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Bloomberg Money Opposing Maine Constitutional Carry Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maine may be the most likely state to pass constitutional carry next. The state is one of those which has has preserved open carry without government permission, though that can be said of over 60% of the states. In addition, The Pine Tree State has a quirky 'shall issue' permitting system that gives a little arbitrary power, in the form of a 'good moral character' requirement, to local police or elected officials, if there is no police chief. The system was created in 1985, one of the earliest 'shall issue' laws . . ." ...

Carry Unbound
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the most alternately inspirational and maddening narratives in the struggle for comprehensive gun rights is the unsteady progress of permitless (sometimes called 'constitutional') carry. The term denotes legal recognition of the right to carry a firearm (usually a handgun) without a special permit—the Second Amendment to the Constitution being sufficient for this cause. Anyone not specifically prohibited from carrying a sidearm would thereby be free to exercise their right to arms without navigating yards of red tape and paying restrictive fees." ...

Knives Are the New Guns in Lawmakers’ Second-Amendment Expansion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State lawmakers are bringing knives to the gunfight."

"Expanding the battle over the right to bear arms, U.S. legislatures that relaxed laws after the gun lobby’s decades-long push are now loosening restrictions on switchblades, dirks, daggers and poignards."

"The charge is being led by a group whose leadership includes a wilderness-survival entrepreneur, a National Rifle Association board member and a “Joy of Cooking” co-author who travels with a 7-inch Santoku knife for slicing thyme-stuffed pork loin roasted on a spit over a campfire." ...

Have Breakfast at BLADE Show With Sheriff Clarke – ‘The People’s Sheriff’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Have breakfast with Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr., 'The People’s Sheriff,' at Knife Rights’ Sharper Future Awards Breakfast on Saturday, June 6th, during BLADE Show in Atlanta, Georgia."

"A fearless and outspoken defender of the Constitution and the Second Amendment, Sheriff Clarke will start your Saturday right with a talk that is sure to entertain and inspire." ...

Bushmaster's most popular firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun maker Bushmaster touts itself on its website as the leading supplier in the United States for the most popular AR-15 type rifles, a firearm The New York Times called 'The Most Wanted Gun in America.'"

"And the more trouble that surrounds the gun, the better it sells, according to numerous stories. Quoting the quarterly financial report of The Freedom Group, which owns Bushmaster, Mother Jones magazine noted 'Consumer concern over more restrictive governmental regulation' led to a spike in demand, and sales would have been even greater if the company had been able to make more guns." ...

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense In America Launch Be SMART for Kids Campaign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"RF recently previewed the latest Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in American 'gun safety' campaign. The official video has dropped, along with an MDA press release. A document that begs the question why are we tracking unintentional shootings? How is uniting gun owners and anti-gun whack jobs going to prevent suicides? Clearly, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in American thinks it will. Their latest press release makes the link. . ." ...

Anti-Gun Group Supported by Tim McGraw Pushes Ban That Would Outlaw Fans’ Favorite Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tim McGraw doubled-down on his planned July benefit concert for gun control group Sandy Hook Promise several weeks ago, asserting that he was supporting the 'Sandy Hook community' with the concert, despite the fact that the benefit only supports Sandy Hook Promise."

"Many of the families who lost victims in the December 2012 massacre do not support the radical gun control group, and eleven families—more than half—who lost children in the 2012 attack said they have nothing at all to do with the group. ..."

"Now Sandy Hook Promise has endorsed a plan by a coalition of left-wing medical groups to push for a ban on the most popular rifles sold in the United States, and standard capacity magazines." ...

Our Country's Cartoonish Gun Debate Isn't Just Idiotic—It's Really Damaging
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So, to the subject at hand: Late last week, I spoke with Michael Krasny on KQED's Forum about our deep investigation into the economic toll from gun violence, which dings America for no less than $229 billion a year. (Yes, that's capital 'B' billion, further explained visually here and methodologically here.) The project has made waves not just for that staggering sum, but because we spent months digging up the elusive data behind it, from the personal to the societal. Yet, as listeners called into the show with questions, I was quickly reminded of just how ridiculously dumb and polarizing the gun debate really is—thanks to both sides—even in the face of groundbreaking information." ...

S.E. Cupp is a CNN commentator and #NRAMom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Her participation in an NRA advertisement, however, isn’t opinionating so much as advocacy. Agreeing on general terms with the NRA about gun rights, the media and many other topics is one thing. Another thing is advancing its membership agenda. By doing that, she aligns herself not only with the group’s gist but also with its lobbying tactics, its fundraising strategies, its approach to handling press inquiries, its Web site design, its color choices in its shooting range. Everything! She’s taking her affiliation with CNN and channeling it toward the proprietary agenda of a Beltway special interest." ...

TX: Texas Open Carry Update: Late Movement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a remarkable coincidence, if you believe them — which I will go on the record to say that when it comes to Texas legislature, I do not — last night SB11, Campus Carry by Birdwell and SB17, Open Carry by Estes, were referred to the House Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee, just hours after the TTAG article posted and people started emailing their elected officials . . ." ...

TX: Texas HB593 May Mean Fewer Dead Dogs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Canines across Texas are rejoicing, as HB 593 which requires law enforcement officers to receive canine encounter training, passed the Texas Senate today. It will be on its way to the Governor next to sign into law. Chief Art Acevedo, when not actively trying to impede, remove or otherwise diminish the citizenry’s 2A rights, heads the Austin PD which has waged pretty much unrestricted warfare on the canine population over the past couple of years . . ." ...

IL: Bill would lift restriction on enacting assault weapons bans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A lawmaker wants to undo a portion of Illinois’ concealed carry law that prevents cities from banning assault weapons."

"Sen. Julie Morrison says her legislation is in response to a federal appeals court ruling last month that upheld Highland Park’s ban. The Deerfield Democrat says her measure would allow other cities to prohibit assault weapons."

"She says: 'This is about local control.'" ...

WV: New rules proposed for firearms dealers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Picking up on where it left off with new zoning regulations for pawn shops, the Huntington Planning Commission voted unanimously this week to make similar recommendations for firearms dealers."

"Gun shops were originally part of the pawn shop ordinance, which was approved by Huntington City Council last month, but were removed at Mayor Steve Williams' suggestion because of some technical problems with the way the businesses were defined."

"The planning commission's recommended ordinance would disallow businesses involved in the sale, manufacture for sale, or repair of firearms from existing in districts zoned as neighborhood commercial. A special permit will have to be obtained to operate in the central business district." ...

NC: Gun bill on hold amid growing opposition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A controversial proposal to loosen North Carolina's gun laws has been temporarily put on hold as criticism of the bill grows louder."

"House Bill 562, the 'Second Amendment Affirmation Act,' was pulled by sponsor Rep. Jacqueline Schaffer, R-Mecklenburg, from a scheduled committee hearing Wednesday morning. Schaffer didn't respond to WRAL News inquiries seeking the reason for the delay."

"The version of the bill that emerged from the House Rules Committee last week included a provision that would repeal the requirement for a state criminal background check for private handgun sales." ...

TX: Second Amendment sales tax holiday passes Texas Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Soon there could be one more state tax holiday on a Texas staple: guns, ammunition and other hunting supplies."

"State Sen. Brandon Creighon, R-Conroe, was successful in passing his Senate Bill 228, or the Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday Act, late last week." ...

NC: Protesters target N.C. bill on gun permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nearly three-dozen moms lobbied North Carolina lawmakers Tuesday against a bill they say would eliminate background checks on nearly half of all handgun buyers in North Carolina."

"Led by members of a group called Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, they took aim at a bill that would repeal required background checks by county sheriffs."

"'Repealing background checks would definitely be disastrous for our public safety,' said Moms spokeswoman Sarah Green of Winston-Salem."

"Democratic Rep. Rick Glazier of Fayetteville said House Bill 562, named the 'Second Amendment Affirmation Act,' should be called the 'Second Amendment Insanity Act.'" ...

OR: Coos County commissioners in the middle of gun rights battle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More impassioned arguments regarding Second Amendment rights and Senate Bill 941 filled the Owen building in Coquille on Tuesday during the Coos County board of commissioners meeting. And with news Monday that the Oregon bill expanding background checks to encompass nearly all guns sales made it through the legislature, the discourse ranged from angry to extremely emotional in nature."

"Despite the continued discussion, though, a decision was not reached whether the commissioners would pass an ordinance opposing the measure or whether it would be put on the September ballot."

"For now, a work session is scheduled for 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 13, when the commissioners will discuss the matter further ..." ...

GA: DA: Evidence doesn't match 911 call in sheriff shooting case
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Family members of the woman allegedly shot by a local sheriff say she underwent another surgery Tuesday afternoon."

"Meanwhile, investigators at the Gwinnett County police headquarters continue to wait to talk with Clayton County Sheriff Victor Hill about the shooting, as well as evidence that doesn't seem to match his 911 call."

"Residents who live in the Park Haven subdivision, where the shooting occurred Sunday, told Channel 2’s Tony Thomas they still wonder how Hill could shoot someone, accident or not, and not be immediately arrested."

"Gwinnett County District Attorney Danny Porter said it's simple."

"'I'm not in any rush here, he's not going anywhere,' Porter told Thomas on Tuesday afternoon." ...

NJ: Family of dog killed by Wyckoff cop hires lawyer, asks for apology
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Vukobratovic family has retained an attorney, continuing a campaign to put pressure on the Wyckoff Police Department after one of its officers fatally shot their dog." ...

"Broderick plans this week to file a tort claims notice, a first step toward a lawsuit. The family hasn't decided whether to sue, he said. But they have asked for an apology and for the police to admit their mistake."

"'There's a serious of concerns,' Broderick said. 'Perhaps the most important is that the story that the police gave the family was different than what the family believes and what the neighbors witnessed.'" ...

OH: Brantley Gilbert Tattoos 2nd Amendment On Back
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brantley Gilbert has decided to express his support of the second amendment, on his back." ...

"He posted this photo yesterday with the caption 'I wanted to take my support of the 2nd amendment to another level, so my boy Carl Grace came by the house and hooked me up yesterday!!!'" ...

MD: Second Amendment and Baltimore
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the light of what happened in Baltimore, it is clear that the leadership of the city had failed to protect citizens and business owners. The mayor, who was elected to serve and protect residents and their property, failed to do so. In addition, the right of self-protection was severely restricted by Maryland and the city."

"She decided to have the police stand down and allow wholesale rioting and looting. Homeowners and businesses, including private property, were sacrificed. What could the citizens of Baltimore do to protect themselves from the violence? Did one of the most strict gun-law states and cities prevent lawlessness?" ...

When Pa was at home the gun always lay across those two wooden hooks above the door. ... The gun was always loaded, and always above the door so that Pa could get it quickly and easily, any time he needed a gun. — Laura Ingalls Wilder

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