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Newslinks for 6/11/2010

Anti-gun bias and ignorance-based police authority a danger to liberty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Thing is, Sheriff, your position has all the indicators of ignorance-based fear, backed up by armed authoritarianism. Just so we're clear, and in the interests of public safety, perhaps we ought to put out in the open exactly what open-carrying visitors to Lackawanna County parks can expect from the enforcers you dispatch to intercept them. Because bias and fear makes men do regrettable things."

"What have you ordered your deputies to do should they encounter an armed citizen? When you say your position is you won't allow it, does that mean you're prepared to have your agents use armed force to stop it?"

"Will you disarm the gun owner? Will you arrest him?"

"Under what authority?" ...

Guns at Rallies» Pro: Gun-studded rallies are among safest places in America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Besides a police station, the safest place in America on April 19 would likely have been any of the numerous Patriot's Day rallies held around the country where thousands of people, many carrying firearms, celebrated the opening shots in America's war for independence."

"Some of the rallies had a strong tea party presence. Others were filled with gun-rights folks with no particular political affiliation."

"This was Patriot's Day -- a holiday recognized by too few and celebrated by even fewer -- and the one common theme was that the freedom fought for 235 years ago was worth winning, even at the cost of blood and lives. It was a battle fought over guns." ...

NRA Announces 2010 Youth Education Summit Participants
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The [NRA] has selected 45 students to participate in its 2010 Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.), a seven-day, expense-paid educational experience in Washington, D.C."

"While in the nation's capital, rising high school juniors and seniors will learn the significance of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the importance of being an active citizen. Students tour the U.S. Capitol, the National Archives Museum, the Pentagon, the NRA National Firearms Museum, and many of the memorials and monuments in Washington, D.C."

"Students also have the opportunity to compete for up to $10,000 in college scholarships, awarded to those who excel during the week's activities, including individual speeches and debates ..." ...

How I learned to stop worrying and shoot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"FOR MOST of my life, I've been pretty much a 'make love, not war' type of North Jersey woman. The very thought of owning, much less firing, a gun was as far from my mind-set as voting for a Republican or rooting for the Boston Red Sox."

"So why did I enroll in a [NRA] basic pistol class?" ...

"... It was time for this liberal to become 'armed and dangerous,' too."

"By 'dangerous,' I didn't mean one of those fools you read about in the paper who shoots himself in the foot because he didn't know how to handle a gun. I have a lot of acquaintances who ... are big believers in Second Amendment rights. They suggested that I take a class given by the NRA because the instructors are the experts in firearm instruction." ...

Bad People Are Good - Good People Are Bad
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "More confusion with the good and bad"

"Obama and Nepolitano were quick to not only minimize and rename the war on terror to ‘overseas contingency operations’ (a completely meaningless name) but to redefine the real and growing terror as American citizens. We all know by now the famous Homeland security report that ‘accidentally’ made its way to the public identifying pro lifers, advocates for second amendment rights, sovereignty and returning Vets as potential domestic terrorists. Naturally, that word terrorist isn’t supposed to be used for Islamics we are at war with but easily can attach to you and I, law abiding, U.S. citizens." ...

Kagan's Consistent Liberal Voice
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last Friday afternoon the first batch of documents from the Clinton Library were released, giving the public the first insights into Elena Kagan's work for the Clinton White House." ...

"Overall these documents show Kagan as a consistent liberal on every policy issue, from abortion to gun rights ..." ...

"Included are the issues below dealing with fundamental constitutional questions that may come before the court:"

"1. Second Amendment: In a memo co-signed with Bruce Reed to President Clinton, Elena Kagan stated that 'We will give you ... a separate memo early this week outlining an aggressive strategy for administration officials and Democratic members of Congress to press for quick passage of our gun control proposals.'" ...

Sotomayor's position on SAF's McDonald case will tell much about nominee Kagan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Much is now being written about Barack Obama’s second Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, and expect even more prior to the commencement of her Senate confirmation hearing on June 28."

"A clear profile of Kagan is now surfacing, thanks to extensive coverage of Kagan’s life and career by the Washington Post, and an editorial in the June 9 Washington Times. But this may be the tip of the proverbial iceberg, as information about her Second Amendment position has already been revealed, as this column noted here earlier this week. She also talks about herself in this White House video:" ...


Kahr Arms Buys Desert Eagle Maker Magnum Research
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The general public knows the Desert Eagle® Pistol as a full-size hand cannon, firing .50 cal. Question: why would Minnesota gunmaker Magnum Research sell a Baby Desert Eagle (9mm or .40S&W) or a Micro Eagle? Somehow I don’t think that 'The Science of KABOOM' applies to a weapon chambered in .380 ACP. Answer: money. Sure, the Eagle's brand extensions sell. A cheap BMW or Mercedes sells, too. But brandicide is a slow, irreversible process (Jaguar anyone?). Anyway, thanks to the Desert Eagle and her eaglets, Magnum's growth has been vigorous. And now the people behind the scenes are cashing in their chips. Kahr Arms has just bought Magnum, as they pursue financial success through acquisition. Press release after the jump." ...

NSSF asks gun owners to practice firearm safety every day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Children across the country will start their summer vacations this month and, as a result, spend more time at home -- some of it unsupervised. With that in mind, the [NSSF] reminds gun owners to review their procedures for safely storing firearms in the home ... A few simple steps -- such as storing firearms unloaded with ammunition stored separately under lock and key -- can help prevent an accident."

"'The goal for firearm owners is to prevent a child or unauthorized person from accessing a loaded firearm,' said Steve Sanetti, president of NSSF ... 'Accidental firearm fatalities are at historic low levels thanks to the precautions taken by responsible firearms owners and because of safety programs ...'" ...

Choosing a Lawyer for Self Defense Shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is a legend of a Texas sheriff who telegraphed the Texas Rangers for help with a riot. He found his rescue was only a single Ranger. He asked why only one Ranger had been sent and was told 'One riot, One Ranger.' Like most such stories, if it isn't true, it should be."

"In any given year, a small number of gun owners will make a desperate call from jail searching for that One Lawyer to simplify their lives. The question is always 'which one?'.(1)"

VPC: "Open Carry Thugs Terrorizing Americans"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Josh Sugarmann of the Violence Policy Center (VPC) has penned another polemic conflating facts with opinion, anecdotes with analysis. In other news, the sun came up this morning. Still, you gotta give Sugarmann credit for reaching new heights of hypocrisy and misdirection. Let's start at the end. 'When the issue is life and death, feelings should never trump facts,' Sugamann concludes. 'Even when there's an armed mob arguing otherwise.' Anyone even vaguely familiar with the VPC crusader's writings, whether at the Huffington Post or at, knows that Sugarmann’s plea for a rational debate on gun control is as credible as Kim Kardashian calling for new privacy laws. ..." ...

Guns at Rallies » Con: Gun brandishers are using logic found on bumper stickers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Are armed mobs becoming socially acceptable? Watching television coverage of gun owners eager to brandish their firearms in public spaces, that appears to be the desired goal of 'open-carry' advocates."

"Exploiting loopholes in state laws that don't explicitly ban the open carrying of handguns and other firearms is an omission of default rather than design -- who would think people would actually want to live out their Wild West fantasies in real life. Open-carry advocates take delight in thumbing their noses at societal norms by brandishing their firearms." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually those aren't "loopholes". Concealed carry prohibitions were first passed because only crooks concealed their weapons. Honest people wore them openly.

Tale of two terrors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"WHAT'S to be made of the news from Great Britain, where gun control is tight and yet a taxi driver last week shot up a rural English county ..? That efforts to curb guns are always doomed?"

"That reaction can be expected on this side of the Atlantic, where murderous shooting sprees occur with depressing regularity. They are predictably followed by gun enthusiasts arguing that the remedy is more armed citizens who are prepared to defend themselves." ...

"... governments in the United States dare not confront the obvious problem, cowed by a gun lobby that believes the Second Amendment is an absolute constitutional right like no other. Too often, when the switch flicks in a disturbed American's head, a gun is readily at hand." ...

Kagan is No Lady Gaga of Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Drab…Dowdy and dull… Frumpiness of the sort that federal Washington can't resist.' These are some of the harsh observations of a Washington Post style writer about the fashion preferences of Elena Kagan ..."

"Okay, maybe Kagan is no Lady Gaga when it comes to fashion. But for most Americans, the way Kagan, who is Obama’s Solicitor General, outfits herself is just fine. ... What’s in her mind and her heart are far more important than what’s on her back, neck, or her ring finger."

"So far, I like what I've learned of Kagan's mind and heart from her past writings and job experiences. In a way, they mimic her style of dress – responsible, sensible, and utilitarian — especially when it comes to her perspective on gun laws." ...

AK: Grizzly incident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A grizzly bear was shot and killed by a hiker in Denali National Park on Memorial Day weekend. This was the first bear killed by a hiker in the park in decades and is the result of Congress passing a law to allow firearms in national parks ..."

"I was in the park on Memorial Day weekend, and I saw several bears, including one up close. I am always amazed that bears only charge people who carry firearms, and leave alone those of us who do not. I have hiked and camped in Denali and many parts of Alaska for 35 years, and have yet to have had a problem with bears. I carry bear spray, because bears can be dangerous. I have never needed to use it, but there are undoubtedly rare occasions when an effective bear deterrent is essential." ...

Arsenal of high power weapons seized in Laredo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a team effort, the Laredo Police and the Webb County Sheriff's Departments seize one of the biggest weapon seizures in ten years.
Over the weekend, the Webb County Sheriff's Department received information that there was a vehicle transporting illegal contraband.
That contraband was all of these riffles, specifically AK 47's, fully-automatic." [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's Note: Looks like someone let the cat out of the bag, I don't think we were supposed to know these weren't EBRs to be banned by an AWB. Furthermore, if these weapons were "straw purchased" or "gun show loophole" purchased then the Feds need only check the "100% accurate" NFTR to find the source.

MN: Lucky takes a stand for his dad (Fends off vandals)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When a man tried to damage a life-size photo of Tiger Jack outside the family store at St. Anthony Avenue and Dale Street in St. Paul on Wednesday night, Lucky Rosenbloom took a stand." ...

"Campbell, 29, took a swing at him. Rosenbloom 'caught his arm and threw him on the ground,' he said." ...

"As Rosenbloom andCampbell wrestled on the ground, Rosenbloom said his shirt came up, and the other man saw Rosenbloom had a gun in a holster. ..."

"The man ran away, and Campbell also tried to flee, Rosenbloom said. Just then, an officer in a passing squad car saw Campbell swing at Rosenbloom, a police spokesman said."

"Rosenbloom blocked the punch again and held onto Campbell until police arrested him. ..." ...

SC: Belton mother foils attempted break-in by shooting at men
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A mother who was caring for her young child foiled two men's attempts to break in to her house about 1:30 p.m. Monday when she, from her kitchen, shot at the men." ...

"'The homeowner said two black males came to the front door and rang the doorbell, but the homeowner did not know them and so did not open the door,' said Chad McBride, a spokesman for the Anderson County Sheriff's Office. 'They drove their car to the back of the house and then picked up an object — a rock or a tool — and threw it through a glass door at the back of the house. 'At that point, the homeowner fired a couple of shots.'"

"After the shooting, the men fled the location and drove away in their car, McBride said." ...

TN: Louisville man shoots at intruder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Louisville man shot at an intruder in his home Tuesday, according to a Blount County Sheriff’s report.

James C. Humberd, Bear Hollow Loop, Louisville, called authorities at 8:53 a.m. Tuesday after he came home and found a man in his home.

According to the report, Humberd — who couldn’t be reached Wednesday for comment — told authorities that he was certain he hit the man, but deputies didn’t find any blood at the scene.

The Case for Carrying a Shotgun AND a Pistol for Home Defense (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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In his book The Tactical Shotgun, Gabriel Suarez offers some practical advise on what to do if your shotgun malfunctions. "The quickest and simplest malfunction drill for the shotgun is to secure or ground the shotgun and produce the pistol to solve the disagreement." Forearmed is, uh, forearmed.

Are you prepared for when a criminal comes knocking? This family was.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently I sat down with a friend who was the target of a home invasion. He lives in a nice neighborhood with his wife and two young kids. In the middle of the night, there was a noise downstairs. 'It sounded like the blinds being moved. My first thought was: 'there is somebody in our house.'"

"Such a thought can be terrifying. In a 'hot burglary' the FBI statistics show that the home-owner is severely injured or killed 30% of the time. Thanks to the passing of SB184, our 'Castle Doctrine' law puts the victim on good legal ground, as long as he knows and follows the law. Now is when you find out how good your training and preparation are." ...

Sharron Angle's world of paranoia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You have to say this for the Tea Party movement: it's giving some color and flavor to an depressing recession-era election year. ..."

"... In Nevada, the Republican Party has just nominated a former state legislator named Sharron Angle, one of the Tea Party's favorite daughters, and, it seems, a full-time resident of the paranoid alternate universe."

"Angle, it turns out, is some kind of member, or at least sympathizer with, a group called the Oath Keepers, an organization of current and former members of the armed forces, police and firefighters. (So it's not clear exactly how she even qualifies, since she's none of those things, but that's beside the point.) ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Perhaps not, but she has sworn an oath of office as a member of the NV House. And some people take their oaths seriously.

Matthews: Tea Party is scary because, er, gunsgunsgunsgunsguns!
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"MSNBC offers a sneak peek at Chris Matthews' new documentary on the conservative movement yesterday, and what does Matthews choose to highlight? See if you can guess what the takeaway was supposed to be from the imagery. Just in case MSNBC's audience didn't get the subtle message, Matthews makes sure that he hammers it home. The Right is scary, people! They have guns! Run for the hills! 'They believe Washington is London,' Matthews warns Andrea Mitchell, 'and they've got guns. Serious business.' Unlike, say, MSNBC (via Radio Vice Online):" ...

Here Is Where The Attacks Against Liberty Are Really Coming From
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Politicians in Washington, D.C., love to manufacture a crisis. The crisis generates fear within the citizenry, thereby allowing the federal government to centralize more and more power. ..."

"You can mark it down: every major crisis that America has faced over the last several decades has been either manufactured or facilitated by ... Washington, D.C. But at the same time that DC is creating these crises, it categorizes any ideological group it finds distasteful as a convenient scapegoat. These convenient scapegoats can include 'angry white guys,' 'tea party extremists,' ... Constitution Party or Libertarian Party 'extremists,' 'Second Amendment extremists' (gun owners), 'pro-life extremists,' ad infinitum, ad nauseam." ...

Sharron Angle: Friend to the Oath Keepers, Too
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Along with the tea party, .44 Magnum-owners, and fluoridation opponents, Sharron Angle, Nevada's Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, has another hot-button association: to the Oath Keepers. The organization is made up of former members of the military, police and firefighters, and while Angle has never been any of those, she does claim to be a member."

"The Oath Keepers, with chapters in every state, are one of those fringe groups that share an ideology with the prototypical villain from the show '24.' They're self-described 'patriots,' who have pledged to uphold the Constitution (just like the president!) if it's threatened. There's a list of 10 orders that they have sworn never to carry out. ..." ...

FL: Rick Scott and Jeff Greene see surge after ad blitz
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's no longer far-fetched: Florida Gov. Rick Scott and U.S. Sen. Jeff Greene."

"A torrent of personal money is jolting Florida politics as a new poll Thursday shows wealthy newcomers Scott and Greene surging after spending millions on TV ad blitzes." ...

"Scott -- who has opened campaign offices across the state -- said the poll numbers show Floridians are hungry for a 'conservative outsider' who is 'pro-life, pro-jobs, pro-Second Amendment and pro-family.'" ...

VA: 2010 Race of the Day: Sack Rick Boucher
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This fall, Southwest Virginians have the chance to send President Obama and Speaker Pelosi a message by sacking one of their most loyal lapdogs. Despite nearly three decades in Washington, Rep. Rick Boucher is up for one of the toughest races of his career as he prepares to face-off against state House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith." ...

"... Morgan Griffith's record in Richmond serves as a testament to his strong conservative values and his belief in putting Virginians first. A father of three, Griffith is passionately pro-life and a fervent defender of Second Amendment rights, and has also been honored for his commitment to limited government, low taxes and a strong business climate. ..." ...

WI: Neumann Pushes Concealed Carry Law for Wisconsin
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Candidate for governor Mark Neumann arrived in Green Bay Thursday toting a gun and his support for a concealed carry law in Wisconsin."

"Neumann brought along his grandfather's rifle during his campaign stop. Neumann says it's the same gun he used to kill his first buck."

"Neumann says he's a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment ..."

"'I fully support it, always have, always will, and as governor I look forward into signing into law a concealed carry bill similar to what other states already have, similar to the one Jim Doyle vetoed twice during the last session.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Current WI law prohibits concealed carry, but allows any non-prohibited person to carry openly. And loaded.

WI: GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Neumann criticizes Scott Walker's concealed carry stance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One Republican gubernatorial candidates is attacking his opponent on the issue of carrying concealed weapons."

"Carrying his grandfather's rifle in ... Thursday morning, former U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann of Nashotah took a swipe at Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker on what he characterized as flip-flopping on concealed carry rights."

"As a state representative, Walker voted no on a bill to make it legal to carry a concealed weapon in Wisconsin, but has said he would sign such a bill into law as governor. However, Walker said he voted against the bill not on its merits but because it was voted on in the middle of the night — at 3:51 a.m. in 2002, according to the Wisconsin State Legislature’s records." ...

Georgia's Governor Perdue vetoes airport carry bill, but federal law still pushed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue disappointed Georgia gun rights advocates Tuesday, with his veto of SB 291. The main effect of this bill would have been to lift Georgia's prohibition on carrying concealed firearms in the non-'sterile' areas of airports, even by those licensed to carry concealed firearms. ..." ...

"The Georgia legislature's passage of SB 291, and the earlier expectation that Governor Perdue would sign it, prompted a federal response, with perennial gun grabber Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) introducing S. 3366, the 'Firearm Free Airport Act,' followed shortly thereafter by H.R. 5321, the 'Airport Security Act,' introduced by Congressman Hank 'Tipover and Capsize' Johnson (D-GA). ..." ...

WV: Good Law: W. Virginia Gov. Protects Gun Sellers from Sting Operations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin (D) has signed Senate Bill 1005 into law making it a crime to knowingly solicit illegal gun sales and to conduct illegal sting operations such as those conducted by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg."

"Mayor Bloomberg, misusing firearms trace data incorrectly, targeted more than 60 federal firearms licensed dealers across the country for unauthorized and ill-advised sting operations. The mayor sent civilian private eyes into these targeted retail stores to attempt to illegally purchase a firearm. The private eyes attempted to demonstrate 'signs' indicative of a strawpurchaser and 'trick' the dealer into selling the firearm. If a dealer proceeded with the sale, the mayor filed suit." ...

OK: Lame Duck Henry's use of vetoes shows his true colors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As mentioned previously, when governors or presidents are in their final terms, they seem to go into a joyful era of exercising the veto and thus show their power over the legislative bodies."

"This tendency is quite evident this year as Governor Henry is winding down ..." ...

"Finally ... he has executed his veto power over the proposed open-carry bill ... While not totally to my liking, this bill would only codify in Oklahoma law the Second Amendment. My objection is that it, like the concealed carry permit law, is unconstitutional in that they are restrictions on the citizens' right to keep and bear arms. Open carry should not need to be permitted in law. The Second Amendment specifically allows open carry ..."

CA: School Guard Arrested on Molest Charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 45-year-old Desert Hot Springs middle school security guard was arrested today on suspicion of molesting several female students."

"Marvin Cash, who works at Desert Springs Middle School, was taken into custody this morning at his home in the 65500 block of Acoma Avenue, said Sgt. Daniel Bressler of the Desert Hot Springs Police Department."

"Cash faces felony counts of committing a lewd act with a child under 14 and sexual battery, as well as two misdemeanor charges of annoying or molesting a child under 18."

"The investigation began in February, when more than one girl came forward to report incidents involving Cash ..."

"Cash allegedly molested one of the girls during the school day on campus ..." ...

NJ: Passaic County corrections officer convicted of official misconduct
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"and other charges after prosecutors argued he smuggled heroin and homemade weapons into the Passaic County Jail."

"The jury, seated before state Superior Court Judge Salem Ahto in Paterson, acquitted Teaneck resident Marvin Thompson on a charge of bringing escape implements into the jail but convicted him of possession of heroin and filing false police reports. He faces five to 10 years in state prison when sentenced by Ahto on July 9." ...

"... Passaic County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Jay McCann argued in his summation ... that the defendant was a disgruntled provisional employee looking to bring the contraband into the jail so he could then 'find' it and be a hero. ..." ...

MA: Records show aspects of officer’s past are 'scary'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tucked among 714 pages of memos, interview transcripts and other police records detailing allegations of misconduct against Officer Mark A. Rojas is a stack of his handwritten poems provided to police investigators by a former girlfriend in fear for her life."

"I’ll kill you …
I’ve done so in my dreams.
I’ve killed you …
I watched you die …
And heard your screams.

"That chilling verse opens the first poem in the stack."

"It was penned at least seven years ago and filed away by the Police Department while Officer Rojas continued to patrol city streets with a badge and a gun. During that period, a number of additional citizen complaints of police brutality and other serious misconduct were lodged against him."

MD: Fancy a Glock for $99? MD Police Training Scammer Walks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here’s the deal. In 2006, Montgomery County Maryland Detective Aaron Bailey set up a training company called Applied Sciences for Public Safety. He offered two-hour classes in firearms instruction. The schmooze cost attendees $1,600; a figure not-so-coincidentally just below the $1,630 available to county employees for tuition reimbursement. Note: taxpayers paid the entire fee. The attendee? Nothing. In three years, 330 county employees availed themselves of Bailey’s boondoggle, including 275 police officers. For one simple reason: Bailey offered them a wide range of new guns at ridiculously low prices. For example, attendees could pick-up a $600 Glock for $99. Sniper rifle? Tactical flashlights? Come on down!" ...

An armed society is a polite society. — Robert A. Heinlein

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