than 50 million handguns in the United States; outlawing them would require that gun-grabbers visit homeowners to take their weapons away from them."

"All I have to say is, um, good luck with that." ...

LA: Guns, the left wing and America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the recent massacre at Virginia Tech, predictably, the radical left wingers, who would like to make all Americans as defenseless as those poor students, are once again singing their tired old disarm America tune. ..." ...

"What the confused gun-control crowd really wants is a world without violence — not a world without guns. A world without violence sounds all warm and cuddly but it’s a pipe dream. Additionally, banning guns will not ban violence, and do we really want to live in a world with violence but without weapons for self-defense? ... It would be safer to live in a country where everyone is armed than in a country where guns are banned. At least criminals would not have cart blanche to assault anyone at anytime." ...

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them. — George Santayana

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