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Guns in Nat'l Parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You can make a difference! The National Park Service is considering easing restrictions on carrying firearms in national parks to mirror existing state concealed carry laws. Under the proposed rule, if you possess a concealed carry weapons permit and your state allows you to carry your firearm in state parks, you would then also be allowed to carry in federal parks in your state. Of course, CCW reciprocity would also apply."

"You can help get this rule passed by expressing your support to the National Park Service. But you must hurry because they are only accepting comments on the proposed rule until June 30, 2008. You can click here to submit your comments online. ..." ...

The Gun Thing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The well-educated, homeschooling, breastfeeding mom at one of the Southern California homeschool park days that we attend, has summed me up as a libertarian. I use the small 'l' variety only because I’ve yet to register as an actual Libertarian: 'I like what I've read about Libertarians,' she told me, 'but I have a problem with the gun thing.'"


"'The gun thing' is something that I thought I understood until I met my capital 'l' Libertarian husband over ten years ago. 'Guns protect us from the government,' he told me, which I thought at the time was a statement made only by anti-government freakish types. I now respect such supposed freakish types much more than I used to. ..." ...

Debunking the myth of the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maybe I'm in the minority, but here's the way I always saw the [NRA]:"

"It was a picture of Charlton Heston, in a 10-gallon hat high on a white horse, brandishing ... his weapon of choice ... talking about how you could pry it from his 'cold, dead hands' and all that." ...

"But John Murphy of Oakland, the co-chairman of the Central Maine Friends of the NRA committee, blows the myth right out of the water. He doesn't think the most important goal of the NRA today is to fight gun-control legislation tooth and nail, nor does he think he should be able to have 632 automatic machine guns ..."

"Nope, he thinks the most important thing our local branch of the NRA can do is to educate people about shooting sports." ...

D.C.'s Homicide Rate May Be Through the Roof, but Montanans Kill Themselves a Lot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Citing a connection between gun ownership and 'firearm death rates,' the Violence Policy Center concludes that the U.S. Supreme Court should uphold the District of Columbia's gun ban:" ...

"Using state-level data for this comparison is problematic, since it ignores intrastate differences in gun control and gun ownership ... In any case, the VPC's full table suggests that the relationship between gun ownership and gun-related deaths is not quite as neat as the group's press release implies. North Dakota, Kansas, Utah, Wisconsin, Maine, Vermont, Minnesota, and Iowa all have relatively high gun ownership rates (above 40 percent), but all have firearm death rates below the national average." ...

NJCSD Predicts Supreme Court Will Acknowledge 2nd Amendment as Individual Right
Submitted by: New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense

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"In a stunning first-of-its-kind announcement, the New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense ... predicts that the Supreme Court Of The United States ... will confirm an individual right interpretation of the 2nd Amendment in Heller vs. DC, foreshadowing an end to decades of acrimonious debate over the meaning of what is widely considered to be a core principle for many Americans."

"Using an advanced market research method ... a team of five analysts independently reviewed the statements made by the Justices during testimony in the Heller vs. DC case to arrive at this conclusion. The KJ method was developed as a way to examine complex problems where differing interpretations may exist and has become popular in business for its effectiveness." ...

PA: Gun Control
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The cold-blooded killing of Philadelphia Police Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski is yet another sad reminder of the violence that rages on the streets, thanks to the easy access of guns and a disregard for human life."

"Sgt. Liczbinski should be celebrating his 40th birthday today with his wife and three children. Instead, his family is preparing for his funeral."

"Sgt. Liczbinski was gunned down Saturday while trying to stop a band of thugs fleeing from a harebrained bank robbery in Port Richmond ..." ...

KABA Note: But just one or two more laws would have prevented this?

TN: Hikers packing concealed heat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"East Brainerd resident Monica Dobbs hikes 100 miles of the Appalachian Trail every winter with friends and craves the quiet days without cell phones, television and work."

"Hikers who want to leave their daily lives behind sleep next to strangers in shelters, and many trade their real names for trail names. They sometimes can walk two or three days to find a town or a phone."

"While leaving society behind is refreshing, being alone in the woods also can be terrifying."

"'It's an invitation for a disaster,' said Ms. Dobbs, a 28-year-old hairdresser, who plans to take a 9 mm handgun with her on her next trek." ...

Gunning for Obama
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A mailer sent from Clinton's campaign to the homes of selected Indiana voters just before the Democratic primary goes after Obama for allegedly shifting his position on guns to suit his audience. The mailer's not outright wrong in any of its statements. But the facts muddy the picture."

"Obama's state Senate campaign in 1996 did say in a questionnaire that Obama favored banning handguns. But Obama says he personally didn't answer the question, and that he's never felt that way."

"Obama has said he supports the Second Amendment as an individual right to bear arms. But he's also said he believes that government can regulate that right." ...

Clinton mailing's gun gaffe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Hillary Clinton’s mailing attacking Sen. Barack Obama's record on guns appears to include a striking visual gaffe: The image of the gun pictured on the face of the mailing is reversed, making it a nonexistent left-handed model of the Mauser 66 rifle."

"To make matters worse, a prominent gun dealer said, it's an expensive German gun with customized features that make it clearly European."

"'The gun in the photo does not exist,' said Val Forgett III, president of Navy Arms ... Forgett's company was Mauser's agent in the United States when the gun was released, and it sold Mauser guns here again in the 1990s. 'The bolt is facing to the left side of the receiver, making it a left-handed bolt action rifle ...'" ...

KY: McCain expected for NRA annual meeting
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The National Rifle Association says Republican presidential candidate John McCain is scheduled to participate in a forum at the NRA's annual meeting next week in Louisville."

"The Lexington Herald-Leader reports the U.S. senator and presumptive GOP presidential nominee will take part in the group's Celebration of American Values Leadership Forum on May 16, the first day of the three-day meeting. The meeting will be followed a few days later by Kentucky's primary election." ...

The New Kansas Bill - Speech of William H. Seward, U.S. Senate, July 2, 1856
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"...Now, a Committee of the House of Representatives, after having diligently inquired on oath, have ascertained and confirmed the truth of the circumstances of Kansas which I then assumed. I state those circumstances anew, on the present occasion, in the moderate and guarded conclusions of the Committee of the House of Representatives:

"Spurious and pretended Legislative, Judicial, and Executive officers have been set over them, by whose usurped authority, sustained by the military power of the Government, tyrannical and unconstitutional laws have been enacted and enforced:

The rights of the people to keep and bear arms have been infringed...

The Predominance Of Slavery, N.Y. Times, Oct. 3, 1856
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"...First--The proposition may be true. Property* is an essential element of civil society. So is liberty, which properly understood is only the equal security of all citizens against oppression. . . . Property is always jealous of enlarged liberty, and especially so when it is based on relations subversive of natural justice, which is nothing more than equality among men. Property, therefore, has always a bias towards oppression..."

"...On the contrary, they laid the foundation of the States, not in property--much less in slave property--but in the natural rights or political equality of men...."

"..."The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." ..."

WA: Officer Used Belt On Daughter, Jury Says It’s Acceptable
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"An Ocean Shores police officer has been acquitted of fourth-degree assault involving his 17-year-old daughter."

"An Aberdeen Municipal Court jury found it was acceptable discipline when Officer Jeffrey Elmore used a belt on the girl. Elmore and his wife clasped hands and fought tears, but his daughter turned away from hugs and was led out of the courtroom sobbing."

"The teenager accused Elmore of beating her with a belt in an argument on Nov. 18. The prosecutor ... says her bruises were visible for nearly a month."

"Defense lawyer David L. Mistachkin argued that Elmore was exercising reasonable discretion in parental discipline."

"... Elmore remained on administrative leave pending completion of an internal investigation."

NY: Driver who saw shooting to file suit
Submitted by: Barry Bright

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... "Jacobs began scuffling with the officer and grabbed Ridley's gun. Howard said he heard two shots go off as they struggled just outside the van. Ridley eventually wrested control of the gun. By then, county officers had arrived, not realizing he was a police officer."

"'Once Ridley came to an erect stature, standing straight up, that's when the fire started,' Howard said. 'Ridley didn't aim the gun in any way. He didn't have a chance.'"

"The officers and nearly all witnesses contend that Ridley never identified himself as a cop and ignored their orders to put down the weapon. A grand jury in March cleared the county cops ... of any criminal wrongdoing. ..." ...

PA: Feds launch 'Gestapo raid' over raw milk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A rally has been set for tomorrow in front of the magistrate's office ... in support of a Mennonite farmer who has brought the wrath of the government on himself for selling raw milk and other products ..."

"That's when the next court hearing is scheduled for Mark Nolt, a Pennsylvania farmer who turned in his state permit to sell raw milk because it didn't allow for the sale of the other products he offered."

"'They swooped in ... like a bunch of Vikings, handcuffed me and stole $30,000 worth of my milk, cheese and butter,' ..."

"His case is just an example of what the government is trying to do to those who believe – based on medical results – that raw milk is better for them than the processed milk available ..." ...

FL: Retired Trooper Accused Of Stealing Money From Fellow Troopers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A retired Florida Highway Patrol Trooper is accused of stealing money from his co-workers."

"Highway Patrol has finally released information saying that John Vaught has been retired for about a year and a half, but internal affairs believes he stole hundreds of dollars while he was on active duty." ...

"Vaught was organizing off duty work for Troopers in Lake County, but when it was time to pay up, Vaught would keep a portion of the cash."

"We did some research on Vaught and found that he's a decorated Law Enforcement Officer who was on Central Florida roads for almost 20 years. He was even selected as Trooper of the Month in May of 1996." ...

RGS Call for Volunteers to Attend NRA Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Ruffed Grouse Society Executive Director and CEO Mike Zagata is pleased to announce that RGS will be an exhibitor at the National Rifle Association (NRA) Annual Meeting held in the Exhibit Hall of the Kentucky Expo Center, Louisville, KY on Friday and Saturday, May 16-17, 2008."

"According to Zagata, 'The NRA and RGS share common interests in both firearms and traditional hunter values. These values serve to motivate scientific management of wildlife habitat. At the NRA Annual Meeting, RGS will have the rare opportunity to share our mission with thousands of attendees.'" ...

MI: NRA has a blast at dinner
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Southern Michigan Friends of the National Rifle Association held their 15th Annual Freedom Banquet at the Hillsdale College Dow Center Friday night."

"Dozens of special raffles, a silent auction, and a laser hunting game entertained about 450 guests who attended the event to show support for the NRA cause and mission."

"'All the money we raise tonight goes directly to the NRA foundation non-profit activities,' Southern Michigan Friends NRA Chair-man Randy Iles said. 'This event will help fund children's shooting sports, hunter safety classes, and events for women gun enthusiasts.'" ...

TX: Texas land chief accuses land donor of 'jihad'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson has accused a philanthropic group that donated the pristine Christmas Mountains to the state for conservation purposes of being on a 'jihad' relating to his handling of the tract."

"Addressing a panel of House lawmakers Monday, the outspoken land commissioner also suggested that he would not honor an expected U.S. Supreme Court ruling if it contradicts his views of Second Amendment gun rights." ...

"He also said he believes that firearms restrictions enforced by the park service are unconstitutional ..."

"Asked whether he would defer to the Supreme Court if it ruled against his Second Amendment views, Patterson answered simply 'no' after quipping that it was a trick question." ...

OH: Another Ohio journalist stands up for the Second Amendment...and you won't believe who her editor is
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mention the words 'Sandusky Register' or 'Editor Matt Westerhold' to a Concealed Handgun License (CHL)-holder and the reaction will not be pleasant, even nearly a year after one newspaper editor's declaration of war on Ohio CHL-holders."

"... Register Police & Courts Reporter Holly Abrams has been undergoing a conversion experience that will warm the hearts of Ohio gun owners."

"On February 3, Abrams published a news story entitled 'Firearms safety course aims to educate', which took a (rare for the media) fair and balanced look at the concealed carry issue."

"Last week, Abrams pubished an op-ed entitled 'I'm on target', in which she details her new-found love (actually, her word was addiction) for the shooting sports." ...

UK: CCTV boom has failed to slash crime, say police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Massive investment in CCTV cameras to prevent crime in the UK has failed to have a significant impact, despite billions of pounds spent on the new technology, a senior police officer piloting a new database has warned. Only 3% of street robberies in London were solved using CCTV images, despite the fact that Britain has more security cameras than any other country in Europe."

"The warning comes from the head of the Visual Images, Identifications and Detections Office (Viido) at New Scotland Yard as the force launches a series of initiatives to try to boost conviction rates using CCTV evidence. ..." ...

UK: London square sealed off after police gun battle [says] Scotland Yard
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police sealed off an area of west London on Tuesday after armed officers were called to reports of gunshots and were fired at, Scotland Yard said."

"Sky News television reported that a siege situation was underway, and a police spokeswoman confirmed that no arrests were immediately made after the incident off King's Road in west London."

"'It's an ongoing incident at the moment,' she said."

"She added that police were called after reports of gun shots at an address in Markham Square. 'It's believed shots were fired at police. Firearms officers have discharged their weapons.'"

"A nearby shop manager said police had ordered him to lock himself in, while police continued to deal with the situation." ...

 QUOTES TO REMEMBER disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them. — George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 380.

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