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More Self Defense Gun Stories
Submitted by: Rob Morse

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Honest citizens defend themselves thousands of times a day. Firearms Instructor Amanda Suffecool brings us four news stories of armed defense. These gun owners faced a lethal threat. This is what we can learn.
Text, links, and 21 minute podcast at the episode webpage.

The Power to Tax and Regulate Guns is the Power to Disarm Women and Minorities
Submitted by: Rob Morse

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The world has changed. Racial minorities are buying guns for lawful self-protection more than ever before. Urban women are the fastest growing segment of legal gun owners. That is wonderful news and long overdue. Tempering that good news are the unfortunate conditions in our inner cities that may have provided new motivations to own a gun. Recently we’re seeing gun-prohibitionist Democrats propose huge taxes on guns just as minority members of society become gun owners.

NC: Investigation reveals Ahoskie man acted in self-defense during May 2021 deadly shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A local man will not face charges in the shooting death of an Ahoskie resident last year.

On the heels of an investigation conducted by the Ahoskie Police Department, assisted by the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation, it was determined that Anthony Bryan Sutton, Jr., 22 of Ahoskie, acted in self-defense when he shot and killed 20-year-old Joshua Lee Wolverton on May 16, 2021.

Take Action - U.S. House Passes Gun Control Legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This week, the U.S. House passed two gun control bills, largely along party lines, that threaten to turn millions of law-abiding gun owners into felons, as well as subject their lawfully-acquired firearms to government confiscation without due process.

The first bill, H.R. 7910, is a gun control package that was introduced only last week and rushed to the U.S. House floor by Nancy Pelosi.

Among its many provisions, H.R. 7910 would ban law-abiding 18-20 year old adults from acquiring semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. This unconstitutional legislation would extinguish law-abiding adults’ Second Amendment rights and contends that these individuals are responsible enough to defend their country or vote in an election, ...

House passes unconstitutional gun control legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Conveniently for the Democrats, executed school children elicit emotional responses to the gun control debate, and this week the House passed new measures (with Republican help) to further infringe upon unalienable rights. The bill prohibits the sale of magazines that contain more than 15 rounds, as well as raises the age requirement to purchase certain semi-automatic rifles – clearly, “shall not be infringed” is quite a concept for many to grasp.

CNN op-ed calls for repeal of the Second Amendment: ‘Let's just get rid of it’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Longtime liberal radio host Bill Press wrote an op-ed Thursday calling for the Second Amendment to be outright repealed.

"The only effective way to deal with the Second Amendment is to repeal it — and then replace it with something that makes sense in a civilized society," Press wrote for CNN in an article titled "There’s no way to fix the Second Amendment. Let’s just get rid of it."

"I'm hardly the first person to say that the Second Amendment has been a disaster for this country. In fact, two Supreme Court justices — justices appointed by Republican presidents — have said as much," he added.

Experts say key to gun safety at home is education
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The tragic shooting death of a three-year-old in Grand Bay Thursday, June 9, 2022 brings a question to the forefront. How should guns be stored inside the home if there are children present? Law enforcement and firearms safety experts agree that the key to avoiding accidents is education.

Gun ownership in America is high. According to a Pew Research Center study done in June 2021, four in 10 U.S. adults live in a household with guns. That number is even higher in more red, southern states. Law enforcement officials said with that ownership comes the responsibility of keeping those around the guns safe.

IL: Peoria Black Man Gets Acquitted In Second Murder Trial By Defending Himself
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Rarely if ever will a legal expert advise someone to represent themselves while on trial, especially if that person is facing murder charges.

Luck seemed to strike twice though for Marvin Sanders, a man who defended himself not too long ago on trial in Peoria County Circuit Court and ended up being found not guilty in connection to a fatal 2021 gas station shooting. This follows a mistrial from back in January after jurors deadlocked on convicting him the first time around.


Sanders managed to convince the jury that he shot Gilliam in self-defense, also making note that it was the other three who were actually instigating the whole ordeal.

GOP Rep. Chip Roy Defends The Right To Bear Arms: "Tyrants Disarm The People They Intend To Oppress"
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Why do we have guns? Why do we have the Second Amendment?

Is it to hunt? Sure. Self-defense? That's even more important.

The fact is, read the Founders, Federalist 46, James Madison -- contrast this with the tyrannical governments in Europe who are, quote, 'afraid to trust the people with arms.'

Joseph Story, in his commentaries to the Constitution in 1833, quote: 'The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.'

Packing For Bear Country: The Best Revolver Trail Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Whether you’re planning on camping in the wilds of Alaska or hiking anywhere along the Appalachian trail, bears, moose, and other wildlife threats are always a possibility. Most people might be content to carry a canister of bear spray or even their daily concealed carry gun for personal defense during these activities but sometimes these methods aren’t optimal for defense against all threats that we might encounter. Revolvers have a number of longstanding advantages over semi-auto guns including being able to field more powerful straight-walled cartridges in a more compact space, and also being ammunition sensitive like a semi-auto pistol would be.

Research reveals veterans often favor more restrictive gun control legislation than civilians
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“While they support these limits, combat veterans also tend to be more supportive of expanded gun-carrying rights for civilians, including what is called 'constitutional carry' — or permit-less — that we have in Kansas and a growing number of other states,” she said.


“At the same time, it is likely that they have learned, witnessed and practiced the safe and responsible carrying of firearms,” she said. “They have also put their lives on the line to defend America and our Constitution, including the Second Amendment. They may be reluctant to surrender those rights upon returning to civilian life.”

Gaetz: If Democrats Cared About Children, They Wouldn't Leave Them as 'Sitting Ducks in Gun-Free Zones' at School
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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During floor debate June 8 on the Democrat-sponsored "Protect Our Children Act," Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) called for protecting America's schools with armed veterans and former law enforcement officers, and criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the Democrats in general for leaving "our children as sitting ducks in gun free zones when they go to school every day."

SC: Correcting Record on Support for Constitutional Carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Since 2017, in South Carolina, there have been two Constitutional Carry bills filed and receiving an up or down vote in the state House of Representatives. Those bills are H.3930, from Rep. Pitts in 2017, and H.3096, from Rep. Cox in 2021. These are the only Constitutional Carry bills that have received a vote. Those vote counts are here (2017) and here (2021). Again, these are the only two bills that were heard on the floor and received a vote.

During that time, one member of the Legislature has frequently attempted to throw motions onto any and all Second Amendment bills to add Constitutional Carry language.

RI: Three gun bills headed to R.I. House floor Friday
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As Second Amendment advocates chanted in the hallway outside their meeting room, a House committee on Thursday voted to bring three gun bills to the House floor Friday.

House and Senate leaders have reached agreement on bills that would limit magazine capacity to 10 rounds, prohibit the open carry of long guns in public, and raise the age from 18 to 21 to buy long guns and ammunition.

The House Judiciary Committee voted for all three bills on Thursday afternoon. The closest vote was on the magazine capacity bill, which passed 10 to 8, with House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi and House Majority Leader Christopher R. Blazejewski sitting in ex-officio to vote for the bill, while House Minority Leader Blake A. Filippi voted against it.

NY: New York body armor ban may not include type Buffalo shooting suspect used
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gov. Kathy Hochul signed a bill into law this week billed as a body armor ban, but the legislation actually bans what the state defines as a "body vest" for most civilians.

Attorney and Second Amendment activist James Ostrowski said it appears the governor and Legislature, in a rush to pass new reforms before the end of session, left a loophole in the new law.

"If they had had more time, there wouldn't have been such obvious stupid mistakes," Ostrowski, who was not a fan of any of the end-of-session bills, said.

The definition of body vest already in the books describes it in part as a bullet resistant soft body armor. The governor's office confirmed it does not expressly cover hard body armor.

It’s sensible to own an AR-15
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Secondly, the militia language in the Second Amendment indicates to many scholars that the states that approved that amendment hoped their residents would keep a weapon to defend their new country should another country invade, or an uprising were to take place within their new state.

Well, the musket was the arms for war when that amendment was written, and semiautomatic weapons, including the AR-15, are the arms for war today. For that reason, if citizens want to be prepared for invasions or internal strife, the AR-15-type weapon is the most appropriate to own today.

I would wager that Ukrainians wish their country had a Second Amendment to allow citizens to own weapons to prepare to defend their nation.

OH: Man found not guilty of murder in victim’s shooting death
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man who faced murder charges in connection with a shooting last December in Ironton was found not guilty Thursday by a jury, Lawrence County Prosecutor Brigham Anderson said.

Anthony W. Pemberton, 48, of Kitts Hill, died in the shooting, which happened in December 2021 along County Road 7D in Ironton.


According to Anderson, the jury believed Scott acted in self-defense during the shooting.

The Remaking of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the aftermath of the recent mass shootings at a Texas elementary school and a New York supermarket, Americans are demanding action. Legislators in Congress and the states are charging ahead with new gun safety measures, including legislation that would raise the legal age of purchase for semi-automatic weapons and strengthen background checks. These bills are popular with their constituents, sometimes overwhelmingly so. But even as voters and their elected officials debate these questions, they are losing the authority to shape gun policy. Federal courts, lurched right by Republican appointments, are increasingly hostile to legislatures that seek to regulate firearms and limit the deaths they cause.

ID: The hand that feeds us is not the enemy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Idaho’s congressional delegation has steadfastly opposed new limits on the personal ownership of weapons of war despite the pile of bodies of innocent adults and children that grows every year.

In Idaho, that opposition is based on a mythology of the American West that grows more destructive with every year that passes.

On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would have banned the sale of assault weapons to anyone under the age of 21, along with large-capacity ammo clips. Research has shown that mass shooters are generally male and under the age of 21, an age at which humans exhibit more impulse control.

35-40% of Under-50 Respondents Endorse "Assassinating a Politician Who Is Harming the Country or Our Democracy"
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I should say that, as a matter of abstract morality, assassinating political figures might be defensible. That's certainly so within despotic governments; but some argue that, even within democratic regimes, people's moral right to self-defense extends to lethal force (whether in the form of violent revolution or more targeted assassination) used to defend against sufficiently serious threats to liberty.

But given the extraordinary damage that a culture of political assassination can do both to democracy and to liberty, I have to be pretty firmly in the "no" camp here. And, if the survey is accurate, the results strike me as extremely troubling, as to both sides of the aisle.

KY: Kentucky U.S. representatives react to House vote on gun control legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A series of new gun measures is headed to the U.S. Senate in the wake of recent mass shootings across the country.

Protecting Our Kids Act would raise the age to buy certain semi-automatic rifles from 18 to 21. It would also toughen penalties for gun trafficking and illegal purchases.

The bill would also establish residential gun storage rules with criminal penalties for violations and require registration for bump stock-type devices.

This is the Democrats' attempt to pressure Republican lawmakers who remain opposed to tougher gun laws.

Only one Kentucky representative — Democrat John Yarmuth — voted "Yes." Every one of Kentucky's Republican representatives voted "No."

Evangelicals can show they're pro-life by supporting gun safety laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Because we have allowed our political leaders — specifically our pro-life Republicans — to ignore the teachings of Jesus and basically allow teenagers and the mentally unstable to purchase nearly any firearm short of a nuclear bomb.

Why is that? Former President Ronald Reagan helped convince a Republican Congress to outlaw assault rifles 30 years ago. Why should we give today’s politicians a pass? If pro-life means anything, it must mean that weapons of war should not be available to those outside law enforcement and the military.

Field Tested: Falco Light-Bearing A604 L Holster
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If there’s one thing I‘ve begun to insist on with every defense-minded pistol I carry, it’s a method of illuminating and identifying my target at night. While not often considered a necessity, given the commonality of headlamps and flashlights when in the backcountry, my requirement does not soften when out hiking or scouting. Emergencies, after all, very rarely go according to plan. In the backcountry, this is no problem, as I tote my preferred sidearm in a pouch holster that attaches to the hip-belt of my pack. It becomes more of a problem in daily life, however, as I like to utilize my primary backcountry protection pistol as my EDC.

The Left's Artificial Inflation of Mass Shooting Numbers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Post Comments | Read Comments outlets like CNN and The Washington Post claim there have been hundreds of mass shootings this year alone. The real numbers are much lower.

The figures they use are based on data from the Gun Violence Archive which currently clocks the number of mass shootings in 2022 at 251, on par with the number of shootings on their record this time last year.

The FBI does not have numbers yet for 2022, but in 2021 they reported 61 active shooter incidents. Only 12 of those were considered mass killings according to the federal definition which says three or more deaths constitute a mass killing. The GVA, on the other hand, reported 692 mass shootings in 2021. That’s more than 11 times greater than the FBI’s official recorded number.

DE: Delaware Advances Gun Ban and Age Discrimination
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Yesterday, the House Administration Committee voted to advance House Bill 450, to ban many commonly-owned firearms, and House Bill 451, to deprive young adults of their Second Amendment rights. The Committee allowed individuals who traveled to Dover only one minute of testimony in the hearing. When the constitutionality of these bills was brought up by witnesses, Democratic members of the Committee commented that it was time for the courts to decide. They will now go to the full House for further consideration. Please contact your state representative and ask them to OPPOSE House Bills 450 and 451.

WY: Gun Group Endorses Hageman Over Cheney Because Of Cheney’s “Personal War On Trump”
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney voted Wednesday night against a gun control package that includes a ban on the sale of semiautomatic weapons to people under the age of 21 and ban of large-capacity magazines. Second Amendment group, Gun Owners of America (GOA), still endorsed her opponent Harriet Hageman on Thursday morning.

“Hageman earned GOA’s support because of a 100% score on our Second Amendment rights survey and her long history of standing against federal overreach through her work as a constitutional attorney,” Mark Jones, GOA National Director of Hunter’s Programs and a Wyoming resident, said in a press release.

"You seem ... to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all contitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy... The Contitution has erected no such single tribunal." --Thomas Jefferson, 1820

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