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History of 22 Hornet Ammo
Submitted by: David Williamson

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First produced in 1930, the .22 Hornet was developed by the Springfield Armory and is to this day an excellent cartridge for hunting varmints and predators. It has even been used in the U.K. for hunting deer with great success. The cartridge has mild recoil and good accuracy, with relatively low noise levels – making this a great choice for hunting vermin in more populated areas.

Are You Suspect or Victim
Submitted by: David Williamson

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We’re the good guys, right? We work hard, we try to save money and always treat our families, neighbors and assorted acquaintances with kindness and charity. We never intentionally violate the law, we always — mostly, anyway — signal our turns and don’t kick puppies or throw slugs into the poor relief box. It should be obvious to anyone we collectively stand for Truth, Justice and the American Way (insert sound of fireworks, apple pie baking and a Chevrolet accelerating).

NBC’s Chuck Todd: Second Amendment Right ‘Does Not Exist’
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” But NBC’s Chuck Todd, host of “Meet the Press,” says that doesn’t mean Americans have a right to bear arms.

Take Gun Banners Rhetoric Seriously
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In the wake of a tragic shooting like the one in Uvalde, Texas, one thing is certain to come” The hateful rhetoric from anti-Second Amendment extremists. It’s been the same old, predictably vicious lie that has come since Columbine (or sooner): Because Second Amendment supporters exercise our First Amendment rights to protect the right to keep and bear arms, we are now child-killing domestic terrorists (or worse).

Certain Americans Reveal Their Second Amendment Illiteracy
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Biden capitalizes on every opportunity to broadcast how severely uninformed he is — but this Memorial Day, he settled on airing his ignorance via the gun debate, saying a 9mm bullet will blow a "lung out of the body." Those of us who have seen a 9mm round know how emphatically wrong he is.

Biden's Border Policies Are Responsible for the Deaths in Uvalde
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The deaths of children and teachers in the Uvalde school shooting are directly linked to the Biden Border Invasion. There has been little mention in corporate media that the school district in the small town of Uvalde, Texas, has been locked down at least 48 times this year due to law enforcement pursuits of illegal aliens and human smugglers.

Democrats to Vote on 6 Gun Controls That Wouldn’t Have Prevented Uvalde Attack
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Democrats in the House Judiciary Committee will hold a vote on a gun control package Thursday which includes six gun control measures that would not have prevented the Uvalde attack. The package is titled the “Protecting Our Kids Act.”

Self-Defense Not a ‘Choice’ Statists Allow People to Make for Themselves
Submitted by: David Williamson

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“There is no such thing as being ‘pro-life’ while supporting laws that let children be shot in their schools, elders in grocery stores, worshippers in their houses of faith, survivors by abusers, or anyone in a crowded place,” socialist “representative” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “It is an idolatry of violence. And it must end.”

Mass Shootings Renew Efforts to Target Gun Manufacturers’ Legal Shield
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Efforts to hold firearms manufacturers legally liable for gun violence could become a new battleground in the nationwide debate over gun control after a series of fatal mass shootings. Democratic state legislatures have shown a renewed interest in broadening the industry’s liability with new laws while a recent landmark settlement between a gun manufacturer and victims of the Sandy Hook school shooting could embolden other potential plaintiffs.

Biden Perpetuates 2A Myth, Expands Penchant for Fabricating ‘Facts’
Submitted by: David Williamson

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President Joe Biden has once again perpetuated a myth about the Second Amendment for which he has previously been called out by Washington Post Fact Checker Glenn Kessler, and he also invented another myth about the ballistic nature of the 9mm pistol bullet.

In comments to the media outside the White House, Biden declared, “They said a .22-caliber bullet will lodge in the lung, and we can probably get it out — may be able to get it and save the life. A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body.”

OH: Ohio Lawmakers Introduce Bill Making Self-defense Lessons Mandatory for High School Students
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Republican lawmakers have introduced a new bill that will require all Ohio students to take self-defense lessons. House Bill 639 is also known as the “Student Protection Act”. The new mandate says students entering 9th grade in public or non public schools will incorporate self-defense training into high school health requirements.

Many On The Left Used To Strongly Support The Right To Defend Oneself With A Gun
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The horrific shootings at Uvalde Elementary School have once again brought gun control into the national debate. The political divide remains the same; with Republicans defending the Second Amendment and Democrats demanding more stringent gun control to allegedly stop such shootings from occurring in the future.

What I Learned from Shooting 200 Turkey Loads and One Mountain Longbeard
Submitted by: David Williamson

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From March to May of 2022, I tested nine different turkey shotshells, shooting more 3-inch, 2-ounce loads (around 200) than most hunters will in a lifetime of chasing toms. I patterned a bulk of the 12-gauge lead and tungsten super shot (TSS) ammunition during the Outdoor Life turkey load test, but also for a turkey gun test and stories on the effectiveness of TSS at distance and the best way to choke TSS.

Sport King Review: High Standard’s Spacey Rimfire
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The name may be gone from the list of current American firearms producers, but almost every rimfire handgunner and collector is familiar with High Standard for good reason. These sleek guns showed futuristic lines, a reputation for both reliability and accuracy, and enough model variants to suit nearly every shooter. Here’s more on the High Standard Sport King we unearthed from the depths of the Vault and the reasons we’ll always be on the lookout for steals wearing the High Standard brand.

Sport King Review: High Standard’s Spacey Rimfire
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The name may be gone from the list of current American firearms producers, but almost every rimfire handgunner and collector is familiar with High Standard for good reason. These sleek guns showed futuristic lines, a reputation for both reliability and accuracy, and enough model variants to suit nearly every shooter. Here’s more on the High Standard Sport King we unearthed from the depths of the Vault and the reasons we’ll always be on the lookout for steals wearing the High Standard brand.

Biden Gets it Wrong on Cannon Ownership, Again
Submitted by: David Williamson

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For at least the sixth time in two years, President Joe Biden has fallen back on a widely debunked argument to add credence to his anti-gun arguments. In remarks to the press upon arriving at the White House on Sunday aboard Marine One, Biden said he was "pretty motivated" to get national gun control legislation over the finish line in Washington. After sprinkling such off base rhetoric as, "A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body," into the conversation, Biden argued the Founding Father – guys who actively stole cannon from the British forces before the Revolution – were somehow fans of gun control.

Australian State to Melt Down and Destroy Thousands of Guns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The most populous state in Australia is working to melt and dispose of over three tons of firearms seized over the past year. Police in New South Wales amassed over 2,809 firearms, including rifles, shotguns, and pistols, from criminal investigations and submissions. They are working to melt down the deadly weapons into steel and other recyclable materials in an effort to keep the guns off of the streets as several nations increasingly look to restrict firearms in the wake of the Uvalde, Texas, mass shooting.

Poll: Americans Blame Mental Health More Than guns for Mass Shootings
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Americans blame mental health issues for mass shootings more than access to firearms, a new poll shows. Rasmussen Reports released the poll Tuesday, which found "40% of likely U.S. voters believe mental health is more to blame for mass shootings by young men in America," whereas 30% blame "access to firearms."

Damascus-Steel Barrels
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Pull out a Damascus-barreled shotgun at a skeet range and a number of folks will run for the hills — they want to be far away when your blunderbuss blows up. Some of their concern is valid, for over the years enough shooters and hunters have had major issues with Damascus-barreled shotguns. Still, a properly inspected gun with twist barrels loaded with low compression shells functions every bit as good as a contemporary model. Owners just need to do their homework, is all.

Mo Brooks says People Need Guns to 'Take Back' the Government Should it ever Turn 'Dictatorial'
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Rep. Mo Brooks said this weekend that he would not support any new gun control restrictions, arguing that people would need their guns if they ever had to take back power from a "dictatorial" government.

"The Second Amendment is designed to help ensure that we, the citizenry, always have the right to take back our government should it become dictatorial," he said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.

The Brady Bill's only effect will be to desensitize the public to regulation of weapons in preparation for their ultimate confiscation. — Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post, April 5, 1996

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