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VA: Bearing Arms
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Bearing Arms -- a seven-day special report of the Richmond-Times Dispatch:

* Defensive use of guns can prevent crimes, save lives

* When a gunman went berserk in a Southwest Virginia law school and killed three people, he was finally stopped by a fellow student who threatened to shoot him.

* Surveys of defensive gun use come up with numbers that vary widely. Estimates range from about 65,000 to 3.6 million such uses a year, depending on who is conducting the survey.

Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"It's been a long road but Christopher K. Morley with your help and under the legal counsel of Mr. Walter Maksym has filed suit against the City of Chicago and the State of Illinois. The objectives of the suit are:

1. To restore the rights of peaceful law-abiding citizens to both keep and BEAR arms.

2. To overturn the de facto handgun ban in Chicago and restore the people's right to be secure in their homes."

CA: LAPD: Cops out of control?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"When you think of it, Rodney King was lucky that the arresting officers were not women; they were guys trying to do the impossible. They were not "out of control" as has been suggested.

But King was out of control, and, therefore, the situation was out of control. Yet, more than 10 years later there are still no solutions for what to do when a large crazed man refuses to be arrested by the police."

A Plague Of Tyrants
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"To fight bioterrorism, public health officials would unleash a plague of petty tyrants..."

OH: Another Riot: What was the excuse this time?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"There was no police shooting, no reverends shouting for justice ... just 300 black people blocking Vine Street ... pelting cars with rocks, bottles and eggs and yelling “get whitey.” Some cities would call that a riot. Cincinnati didn't even call it a “disturbance.”

"Witnesses and police reports showed ... attacks on cars driven by white people, while cars driven by blacks were waved through."

--No "hate crime" arrests? And why were there no armed citizens exercising their right to self-defense?

A Wake-Up Call for Washington
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"On a rather interesting note, when asked what the greatest threats to America are today, Tom Daschle and the Democratic party were seen as more dangerous than Arab terrorists and radical Islam! Perhaps this is an angry but legitimate response to the continuing obstructionism of Daschle and his fellow Dems in the Senate."

Read the Current Results


Take the Survey

Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Up to now, Neighborhood Watch has been a fairly low-key crime-prevention tool focused on break-ins and burglaries. But all that is changing, as the Bush Administration has earmarked it for a broader role--surveillance in the service of the "war on terrorism."

Another Million Moron March in planning stage
Submitted by: Bill Brandow

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After slamming Zel Miller there is an alert about another march in DC 2004 inviting Laura Bush. Nice to have an early warning to work on counter measures.

Always know what you enemy is up to.

Powell Confirms: U.S. to pull out of International Criminal Court Treaty
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The United States will tell the United Nations this week it is renouncing formal involvement in a treaty creating the first permanent war crimes tribunal, Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday.

"Powell said the Bush administration will notify U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan that the United States has no intention of ratifying the treaty and now considers itself "no longer bound in any way to its purpose and objective," Powell said on ABC's "This Week."

Security or Freedom: Which do you Want?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"I had witnessed an armed government agent, confiscating legitimate private property without due process."

"I am ashamed to say, that I did absolutely nothing... I had just left 3 days of the Annual NRA Meeting, the theme of which was "I'll Fight For Freedom," but when faced with loss of freedom, I did nothing. Like the rest of the sheep at the airport that morning, I was more concerned with making my flight and my personal convenience. That is a mistake I shall never make again!"

TX: Wal-Mart Not Liable in Shootings, Jury Says
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A Texas jury has rejected the contention of two victims of a shooting rampage 10 years ago that Wal-Mart was liable for selling a semi-automatic handgun to the shooter -- a mentally unstable attorney. The plaintiffs unsuccessfully contended that store personnel should have been trained to ask provoking questions that might have revealed the customer's dangerous paranoia."

CO: Inmate serving life sentence mistakenly released on parole
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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--Another reason why citizens must exercise their human right to self-defense.

CO: Libertarian candidate Stanley wants Allard 'indicted for treason'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"In a candidate profile completed by Libertarian candidate Rick Stanley for the Rocky Mountain News's Web site, he offered this judgment of Allard's first term in office:"

"I believe he should be indicted for treason," Stanley wrote of the Republican incumbent. "Hung, when found guilty. ... Wayne Allard voted for the Patriot Act. That violates the Constitution seven or eight different ways. You could take almost any legislation over the last 100 years and say the same thing."

Hong Kong: Cop Mugged Outside Police Station, Gun Stolen
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A man held up a policeman at knifepoint outside a Hong Kong police station Friday, stealing his gun and 12 rounds of ammunition. The man also took a police radio from the constable."

SC: Higher (CWP) user fees encourage criminal activity
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The state Senate has proposed doubling the tax on concealed weapon permits from $50 to $100. This is unacceptable. ... If any user fees are going to be paid, the people of South Carolina should be paying permit holders for lowering violent crime rates. As it is, the people of South Carolina are reaping the benefit of lower violent crime rates without paying their fair share of the expenses."

NJ: Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Over Kindergartner Suspended for Playing Cops and Robbers
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Justice "Hayden, who heard oral arguments in the case last week, found that school officials may restrict violent or disruptive games."

"School board members said they felt vindicated by the ruling. "The court has affirmed what the board and district position has been all along, that we have the ability to make the decisions that are in the best interest of the children," Board of Education President Kevin Ciak said."

UK: Woman Attacked for a bag of chips
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A WOMAN who was headbutted for a £1 ($1.50) bag of chips by two masked men was recovering today at home."

She said, "my neighbour has been asking for better lighting for years. I think it would have made them think twice about it," and "I am very aware of that kind of thing and have an alarm in my bedroom, but you don't think to take it out when you are just going out for a bag of chips."

CO: Senate backs forfeit overhaul; Cities would get share of proceeds
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The Senate gave preliminary approval Thursday to a bill that would make sweeping changes to Colorado's criminal forfeiture law."

"One of the changes added language that requires the 50% of forfeited proceeds funneled to local governments be used for "public safety purposes."

"Law enforcement and criminal prosecutors strongly oppose the bill, arguing that forfeiture is an important weapon in shutting down drug dealers, prostitution dens and other criminal organizations."

CA: Prosecutor dropping charges against dad (UPDATE!)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Prosecutors are dropping misdemeanor charges against a Berkley father who scuffled with two teenage boys he found hiding in his daughter's bedroom closet at 4a.m. ... Oakland County Prosecutor David Gorcyca said he and several members of his executive staff reviewed the facts of the incident and concluded no crime was committed."

A Supreme retreat on the protection of private-property rights
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The landowners claimed compensation was due because ... The regulatory action was the equivalent of a forced leasehold whereby the landowners were required to cede their property to a government agency for the duration of the rule."

The court sided against the citizens -- except "Chief Justice Rehnquist dissented, along with Justices Scalia and Thomas."

Also see:

Guns: A Wrong or Our Right?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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by Amanda Embree, Liberty Round Table Essay Contest 0-13 First Place Winner.

"The fiercest criminal from whom individual citizens need protection is a government which becomes overbearing. We are free in America today because the colonists fought against King George's tyranny using the guns that the king tried to take from them. ... There is no guarantee that it won't happen again, because a government can do whatever it wants to if the citizens are unarmed."

Federal land-use bill OK'd after meeting suddenly changed location
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Opponents of a controversial land-use planning bill who hoped to observe a committee vote on the measure learned minutes before the meeting was scheduled to begin that the hearing room where the vote was to be taken had been unexpectedly switched to a location off-limits to the general public."

The "Enormous Costs of Crime"
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"GOVERNMENT can make no better use of tax revenues than to adequately fund the criminal-justice system. In recent years we have seen stricter law enforcement lead to diminished rates of violent crime. When we consider the huge financial burden that crime inflicts on society, it becomes clear that expenditures for extra policing and prison construction are very good investments."

--If citizens were able to protect themselves, crime would decrease and so would costs.

SC: Remove Impediments To Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The State's opinion on proposals to improve the concealed carry laws in South Carolina insults responsible citizens. The State uses the disarmament propaganda tactic of falsely equating responsible, trained, background-checked citizens with violent criminals."

UK: The police need a top gun, not a little tingle
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"If you were to believe the spate of recent reports, you wouldn’t dare go out at night in any of Britain’s cities for fear of being hit in the back of the head by a marksman’s bullet or by some squelchy bit of a shop assistant who has been inadvertently shot to pieces by an over-enthusiastic sergeant."

IN: Primary Election Candidate Survey Results
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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GOA listing of questions asked of Indiana's candidates and their answers. Voting date: May 7.

NC: Primary Election Candidate Survey Results
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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GOA listing of questions asked of North Carolina's candidates and their answers. Voting date: May 7.

OH: Primary Election Candidate Survey Results
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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GOA listing of questions asked of Ohio's candidates and their answers. Voting date: May 7.

Guns in Cockpits – It's Not About Airline Safety, It's About Gun Control
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Are you enjoying the debate in Washington over whether pilots should be allowed to have guns in airline cockpits? If you're paying attention, you need to be aware of one thing. The people who oppose armed pilots aren't focusing on airline safety – they're merely focusing on their anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment agenda."

"It isn't about arming pilots. It's about disarming all private citizens. The anti-gun crowd simply cannot sit back and allow these civilian pilots to arm themselves."

TX: He who pulls the trigger bears the responsibility
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"FORT WORTH, Texas — Help wanted: Sporting goods clerk. No sales experience necessary; will train. Doctorate in psychology or psychiatry required."

"The family of Chris Marshall, one of two attorneys killed in a July 1992 shooting rampage in the Tarrant County Courthouse, and survivor Judge Clyde Ashworth tried to pin civil responsibility on Wal-Mart for not training its sales clerks to recognize the visual and verbal traits of someone who might be mentally unbalanced."

Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins ... Society is in every state a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. — THOMAS PAINE

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