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Newslinks for 6/10/2002

NJ: One person to blame in woman's death
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Like pit bulls, guns and a bottle of Jack Daniel's, all-terrain vehicles aren't to blame when some innocent person is killed by one."

"So all the politicians shouting for legislation that would ban the popular vehicles from city streets should sit down, shut up and not use a tragedy to get their name in the paper."

KABA NOTE: This article definitely has a relation to blaming inanimate objects for crimes committed with them -- a favorite pasttime of the anti-self-defense critters.

OH: Two men accused of smuggling handguns from Ohio to Jordan
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An Ohio man and a Jordanian were indicted on accusations that they bought 470 handguns over three years and illegally shipped them to Jordan for resale, federal authorities said Friday."

"The accused bought the guns from a federally licensed gun dealer in suburban Cincinnati from 1995 to 1998 and smuggled them to Jordan, the indictment issued Thursday said."

"Illegally exporting firearms and foreign travel to deal firearms carry sentences of up to 10 years in prison. The offenses also carry fines of as much as $250,000."

UK: Boy is shot by muggers for pocket money
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A 12-year-old boy is recovering in hospital after being shot in the chest by two teenagers who robbed him of less than £3 in pocket money."

"The pellet, from a powerful, gas-powered air gun fired at close range, was lodged inches from the boy's heart and lungs and was later removed by doctors."

"Detectives said that the victim, who was also beaten up, was fortunate to have escaped more serious injury."

Refuting Gun Myths
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"At the tender age of 11, I won a 15-pound turkey with a 12-gauge shotgun at a local event we called a 'Turkey Shoot.' [B]ut it did not warp my 'fragile wittle mind.' In fact, I learned many valuable lessons from it and the proceeds from the event went to provide funding for a local Volunteer 911 Rescue Squad. Boy, remember the days when we did not need government to provide our every need and we actually provided things for ourselves?"

FBI must slim down and change culture, whistle-blower says
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The whistle-blower whose complaints of investigative bungling rattled the FBI said yesterday that the bureau must trim its obstructionist bureaucracy and change a 'don't rock the boat' culture if it wants to prevent terrorist attacks."

"Special Agent Coleen M. Rowley told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the FBI's failure to pursue leads last summer that might have led to the plotters of the 9/11 attacks was the fault of a cumbersome bureaucracy that favors inaction to avoid risk."

Sept. 11 Attacks Quotes
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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This report includes quotes from officials in FBI, CIA, and the Bush administration relating to foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks on America.

FL: A straight shooter on gun-owner rights
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Inverness [Florida] attorney Cliff Travis combines his work and his passion for guns to help local firearms owners."

"'I've been an NRA member a lot longer than I've been a lawyer,' Travis said, chuckling."

"Now the 47-year-old defense attorney has found a way to combine his knowledge of guns and the law."

"Travis is one of the only local lawyers who specializes in the law relating to guns and gun ownership."

SC: School Weapons Violations Drop
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"According to statistics released Friday by the [South Carolina] state's education office, nine Clark County school districts reported a total of 131 weapons incidents during 2000-01. Five involved some type of gun, although under state guidelines that includes 'look-alikes.' At least two of those violations involved squirt guns."

NO GUNS in the New World Order
Submitted by: Roger Tweeddale

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"Paw Paw is gone now, but his words are not. The United Nations is still the biggest threat to gun-ownership today. Unless you count the idiot politicians we've sent to Washington, D.C."

"When I finally got on the Internet and began to do some exploring, I began to see just how big an issue guns and gun-ownership really was. There were all sorts of freedom issues and guns figured pretty prominently."

TX: Gun used to kill singer Selena to be destroyed on judge's order
Submitted by: Lyndell Rottmann

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"The gun used to kill Tejano star Selena will be smashed with a sledgehammer, shredded and the remainders thrown into Corpus Christi Bay on orders of a state judge."

Arrest at the Air Force Academy May 2002
Submitted by: Mark M Stehly

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The free speech activity of a small group of people was interupted by combined Air Force and local policia, creating a potential for (legal) precedent setting behavior by law enforcement.

By attacking civil rights in small events where a signifigant number of people are not likely to notice, the Bill of Rights takes lots of little hits; barely noticed as the hammer from D.C. attempts to pulverize them from on high.

OK: Air show returning to city with added security
Submitted by: serinde

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"The return of Aerospace America and a rumbling performance by the U.S. Navy Blue Angels are expected to attract thousands of spectators Father's Day weekend to Will Rogers World Airport."

"... backpacks, baby strollers, folding chairs or other large items may be stopped for search .... Cars entering air show grounds, not including general public parking, will be searched inside and out."

"Air show workers also will wear new security badges."

Air worthy - Be prepared for new airport rules or you may be grounded
Submitted by: serinde

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"Even if you keep up with the news, you may not be sure what is and isn't allowed at airports around the country and on airliners."

"The Transportation Security Administration has issued some reminders ... [and] posted an updated list of [forbidden] items ..."

"Any changes to the list will be announced and posted on the TSA Web site at"

"American Airlines has also posted travel tips for the summer at"

State homeland security directors see challenges
Submitted by: serinde

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"Across the country, many of the state homeland security directors who were quickly hired in the aftermath of Sept. 11 are finding they have little authority or resources and say they are not getting much cooperation or direction."

"At least 40 homeland security directors had the new responsibilities added to existing jobs."

"A lack of information from the federal government has also frustrated the homeland security czars."

"Why Be an Armed Liberal?"
Submitted by: Paul S. Hsieh

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A liberal explains why it's important for citizens to be able to keep and bear arms.

"I’ve actually gotten a fair number of emails asking me this; they presuppose that the only valid position for a liberal is to be disarmed, and the only valid position for a gun owner is to be a conservative. I’m neither. I own guns, and have spent a fair amount of time, energy and money becoming at least moderately competent with them. And let me state bluntly that while the politic thing for shooters to say in public is "I just shoot [trap and skeet] [a few targets] [to hunt birds].", that I do all those things, and in addition have trained hard to become competent in defending myself by, if necessary, shooting people."

CO: Several suits settled in Columbine shooting
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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The families of several Columbine shooting victims have settled lawsuits with the school district and sheriff's department, with one attorney saying the time has come to "bring this to a close."

The lawsuits accused officials of failing to do enough to prevent the slayings at Columbine High School in 1999 and botching the response afterward.

Japan: Man Slain with Umbrella in Dispute Over Manners
Submitted by: Chuck

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A Japanese man was so enraged by an acquaintance's failure to address him with an honorific that he stabbed the man to death with an umbrella, police said on Saturday.
It was the second killing with an umbrella in Japan in less than a month.

When Umbrellas are outlawed, only outlaws will have umbrellas.
Had the innocent victim been armed, I suspect this would have ended differently.

[The American Colonies were] all democratic governments, where the power is in the hands of the people and where there is not the least difficulty or jealousy about putting arms into the hands of every man in the country. [European countries should not] be ignorant of the strength and the force of such a form of government and how strenuously and almost wonderfully people living under one have sometimes exerted themselves in defence of their rights and liberties and how fatally it has ended with many a man and many a state who have entered into quarrels, wars and contests with them. — George Mason, "Remarks on Annual Elections for the Fairfax Independent Company" in The Papers of George Mason, 1725-1792, ed Robert A. Rutland (Chapel Hill, 1970).

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