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Newslinks for 6/10/2011

Police continue to dispel myth they are ‘only ones’ trusted enough to bear arms
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "These apples didn’t spoil overnight. And as I said, I have thousands upon thousands of examples amassed over the years, many of them corroborating that misbehavior has been either widespread or widely tolerated, and that those who were not engaging in it looked the other way and kept quiet about it." ...

Is Private Gun Ownership a Conservative Affair?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I spend waaaay too much time online. (If I spent as much time at the range as I do Facebook, I could qualify for Top Shot.) Anywho, I got into it recently with a couple of people of the far-Left persuasion, one of whom was from California. You know. The Home of Legislation Designed To Drive Gun Manufacturers Out of Business. Now I don’t mean to insult the Conservatives that live in the Golden State (yes, Virginia, there ARE Conservatives in California ...). But I've always wondered why the most vocal of Californians seem to be Hell-bent for leather to ban guns, ban oil, ban nuclear energy, fast food, and every other thing that makes America great. And I think I have an idea why, courtesy of a flame war on Facebook." ...

Sometimes the underdog wins.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If we fight, we would likely lose
For the foes are strong today
But no matter how bad the odds
A chance of success remains

If we don’t fight but submit
Trusting promises, bowing to threats
No chance remains anymore
We can’t win if we place no bets

So bet every shred of strength
And resist no matter the cost!
Those who try have a chance
Those who give up are lost" ...

Free Gun News Widget for Firearms Bloggers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Are you looking for an easy way to get active and spread important news in support of the second amendment and gun rights?"

"AmmoLand Shooting Sports News has an easy to use tool to host important breaking gun news on your website or blog and support gun rights." ...

Should libertarians join the NRA? (Part 2)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to an e-mail from a reader, Tom laid out the case against the National Rifle Association (NRA) from a libertarian perspective. There isn’t much he missed as far as it goes; for example, he noted th NRA’s position on Sen. Rand Paul’s amendment to the PATROT Act that would have secured the privacy of gun owners. However, I wanted to make a couple of other points."

"During the most recent Supreme Court case dealing with the Second Amendment, the NRA wasn’t helpful to Otis McDonald’s legal team; which was led by Alan Gura, who successfully argued Heller (a case that the NRA almost killed) before the court in 2008. ..." ...

ArmaLite National Match M-15: I think I fixed it
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week I had a little chat with the guys at ArmaLite about my 'issues' with their M-15 Service Rifle. For a brief recap, it had failure to feed issues all day at the first competition, and then continued to be a nuisance at the range. Pat, one of their repair technicians, had me do a quick test on the bolt carrier group and we quickly determined the nature of the problem. So what was this test?…" ...

Gun Review: Smith & Wesson Governor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some people think of shotguns as 'magic brooms.' You aim it in the general direction of a bad guy and 'sweep' your house clear of two-legged varmints. Without getting too technical about it, no. At bad breath distances, generally speaking, a shotgun ejects a softball-sized lead spread. While it's easier to hit a target that's three to five yards away with a softball than a marble, you can miss. Especially if you’re in life-threatening danger. And your target is moving around, quickly, trying to kill you. Still, why not a handheld shotgun? Why not the Smith & Wesson Governor?" ...

Should al-Qaeda have the right to bear arms?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Personally, my interpretation of the second amendment is that patriot founders wanted well-regulated militias run by Generals like George Washington to route the British. The Amendment never meant to support Benedict Arnold-splinter militia groups to put Patriot police in the cross-hairs of terrorists. Nor did early Patriots envision arming hostile crips with Saturday Night specials or rapid-fire machine guns. Thomas Jefferson did not envision the Capone gang, nor did Benjamin Franklin celebrate an Annual Valentine Massacres. Columbines do not appear to be part of the Federalist papers." ...

Submitter's Note: Unfortunately Jim has forgotten that in the pre-Revolution colonies, Washington, Jefferson, et al. were the "Benedict Arnold-splinter militia groups".

PA: Pennsylvania Police Lieutenant Fatally Shoots Son Reportedly in Self-Defense
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"A Pennsylvania Police Lieutenant shot and killed his 17-year-old son in an act of self-defense after the teen attacked him on Wednesday, reports."

"Hatfield Police Lt. Eric B. Schmitz fatally shot his son inside their home in Towamencin Township after the teen, Stephen Schmitz, reportedly attacked him with a large hunting knife, according to a press release." ...

NC: Police say resident acted in self-defense in Old Shaw Road killing
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Fayetteville police have concluded that a shooting last week on Old Shaw Road was the result of self-defense and say no charges will be filed."

"Police say Tommy Webb, 34, of the 200 block of Old Shaw Road, began shooting at two men in self-defense early Friday, killing one and wounding the other, according to police. Each of the three men was shot twice in the exchange of gunfire, police spokesman Gavin MacRoberts said." ...

Are Police Cutbacks Leading to Increased Gun Ownership?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Which brings me to my main point: police cutbacks may be 'forcing' citizens to (once again) assume responsibility for their own self-defense. This trend could well be the 'hidden' dynamic underpinning the recent surge in concealed carry permits, support for the right to carry a concealed weapon and (of course) handgun sales."

"Thanks to a lawsuit by one Jim Archer, Providence has recently resumed issuing conceal carry permits—after a fifty-year hiatus. So far, the capitol city of a shall issue state has created 20 concealed carry permits. When that changes, a sea change it will be. All it will take is a few headline violent crimes." ...

You're the only one who can protect yourself and your family
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Danilo Cortes' version of the origin of the Second Amendment is a bit skewed (The Athens NEWS, June 5). Its basis goes back a lot further than the time of possible British retaliation. In fact, it goes back through British history and beyond."

"While I agree that Britain is no longer a threat, I'm not completely sure the same holds true for here at home. There have been repeated attempts to curtail our rights under the Constitution, and only vigilance has kept the wolf from the door. ..." ...

CA: Woman captures attacker's image on cell phone
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"Police in Oakland, Calif., say a woman sexually assaulted by a man who broke in her home was able to use her cell phone to capture images of her assailant stealing her possessions." ...

Submitter's note: Is anyone else's blood boiling at how the so called women's groups refuse to encourage women to shoot the violent criminal with a GUN instead of a cell phone? The media feels that a violent and life damaging rapist caught on camera is somewhat good news here. We submit that this rape could have been prevented with a better tool than a camera.

KABA Note: A gun instead of a cell phone not only could have prevented this rape, but could have prevented many future rapes as well.

WA: Stevens County Dog Pack Strikes Again (video available)
Submitted by: none

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"The pack of wild dogs terrorizing animals in southern Stevens County is getting more aggressive, having killed a 350-pound llama Tuesday night on Casberg Borroughs Road in Deer Park." ...

"All the attacks have happened at night, but people say they are starting to see the dogs in the early morning. The Stevens County Sheriff's Office says they are now encouraging people to do what ever they need to do to safely protect their animals and their families."

KABA Note: Kudos to the Sheriff's Department for encouraging people to see to their own safety.

IL: Home Carry Saves Lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s no real downside to home carry. Safety first. As long as you put your Home Carry gun in a safe when you’re showering or answering the call of nature, the weapon is always under your control. In terms of ergonomics, there are a huge number of gun and holster options that are comfortable and (if you wish) discreet. Second, Home Carry saves lives. While I don’t have a specific anecdote handy to back-up that premise, common sense may suffice. During a home invasion, an owner practicing Home Carry has a gun where and when they need it. No footrace to the safe. Alternatively, how about an example where the lack of a Home Carry weapon leads to tragedy . . ." ...

Agencies stonewall ‘gunrunner’ inquiries
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What started out as an 'innocent' program run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to allow guns purchased in the United States to be smuggled into Mexico for the purpose of tracking them to high-ranking members of Mexican drug cartels, has turned into a genuine cover-up, and involved many hundreds of weapons unaccounted for by the ATF." ...

Submitter's Note: To say nothing of scores of dead Americans and Mexicans, both LEO and 'civilians'.

Issa sets fast and furious schedule. 2nd hearing follows first by just 2 days."Operation Fast and Furious: Reckless Decisions, Tragic Outcomes"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The hearing entitled, 'Operation Fast and Furious: Reckless Decisions, Tragic Outcomes' will take place at 9:30am on Wednesday, June 15 in room 2154 RHOB. I am told that 'the witneess list will be balanced and the results will be absolutely damning.'" ...

GOP Lawmakers Press Investigation of Gun Operation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Talk about fast and furious."

"Republican lawmakers are preparing their biggest push yet to try to force the Justice Department to explain a troubled federal investigation that they say inadvertently[sic] fueled arms trafficking to Mexico." ...

BREAKING: 2nd ‘Fast and Furious’ hearing set; Grassley, Dodson to testify!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... And as I said, I have thousands upon thousands of examples amassed over the years, many of them corroborating that misbehavior has been either widespread or widely tolerated, and that those who were not engaging in it looked the other way and kept quiet about it."

"So what does that mean? Am I saying all peace officers are untrustworthy and bad?"


"All I’m saying is the police aren’t the 'only ones' we can trust to be armed. And anyone who tells you otherwise is either ignorant of the truth or an agenda-motivated liar." ...

Second ‘Gunwalker’ hearing to ‘examine tragic consequences of Fast and Furious'
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'The reckless decisions of ATF and Justice Department officials in Operation Fast and Furious have devastated lives and put fear into communities on both sides of the border,' Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) explained. 'By exploring this Justice Department sanctioned program, we can better understand the flawed process surrounding the genesis and implementation of an operation that put guns into the hands of criminals.'" ...

Justice Officials in 'Panic Mode' as Hearing Nears on Failed Anti-Gun Trafficking Program
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Officials at the Department of Justice are in 'panic mode,' according to multiple sources, as word spreads that congressional testimony next week will paint a bleak and humiliating picture of Operation Fast and Furious, the botched undercover operation that left a trail of blood from Mexico to Washington, D.C."

"The operation was supposed to stem the flow of weapons from the U.S. to Mexico by allowing so-called straw buyers to purchase guns legally in the U.S. and later sell them in Mexico, usually to drug cartels."

"Instead, ATF documents show that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms knowingly and deliberately flooded Mexico with assault rifles. ..." ...

H/t to Mike Vanderboegh.

Arsenal Found in Mexico Contains Guns From U.S. Probe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An arsenal found in Mexico included at least five assault rifles that U.S authorities trace to a federal operation gone badly awry, according to government documents."

"The discovery appears to confirm for the first time fears cited by Republican lawmakers that a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives operation called Fast and Furious failed to stop guns from ending up with drug gangs in Mexico."

H/t to David Codrea who notes" "And it's not really that they 'failed to stop' the guns, is it?"

NY: Study Finds that Bloomberg Misses the Point
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is a national busybody when it comes to firearms. But a new study suggests that he should turn his attention to more pressing matters. The report, 'Vision Zero: How Safer Streets In New York City Can Save Over 100 Lives A Year,' was issued on June 8th by the Drum Major Institute for Public Policy and Transportation Alternatives. Among other findings, the report notes that more New Yorkers were killed by traffic accidents than by guns between 2001 and 2009."

"This prompts the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association to ask: why does Bloomberg spend so much time and so much of his own money harassing firearms dealers and lobbying to restrict the Second Amendment rights of New Yorkers and all Americans? ..."

Jon Huntsman’s Gun Ban Gaffe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt on Wednesday, former Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman said that he would not veto an assault weapons ban."

"Unfortunately for Huntsman, this statement is not true. The former governor 'would absolutely' veto a weapons ban, and he immediately issued a statement to affirm it."

"'Hugh, I clearly misunderstood your question regarding the assault weapons ban,' Huntsman wrote in an email to Hewitt. 'I would absolutely veto the ban. ...'" ...

Despite Al-Qaida video, Pawlenty says no new gun laws needed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Louisville for a speech to the firearms industry and sport shooting advocates, Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty said the United States needs to enforce current gun laws, not make new ones." ...

Submitter's Note: Too bad he didn't follow this policy when he was Governor of MN and promised the Gun Owners' Civil Rights Alliance to make the Department of Public Safety actually follow our permit to carry law when it came time to reciprocity with other states. Despite the promise, and 4 years in which to keep it, the DPS continued to violate the law throughout his second term.

WI: My vote is for common sense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I recently drove by a home that had a hand painted sign, 'We want Moore for WI.'"

"I’m wondering if this household realizes the 'Moore' they will be getting is, 'Moore' spending, 'Moore' deficits, 'Moore' taxes, and 'Moore' restrictions." ...

"Sheila is a supporter of our Second Amendment rights; Moore says allowing law-abiding citizens to defend themselves is 'radical.'" ...

On the brink of Gunwalker scandal hearings, Hillary is said to be bailing out on the Obama Administration. Wants to become head of the World Bank.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Mrs Clinton, the former First Lady, Senator for New York and rival to Mr Obama in the 2008 Democratic primary race, is said to be eager to become the first female president of the World Bank should the post become vacant next year."

"'Hillary Clinton wants the job,' a source close to Mrs Clinton told Reuters, which broke the news of the possible move."" ...

NC: I Respectfully Disagree
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA-ILA sent out a legislative alert for North Carolina this morning concerning S. 594. This bill would do away with North Carolina's ban on possession on ammo and firearms off premises during a declared State of Emergency." ...

"Normally, I'd be urging North Carolina readers to call or email the State Senate leadership to move this bill. That said, I disagree with the NRA-ILA on pushing to rush this bill through the State Senate. ..." ...

"... [I]f the General Assembly passe[s] changes to the emergency powers, it will moot Bateman v. Perdue. At the heart of that case is the right to carry for self-defense outside of your residence. Bateman is fully briefed and is ready to go to oral arguments. ..." ...

OH: The Idiot Chronicles, Volume 1: "Restaurant Carry & Bartenders"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.'"

"While there is no definitive source for this quote (conflicting sources have it going all the way back to Napoleon), it clearly encompasses two things that are happening in the media coverage of the two Restaurant Carry bills pending in the Ohio General Assembly."

"The malice is coming from the interest groups opposing the law. These groups are spreading deliberate misinformation as wide and as far as possible. The stupidity is coming from those who listen to them." ...

OH: Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix bill (SB17) scheduled for possible vote in House committee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House Committee on State Government and Elections, which is chaired by BFA 'A' -rated Rep. Bob Mecklenborg, has scheduled a hearing on Tuesday, June 14 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 116."

"The committee, which has previously passed Reps. Danny Bubp's (R) and Terry Johnson's (R) HB45 on a 12-10 vote, will hear testimony on a nearly identical bill - SB17 - before a possible vote." ...

OH: Restoration of Rights bill (HB54) scheduled for possible vote in Senate committee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Senate Judiciary on Criminal Justice Committee, which is chaired by BFA 'A+' -rated Sen. Tim Grendell (R), has scheduled a hearing on Tuesday, June 14 at 4:00 PM in the Senate Building's North Hearing Room."

"The committee, which has previously passed Sen. Jason Wilson's (D) SB61 by a 8 - 1 vote, will hear testimony on an identical bill which has already passed in the House - HB54 - before a possible vote." ...

CA: Open Carry Bill Moves Forward
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An assembly bill aimed at making it illegal in California to openly carry a firearm is one step closer to becoming a law."

"Assembly Bill 144 passed the State Public Safety Committee this week."

"However, the proposed gun law may be much ado about nothing, according to local gun owners, because most don't openly carry guns anyway." ...

Submitter's Note: To my ear this sounds suspiciously like "However, Brown v. Board of Education may be much ado about nothing, according to local officials, because most colored folk don't go to school anyway."

WI: New gun bill requires permits, training
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"People could carry concealed guns if they get training and permits under a bill a key committee approved Thursday, after Republicans stepped away from a proposal allowing guns without permits that earlier stirred controversy." ...

NC: North Carolina's Castle Doctrine & Carry in Parks Bill is Now SB679
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The political games being played in our General Assembly are becoming sillier by the hour, but this may work in our favor in-terms of getting desperately-needed Castle Doctrine and Carry in Parks legislation passed."

"These laws have now been 'hidden' in SB 679 to soothe gutless legislators worried that pro-gun laws 'don't poll well'." ...

ME: Senate, House OK concealed guns on workplace grounds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Maine Senate on Thursday voted in support of a bill that would make it illegal for employers to ban concealed weapons permit holders from keeping guns hidden in locked vehicles in their workplace parking lots." ...

The Battle On the Second Front Has Opened
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Doug Ritter, chairman of Knife Rights, likes to say, they are the second front in the battle for the Second Amendment. At the 2010 Gun Rights Policy Conference he discussed the plans of his organization to eventually sue the City of New York and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. over NYC's vague knife laws."

"The second front was opened today with a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The attorney of record is David Jensen who some may be familiar with from his work for the Second Amendment Foundation. Below is Knife Rights' release announcing the lawsuit." ...

Briefs Filed in MSSA v. Holder AKA – Montana Firearms Freedom Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Briefs are getting filed in MSSA v. Holder before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals."

"This is MSSA’s lawsuit to validate the principles of the Montana Firearms Freedom Act."

"This a challenge to federal power asserted under the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution to regulate every human (and non-human) activity under the guise of regulating 'commerce … among the several states.'" ...

Soldier cited for holding off up to 30 Taliban by himself
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Britain's newest hero is a Nepali."

"Queen Elizabeth II on Wednesday awarded Britain's second-highest award for bravery, the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross, to Acting Sgt. Dipprasad Pun of the Royal Gurkha Rifles."

"While stationed as a lone sentry at a checkpoint in Afghanistan's Helmand province on September 17, Pun fended off an attack by up to 30 Taliban fighters."

"'There were many Taliban around me,' Pun said in an interview with British Forces News. 'I thought they are definitely going to kill me. ... I thought before they kill me I have to kill some of them.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Seriously, don't mess with a Gurkha.

Schools left defenseless, while Education Department conducts paramilitary raids
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In other words, this 'guns and education don't mix' theme is evidently very important to the gun ban lobby. That's why it's so puzzling that the Brady Campaign, Violence Policy Center, and Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) apparently had nothing to say last year about the Department of Education going shopping for sawed-off shotguns (very heavily regulated by federal law for us 'little people')." ...

Update on Department of Education SWAT raid in Stockton
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"KXTV published another update, with an excellent video, on the Department of Education’s raid on Kenneth Wright’s home in Stockton, California. Neighbors are coming forward to corroborate Wright’s claims."

"One witness said: 'They all had guns. They dragged him out in his boxer shorts, threw him to the ground and handcuffed him.'" ...

"It also is chilling to know that if you are accused of lying to the federal government, you can expect an early morning SWAT-like raid, get handcuffed and dragged across the yard in your boxer shorts, and have your children terrorized. ..." ...

Defend the castle!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently, police have been involved in what looks like murder in the course of home invasion and murder with intimidation of witnesses and press. At this rate, I expect the distinction between the ordinary Ordnungspolizei and Einsatzgruppen to become insignificant." ...

UT: Salt Lake City police officer loses loaded gun; $200 reward offered
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"A Salt Lake City police officer lost a loaded duty weapon Wednesday after leaving the sidearm on the trunk of his car and driving off, police say."

"The officer drove from 700 South and 1050 West, got on Interstate 15 at 400 South and drove to Woods Cross before realizing the weapon was gone, said Salt Lake police Detective Lisa Pascadlo." ...

Submitter's note: oops. Wonder what would happen if I left MY loaded carry gun in a restaurant. Or a better question would be how MANY charges would be piled on me before the day was out (disorderly conduct and inciting a panic for sure).

WY: Carrying concealed weapons in Wyoming
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In less than a month, the carring concealed without a permit becomes law in this state."

"I grew up a military brat and have been around guns my whole life. I love to hunt and I am a member of the Kemmerer Gun Club. I agree that guns can be very dangerous in the wrong hands and that is why our Federal Government passed the National Firearms Act and the Brady Bill."

"I have a healthy respect for all fire arms and respect the peace officers who put their lives on the line to protect the public."

"Our sheriff and police officers are doing their best to prevent crime, but Wyoming is a large state where it is hard to protect everyone. In my personal opinion, this law is good for many reasons." ...

NY: Rifle and pistol convention to be held in Hudson Valley for last time
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association (NYSRPA) will hold its 140th annual convention at the Wallkill Rod and Gun Club at 316 Bruyn Turnpike in the hamlet of Wallkill on Saturday, June 11. The convention may be the last chance to attend this event in the Hudson Valley."

"Next year the association plans to move the meeting to central New York. The event on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. will feature Seminars by NYSRPA and Survival Specialist USAF Master Sergeant Paul Marsters. Representatives from local sportsmen's clubs will be on hand, and the 5 Stand Clays range will be open all day" ...

OK: Free societies need gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The framers of the American Constitution understood that a key element to a free society is for citizens to be able to bear arms."

"Historically, when governments take away guns and gun rights, the people fall to oppression."

"According to the Second Amendment, Americans have the right to bear arms. That is not a right that should be limited to an elect few or only the right to bear arms for limited purposes (like hunting or target shooting)."

"Oklahoma took a step toward affirming that centuries old right by passing a law that lets concealed-carry permit holders keep guns locked in their cars on Vo-Tech campuses." ...

WV: Young shooters hit bull's-eye in national matches
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"Success tends to attract attention."

"Perhaps that's why people are starting to sit up and take notice of the Putnam County Junior Smallbore Club, a Kanawha Valley-based rifle club for young people." ...

WA: Methow ranchers indicted for wolf killings as battle lines drawn
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Methow Valley ranchers Bill White and his son, Tom and Tom’s wife, Erin have been indicted by a federal grand jury in Spokane for wolf poaching, adding more fuel to a debate that has been raging this week over wolf reintroduction in Washington State." ...

Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. — RONALD REAGAN (1986)

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