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Congressman Tried to Hide Papers, Justice Dept. Says
Submitted by: News Director

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"The Justice Department yesterday vigorously defended the recent weekend raid of Rep. William J. Jefferson's Capitol Hill office as part of a bribery investigation, asserting that the Democratic lawmaker attempted to hide documents from FBI agents while they were searching his New Orleans home last August."

"...According to the government filing, an FBI agent caught Jefferson slipping documents into a blue bag in the living room of his New Orleans home during a search."

"'It is my belief that when Congressman Jefferson placed documents into the blue bag, he was attempting to conceal documents that were relevant to the investigation,' FBI agent Stacey E. Kent of New Orleans stated in an affidavit ..."

Raiding Reality -- Congress and the rest of us.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"It’s been amusing to watch Congress fret over the FBI’s decision to raid the office of their colleague, Rep. William Jefferson. Current Speaker Dennis Hastert called it 'the wrong path,' and has demanded a return of the documents seized. An unnamed member told the Washington Post that the tactics was 'unduly aggressive.' Rep. John Conyers called the raid 'an act of tremendous violence.' On Tuesday, Rep. James Sensenbrenner held hearings titled, 'Reckless Justice: Did the Saturday Night Raid of Congress Trample the Constitution?' At those hearings, Sensenbrenner announced his intention to introduce legislation protecting Congress from future, similar police searches."

"Funny. Congress—especially GOP leaders like Hastert and Sensenbrenner—don’t seem nearly as concerned when much more violent, confrontational raids happen to their own constituents."

Gun Safety in Homes
Submitted by: News Director

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File this one under "Pathetic Platitudes."

Matthew Miller, the author of yet another questionable "study" demonizing gun ownership answered questions online from Washington Post readers.

Some of the paranoia escaping his keyboard includes:

"Your father did a great job keeping his firearms hidden from you -- but as the study that Frances Baxley and I conducted shows, most children, even those as young as five years old, know where their parents household guns are stored and half of the boys in our study had handled a gun in their home."

"Unfortunately, recent evaluations find that while the Eddie Eagle program may teach children aged 4-7 to verbalize safety messages, these messages do not lead to actual behavior change..."

'Self-Reliance' In Storm Areas Includes Right to Bear Arms, Says CCRKBA
Submitted by: News Director

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"As officials in several hurricane-prone states this week are preaching self- reliance to the public in case a disaster strikes, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) reminds those officials that 'such rhetoric is empty if the government moves to disarm citizens.'" ...

"Recalling the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, during which roving bands of police and other law enforcement officers, and squads of National Guard troopers disarmed citizens, sometimes at gunpoint, in and around New Orleans, Waldron cautioned public officials about repeating that egregious civil rights affront this year, anywhere a storm hits."

Founders faced many issues still here today
Submitted by: News Director

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"When the Founders ratified the Second Amendment in 1791, they had in mind English politics of the 1680s, when a Catholic king (James II) was thought to be scheming to impose his religion on a Protestant nation by using a powerful army. After James was deposed, England adopted a bill of rights, including a right to bear arms. A century later the Founders supported militias and an armed citizenry, not to protect Protestants against Catholics, but to allow the states or the people to defend themselves against a national government gone wild. ..."

OR: Intruder shot after breaking into Boring woman's home
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Clackamas County Sheriff's Deputies say a Portland man was shot multiple times early Tuesday morning after he allegedly forced his way into the home of a woman who claims the man had been harassing her."

"Investigators report the woman was in the company of her present boyfriend and was intruded upon by Joe Ray Estes, 49, reportedly her previous boyfriend."

"Officers say it appears to be a situation where Estes allegedly objected to the presence of the other man and came to the residence and physically forced his way into the woman's home."

TN: More Murfreesboro crime victims stop would-be robbers
Submitted by: News Director

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"If you roll over and take it, they will do it again..."

"Guillermo Acosta sacrificed his own life while defending his neighbors during a robbery at La Tienda / La Carreta grocery story."

"A robber stormed into JD's Market and pointed a gun at Karim Barakat. Mr. Barakat remained calm but when the robber pointed the gun at his beloved wife, Barakat pulled out his own gun and shot the robber."

"A man robbed on East State Street exchanged gunfire with his robber."

ID: Idaho Falls prosecutor gets five years for stealing guns to resell
Submitted by: AvgJoe

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"A former Idaho Falls prosecutor could spend up to five years in prison after being sentenced Tuesday for stealing weapons from the city of Idaho Falls to sell them."

"Kimball Mason resigned this January after 13 years as a contracted city prosecutor and admitted in April to unlawfully taking 19 guns from the city that had been seized in criminal cases, according to Attorney General's reports."

"Mason was sentenced Tuesday to three five-year prison terms for two counts of grand theft and one count of falsifying a public record — although Mason might only spend six months in an Idaho Department of Correction facility."

TX: More women are picking up guns and joining in on the fun
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"As a child growing up in Beaumont, Sue King figured all women could shoot."

"Her mother could. So could her grandmother."

"It wasn't until she added dating to a menu of sports that included hunting and fishing that King realized not everyone thought a woman's place was taking aim down the barrel of a shotgun."

MD: Federal Gun Convictions In Baltimore Increase
Submitted by: News Director

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"Officials say federal prosecution of Baltimore City gun crimes rose by 82 percent during the first four months of this year."

"Federal, state and city officials have credited the Project Exile program, which has proved to be a success in Virginia as states all over the country have made it their own -- including Maryland."

NJ: Cop suspended after alleged gun incident
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"A township police officer has been suspended from his job after a volunteer first aid squad member said he pulled a gun during a May 24 tiff."

"Patrolman Alan Farkas, 34, a five-year member of the department, could face at least a minimum of 18 months in jail if he is convicted of the fourth-degree crime, said Middlesex County Assistant Prosecutor Ronald Abramowitz."

"Farkas was suspended last week after Richard Rivera, a volunteer with the township, alleged Farkas had pulled a firearm during a verbal altercation between the two while the officer was off-duty May 24, Abramowitz said."

MI: State’s proposed ‘shoot first’ law triggers debate
Submitted by: News Director

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"Picture this: A homeless man comes up to you and in a demanding voice asks for money. You have no knowledge if he is armed, and he says nothing to suggest he is. Still, you feel threatened. You are carrying a pistol legally because of the state’s concealed weapon law. You pull it out and shoot him."

"After an investigation, police determine that you acted legally — not in self-defense against someone threatening to cause you bodily harm, but simply because you felt threatened."

"Sound like a farfetched scenario? Not if the state Legislature approves a new law already enacted in 10 other states."

KS: Kansas follows the leader on concealed carry law
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Entering the 2006 legislative session, only four states didn't have some sort of conceal-and-carry gun law. Following an initial approved vote, and an override of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius's veto, now there are three."

"The bill will go into effect July 1, with four-year gun permits available from local sheriff's departments starting in January 2006. It has been estimated that 20,000 permits will be issued by the state in the first year, with the tally reaching 48,000 after four years.'

"'Frankly it was past time,'" said Sen. Jim Barone, D-Frontenac. 'When one takes emotion out of the issue and looks at facts, including ones from the states who did this before, you will see that this has a positive impact on society and violent crimes against people actually do decrease.'"

NY: Officials, Residents Debate Trap & Skeet
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"With the Suffolk Trap and Skeet facility in Yaphank scheduled to re-open in early July, environmentalists and residents are threatening to sue the county, claiming that the range could pose a threat to the Pine Barrens."

NY: Chief pushes gun turn-in; locations listed
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Rochester Police Chief David Moore today held a news conference to outline a gun recovery program, slated to begin Saturday."

"The 'No Questions Asked' gun turn-in program is an effort to curb violent crime in the community. It is a joint program by the Rochester Police Department, Monroe County Sheriff's Office, Monroe County District Attorney's Office and local clergy and businesses."

MN: Gun buyback, round two, this weekend
Submitted by: News Director

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"Turn in the guns! Please, please, no more killing."

"The anguished pleas of mothers who have lost their sons to street violence were heart wrenching to hear, but the women wanted those who are killing on the streets of the Twin Cities to see their pain and hand over their guns."

"Project Ceasefire is offering people money to hand over their weapons this weekend."

"The event is organized by the African American Men Project. It's an effort to reduce gun violence in Minneapolis."

NY: This is what we at KABA call poetic justice
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A bumbling thug with a rap sheet full of bad luck shot himself in the face while taking potshots at a group of Brooklyn partygoers."

"Bentley Hyacinth, 16, was at a party Sunday night at 640 E. 51st St. in East Flatbush when an argument erupted, law-enforcement sources said."

"Hyacinth allegedly pulled out a .25-caliber semi-automatic pistol and fired two or three shots at a group, but missed everyone, stumbling backwards and then shooting himself in the mouth."

NY: Five churches will host gun turn-in program Saturday
Submitted by: Brian

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"Rochester police and members of the clergy will be working out the final details this week to launch a citywide gun turn-in program at five churches on Saturday." ...

"No money will be offered for the guns. Gun buy-back programs have been attempted in the past with disappointing results because they tend to yield old and broken guns that aren't likely to be used in crimes."

Canada: Quebec Tories rebuff pleas by police, women to keep gun registry
Submitted by: News Director

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"Montreal police, women's groups and gun-control advocates, backed by the Bloc Quebecois, are calling on the Conservative government to reverse course and maintain the federal long-gun registry."

"But Tory cabinet ministers and backbenchers from Quebec rebuffed the appeal Wednesday, insisting the registry is a waste of money and isn't effective in fighting crime."

"Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day, acting in the wake of a critical report by Auditor General Sheila Fraser, has announced a series of fee waivers and amnesties for rifle and shotgun owners as a prelude to abolishing the registry."

"The program has been plagued by cost overruns, and critics say its computerized files are riddled with errors."

VT: Sportsmen's federation criticizes Kiss stand on guns
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"A group of sportsmen is taking Mayor Bob Kiss to task for suggesting that greater handgun control is needed in the state's largest city."

"The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs said in a statement that regulation of firearms is the sole province of the Legislature and that's how it should remain." ...

"The federation reacted to comments Kiss made last week after a man was seriously injured when he was shot with a handgun, the second such incident in the city this year. He said that warranted a discussion in Burlington about handguns and how easy it is to get one. He said he was not advocating gun control."

Canada: B.C. gun owners can turn in their firearms under month-long amnesty program
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"B.C. gun owners who have unwanted, unregistered or illegal firearms lying around the house can turn them in with no questions asked or charges laid under a month-long gun amnesty."

"Vancouver Police Chief Jamie Graham called the logic behind the amnesty simple."

"'We're going to take a leap here and use our God-given common sense,' he said at a news conference Wednesday."

"The fewer firearms in people's houses, the less likely people are to make 'an irrational decision' to hurt themselves or someone else, he said."

Common sense? And when a violent thug breaks into your home and you are left defenseless and at his mercy, will that be common sense too?

South Africa: Public urged to back proposed gun-law changes
Submitted by: News Director

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"The Gun Control Alliance is lobbying the public to support its submissions on the crucial Firearm Control Amendment Bill."

"Parliament's safety and security portfolio committee is to consider the bill this week and is to be briefed by the Department of Safety and Security on Wednesday."

"Hailing the Firearm Control Act as 'a lifesaver', the Gun Control Alliance noted the Medical Research Council had said firearm-related killings in Cape Town had almost halved in the past four years."

MA: Gun buybacks make return to Boston
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"Boston officials said yesterday they have raised approximately $40,000 to resume a gun buyback program, which will offer $200 Target gift cards for each working gun that is turned in."

"Police Deputy Superintendent Darrin Greeley said that people who hand in guns won't be asked for identification, but police will investigate guns' possible ties to unsolved crimes."

WI: Milwaukee shop tops crime gun list
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"U.S. government data indicates a Milwaukee-area gun shop ranks No. 1 for selling the most guns recovered by police in criminal investigations."

"Badger Outdoors held the dubious honor for the second straight year in 2005, according to data released by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives during a trial involving a California gun shop suing to keep its license."

"The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports police traced guns involved in 537 crimes to Badger Outdoors last year."

UPI fails to mention that traces don't necessarily indicate any wrongdoing on the part of the seller. And this particular seller obviously supports obtaining government permission to exercise a Constitutional and fundamental right.

Australia: Customer threatened with gun
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"A WOULD-be armed robber threatened a supermarket customer with a gun before knocking over a cash register and fleeing, police said today."

"The attempted robbery occurred at the Foodworks supermarket on Queensberry St in North Melbourne about 5.30pm (AEST) yesterday."

"The man chose some items before approaching the counter, producing his gun and demanding cash, police said."

"He then used the pistol to threaten a customer who stood next to him."

IN: Boy, 11, pleads guilty to taking gun to school
Submitted by: News Director

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"An 11-year-old boy who took a gun to school pleaded guilty Tuesday to carrying a handgun without a license."

"The pleading in Marion County juvenile court would constitute a misdemeanor had the offense been committed by an adult."

"Prosecutors say that on April 26 the fifth-grader brought an unloaded .25-caliber pistol to School 48, 3445 N. Central Ave., and showed it to classmates. The boy found the gun in his backyard, prosecutors said."

OH: Movie fires back against dangers of gun violence
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"More than 300 people showed up at Tuesday's premiere of 'Hard-Wear,' a movie created to educate Cincinnati youth about the dangers of gun violence."

"The turnout prompted an unexpected second showing to accommodate the line waiting outside the Harriet Tubman Theater at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center."

"The city's Law Department, Cincinnati community and faith-based groups, Cincinnati Public Schools, Hamilton County Juvenile Court and the Cincinnati Police Department started a partnership to create the program."

When liberty is taken away by force, it can be restored by force. When it is relinquished voluntarily by default, it can never be recovered. — DOROTHY THOMPSON

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