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Newslinks for 6/12/2006

NSA sets sights on social-network websites
Submitted by: FWiedner

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"If the prospect of being asked to explain some embarrassing detail about their personal lives by a prospective employer or a future romantic interest isn't enough to deter users of social-networking websites like from posting it online, perhaps this will – the National Security Agency is funding research into mass harvesting what people post about themselves on the Internet."

UN to hold Small Arms "Gun Ban" Conference on July 4th (Blog)
Submitted by: John Galt

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"While you and your family are Celebrating this 4th of July in one form or another, try to remember what the 4th of July Celebration is about, and what it means, because on that same day and on US Soil the United Nations (UN) will be holding a Conference to attempt to strip Americans of one of the main things the Founding Fathers of the USA gave their lives to Secure in our Bill of Rights so that America would be able to Remain a Nation of Free people."

I designed AK-47s to defend USSR - it's not my fault terrorists use them
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"IT WAS the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union that motivated Mikhail Kalashnikov to design the assault rifle that bears his name. But, six decades later, he laments its transformation into the worldwide weapon of choice for terrorists and gangsters."

"The 86-year-old Russian gun- maker says: 'Whenever I look at TV and I see the weapon I invented to defend my motherland in the hands of these bin Ladens, I ask myself the same question, 'How did it get into their hands?'"

"I didn't put it in the hands of bandits and terrorists and it's not my fault that it has mushroomed uncontrollably across the globe. Can I be blamed that they consider it the most reliable weapon?"

Bannerman's set the standard in trade mags
Submitted by: News Director

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"By June, the new items of the 2006 SHOT show begin filtering into the major national hook and bullet publications, but it wasn't always that way. In fact, except in years when there was a major attempt to introduce a new rifle cartridge, there was little 'new or improved' activity at all."

"Winchester, with its Model 94, created a series of classics which now dot the secondary market landscape. Unfortunately, they never delivered the enhanced value that was anticipated, but to many they were fun to collect."

Single-action revolvers were popular on American frontier
Submitted by: News Director

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"Single-action revolvers and lever-action rifles represent the American West to most people. To many, the single-action revolver was a Colt. This part is misleading because the big Remington 1875, Smith & Wesson Model 3 Schofield and Merwin Hulbert revolvers were also popular on the frontier. Also represented in the early west were various percussion revolvers and percussion revolvers that had been converted to cartridge. There were several cartridge conversions of percussion revolvers developed that were quite successful."

The Founding Fathers
Submitted by: News Director

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"It's hard to say what, precisely, the current literary craze for the Founding Fathers is about. It may be that, like the turn of the 20th century, the turn of the 21st has sparked a period of retrospection. It may be that the success of a handful of founder biographies has set the publishing world off in search of the next big founder thing. Or it may be that there is something in our political climate that suggests we can find answers for our times by appealing to our origins."

FL: Off-duty officer shoots, kills gator in his backyard
Submitted by: News Director

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"An off-duty sheriff's deputy shot and killed an 11-foot alligator that charged him twice in his backyard Thursday night."

"This latest incident of alligator aggression comes at a time when residents are on edge after an increase in deadly alligator attacks in the past few weeks in Florida."

CA: Gun-Wielding Resident Shoots At Alleged Burglars
Submitted by: News Director

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"A gun-wielding resident shot at two alleged burglars parked in his Temecula driveway."

"The resident called Temecula Police reporting an attempted break-in to his home about 10:30 p.m. located in the 2900 block of Bridgehampton Road."

"As the resident approached the unfamiliar vehicle, the front passenger window rolled down. He observed what he thought was a hand emerging as if the person in the car had a weapon and discharged a round at the vehicle."

KY: Man Killed in Attempted Robbery
Submitted by: News Director

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"A Lexington man was shot and killed by a store clerk Sunday morning after an attempted robbery."

"According to Lexington police, 26-year-old Charles Harmon entered Sub-City Market around 9:30 Sunday morning, hinted that he was armed, and demanded money. Police say the clerk then pulled out a handgun and shot Harmon, who briefly fled on foot before collapsing."

NY: Would-Be Robber Sues 2 Who Foiled Plan
Submitted by: News Director

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"A man who was beaten by employees of an auto parts store he was trying to rob is now suing the store and those employees."

"Police say Dana Buckman entered the AutoZone in Rochester, New York, last July, brandished a semi-automatic pistol and demanded cash."

"Eli Crespo and Jerry Vega – who were working that day – didn't cooperate. The pair beat the would-be robber with a pipe and held him at bay with his own gun."

CA: Gun-tax loss shoots hole in safety funds
Submitted by: News Director

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"Organizations and programs that received funding from the city's gun tax revenue account likely will need to start looking elsewhere now that Trader Sports no longer sells guns or ammunition."

"For the past eight years, the city has been collecting between $35,000 to $45,000 annually in gun tax money from Trader — until recently one of the largest firearms dealers in Northern California."

"The gun tax was established through Measure H, which was voter-approved in June 1998. The measure taxed gun dealers in town 3 percent on their gross receipts from concealable handgun and ammunition sales. Trader Sports was the only gun shop in the city."

UK: Probe continues after 15-year-old girl shot dead by jilted boyfriend
Submitted by: News Director

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"Forensic investigations were continuing today at a house where a 15-year-old girl was shot dead by her jilted boyfriend who then turned the gun on himself."

"Schoolgirl Kally Gilligan, who was sitting her GCSE exams, was killed on her own doorstep by 18-year-old Josh Thompson." ...

"Gill Marshall-Andrews, chair of the Gun Control Network called for tighter controls on shotguns following yesterday's double shooting."

Canada: Turning the lens on gun violence
Submitted by: News Director

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"Perhaps only a black man would have dared to make the riveting CTV movie Doomstown, about the unprecedented gun violence of the past few years on the streets of Toronto. In the current climate, members of any other race would have faced the fury of the politically correct if they had made a film that is so unflinchingly critical of -- and at the same time empathetic with -- Toronto's black Caribbean community."

"Created by the up-and-coming director/writer David (Sudz) Sutherland (Love, Sex and Eating the Bones), Doomstown turns a lens on the drug trade and the sickeningly out-of-control violence in low-income pockets in Canada's largest city. It airs tomorrow night on CTV."

PA: Congress ensures tracing gun sales isn't easy
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Mayor Bob O'Connor recently joined other mayors in a national campaign aimed at reducing gun violence."

"'There are too many illegal guns, not just in our city, but throughout the country,' he said. 'This is a national problem and must be addressed at a national level.'"

"But that's not easy when the federal agency that monitors gun trafficking can't share all it knows because of restrictions approved by Congress that are intended, in part, to shield gun dealers from lawsuits."

PA: Take a lesson on handgun laws
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Adjusted for differences in population, New York has many fewer homicides and shootings than Philadelphia and fewer handguns on the street."

"In fact, when it comes to aggravated assault-firearms (police jargon for someone getting shot), Philadelphia is off the charts, even compared to most big cities." ...

"While Bloomberg can go to his City Council to pass a law limiting handgun sales in the city, Street must go to the Pennsylvania legislature to get permission to do anything dealing with guns. Anything."

"And the legislature never grants that authority. Never." ...

"This has to change. The mayor says he is planning to ask the legislature to approve a series of measures aimed at helping Philadelphia stop the killings and shootings."

"One such measure, already introduced, is a statewide restriction on handgun sales to one a month."

FL: Gun law triggers at least 13 shootings
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Michael Brady didn't think about his rights when he shot and killed a stranger in his front yard. He says he was just scared."

"Brady is one of at least 13 people in Central Florida who pulled the trigger this year under a new law that loosens restrictions on the use of deadly force in self-defense." ...

"Critics of the 'Stand Your Ground' law -- which created nationwide controversy -- predicted recklessness and a bloody outcome last fall when Florida became the first state to enact it."

"Supporters said the law allows them to defend themselves without fear of being arrested or sued."

Canada: Calgary on edge as hunt for rapist continues
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"'Everybody looks like this bad guy to me,' said Det. Ren Lafreniere outside a 7-11 store on Saturday afternoon."

"Almost a dozen young men submitted voluntary DNA samples, through a swab of their mouths, allowing police to look for a match recovered from two of the assaulted women."

"Last month, a 35-year-old woman was grabbed by her neck after she left a 7-11 store. Her attacker, armed with a knife, dragged her to a footpath and sexually assaulted her."

"Aside from remaining aware of surroundings, Lafreniere's best advice to anyone who is attacked by the man is: 'Scream your head off.'"

KABA Note: Don't defend yourself. Don't protect your body. If screaming doesn't work, lay there and wait for it to be over. That's vicious advice.

MI: (letter) What’s happening to our county?
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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"And now I have to listen to Rob Britton in the June 6 paper (letter, 'We don’t need guns to be safe') spout off about gun control. I agree that unattended children need to leave guns alone, but just telling them won’t work."

"I don’t know where Mr. Britton gets his impression that the 'gun-toting citizenry of Livingston County' are driving around drunk in their SUVs, but I think that he’s been watching a few too many shoot-’em-up movies."

"The legal firearm owners of Livingston County include doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants and storeowners, to name a few."

CA: Expelled Student Shoots Principal With BB Gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"San Anselmo police say a former student shot a high school principal with a pellet gun during graduation ceremonies."

"The principal of Sir Francis Drake High School, Don Drake, was shot in the hand Friday night. He's okay."

"The former student was hiding in the creek area near the school. He told officers he was angry because he'd been expelled from school last year for misconduct."

Canada: 'Doomstown' looks at gun violence
Submitted by: News Director

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"Doomstown is not a suburb of Dullsville."

"But the scene that will stick with you is a sad and silent one."

"A young man has become another victim of the rising tide of gun violence in Toronto. His body is lying in the morgue when his mother comes to see the corpse."

"What happens is a brief artistic masterpiece."

UK: Tragedy of gun girl, 15
Submitted by: News Director

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"A jilted boyfriend yesterday shot his teenage sweetheart dead then turned the gun on himself in a tragedy that will raise alarming new questions over the availability of firearms in Britain. Josh Thompson went to 15-year-old Kally Gilligan's suburban home armed with a shotgun, blasted her in the back of the head, then shot himself following a late-night row."

"Kally was in the middle of her GCSE exams, where she was expected to do well. She was in the top set at her local comprehensive and was said to have a bright future ahead of her."

Australia: Taxi driver threatened with gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"A TAXI driver has been threatened with a handgun and had his money stolen in Sydney's south-west."

"Two men have been charged over the incident which took place when the taxi driver, 50, picked up two passengers at Canley Heights railway station about 7.30pm (AEST) yesterday and drove to Bonnyrigg."

"Police and officers from the dog squad searched the area and two men were arrested. A replica handgun was found."

MI: (letter) We don't need guns for safety
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owner

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"If the gun-toting citizenry of Livingston County really want to protect their families and the families of others, as they purport, they'd forget about guns and toss all their beer."

"I'd feel safer with unarmed sober people walking about than armed drinkers driving SUVs with American flags pasted all over the windows."

Canada: Amnesty collects 73 weapons to date
Submitted by: News Director

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"The first nine days of a one-month gun amnesty that allows people to dispose of illegal or unwanted weapons has seen 73 weapons turned in to police in Surrey and Delta."

"As of Friday morning, Surrey Mounties had collected 50 guns, most of them rusty old rifles, including World War II vintage bolt-action Lee Enfields and lever-action Winchesters."

"A small number of handguns have been turned in by Surrey residents, Mounties said, including a World War II Luger P-08, the standard sidearm for the German army, likely brought back as a souvenir by a Canadian soldier."

Canada: Gun lobby trading favours with the feds?
Submitted by: News Director

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"You have to hand it to the federal Conservative government spin doctors. They would have us believe that Stephen Harper's government is big on fighting crime."

"So why, then, is the government ignoring the protests of police organizations across the country by announcing an amnesty on long gun registration and licensing renewals, a waiving of long gun-owner licensing fees, and a promise to introduce legislation to scrap the highly successful long gun registry?"

"Think what these announcements mean."

NY: Pataki proposes privacy limits on sporting licenses
Submitted by: News Director

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"Governor Pataki is proposing legislation that would keep personal information on sportsmen's licenses from being disclosed to the public."

"Pataki says the law would protect the privacy of people whose personal information is attached to the hundreds of thousands of hunting, fishing and trapping licenses issued each year by the state Department of Environmental Conservation."

"The Pataki administration and the Democrat-controlled state Assembly have been fighting over access to the information. A state judge sided last year with the D-E-C, which decided in 2004 that releasing the data under the state Freedom of Information Law was an 'unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.'"

MA: City Of Boston To Launch Gun Buyback Program
Submitted by: News Director

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"Monday marks the first day of the 2006 Boston Gun Buyback 'Aim For Peace' -- an initiative launched by Mayor Thomas Menino and the Boston Police Department to cut back on city violence."

"Starting at noon, residents can trade in their guns for a $200 Target gift certificate."

"I urge all of our residents to take advantage of this opportunity to make our neighborhoods safer," Mayor Menino said in a written statement. ..."

"Those who drop off their guns will not be charged with illegal possession. All weapons will be welcome, but only those who turn in working guns will be given certificates."

PA: Gun range draws fire
Submitted by: News Director

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"Nearly eight months have passed since people in Jackson had their say about a proposed indoor shooting range, but the respite has done little to change their feelings."

"About 100 people packed the township building Tuesday for the continuation of a public hearing on a proposal by JRAD Ventures, which wants to build a facility on Steeb Road."

UK: 10 years after Dunblane, gun register is 'not fit for purpose'
Submitted by: News Director

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"The National Firearms Register promised by the Government in the aftermath of the Dunblane massacre has been condemned as "fundamentally flawed and not fit for purpose".

"An internal police report describes the database, intended to carry information on everybody who has applied for a gun licence, as unworkable."

"The scathing criticism makes a mockery of the upbeat assessment of the register by Charles Clarke, the former home secretary sacked over the foreign criminals deportation fiasco."

SD: South Dakota Gun Owners Members Flex Grassroots Muscle
Submitted by: News Director

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"The most decisive victory was scored against rabidly anti-gun Sen. JP Duniphan, who has long been part of the driving force behind a central registry for concealed pistol permit holders. Similar to the Sex Offender Registry, Sen. Duniphan’s anti-gun database profiles law-abiding gun owners as dangerous and encourages officers to treat you as a threat." ...

"In the weeks leading up to the election, the SDGO staff and volunteers worked overtime to give gun owners in Duniphan’s Rapid City district the information they needed to hold her accountable. ..."

"Thanks in no small part to SDGO’s accountability campaign, Duniphan was soundly defeated 61 percent to 39 percent by pro-gun candidate Dennis Schmidt."

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them. — George Santayana

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