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Newslinks for 6/10/2010

What does Sharron Angle victory in Nevada U.S. Senate primary mean for gun owners?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Ah yes. If you believe in that Constitution Reid swore an oath to uphold, you're 'wacky' and 'dangerous.' Let the conflation with extremists and haters begin. You know, the 'progressive' M.O." ...

Gun Control: The Ultimate Human Rights Violation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lucid students of the political sphere have certainly noticed that liberals are now using the phrase 'human rights' even more than they once used their old standby, 'civil liberties.' Of course they rarely define human rights, and even when they try, the definition varies ..." ...

"The most telling aspect of the left's obsession with human rights is not so much what its proponents claim to defend but what they would be happy to sacrifice. And one thing all human rights activists are perpetually ready to jettison is the right Americans enjoy in keeping and bearing arms."

"Ironically, this right, summarily stated in the 2nd Amendment, should be the lynchpin of any honest pursuit of human rights ..." ...

Latest score--Chicago 'illegal' gun owners: 3, bad guys: 0
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's getting dangerous to rob and terrorize people in Chicago, despite Mayor Daley's best efforts. We've already talked about the armed career thug who got the (last) surprise of his life when he broke into the home of an 80-year-old Korean War veteran ... That was May 26th."

"Just over a week later, a man running from the police after a traffic stop, allegedly dropping narcotics as he ran, jumped through the front window of a home in his efforts to escape. The homowner, understandably on the defensive and in fear for his life, shot the intruder with his 'illegal' handgun. ..."

"Yesterday, it was a pawn shop owner who defended himself against three armed robbers, one of whom will never rob again." ...

Unacceptable: Massachusetts Considering One Gun a Month Limit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A proposal to limit the number of guns a person can buy in Massachusetts is being considered today by the legislature's Judiciary Committee."

"Limiting the sale of firearms to law-abiding citizens is premised on the false belief that doing so reduces illegal firearms trafficking. There is no evidence to support such an assertion."

"According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the significant drop in crime that began in the mid-1990's coincided with more guns being in private possession and more restrictive gun laws being taken off the books."

"In South Carolina, one-gun-a-month was repealed ... and, like the rest of the U.S., South Carolinians continue to experience a decrease in violent crime. ..." ...

Thomas downfall suggests Left’s prejudices not limited to gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The self-destructive downfall of veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas could and perhaps should provide the political Left with an opportunity for self-examination of its pattern of social bigotry, but the reality is it will not."

"Thomas quite possibly represents the tip of a philosophical iceberg so steeped in self-righteousness and so historically mired in self-denial that to suggest some benefit might come from careful introspect is tantamount to tilting at windmills. ..." ...

"But Ms. Thomas is also vehemently anti-gun, as my colleague, St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner Kurt Hofmann noted here, and as her own words reveal. She was honored by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence a few weeks ago ..." ...

"Chicago will need some new and sensible legislating"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sometime this month the Supreme Court will issue its eagerly anticipated decision in McDonald v. Chicago, the landmark gun rights case that will settle whether the Second Amendment applies against state and local governments. In preparation, the pro-gun control Chicago Tribune says it’s time for the Windy City to start crafting some new regulations in case things go poorly for Chicago's handgun ban:" ...

Orders of protection are not a shield of steel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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If you are old enough to remember the Vietnam War and the passing of the 1968 Gun Control Act, you probably remember Batfink, whose famous saying was,"
"Your bullets cannot harm me — my wings are like a shield of steel!"
Sadly, we note that Christene Rivera was killed in her Knoxville apartment, allegedly by estranged husband Joseph Rivera, against whom she had an Order of Protection ... Unfortunately, these documents are provide no shield of steel against someone who is committed to causing serious bodily harm or death." ...

"Simply put, if you really need an order of protection, you need to be able to defend yourself. If you choose to do so with a firearm, be sure and get proper training."

Way better than a Gun Free Zone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Given the fabled power and effectiveness of a Gun Free Zone, I have invented the next step: The Crime Free Zone. After all, why stop with simply keeping guns out? Can't people cause mayhem with a knife or a club? Why stop with forbidding only guns? Isn't the big worry what they will do with them? And for that matter, no weapon is needed for stealing or vandalism. There are a variety of criminal activites businesses would rather keep out than allow. Therefore, in the interest of making a simple, effective sign, I propose the Crime Free Zone sign." ...

Con: Should Congress trump Georgia’s new gun law?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NO: Law-abiding gun owners shouldn’t be put in a 'gotcha' at airports. "

"Georgia's Common Sense Lawful Carry Act, signed by the governor Tuesday, protects lawfully carrying citizens from unknowingly becoming criminals by clarifying where they can and cannot carry their weapons."

"Recent federal gun restriction proposals by Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) and Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), barring weapons from airport property, would only trap law-abiding citizens into becoming criminals. ... We have a representative government ... Many federal officials in Washington have forgotten this, and the recent federal proposals against the Lawful Carry Act are the perfect example." ...

Pro: Should Congress trump Georgia’s new gun law?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"YES: In post-9/11 America, airports are meant to be gun-free zones"

"It's just common sense and now the governor agrees."

"Only law enforcement and security personnel should be permitted to carry guns inside airports. ..."

"As a high-ranking DeKalb County law enforcement official recently told me, our police are better able to enforce the law when citizens are not carrying concealed weapons in places like churches, shopping malls, courthouses, schools or airports. It is highly likely that a bystander would be killed or injured by 'friendly fire' ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Translation: "It's just common sense" means "I have no actual evidence to support my statement".

Different aims -- Reid's gun votes get contradictory readings from lobby groups
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In those days the [NRA] was on the fringes of politics, regarded as a group of zealots. After Reid was elected to the U.S. House in 1983 and then went to the Senate in 1987, Reid always got good reviews from the NRA."

"Yet now, across the internet, there are frequent attacks on Reid over gun issues and on the NRA over its praise of Reid. ..." ...

"Some observers in both parties believe that those who are deeply opposed to Reid on other issues cannot quite believe that he has a strong pro-gun record and so they try to deny it."

"But there are other factors. It may come as a surprise, but the NRA has become what passes for a moderate organization in gun rights circles. ... In contrast to NRA's good relations with Reid, the Virginia-based GOA has given Reid an F grade on his votes. ..." ...

Kagan's threat to gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama poses a real and present danger to the Second Amendment, and he's working to pack the Supreme Court with justices who will undermine Americans' gun rights."

"... The most recent pick, Elena Kagan, ran much of President Clinton's war on guns from 1995 to 1999."

"When Ms. Kagan served as Mr. Clinton's deputy domestic policy adviser, she was a feverish proponent of gun control. From gunlock mandates to gun-show regulations, she was instrumental in pushing anti-gun policies ..." ...

"Ms. Kagan's defenders acknowledge her liberal political views but claim that as a judge, the former Harvard Law School dean will somehow manage to separate her judgments from her political opinions ..." ...

GA: New law allows guns in restaurants and locked cars
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senate Bill 308 is aimed at clarifying an existing law regarding where Georgians with permits can and cannot carry a gun."

"Guns used to be outlawed at public gatherings."

"State Sen. Mitch Seabaugh authored the new bill and says it makes sure law-abiding citizens don't inadvertently become criminals."

"'It's a significant step in the right direction because we have removed a lot of the gotcha situations,' said Seabaugh. 'We are not just saying that anyone can carry a firearm anywhere, you have to have a license.'"

"Among the places people with permits may now carry a firearm are restaurants and bars." ...

OH: Restaurant/ Car Carry legislation likely stalled until after November elections
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week we asked you to make phone calls to your State Representatives in an attempt to move two bills to Governor Strickland before the summer recess. Thank you to each of you who picked up the phone answered our call for action. Unfortunately, we were not successful. Phone calls are no longer needed."

"While we share your frustration that Speaker Budish and the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives did not address our concerns before adjourning for the summer recess ... we must also note that we were asking them to skip the normal hearing process and amend our bills into some other piece of legislation that has already gone through the process." ...

WV: Governor Signs Bloomberg Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new law is asking other cities and states to respect the borders of West Virginia and its law enforcement officers when it comes to Second Amendment rights."

"The legislation is called the Bloomberg Law after New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The legislation was introduced in the State Senate after it was learned that New York was conducting undercover stings in neighboring Virginia using private citizens at gun shows and other venues."

"'Whether it's the state of New York or any other state, everyone has that sovereignty and should be responsible for that, but crossing lines and trying for entrapment is not the way to do that,' says Governor Manchin." ...

Top US Park Ranger and state legislatures back gun carry rights
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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"Yesterday the National Park Service honored Ranger Scott Emmerich with the 2010 Harry Yount Award, the agency's highest honor for service to the Nation. Ranger Emmerich serves in Alaska's Glacier National Park."

"Apparently in response to various questions posed by the by the Washington Post's Ed O'Keefe, Scott Emmerich is taking Americans' new gun rights in National Parks in stride. Emmerich explained that"

"'I guess the biggest thing I'm cautious of is to not violate a person's Second Amendment rights. It's legal for them to carry a gun. . . . It's not that big a deal. ...'" ...

MI: Charges may come in fake police charity case
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Prosecutors are weighing charges against a Macomb County sheriff's sergeant who resigned last month during an internal investigation into whether he fabricated a charity to embezzle money, Sheriff Mark Hackel said Tuesday."

"Hackel said Sgt. Christopher Rojem, 48, allegedly pocketed an undisclosed amount of money by making up a charity and then soliciting donations from businesses and residents who are regular contributors to other charities organized by the Sheriff's Office." ...

CA: LAPD officer arrested on suspicion of selling meth
Submitted by: Federale

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Federal authorities say a Los Angeles police officer has been arrested for selling drugs while off duty.

The U.S. attorney's office in San Diego said Wednesday that 28-year-old Yoshio Romero was arrested Monday at his Corona home on suspicion of selling methamphetamine.

According to the criminal complaint, Romero arranged to sell more than 100 grams of the drug to a buyer in Escondido and allegedly left the drugs in a candy box in his truck.

Romero was arraigned in federal court in Riverside on Tuesday. It was not immediately known if he had retained an attorney.

His next court date is set for June 10 in San Diego.

NE: Ex-CSI chief Kofoed sentenced to prison
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The former chief crime scene investigator of Nebraska's most populous county was sentenced to up to four years in prison Tuesday for planting blood evidence in a 2006 murder investigation."

"David Kofoed, 53, was sentenced to between 20 months and 4 years in prison for tampering with evidence in a Cass County case in which two men were wrongly charged in a double murder. The men spent several months in jail before they were cleared." ...

NJ: Hackensack cop charged in Zisa cover-up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A city police captain was charged with official misconduct Friday in connection with the same robbery and assault case that led to criminal charges against Police Chief Charles 'Ken' Zisa and a sergeant in the department, a law enforcement source said."

"The second-degree charge was filed against Capt. Danilo Garcia, 42, late Friday afternoon ... Garcia, an 18-year veteran, serves as commander of the patrol division."

"Zisa and Detective Sgt. Thomas Aletta were charged with official misconduct on May 26 for improperly intervening in the investigation of the robbery, which involved someone who had a 'close relationship' with the chief, prosecutors said last week." ...

CA: Sources say Riverside lieutenant will be fired for role in Leach stop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Riverside police lieutenant who drove his drunken chief home without arrest has received notice from the city that it plans to fire him ..."

"Leon Phillips, a 28-year department veteran, already had been transferred from field commander to a desk job in the personnel and training division. ..." ...

"Leach was stopped by his own patrol officers just before 3 a.m. Feb. 8 as he drove in his heavily damaged city car. The officers noted that he appeared intoxicated -- he smelled of alcohol, stumbled and didn't appear to know where he was -- and called their sergeant." ...

CA: Off-duty deputy investigated for allegedly firing his gun on Redondo Beach pier
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty sheriff's deputy is under investigation for allegedly firing a gun on the crowded Redondo Beach pier during an argument with his girlfriend."

"Randy Barragan, 25, of Corona was arrested shortly after 7 p.m. May 24 on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, Redondo Beach police Sgt. Shawn Freeman said Tuesday."

"The shooting and disturbance caused about 100 people to scatter 'in a state of panic' from the horseshoe pier, Freeman said." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

CA: Police officer arrested for sexual assault of a prisoner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Anderson police officer has been arrested, charged with raping a woman on the way to jail. Bryan Benson was arrested Tuesday morning on charges of rape, kidnapping, and other charges related to the sexual assault. Investigators say Benson raped the 24 year old woman after he arrested her on May 29th. The victim reportedly told officers that Benson began making sexual comments toward her on the way to the jail. After she refused to participate, the officer allegedly pulled her behind a building, and raped her." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

May second highest all-time for background checks on firearm sales
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Data released by the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) reported 1,016,876 checks in May 2010, ranking the month the second highest May for most NICS checks.

This figure, while being a .6 percent decrease from the 1,023,102 checks conducted in May 2009, is an increase of 14.7 percent over checks in May 2008.

The total number of background checks reported since the beginning of NICS is 115,931,009.

AZ: Pistol Club To Stay
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's tough to stay alive when you haven't got a home."

"That's the problem faced by members of the Mesquite Shooters Pistol Club."

"After the city backed out of an agreement to allow the club to use the Mesquite Police Department's pistol range following a change in the city's permit with Lincoln County last year, the local club has been left without a 'home at the range.'"

"Since then, it's been difficult to maintain membership and enthusiasm for a shooting club when they have no place to shoot."

"On Thursday, June 3, the downsized club met to assess their options, including the idea of disbanding the group which formed barely two years ago." ...

VA: Powhatan no place for gun range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What were you thinking?"

"That was a refrain Tuesday evening in response to a Virginia State Police plan to build a firing range off bucolic, historic Old River Trail in northern Powhatan County."

"'What were you thinking when you decided it would be a good idea to construct a firing range this close to our church?' asked Danielle Lipscomb of Shiloh Baptist Church, which she said would be two-tenths of a mile away."

"Shiloh -- which, a speaker noted with irony, means 'place of peace' in Hebrew -- would have an 81-lane firing range as a neighbor if Virginia State Police move forward with this project near Deep Meadow Correctional Center." ...

Allowing riflery training while decrying gun violence doesn't send a mixed message any more than does supporting a wrestling team while opposing schoolyard brawls. — CHICAGO TRIBUNE

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