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Newslinks for 6/13/2005

Few arrests go to terror convictions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The federal case against a Lodi, Calif., father and son accused of ties to al-Qaida terror training in Pakistan rings familiar to legal scholars who have tracked the Justice Department's pursuit of terrorism convictions since the Sept. 11 attacks."

"First come the arrests, alarming allegations and hints of terrorist plots forged in a town near you. Then comes the hard part."

"The Bush administration has seen mixed results in prosecuting high-profile terrorism cases since the Sept. 11 attacks. Usually, as with most federal cases, they end in plea deals, often on lesser charges unrelated to terrorism. Or in outright acquittal. Few result in jury trials." ...

WV: W.V. Court Vindicates Self-defense Right for Employees (blog)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Feliciano v. 7-Eleven, a masked woman with a gun attempted to rob the 7-Eleven where Feliciano worked. ... Feliciano grabbed her gun, and held her captive until the police arrived. 'Following this incident, 7-Eleven terminated Feliciano ... for failure to comply with its company policy ...'"

"The West Virginia Supreme Court cited numerous precedents showing that the right of self-defense is very well-established and substantial public policy. Accordingly:"

"we hold that when an at will employee has been discharged from his/her employment based upon his/her exercise of self-defense ... such right of self-defense constitutes a substantial public policy exception to the at will employment doctrine and will sustain a cause of action for wrongful discharge. ..." ...

NY: Loose laws make states gun exporters
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Ohio, the state where James Nigel Bostic bought the guns used to wreak havoc on Buffalo's streets, is one of the biggest 'exporters' of crime guns in the country, an analysis by The Buffalo News found."

"Guns sold in about a dozen states turn up in big numbers at crime scenes throughout the country, and few states 'export' more of these guns than Ohio, The News found." ...

KABA Note: 20 years ago it was Virginia that was being blamed. The question that no one has ever satisfactorily answered is: If the guns are the problem, then why aren't they a problem in the source state?

MI: Homeowner shoots and kills man who broke in (third story on page)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A homeowner shot and killed a 35-year-old man who had broken into a Romulus home in the15000 block of Oakbrook near Eureka early Friday, police said.

Police did not release the identities of either person.

Police Lt. Cora Semrau said the suspect was shot inside the home about 12:30 a.m., ran outside and died a short distance away. He was found with a 9mm pistol, Semrau said. Police were investigating whether he had an accomplice.

The homeowner was cooperating with police and was not in custody, Semrau said, pending the completion of an investigation.

MO: Shooting ruled 'justified'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The shooting death of a Reeds Spring man by his niece was determined to be justified by the Stone County prosecuting attorney's office this week."

"Prosecutor Matt Selby announced he would not file charges against Peggy Marxen, 43, who shot Icie Edward Endsley, 68, three times May 28 after he'd shot and wounded two other people."

"'I determined the evidence would show that she was justified in believing he was a danger to her and to others,' Selby said. 'Obviously, he'd already shot two people and he still had the gun. The force she used was reasonable under the circumstances.'" ...

AL: Standing up for the right thing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The threats came at night."

"'They would call and say, 'Is your husband getting his name off that petition?' I'd say no and they'd say 'We're coming to get you tonight,' said Lucile Hunter 'I'd say, 'You'd better bring enough to take care of us.'"

"Now, more than 40 years later, the wife of the Rev. J.D. Hunter - a member of the Courageous Eight-is older and physically, she appears frail. But that's just appearances. When she talks about getting a .22 rifle and a load of cartridges to stay up all night on watch, the determined women willing to back her husband, her race and protect her family is still there and still strong." [emphasis added] ...

OH: [Home Invasion Shooting] Ruled Self-defense
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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The fatal shooting of a Sharon man was done in self-defense according to the Mercer County District Attorney.

The Mercer County District Attorney says homeowner Kevin Mcewen shot and killed Robert Flynn after Flynn broke into his home Saturday morning.

Flynn allegedly went to the Sharpsville home because his girlfriend was there. He then started waving a gun around and threatening people inside the house.

The D-A's decision is preliminary, pending other test results.

AZ: Which of these is the greater danger?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"They're pulled from backyard pools and bathtubs each year, tiny limp bodies, blue and not breathing."

"A young life can vanish quickly under water. A survivor can endure a lifetime of disabilities. Either way, families are torn apart by an almost always preventable tragedy."

"Standard summer companions in our desert climate, swimming pools can be deadlier for children than guns. A child is 100 times more likely to die in a swimming accident than in gunplay, writes Steven D. Levitt, University of Chicago economics professor and best-selling author."

"... [O]ne child under 10 drowns annually for every 11,000 pools. By comparison, one child under 10 each year is killed by a gun for every 1 million guns ..." ...

UT: Utah Legislator Arranges Handgun Training Classes
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A Utah lawmaker who's trying to loosen concealed carry handgun laws is setting up free weapons training classes for other state officials and their families."

"Clearfield Representative Curtis Oda says the sessions are aimed at educating lawmakers and debunking gun-control advocates' criticism of gun laws."

"The first two students were Governor Jon Huntsman and Lieutenant Governor Gary Herbert. Since then, 12 legislators and eight other elected officials have taken the free gun-handling classes, and Oda has another 25 legislators interested. ..." ...

"But some gun-control advocates say providing the $75 class for free -- and sometimes a lunch paid for by the National Rifle Association -- amounts to unfair lobbying."

PA: Uzi Found Near Philadelphia School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three middle-school boys led police Friday to a semiautomatic pistol stashed a few blocks from school after a reported threat prompted a lockdown of the school, authorities said."

"Police also found a bullet clip on one of the boys, who were in seventh and eighth grade at the Thomas Creighton School in Northeast Philadelphia."

"One of the boys had been suspended for several days for fighting but returned to school on Friday, told classmates he was angry and threatened to 'do something,' police said."

"While the school was locked down, police arrested the boy for trespassing and found two of his friends playing hooky, authorities said. The three then led police to the Uzi semiautomatic pistol, which was in a field." ...

MA: BB gun project banned
Submitted by: Jim F.

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"A middle school science fair is no place for a BB gun."

"That's what Amherst Regional Middle School eighth-graders Nathan C. Woodard and Nathaniel A. Gorlin-Crenshaw were told by officials from the Massachusetts Middle School Science Fair. The message came just 10 days before the June 4 event at Worcester Polytechnic Institute."

"'We had everything ready except gluing the poster,' said Nathan, who lives in Pelham. 'We got an e-mail that the project was hazardous, and it couldn't be shown because they didn't want to encourage kids to use ballistics.'" ...

MA: Weapons seized in alleged threat
Submitted by: Jim F

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"A 12-year-old Springfield Academy student who alarmed school officials after he drew a picture of himself shooting another student had access to several hunting and assault-style rifles and boxes of ammunition, police said."

"A search Wednesday of the boy's Indian Orchard home uncovered seven rifles and shotguns and a cache of ammunition that were neither licensed nor properly secured from children, said Capt. Mark Anthony of the police Youth Aid Bureau."

"Police will seek criminal complaints against the boy of assault and battery and threatening to commit a crime, murder, Anthony said."

"Police also will seek a criminal complaint against the father ... " ...

TN: Union wants false claims against cops prosecuted -- But Chief Serpas says proposal could be seen as intimidation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If Nashville's police union has its way, anyone who makes a formal complaint against a Metro police officer could face felony criminal charges if the department's internal investigators clear the officer of wrongdoing." ...

"The union wants the criminal charge to be much like filing a false police report, which is a class D felony and carries a sentence of up to 8-12 years in prison."

"[Police Chief Ronal] Serpas has raised concerns about the idea. 'Charging every complainant whose complaint was not sustained has been viewed by some courts as an unconstitutional effort to intimidate citizens and keep them from making legitimate complaints,' reads a reply from Serpas to Mason, whose union represents most of Nashville's 1,200-plus police officers." ...

Submitter's Note: Kudos to the Chief for honoring his oaths.

IL: Fire & Ice ordered closed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Orland Hills has closed a controversial bar for at least seven days after an incident early Thursday in which an intoxicated Cook County court bailiff allegedly pulled a gun on another patron during a fight in the parking lot." [emphasis added]

"Police said Sean O'Shaughnessy ... pointed a gun from his car at another patron of Fire & Ice ... When Orland Hills officers arrived, O'Shaughnessy put down his weapon at gunpoint, police said."

"O'Shaughnessy ... was charged Friday with misdemeanor aggravated assault, reckless conduct and unlawful use of a weapon ..." ...

"The .45-caliber pistol O'Shaughnessy brandished during Thursday's incident was his service weapon, Cunningham said. The sheriff's department has stripped him of the right to carry it, he said." ...

VA: Marines testify to Pimienta's mishandling of weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Marine accused of shooting a fellow Marine to death last year frequently mishandled his weapon, according to court-martial testimony."

"Lance Cpl. Frederico Pimienta had been counseled several times by superiors for twirling his sidearm on his finger and drawing it from his holster like a cowboy, according to testimony. There were never any formal complaints until Lance Cpl. Russell White was shot in the head while Pimienta was allegedly cleaning his gun last June."

"Pimienta is being charged in absentia after leaving base without permission. ..." ...

"[Lance Cpl. Stephen] Groover also testified that Pimienta frequently violated a rule in which Marines were only supposed to carry weapons ready to fire when in immediate danger." ...

KS: Sergeant found guilty of murdering two fellow soldiers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A military jury has found an Army sergeant guilty of premeditated murder in the shootings of two fellow soldiers last year.

Twenty-three year old Sergeant Aaron Stanley of Bismarck, North Dakota, faces a sentence of life in prison.

An eight-member court martial panel at Fort Riley, Kansas, has begun hearing testimony in the sentencing phase. Stanley was convicted of killing the two soldiers at his farmhouse near Fort Riley in September.

Stanley argued he acted in self-defense and to protect another soldier who was there. But prosecutors say he shot the men to keep hidden an illegal drug trafficking operation.

Stanley and another soldier had acknowledged manufacturing methamphetamine and growing marijuana at the farmhouse.

FL: Officer quits after getting Tasered in Apopka road fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Ocoee police officer quit a day after he was shocked with a Taser when Apopka police were called to the scene of a road-rage incident."

"Norman Willis and another off-duty officer said they had been cut off three times by a pickup truck early Thursday when they were confronted by two men in an intersection."

"Apopka police say the Ocoee officers got into a fist fight with two men from the pickup, and Willis lost his service pistol in a struggle with a passenger from the pickup. Apopka police shocked Willie as the two men were scuffling." ...

"Pickup driver Larry Johnston, 27, of Apopka is free on $500 bail after being charged with drunken driving. He told police that he drank six beers before the incident."

MA: Cops take aim at 'community guns'
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"For seven years, cops have been hunting not a suspect, but a gun."

"It is a powerful semi-automatic .40-caliber handgun used in seven shooting incidents - unrelated crimes in three different neighborhods that have been linked together by shell casings tattooed with the gun's trademark rifling."

"It is one of 11 so-called 'community guns' identified by Boston cops this year, weapons that are stashed in secret locations in hardscrabble neighborhoods. The weapons' whereabouts are then whispered to gangbangers and hitmen who borrow them and put them back." ...

KABA Note: Too bad there aren't 'community guns' in the hands of the law-abiding citizens of these neighborhoods.

UK: Toy gun that could trigger tragedy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"FAKE assault rifles which look identical to the real thing are being sold as toys in Edinburgh shops."

"Police have issued an alert over the spring-loaded BB guns, which are replicas of the weapons used by armed officers all over the UK."

"A senior officer warned today that lives were being put at risk."

"Lothian and Borders Chief Inspector Alastair Cook said: 'The police don't know if it's a toy and can only respond to the situation which presents itself.'"

"'By carrying any kind of imitation firearm a person endangers the safety of themselves and others.'"

"The warning comes after two teenage boys were caught trying to assemble an imitation rifle in the street after buying it at Bathgate Market in West Lothian." ...

India: Cops suspended for missing rifle -- Officer-in-charge denies knowledge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three police officers, including the officer-in-charge of Torpa police station, were suspended for 'dereliction of duty' in connection with a missing service rifle from the police station."

"Zonal inspector-general of police P.S. Natrajan today ordered for the immediate suspension of the three officials ... all from the Torpa police station.

"The rifle, along with six live cartridges, was reportedly missing from Sawaiya when he was fast asleep on Wednesday night."

"Even as the suspension order was served to their colleagues, the Torpa police station officials maintained that the suspect in the theft, Sibu Singh, was kept at the police station as an informer and there was no foul play in it." ...

Australia: Police weapon bungle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"EMBARRASSED Queensland police can't find one of their own deadly sub-machineguns." ...

"The Heckler and Koch MP5 9mm automatic weapon was reported missing from a Cairns police storage room in mid-March during a routine stocktake." ...

"[Cairns Inspector Russell] Rhodes said a string of similar incidents involving missing police firearms across the state in recent years could lead to recommendations for tighter weapon security controls for police." ...

"Some went missing from secure police station safes and are yet to be recovered. In one case, a police officer lost his pistol while on duty, only to have it returned by the mother of a suspect he was investigating." ...

AK: Computer-assisted hunting doesn't click with all
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It's called computer-assisted hunting or Internet hunting, and six states already have banned it. A U.S. House member from Virginia introduced a bill in April to make Internet hunting a federal crime punishable by up to five years in prison." ...

"But the number of hunters is very small. One of them is Dale Hagberg, a 38-year-old quadriplegic in Ligonier, Ind., who must use a respirator." ...

"'Everybody that knows me and knows my limitations knows that I'm really exhausted after hunting,' Hagberg said through the help of a nurse. 'And my heart races when I see the animals. It's a lot more like hunting than people imagine.'"

"'What's the difference if I'm 300 miles away or 300 feet away? The animal still doesn't know I'm there.'"

OH: Keep shooting eye sharp by hunting groundhogs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here are some thoughts as summer approaches."

"Although warm weather and fishing coincide, now is a good time to sharpen some of your shooting skills and help out your farming friends."

"Groundhog hunting is not as popular as it once was, but seeking this destructive varmint serves a couple of purposes."

"It is a good way to keep your shooting eye sharp. Plus, by knocking off some of these critters you’ll be doing the agriculture community a service."

"These fat, furry creatures love soybeans and can do a fair share of damage to a bean field." ...

"Remember, respect the land and the owner’s wishes. Many farmers are quite happy if you want to rid them of this pest." ...

WY: Shooters get fired up for fun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"White Wolf Woman festoons herself in Victorian finery some days. Other days she's fixin' to fill bad guys full of lead as a leather-clad cowgirl."

"This is only a summer phenomenon - the rest of the year, White Wolf Woman is Anna K. Allen, California sociologist. But while on the single-action shooting circuit, Allen is another person in another time." ...

"Sponsored by the Colter's Hell Justice Committee, the shooting event runs through the weekend at the Cody Shooting Complex. As many as 400 or more cowboys, cowgirls, soldiers, bandits and saloon girls were expected to gather in front of the Irma Hotel for a group picture Friday night." ...

NY: Ithaca Gun office empty, phones disconnected
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Ithaca Gun phone number has been disconnected and the company's parking lot is empty, but a member of the management team said the business has not ceased operating."

"Whatever is going on at Ithaca Gun, the firearms maker has generated plenty of rumors and phone calls." ...

"Ithaca Gun had moved from its longtime home in King Ferry to the former Johnston Paper plant on Allen Street in late April. The company announced its arrival at the May 5 Auburn City Council meeting ..."

"But in recent days the company's phone lines - both the old number in King Ferry and a new one in Auburn - have been disconnected. The company's Web site has also been taken down."

"And there has been no official word released by the company." ...

NE: McCook to host state high school muzzleloader shoot
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The first-ever Nebraska High School Muzzleloader Rifle Championship will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 24, 25 and 26 at the Pawnee Free Trappers Club range west of McCook."

"The competition is open to all school-age hunter-education graduates from 11 through 19 years old. Hunter safety cards will be checked."

"Traditional and modern inline black powder rifles may be used."

"The match is sanctioned by the Unified Nebraska Muzzleloaders Rifle Association and the National Muzzleloading Rifle Association. Organizers are Merlin Shaffer of Trenton, Rick Starks of Haigler and Mike Streeter of Nebraska Game and Parks, Lincoln." ...

UK: Move to ban DIY bullet kits is welcomed
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Cindy Eaton launched a campaign to close a loophole in the law last year after it was revealed that it was legal to own all the component parts to make bullets without a licence, and only became a crime when the ammunition was fully made."

"Former US Marine David Bieber, who shot her son dead on Boxing Day 2003, and attempted to murder his two colleagues, had built his own ammunitions factory in a Leeds lock-up which included powders, bullet cases and a bullet-making machine – all bought legally."

"... Bieber had legally bought a Dillon RL550 bullet press and re-loader from a Hertfordshire gunshop, which he used to manufacture thousands of bullets in his home-made weapons factory." ...

Germany: International troops on target at shooting range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"International troops, government employees and civilian shooting clubs from 12 countries had a blast Saturday at the third day of the Monte Kali, the largest annual firing event in Germany."

"This year’s event ... was the largest yet, according to Mike Marcustre, the 7th Army Training Command range coordinator."

"Nearly 4,000 participants from Argentina, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland and the United States waited in long lines through cold, overcast weather to use the five ranges available during the three days."

"Within the first two days, nearly 50,000 rounds were spent, and Marcustre said he expected all 150,000 rounds delivered for the event would be used by the time the shooting ended Saturday." ...

South Africa: New shots about museum guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The SA National Museum of Military History in Johannesburg is being investigated for apparent irregularities in connection with illegal weapons, said Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula in parliament on Friday." ...

"Nqakula told the committee that unrelated investigations revealed that certain government departments and municipalities also had firearms."

"'The previous government handed out weapons to many organisations in a very uncontrolled manner,' he said."

"He explained that, as part of the drive to remove weapons from society, he wanted co-operation from his fellow ministers and for them to hand the weapons to police." [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's Note: At least they are honest about it.

South Africa: S. Africa collects 80,000 illegal firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"South Africa collected a total of 80,147 firearms during the firearms amnesty period in thecountry, according to a local report on Sunday."

"Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula announced that theamnesty period, which expires on June 30, is not likely to be extended. The amnesty is aimed at reducing the number of illegal firearms in circulation in the country and had been extended from April 1."

"Nqakula was briefing the National Assembly's Portfolio Committee on Safety and Security on gun control in the country."

"The minister was quoted by Sunday Times as saying 'any firearm that is taken out of circulation saves lives and it stops the commission of crime using firearms.'" ...

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