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A Mothers Day Message
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"My Mother, just like most other Mothers, taught me how to live right. But she did much more. She was a Holocaust survivor who learned from her hard experiences. Se was victimized by the Nazis, a tyranny led by a madman. Adolf Hitler. Gun-toting Nazis dragged her family to their deaths. Unarmed she was unable to resist." ...

"Mother was a source of strength and inspiration to other prisoners. ...She spoke of land, America, where the people control the government, as opposed to Europe, where governments for centuries enslaved people." ...

"I am her only son. She raised me with the only family legacies she had - her memories. She taught me that there are few things more destructive than a government gone bad."

Arm the Pilots!
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"People who think they’re the only ones in the world with the right idea are scary. I’m one of them, but I hope my calm and my logic will ease your fears! Actually, I don’t think I’m the only one in the world who gets it right. To be precise, I’ve simply never read, heard, or heard tell of anybody ELSE who gets it right."

"What I’m convinced I’ve got right is the argument about guns in the cockpit."

"Somebody big up there in authority doesn’t want guns in the cockpit."

Guns, like abortion, are a matter of choice
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The marchers plan to pressure Congress to extend the federal ban on assault weapons, which is set to expire in September. For many people — including the liberal-minded politicians and celebrities on whom organizers count to attract publicity — the two marches, one pro-abortion rights and the other anti-gun, will be on a seamless ideological continuum."

"But they shouldn't be."

"The option of arming oneself for protection is a matter of personal choice in many of the same ways, and for the same reasons, as the option of ending a pregnancy."

Tom Diaz bloviates on handguns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...The problem is that America is awash with firearms hyper-marketed by a relentless and unregulated gun industry. If a Saturday night barbecue in your own home is the wrong place at the wrong time, what’s left? Not much. There is no right place and right time anymore."

"How about the office. Bad idea. A co-worker might come in packing to settle an obscure score that has been sloshing around in his cranial brew for years. What about church, or synagogue, or mosque? Nope, that’s been tried. Angry, gun-toting people cork off there, too. ..."

Hyper-marketed? When was the last time you saw a Glock ad on TV or heard an H&K radio spot?

Brady Campaign: Good News From the States (JTO)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Kansas - Governor Vetoes NRA's Concealed Handgun Bill

Washington DC - Court Upholds City's Assault Weapon Liability Law

Nebraska - NRA's Concealed Handgun Bill Defeated

Alabama - Mental Illness Background Checks Bill Approved

Florida - Legislation Approved To Maintain State Background Checks

California - Key Committee Approves Bills To Strengthen Gun Laws

Virginia - Governor Stops Hidden Guns In Airports Despite Gun Lobby

Kentucky - Concealed Handguns (CCW) In Schools Bill Defeated

Tennessee - Committee Rejects NRA Bill Mixing Guns and Alcohol

And on and on it goes. This should give you an idea of how quickly our rights are deteriorating in much of the country.


Clock ticking on assault-weapons ban
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In less than five months, the 1994 federal ban on assault weapons will expire unless Washington lawmakers act to extend it."

"But you still can walk up to an Overland Park, Kan., counter and slap down $360 for a Kel-Tec SUB 2000 Carbine, ban or no ban." ...

"Assault weapon or not? Advocates on all sides of the issue confess to being confused. ..."


Calling All Moms, Again
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Dees-Thomases’s ensuing obsession with gun control eventually led to her creation of the Million Mom March, a Mother’s Day rally against the gun lobby that drew hundreds of thousands of supporters in 2000. A former publicist for Dan Rather and David Letterman and the sister-in-law of a good friend of the Clintons, Dees-Thomases was later accused of misportraying herself as a ordinary mom starting a grass-roots movement. Now, four years after the first march, Dees-Thomases has organized another, this time in response to the assault-weapons ban, a bill that outlaws semiautomatic weapons and was signed into law by President Clinton in 1994." ...

The AW ban outlaws semiautomatic weapons? Now THAT's news!

Damned if You Do, Dead if You Don't
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"That various and sundry government entities work to make self defense illegal - or legal only under extremely constrained circumstances - is not a real surprise. It seems that, along with keeping the potholes filled (does government actually do that successfully anywhere?) and the military in $600 toilet seats (which probably need regular replacement after being smashed by accidentally dropped $200 hammers), the government has also come to consider it an obligation to infringe on liberty. Unfortunately, the latter is one of the few things that politicians and bureaucrats seem very good at indeed."

Walter Williams: Reinstating the Military Draft
Submitted by: Mark H. Townsend

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"Sen. Hollings said, 'one way to avoid a lot more wars is to institute the draft.' That's a statement that reflects gross economic ignorance. In terms of incentives, it produces the opposite effect."

Recruiters are turning applicants away! There is no reason to revisit the draft upon our society now.

Expert: E-voting vulnerability 'terrible'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Aviel D. Rubin, a computer science professor at Johns Hopkins University, said electronic voting systems are terrible and advocated an additional paper system. 'Not only have the vendors not implemented security safeguards that are possible, they have not even correctly implemented the ones that are easy,' Rubin said."

Remember this next time you want to believe that your vote really counts.

Moore: Disney Blocks Distribution of Film
Submitted by: MichiganShooter.cOm

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"The Walt Disney Company is blocking its Miramax Films division from distributing Michael Moore's documentary 'Fahrenheit 911,' which criticizes President Bush, according to a statement on Moore's Web site." ...

" 'I would have hoped by now that I would be able to put my work out to the public without having to experience the profound censorship obstacles I often seem to encounter,' Moore wrote in the statement."

Gee, Mikey, it wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that your work tends to be a bunch of lies, does it?

WI: JERRY DAVIS: Some hunters are hog-wild about Wisconsin
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It seems no one wants wild hogs roaming Wisconsin's woods and fields, particularly hog farmers."

" 'I must have had 100 calls since January about where wild hogs can be hunted in our area,' said Dave Matheys, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources wildlife biologist in Viroqua, Wis." ...

" 'I've had calls from hunters from Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, New York and a few other states,' Matheys said. 'I've asked these hunters what it is about Wisconsin wild hogs they find so intriguing.' " ...

"Some guided hunts cost $500 and they have to travel to Tennessee or Texas, so why not go to Wisconsin where everyone wants to get rid of the wild hogs?"

UK: Forget your bag in a UK airport and you're going to jail.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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It's a wonder anyone still lives in this statist nation.

"A plumber who left an unattended bag containing a teddy bear, some fruit and clothes in an airport lounge was jailed yesterday for causing a full-scale security alert."

"Magistrates sentenced Jose da Silva, 25, to 10 days under public nuisance laws."

OH: Police tracking lion on the loose in Gahanna
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police flushed a coyote from the woods, but still were looking yesterday for a suspected lion that several residents reported was on the prowl."

" 'I'm convinced it's a 300-pound to 400-pound African lion,' deputy police chief Larry Rinehart said. 'We're scurrying. It's a heck of a day.' "

"Residents first reported seeing the animal on Monday. One police cruiser was stopped on a street when the animal bounded across the pavement in front of it. Another report came from a man returning to his company parking lot, who saw the big animal in his headlights."

But why would anyone need a big caliber handgun like a .44 Magnum or a .50 BFR on the streets of Ohio, right?

NY: Elitist wants his protection, but says you have no need for guns.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Just how important does this guy think he is?

"Mayor Michael Bloomberg will have nearly $5 million worth of anti-missile equipment installed on two private jets he uses for international trips, according to a broadcast report." ...

"When one person at the press conference sought to prod the mayor by asking if he fears for his life, Bloomberg replied: 'I don't discuss security measures. This is a perfectly safe city and there's no reason... ' He quickly took another question."

Perfectly safe city??? Then, why not give up your armed security, Mr. Mayor?

OH: Store on Do Not Patronize While Armed list robbed, clerk pistol-whipped
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A robber entered a busy West Market Street convenience store Tuesday and struck a clerk in the head with a gun before fleeing with the store's cash."

"The holdup occurred about 10:50 a.m. at the Dairy Mart at West Market and Rhodes Avenue, just east of the Highland Square area. Six customers were in the store when a hooded man walked in and pointed a handgun at the clerk, police said." ...

"If they didn't want negative publicity, the owners should never have made this store a disarmed victim zone."


UK: Teen jailed for shooting friend in prank
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A teenager who shot dead a 13-year-old friend after putting a gun to his head as a joke was jailed for two years on Wednesday amid chaotic scenes at a London court."

"A woman tried to attack the defendant, Renelle Coke, 18, in the dock on Wednesday, punching the glass screen and screaming 'murderer'."

"Friend and relatives of the dead boy, Dean Davis, shouted their disgust at the judge, saying Coke should have got at least seven years."

MI: Armed citizen harassed by hoplophobes
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A man carrying a handgun was questioned and released by authorities Tuesday as he was leaving the Cascades Community Federal Credit Union, 4405 Page Ave. in Michigan Center."

"The man, whose name was not released by police, had a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon, said Roger White, Leoni Township police chief." ...

"Witnesses said they noticed the gun sticking out of his back belt loop and tried to signal to the bank clerk as the man was making a withdrawal."

"After the man walked out of the bank, Leoni Township police decided to confiscate his weapon and forward a report to the prosecutor's office."

"The gun was seized while the matter 'was being sorted out,' White said."

OR: Two seek Republican nomination
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Though their political ethos intersect on more than one issue, incumbent state representative candidate Wayne Krieger and his opponent, Tom Hall, are battling for the Republican nomination in District 1." ...

"The two find accord on some issues. Both candidates oppose gun control."

"Krieger has voted against most gun legislation and Hall lists the right to bear arms as a top priority in his campaign, saying ownership of land and guns means the difference between being free or a slave."

"This position was clearly demonstrated in 2001 when Hall sent a jar of corn syrup, feathers, pro-gun literature and a letter calling for her impeachment and deportation to Sen. Ginny Burdick, D-Portland, who was supporting gun-control legislation."

WI: Deputy robbed while soliciting prostitute
Submitted by: george lortz

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Last story on the page

But we can trust him to carry a gun!

"A sheriff's deputy was suspended after allegedly soliciting a prostitute while off duty and being robbed and shoved into the trunk of his own his car."

"The 32-year-old man, assigned to the Criminal Investigative Division of the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department, was allegedly soliciting a prostitute at about 3 a.m. Sunday when several people robbed him and locked him in his car's trunk, according to a sheriff's department news release."

"An anonymous caller contacted police telling them where they could find the deputy, the release said. ..."

"The deputy, who had been with the department since 2001, was arrested for soliciting a prostitute and obstructing an officer. He was suspended with pay."

CA: Library to receive ACLU's first Patriot Act award
Submitted by: Anonymous

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It's too bad the ACLU doesn't give all of the Bill of Rights equal time.

"The Redwood chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is honoring the Humboldt County Library for protecting library users' privacy against searches called for by the USA Patriot Act." ...

" 'The library, as well as libraries across the country, have always had an ethical obligation to protect people's freedom to read without anyone, including government, looking over their shoulder,' Stacey said." ...

"The only information available is what a library user has checked out currently. Past information isn't kept in the computers. Also, while users have to sign in to use the Internet, the sign-in sheets are destroyed each business day."

WI: Third officer suspended for bar incident
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The after-effects of an after-hours election party continue to reverberate a month later."

"A third police officer has been suspended, and one city resident called for the resignation of the alderman who was at the raucous party."

"Scott Hibler, a town of Brookfield officer, was suspended May 4 for 60 working days. ..." ...

"The officers and Balistreri stayed at the restaurant after closing time. Perz admitted to putting his gun belt, with a loaded weapon, onto the 21-year-old female bartender. Hibler admitted to pinning his badge onto the woman's tank top and taking pictures. Balistreri has been accused of looking up the woman's skirt, an allegation he denies."

AZ: Arizonans organize to patrol Mexican border
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"Since October 2002, the Moline, Ill., native has made it his self-appointed duty to send illegal immigrants back to the other side of the barbed-wire border. Simcox calls it a 'neighborhood watch.' " ...

"Border Patrol spokeswoman Gloria Chavez said that while the agency encouraged citizens to report suspicious activity along the borders, 'We do not encourage citizens to take the law into their own hands. We have immigration agents and very capable Border Patrol agents that are tasked with the responsibility of enforcing the immigration laws of the United States.' "

TX: Detective cleared of electioneering allegation
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Athens Police Detective Mike Murphy, under fire for allegations of misconduct at a polling station in late February, has been cleared of wrongdoing through an investigation."

"Murphy was exonerated through an investigation by Texas Ranger Steve Foster. The County Attorney's Office concluded no criminal offense occurred. The detective faced misdemeanor charges for electioneering within 100 feet of a polling place." ...

"On Feb. 27, Susan Ballow was early voting at the Henderson County Courthouse basement when she was approached by Murphy. She said he asked her if she would 'step approximately 121 feet from the ballot box" and let him 'influence her vote.' "

"Ballow, who said she was intimidated by Murphy, declined ..."

CA: Man Recovers After Nail Gun Mishap
Submitted by: Larry E. Bigham

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"A construction worker had six nails driven into his head in an accident with a high-powered nail gun, but doctors said Wednesday they expect him to make a full recovery."

In Australia there are already calls for licensing nail gun users. Where are the Sarah Bradys of the world in the United States with their calls for the same thing?

FL: Store Clerk Chases, Shoots At Robber
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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An attempted robbery of a Jacksonville convenience store Wednesday afternoon spilled out onto the street as the clerk pulled a gun, chasing the robber on to East 21st Street and shooting at the car as he drove away.

The clerk of the Buy Rite was not injured.

Police said they don't know if the robber was shot, but alerted area hospitals to be on the lookout for someone showing up with an unexplained gunshot wound.

MI: Detroit man, shot by cops, sues them
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"A Detroit man shot by police last month has filed a lawsuit in Wayne County Circuit Court against the city and two police officers, saying the officers shot him for no reason."

"Ronald Floyd, 28, said he was shot three times in the right side as he stepped out of his car, unarmed. He said he suffered a collapsed lung."

"Howard Hughey, a spokesman for the mayor's office, said the city would not comment. Tara Dunlop, third deputy chief for the police office of public information, also declined to comment." ...

"Floyd did not comply with police orders when confronted and moved toward the officers, prompting the shooting, Jones said."

Canada: Where Were You Next Thursday?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"After running out of patience, I called the firearms registration centre several times in the last two months. During that time, I've heard innumerable excuses:

- Until Bill C-10-A becomes law, you can't own that firearm;
- Bill C-10-A is law, but we're waiting for instruction from the minister;
- Bill C-10-A isn't law;
- Bill C-10-A is law;
- Is;
- Isn't."

"Then on Thursday morning I was told that I never applied to have the firearm registered under the new registry system, so the gun is subject to confiscation and I could be found guilty of a criminal offence. So I faxed them a copy of the receipt proving I registered the firearm via their website nearly three years ago, well in advance of the deadline."

MI: Ex-deputy gets 1-year term in Web porn case
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A former veteran deputy with the Oakland County Sheriff's Department was led away in handcuffs -- and tears -- Tuesday to serve a year behind bars for buying child pornography."

"John Gomez, 43, who worked 18 years for the department, pleaded guilty in March to 20 counts of possessing child pornography and using a computer to commit a crime. Gomez bought graphic film clips on the Internet of grown men sexually assaulting small children."

MO: Man charged following domestic dispute
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"Brewer reportedly entered the home by kicking in the front door. He then assaulted the woman by hitting her and grabbing her repeatedly."

"He refused to leave the residence, grabbed her cell phone from her as she was calling 911 for help, cut or removed her home phone lines, and disabled the home phone by removing the battery." ...

"That charge states he caused physical injury to the same woman by choking her. The woman currently does have a restraining order against him."

So Mrs. Brady and the Moms -- you want to tell us how it's best to call the police in these situations and to rely on paper protection?

OH: Loaded Gun Allegedly Found Inside Airplane Passenger's Bag
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A man was taken into custody Wednesday morning after allegedly attempting to go through a Port Columbus International Airport security checkpoint with a loaded gun."

"Elenora Andrews reported that Ron Villanueva, 38, of Belpre, was going through the checkpoint in Concourse B at 9:10 a.m. when the gun was found inside his backpack as it was being scanned by Transportation Security Administration scanner Keith Clark."

DC: 'Strict Enforcement of Gun Laws Needed,' Police Chief Says
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The May 3rd shooting death of an eight-year-old District of Columbia girl -- killed in her aunt's home while picking up her dolls -- is expected to galvanize anti-gun groups that are coming to the city this weekend for a Mother's Day march against guns." ...

" 'There is a culture of violence and attitude that exists among many people that leads to violence we've been witnessing,' the newspaper quoted Metropolitan Police Chief Charles Ramsey as saying. 'There really is no explaining this.' "

Yes, there is an explanation, Chief. But you just don't want to hear it. When you disarm the innocent, only criminals will have guns. And the criminals will rule the streets.

WI: Two FDU students arrested in Madison for playing with guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Students, both 22, told police they were using 'plugged' handguns while shooting a movie near campus." ...

"Two Fairleigh Dickinson University students were arrested Tuesday afternoon and charged with weapons possession and disorderly conduct after police found them playing with 'plugged' handguns just off the Florham Park campus. The students told authorities they were making a film."

Canada: More guns showing up in Saskatchewan
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Criminal gun use is on the rise in Western Canada, according to the National Weapons Enforcement Team."

"Saskatoon Police Sgt. Wilf Martin says he doesn't have the exact numbers, but there appears to be an increase in major cities, such as Winnipeg, Calgary and Vancouver." ...

"Martin says police are finding more stolen firearms in Saskatchewan. Last year, more than 300 guns were reported stolen in the province, and only a small portion have been recovered."

So much for their extraordinarily expensive gun registry!

WI: Brookfield police issue warning over replica guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A manager at Brookfield’s Sportmart, Mike Herbst, sells ‘air soft’ guns - a new and increasingly popular kind of replica pistol. But even Herbst said he was surprised at how realistic the guns can appear." ...

"The ‘air soft’ guns don’t have the same potential for damage as their real-world cousins. But the guns have just as much potential to cause a threat to public safety, Brookfield police say. Capt. Phil Horter of the Brookfield Police Department said the department is experiencing more calls from residents who believe they see someone carrying a gun when it is actually an ‘air soft’ gun."

Maybe if we didn't breed an emasculated society of cowards, toy guns would not incite panic.

UK: Labour supporters consider hunting least important
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A ban on hunting should not be high on the government's agenda, according to a poll of Labour supporters."

"Of those that were questioned for the NOP survey, only one per cent said it should be a priority issue."

"The row over hunting has raged on since Labour came to power in 1997, and was re-ignited last month when 200 Labour MPs signed a Commons motion calling for the re-introduction of legislation."

"Backbenchers including former health secretary Frank Dobson and former sports minister Tony Banks argued that, since 1995, the House has voted for a ban on a total of nine occasions, and that ministers should use the Parliament Acts to implement it."

Australia: More gun control failures
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"THREE men appeared at a special court sitting in Hobart last night charged with the murder of an elderly man in a house fire at Rokeby."

"The three, all from Hobart's Eastern Shore, were charged with murdering Athol John Tollard, 79, at his Rokeby home on Tuesday night."

"Brendan James Gray, 29, of Rokeby, John Frederick Duggan, 37, of Clarendon Vale and Christopher John Watt, 26, of Bellerive, also were charged with aggravated burglary, stealing property including several firearms and arson of Mr Tollard's Droughty Point Rd home."

NJ: Gun club in Jackson teaches firearm safety
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"Children’s fascination with guns starts when they play 'cops and robbers' with toy guns, watch action shows on television and, later, when they participate in such sports as hunting and target shooting with real weapons and live ammunition."

"Therefore, it is imperative that they learn a healthy respect for guns, which can kill when handled recklessly."

"With that in mind, the Central Jersey Rifle and Pistol Club is sponsoring its Second Annual Youth Day program at its 180-acre facility from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 22. The facility, which has a variety of shooting ranges, is 0.2 miles east on Stump Tavern Road off Route 528, about 2.5 miles west of the intersection of Route 528 and Route 571."

There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible to live without breaking laws. — AYN RAND

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