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Newslinks for 6/10/2006

U.S. Spent $27 Million To Destroy Small Arms, Light Weapons
Submitted by: News Director

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"Illicit trade in small arms contributes to conflicts, lawlessness and instability in regions around the world."

"For that reason, the United States has provided more than $27 million to help various nations destroy surplus stockpiles of small arms and light weapons."

"It also offers regular technical assistance to countries seeking to produce stronger export/import controls on these weapons."

JPFO: BATFE Raids KT Ordnance
Submitted by: ChareltonHest

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"Yesterday we received word that KT Ordnance, manufacturer of incomplete (80%-finished) frames, was raided for the alleged "illegal manufacture of firearms." KT Ordnance has been a great asset to those who wish to purchase unfinished receivers with which to anonymously manufacture their own firearms -- a perfectly legal process, according to the BATFE website."

"You can see from photos of the AR-15 kit that the product cannot possibly be a functioning 'firearm' -- it's simply a chunk of metal! So how can this happen?"

What Would the Founders Do Today? Suppose they could go on "Meet The Press"...
Submitted by: 3030

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"Was the Second Amendment, then, a bulwark of liberty or a pious irrelevance? The framers of the Constitution doubted that any Bill of Rights was necessary, which was why they left it out. Under the Constitution power would derive from the people; how could the people oppress themselves? But Madison became midwife to the Bill of Rights, under pressure from his enemy Patrick Henry and prodding from his friend Jefferson. Jefferson, the amateur architect, saw a bill of rights as a useful structural prop. 'A brace the more will often keep up [a] building which would have fallen' without it, Jefferson wrote Madison. Some Founders believed passionately in the Second Amendment and the other nine. The rest put up with them.", Gun Owners Of America Join Forces. Seriously.
Submitted by: News Director

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"’s a (very brief) recap of the Internet issue that has put, Gun Owners of America and the Indigo Girls on the same team. To sum it up, cable and phone companies – who control broadband, high-speed Internet lines – want to charge Web sites for delivering faster broadband service, something that’s particularly valuable to video-heavy sites like YouTube, for example. Those sites that don’t pay a premium would not receive faster service. The theory behind net neutrality is that all Web sites should be charged equally for use of high speed Internet lines from cable and phone companies."

Young gun sets sights on D.C.
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Jaclyn Yaeger doesn’t mind if you don’t want to join her on a deer-hunting trip."

"Just don’t try to take away her right to bear arms."

"The 16-year-old is heading this month to Washington, D.C., to learn more about her Second Amendment right as part of the Friends of the National Rifle Association’s Youth Education Summit."

AZ: Fish loses self-defense appellate decision
Submitted by: News Director

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"State appellate court judges declined to rule Thursday on whether a new law that makes it easier for people to claim self defense can be used in the murder trial of Harold Fish."

"Therefore, the trial court judge's ruling that the new law cannot be used stands."

FL: Home invasion prompts woman to keep gun handy
Submitted by: News Director

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"The victim of a home invasion calls it the most terrifying experience of her life."

"She talked to us while anxiously waiting on word of an arrest."

"The 69-year old woman did not want us to identify her, and we can tell you it be a long time before the emotional scars will heal."

"Answering a knock at her door, the disabled woman was violently pushed back in her home, as two men got away with cash, credit cards and prescription drugs."

"A lot of people in the New Port Richey neighborhood witnessed the incident, so it was pretty bold of the two men to commit the crime."

"The woman now holds on tightly to a handgun, saying she will be ready if the bad guys come back."

CT: Lawsuit against officer planned
Submitted by: News Director

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"Greater Bridgeport NAACP members continued to express outrage Thursday that an off-duty police officer was acquitted last month on charges involving a drunken rampage in which he was accused of firing a handgun in a South End housing complex nearly two years ago."

"However, Tina Sypek D'Amato, a lawyer representing eight people who claim the officer fired at, or threatened them with a gun during the incident in Marina Village on Aug. 23, 2004, told National Association for the Advancement of Colored People members she was working on bringing a civil rights case against the officer."

NC: Three Robeson deputies face federal charges
Submitted by: News Director

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"Three former Robeson County sheriff's deputies are accused of setting fire to two homes and a business, providing drugs to informants, and other federal crimes, authorities said Friday."

"The charges are the latest to hit a troubled department that has already seen a detective and another deputy charged with kidnapping and robbery in what authorities said was a home invasion staged to look like a drug raid."

CO: Democrat leave dog feces at doorstep of U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Talk about your smear campaigns."

"If Colorado's 4th Congressional District race gets around to some old-fashioned mudslinging, it'll be a considerable upgrade."

"The campaign of U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave is howling mad that a supporter of her Democratic challenger, state Rep. Angela Paccione, D-Fort Collins, allegedly shoved dog feces through a mail slot of Musgrave's Greeley office on May 31."

"Kathleen Yvonne Ensz had been cited for 'criminal use of a noxious substance,' a Class 3 misdemeanor. She is due to appear in court Aug. 10."

Submitter's Note: Musgrave is also a strong supporter of the Second Amendment.

FL: Concealed Weapons Holders' Names To Be Made Secret
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Gov. Jeb Bush has signed legislation that will make the names of thousands of Floridians who are licensed to carry concealed weapons secret."

"The legislation was introduced after a list of Central Florida's permit holders appeared on the Internet..."

"After July 1, the names of 380,000 Floridian concealed weapon permit holders will be removed from public access. The National Rifle Association’s Marion Hammer said that’s the way it should be."

IN: Time to talk common sense about teenagers' access to guns
Submitted by: News Director

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"Those of us of a certain age remember when a fight was just a fight. Somebody might have gotten a black eye or a cut lip. But no one would have imagined that one or both of the protagonists would pull even a knife. Let alone, a gun."

"A traffic dispute was just a traffic dispute. A grudge was just a grudge. And a police officer wore a bulletproof vest only when something extraordinary was going down."

"But those days are gone forever, thanks to the easy availability and cultural approbation of handguns."

IN: Lighten up, parents; it's just a squirt gun (Letter)
Submitted by: News Director

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"The three Northside parents quoted sounded ridiculous at best. A squirt gun, or water pistol, is not a violent toy when properly used; nor will using a squirt gun lead to using real guns. Consider that a garden hose handle produces a more pressurized stream of water than most toy water guns.
One father said, 'I think toy guns send the wrong message, because what's next?' What's next? We're talking about squirt guns, not a sawed-off shotgun."

"A mother said, 'I just don't like what squirt guns represent.'"

"Hours of child-like fun and years of happy memories playing with others? To link a fluorescent plastic squirt gun with actual gun-control concerns is laughable."

NY: Tyner, Miller trade barbs over donations
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"It didn't take long."

"A day after announcing he would run against incumbent Assemblyman Joel Miller, R-Poughkeepsie, in November, Democrat Joel Tyner lashed out at his opponent for denying he accepted campaign donations from the National Rifle Association, even though he did."

MS: Violent gun crime in Greenville cut by 54 percent since 2002
Submitted by: News Director

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"Project Safe Neighborhoods is helping to take a bite out of the violent crimes in the Port City."

"Representatives of the program announced in a press conference Thursday that the city's fight in the war against violent crime has made progress in the past two years, violent crimes have dropped 54 percent and only one murder has been reported in the last 12-months."

Canada: Gun registry cost overrun hidden because of election
Submitted by: News Director

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"Canada's former top accountant says the senior bureaucrat overseeing the controversial gun registry didn't want to ask Parliament for more money to cover cost overruns for fear it would affect the upcoming 2004 federal election."

"John Wiersema, the former acting comptroller-general, told the Commons public accounts committee Thursday that Margaret Bloodworth, the deputy minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness under the previous Liberal government, told a meeting of senior bureaucrats in February 2004 that she didn't relish revealing the firearms centre was over budget and asking Parliament for more money because of the 'implications' for the election."

OH: Group to hand out gun locks at store
Submitted by: News Director

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"Project ChildSafe, a firearms safety education program, will distribute gun locks from noon to 5 p.m. today through Sunday at Gander Mountain, 1320 Holland-Sylvania Rd., Springfield Township."

"Free gun locks and educational materials will be distributed at various locations throughout the state during the safety campaign."

"Cari Crockett, a spokesman for Project ChildSafe, said the project will encourage Ohio children to sign pledges to show their commitment to be safe around firearms."

"Created and managed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Project ChildSafe is funded by grants from the U.S. Justice Department. The project has distributed more than 30 million free gun locks across the country."

OH: OFCC Announces The Dan Sayers Legal Defense Fund
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Ohioans For Concealed Carry announced today the formation of a legal defense fund being coordinated on behalf of OFCC member Dan Sayers. Sayers who was recently arrested by Oregon, Ohio police and charged with possession of a firearm in public places and failure to inform police officers of concealed weapons. Mr. Sayers has plead not guilty to these charges."

"Sayers was openly carrying two firearms in compliance with State of Ohio law; however, he was in violation of a city ordinance, which prohibits 'possession of a firearm in a public place.' Sayers was pulled over after shopping at a gas station. Police responding to a 'man-with-a-gun' call ordered him out of his vehicle and to the ground, at gunpoint."

UK: Hooded gunman fires four shots at front door of house
Submitted by: News Director

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"POLICE are appealing for witnesses after a hooded gunman fired four shots at the front door of a home in South Norwood."

"The victim, who lives on Stanger Road, answered his door at 12.30am on Tuesday to find himself face to face with a man pointing a handgun."

"He immediately slammed the door shut but the man fired four bullets before running away."

UK: Police plea over city centre raid
Submitted by: News Director

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"Detectives in Dundee have renewed their appeal for witnesses to come forward with any information regarding an attempted armed robbery in the city centre, writes Laurie Watson."

"Despite the incident taking place in busy Commercial Street — at the Cheque Centre — on Wednesday afternoon, police confirmed today they have received little feedback from people who may have been in the area at the time."

"Detectives now believe the raider entered the Forum Shopping Centre as he fled."

UK: The toy gun that could get a young child shot
Submitted by: News Director

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"CHILDREN playing with replica guns could be accidentally shot by armed police, senior officers warned today."

"The warning came after police found a 10-year-old boy playing with a ball bearing gun in a residential street."

"Armed response officers have been called out to incidents in which youngsters have been messing around with weapons like BB-guns which look like regular firearms."

Canada: Gun amnesty program mostly being used by senior citizens
Submitted by: News Director

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"Nine days into the city's gun amnesty program and it seems the majority of those turning in their firearms are senior citizens."

"The story revolves around survivors turning in weapons belonging to deceased loved ones."

"To date, city police have collected 7 pellet and air guns, 11 handguns, 12 shotguns, 26 rifles and over one thousand rounds of ammunition."

CO: Gun locks available for free at Wal-Mart
Submitted by: News Director

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"Gun owners can pick up a free gun lock today as part of a national gun safety campaign."

"Project ChildSafe, a national gun safety organization, will be offering gun locks and educational materials from noon to 6 p.m. at Wal-Mart, 4625 S. Mason St., as part of a 22-day statewide safety tour."

"The offer drew a steady stream of people into the store on Thursday, said Chad Segelke, a Wal-Mart employee."

Belgium: New weapons law comes into force
Submitted by: News Director

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"Tighter gun control legislation comes into force on Friday following its accelerated passing through the Belgian Parliament after the Antwerp racist murders."

"'From tomorrow, no single weapon will be free to purchase,' Justice Minister Laurette Onkelinx said on Thursday."

"It means simply being an adult and showing ID will not be deemed sufficient in future."

NY: Insurer to defend claim in gun killing
Submitted by: News Director

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"The state's highest court ruled Thursday that an insurance company must defend a Clarksville man in a wrongful-death suit brought by the estate of a man he killed in self-defense."

"The Court of Appeals unanimously held that the Automobile Insurance Co. of Hartford, now a part of the St. Paul Travelers Cos., must pay for the civil defense of its policyholder, Alfred S. Cook."

Can higher premiums for gun owners be far behind?

MI: Michigan Group announces competitive hunting
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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"First bass fishing became a competitive sport, now hunting is about to become one."

"The World Hunting Association announced its plans Tuesday to create a competitive hunting tour around the world, with the 2006 inaugural season beginning this fall in Gladwin at the Lost Arrow Ranch."

"Local hunters believe their home state was a natural choice."

If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country I never would lay down my arms, never! never! never! — William Pitt, Earl of Chatham (1708-1778) Speech, Nov. 18, 1777

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