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FL: Widow shoots, kills intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Awakened by the sound of breaking glass late Sunday, a 64-year-old widow killed an intruder in her home with a single shot from a .38-caliber pistol, police said."

"Judith Kuntz fired from about 10 feet, hitting the intruder in the chest, said Agent Lou Heyn of the Brevard County Sheriff's Office. The man, who carried no identification, staggered into the yard, where he collapsed and died. Investigators still aren't sure who he was, or whether he had a connection to the neighborhood."

FL: Police Release 911 Tapes Of Woman Who Killed Intruder
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"'(Someone) broke into my house and I think I shot him,' Kuntz told a 911 operator."

"'Where did you shoot him,' the dispatcher asked."

"'I don't know. I shot at somebody who was at my bedroom door. I don't know. I'm not gonna come out of my bedroom,' Kuntz said."

"She only needed to fire one shot from her .38-caliber revolver. After that, the burglar staggered out into the yard and died."

Top 25 crime-ridden nations
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Care to guess where the US falls?

Number 24.

Brady Campaign: Illinois Assembly Sends Gun Lobby Packing, Passes Sensible Gun Show Loophole Law
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"With intense lobbying from the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence and Million Mom March Chapters, common sense legislators voted overwhelmingly for a strong, reasonable bill (SB 1333) to close the gun show loophole by preventing criminals, domestic abusers and would-be terrorists from using gun shows to arm themselves without a background check."

CA: Attorney General Bill Lockyer Announces California Armed Prohibited Program Second Annual Firearm Destruction - 108 Assault Rifles, Assault Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns and Handguns Destroyed
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"Attorney General Bill Lockyer today announced the California Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Inland Empire Task Force conducted their second annual firearm destruction. A total of 108 guns were seized during previous investigations of prohibited armed persons in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. The destroyed firearms included assault rifles, assault pistols, rifles, shotguns and handguns."

"...Over the last three years, CAPP agents within the Attorney General's Firearms Division have recovered more than 4,655 firearms, including 1,117 assault weapons, from felons and other prohibited persons. ..."

WV: No gun permits for sex offenders
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"Promising a new crackdown, the Kanawha County Sheriff's Department will no longer issue pistol permits to known sex offenders and will also make an extra effort to match names on the sex offenders list with names in its outstanding warrant files."

Patriot Act Provision Lets the Federal Government Grab Personal Records Secretly
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"This provision lets the government force businesses to turn over confidential records in 'national security investigations,' even if the investigation isn't linked to criminal activity... Those served with these secret orders are gagged from telling anyone about it. Lawmakers need to make sure these letters aren't used to gather information about lawful political or religious activities that are protected under the Constitution."

US Government seeks powers to access ISP data
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"The US Justice Department wants to obtain sensitive customer records from ISPs, according to the Associated Press. It is asking a court to overturn a ruling that struck down sweeping investigative powers in the Patriot Act as unconstitutional."

Freedom sacrificed for 'security'
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"Last month, three senators Larry Craig, R-Idaho; Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and Russell Feingold, D-Wis. introduced SAFE: The Security and Freedom Enhanced Act (S. 737)."

"It addresses the three most worrisome aspects of the Patriot Act, and would reinstate privacy protections for library users and book shoppers, place limits on so-called roving wiretaps and curtail the most egregious new 'sneak-and-peek' searches allowed by the act."

Australia: Busy time for Pistol Club
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"Tony Naspe was the top scorer for the day in the match of Sports Pistol at the Ulladulla Pistol Club on what could be described as a 'sparking crisp' Sunday morning."

"Once again the range was a hive of activity with both ranges in operation for the matches of Centrefire Sports and Air Pistol."

"Congratulations to Tony on achieving after a long break, the success of a 500 plus score. Tony's result in precision was 253 and rapid fire 253, with a total of 506 for the match. Well done. David Scales followed not too far behind with a total score of 490."

Canada: One Man's Opinion - Gun Control
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"You know gun control isn’t crime control – I venture to say most MP’s know our measures have made us less safe – but we’ve got to convince the condo-dwellers in the concrete jungles of the big cities who make up the majority of Canadians read that 'voters' that gun control increases crime and threatens their lives."

Gun violence is killing our children
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"It's a quiet kind of crisis, not much press, but it is no less real. Children and teens shot, many in gang warfare. In Los Angeles, nearly 80 children were shot in 2005, including a young man riding his bicycle in the alley by his house. In Cleveland, two young teens were shot within weeks of each other outside the same community center. But not only in our nation's cities, now the violence is moving to the suburbs and even to rural areas."

CA: Apology in L.A. Shooting Rare From Police
Submitted by: riotboy

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"Residents in this community were still fixing shattered windows and bullet-pocked walls when a lawyer issued an apology from sheriff's deputies who fired 120 rounds at an unarmed driver in a Compton neighborhood."

"The televised news conference earlier this month was a rare instance of officers defying a common police taboo against 'mea culpas' - based on the fear of lawsuits or prosecution."

"Yet the apology was not expected to prompt severe repercussions in any potential lawsuits because it was carefully worded as an expression of sympathy, not an admission of guilt, according to experts familiar with police abuse cases."

Libya: Detained Bookseller And Cyber-Dissident Charged With 'Possession of a Pistol'
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"RSF has reiterated its call for the immediate release of former bookseller Abdel Razak Al Mansouri, saying he is almost certainly being held because of his articles on the Internet criticising the Libyan regime. Al Mansouri is officially charged with unauthorised possession of a pistol."

UK: Gunman waits 8 hours to rob gas station
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"A GUNMAN who broke into a filling station waited up to eight hours for morning staff to open the tills."

"He pounced when they arrived at 6am, holding the gun to one man's head while forcing a woman worker to give him cash."

"The robber, masked in a balaclava, fled with an unknown sum of money to a getaway car."

"Armed officers arrived at the Safeway filling station in Witham, Essex, minutes later."

Canada: Ontario hospitals must now report gunshot wounds
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"Ontario has become the first province in the country to require hospitals to notify police whenever patients arrive with gunshot wounds."

"Prior to legislation passed Tuesday, policies on reporting gunshot injuries to the authorities varied from hospital to hospital, said Community Safety Minister Monte Kwinter. ..."

MA: Jury deadlocks on drug charges in former state trooper trial
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"A former State Police sergeant accused of stealing and selling cocaine and abusing his wife was convicted Tuesday of misdemeanor assault charges, but a jury found him innocent of other charges and failed to reach verdicts on more serious drug charges."

"Prosecutors said they plan to retry Timothy White on five charges that include cocaine trafficking and marijuana distribution."

SD: There was one fatality among the 21 hunting accidents reported to the state Department of Game, Fish & Parks in 2004.
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"Thirteen of the injuries came during the pheasant season."

"The 21 reported accidents compares to 39 accidents and one fatality in 2003.
It is the hunter's responsibility to identify the target and know what is beyond the intended target, said Al Bahe, the department's HuntSAFE coordinator."

It's all about handgun safety
Submitted by: M.J. Basial

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Submitter's comment: My wife, a friend, and I took a handgun course at a local private range. Our local newspaper's outdoor writer joined us.

The online version doesn't do justice to the fact that the photo of me goes all the way across the page. HUGE. For the safety record, the photo from in front of the firing line was staged. My pistol was unloaded (triple-checked), finger never inside the trigger guard. (And even then it made me nervous.)

UK: Mystery as giant replica gun vanishes
Submitted by: News Admin

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"A WOODEN replica of the massive Mons Meg cannon made by Glasgow craftsmen has mysteriously vanished."

"A woodwork group in Pollok created the life-size model of the heavy bronze weapon which sits at Edinburgh Castle - but it has now disappeared."

PA: Thirteen of the injuries came during the pheasant season.
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"The Towanda Rifle Club held another black powder shoot on Sunday, with a total of 16 shooters coming out to shoot."

"The winners in the men's event were Rick Pierce, John Pruyne, Gene Vanderpool and Chuck Pruyne. ..."

MD: Woman Testifies Officer Forced Her To Perform Sex Act
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"A woman allegedly assaulted by an undercover Baltimore police officer testified Tuesday that he forced her to perform oral sex."

"Officer Keith Jennings, a nine-year veteran, is accused of kidnapping the now-19-year-old woman in January 2004 and forcing her to perform the sex act."

"The woman testified that Jennings handcuffed her and took her to an abandoned house, where he patted his handgun. She said she didn't want to perform the sex act, but that she felt her life was in danger."

Australia: Police officer to undergo handgun retraining
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"A Canberra policeman has been ordered to undergo retraining after firing his handgun twice during an incident in Wanniassa in January."

"It is alleged a vehicle had driven off and hit a woman after police had been called to an incident at a party, with reports that up to three people had been stabbed."

"An officer had fired two shots in the direction of the vehicle."

NY: NYPD Seeks Funds for Surveillance Cameras
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"The nation's largest police force wants to install hundreds of surveillance cameras in busy commercial districts and other areas where there have been spikes in robberies and burglaries."

"Police officers already watch live feeds from surveillance cameras in housing projects throughout the five boroughs, NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said."

"The new cameras, however, would not be monitored. Instead, they would record high-quality digital videos that would be reviewed in the event of a crime to look for evidence. Police also believe the cameras would serve as a deterrent."

UK: Robber gets 10 years for string of armed raids
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"A SERIAL armed robber who struck three times, twice on the same day, has been jailed for 10 years."

"Lord Wheatley told Daniel McSweeney, 40, that had it not been for his plea of guilty to the raids he would have sentenced him to 12 to 14 years."

"The High Court in Glasgow heard McSweeney, of Broomknowes Road, Balornock, began his second campaign of violence just six months after completing a six-year sentence for two armed raids."

Australia: Convicted drug smuggler works at airport
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"A drug smuggler who spent eight years in prison is one of many convicted criminals still working at Sydney airport, a secret report shows."

"The secret Customs report revealed other staff had been convicted for offences including violence, assaults, vehicle thefts, car rebirthing, escape from custody and firearm offences, The Australian newspaper reports."

"The convicted drug smuggler had been employed as a security screener but was now working in the airport as a trolley handler."

By calling attention to a well-regulated militia for the security of the Nation, and the right of each citizen to keep and bear arms, our Founding Fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fears of governmental tyranny, which gave rise to the second amendment, will ever be a major danger to our Nation, the amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic military-civilian relationships, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of the country. For that reason I believe the second amendment will always be important. --JOHN F. KENNEDY

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