CA: Judge overturns San Francisco weapons ban
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"A state trial judge sided Monday with the National Rifle Association in overturning a voter-approved city ordinance that banned handgun possession and firearm sales in San Francisco."
"Measure H was placed on the November ballot by the San Francisco County Board of Supervisors, who were frustrated by an alarmingly high number of gun-related homicides in the city of 750,000. The NRA sued a day after 58 percent of voters approved the law."
"In siding with the gun owners, San Francisco County Superior Court Judge James Warren said a local government cannot ban weapons because the California Legislature allows their sale and possession." |
CA: SAF Celebrates San Francisco Court Victory
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"The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) said today's decision by the Superior Court in San Francisco to throw out that city's handgun ban was a victory for gun owner rights all over the Golden State."
"'The right of citizens to be safe in their homes and communities can never be subject to a popular vote,' said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb. 'This ruling shows that the politicians who pushed this gun ban were wrong.'" ...
"Today's court decision to essentially nullify the election was predictable because state law clearly prohibits the adoption of local gun control laws, no matter what the process..." |
Homeland Security accepts fake ID
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"The Department of Homeland Security allowed a man to enter its headquarters last week using a fake Matricula Consular card as identification, despite federal rules that say the Mexican-issued card is not valid ID at government buildings."
"Bruce DeCell, a retired New York City police officer, used his phony card -- which lists his place of birth as 'Tijuana, B.C.' and his address as '123 Fraud Blvd.' on an incorrectly spelled 'Staton Island, N.Y.' -- to enter the building Wednesday for a meeting with DHS officials."
"Mr. DeCell said he has had the card for four years and has used it again and again to board airliners and enter government buildings, without being turned down once. ..." |
FBI reports first rise in violent crime in 5 years
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"Murders, robberies and aggravated assaults in the United States increased last year, spurring an overall rise in violent crime for the first time since 2001, according to FBI data." ...
"Murders rose 4.8 percent, meaning there were more than 16,900 victims in 2005. That would be the most since 1998 and the largest percentage increase in 15 years." ...
"'We see that budgets for policing are being slashed and the federal government has gotten out of that business,' said James Alan Fox, a criminal justice professor at Northeastern University in Boston. 'Funding for prevention at the federal level and many localities are down and the (National Rifle Association) has renewed strength.'"
------- Any actual proof that the NRA has anything at all to do with the rise in crime rates? We didn't think so. |
Guns and the numbers
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"Last week I reported, in my column, figures taken from an article by Sandra Boodman of the Washington Post. In her article and mine a reference was made to a Centers for Disease Control report that there are 500 accidental deaths of children per year from firearms. I heard from about 10 people that those figures are not accurate. They're not. And with all due respect to Ms. Boodman, I cannot find an actual CDC report verifying her statement."
"While some folks were downright obnoxious, I appreciate very much a response received from Paul Raynolds, a National Rifle Association instructor from New Jersey. He asked that I make a correction and admit the numbers were wrong and that I shouldn't have repeated them. Consider it done." ...
"And yes, if you have firearms, practice gun safety in your home. It's just the sensible thing to do. There, I've said it again. We must strive to eliminate needless deaths of our children. It's a goal we should all work together on in a rational way whether we be gun enthusiasts or not. Let's work together where we agree and stop feuding where we don't agree. It's time we listened to the concerns of gun owners and it is time they listened to others. We can work together. Thanks to all who responded, pro or con." |
ND: Former tribal police officer sentenced to prison
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"A former Bureau of Indian Affairs police officer on the Turtle Mountain Reservation has been sentenced to seven years in prison on assault-related charges."
"Philip LaVallie, 33, of Belcourt, pleaded guilty March 15 to assault by striking, beating and wounding, and use of a firearm during the commission of a crime of violence, U.S. Attorney Drew Wrigley said."
"Authorities said LaVallie attacked a man last December in a residence, then attacked his own wife. Wrigley said that during the assault, LaVallie struck his wife in the head with a 9 mm handgun." |
NJ: Trenton Police Officer Facing Child Sex Charge
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"A Trenton police officer accused of sexually assaulting a child under 13 surrendered to Burlington County authorities this morning."
"Damon Jefferson faces charges of sexual assault, attempted aggravated sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child. If convicted, the 32-year-old could face up to 30 years in prison."
"Officials have provided few details in order to protect the child." |
UK: Gun terror at city shop
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"A SHOPKEEPER has spoken of his horror after being threatened with a gun during a robbery."
"Javid Akhtar had a handgun pointed towards his face as a man in his early 20s forced him to hand over cash from the till of his Craigentinny newsagents."
"The 38-year-old shopkeeper initially refused to hand over the money but relented and the robber got away with £90. Minutes earlier, a nearby newsagent had called police to report a suspicious man hanging around outside." |
MI: Bills would permit use of deadly force
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"Both chambers of the Legislature, as of last week, have now passed legislation that would allow people to use deadly force, with no duty to retreat, if they reasonably think they face imminent death, great bodily harm or sexual assault."
"They could use deadly force anywhere they have a legal right to be."
"Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm has said she is comfortable with the language of the Senate bill." |
CT: Dire Predictions Unwarranted (Letter)
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Second letter on the page
"Contrary to what The Courant calls them in its June 8 editorial 'Shoot First' Laws Unwise,' these are not 'shoot first' laws. They are 'stand your ground' laws."
"The law in Florida, for instance, says deadly force can be used if a person 'reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or to another person or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.' It doesn't say you can shoot somebody if they argue with you in a bar or you don't like the way they parked. Since when are those 'forcible felonies that can result in death'? For The Courant to take the readings of these laws out of context is ridiculous."
"These new laws merely solidify previously poorly worded laws and protect people from prosecution or civil litigation for legitimate self-defense acts. And the best part of these laws say you don't first have to try to run away from a violent criminal before you protect yourself or somebody else." |
China Supplies Guns For Civil Wars
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"Covert arms exports by China are fuelling repression, civil wars around the world and even street crime, Amnesty International claims in a report today which demands that the country joins international control efforts." |
NC: Trampling on rights (Letter)
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"There's no such thing as a 'crime gun.' Guns don't commit crimes; criminals do. Certain acts are already illegal; the use of a gun in commission of such acts is also already illegal."
"Lisa Price's solution is to pass more redundant laws, which criminals ignore. The problem is not gun dealers, already regulated to the teeth by the federal government to the point where a clerical error can result in jail time. The legal purchaser of a gun who buys and then passes the weapon to a criminal, a 'straw-man' purchase, is also committing a crime." |
NJ: Millville minister fires back at gun violence
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"His brother's life was worth more than $9.47, plus tax."
"His brother, 'a hard-working man,' was the seventh fatality in a city swept by violence during the past three months."
"And the Rev. David Ennis — less than 72 hours after his brother's slaying — held a news conference on violence, staring it in the face with the composure of a prize fighter before the punching starts."
"On Sunday afternoon, Ennis held a cheap box of 9mm bullets, similar to the one that killed his brother, Charles Jones, on Thursday."
"Ennis said he purchased the bullets after his brother's killing to prove a point that he said is continuing to hurt communities throughout the country: Bullets are too easy to buy." |
UK: Teenager Who Hid Machine Gun Under Bed Caged
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"A 16-year-old boy who hid a loaded sub-machine gun, two handguns and ammunition under his bed has been caged for five-and-a-half years."
"The baby-faced gangster stashed the lethal arsenal in the flat he shared with his mother, stepfather, brother and sister."
"When armed cops stormed the address, they found under his futon bed a powerful Mach 10 sub-machine gun with 21 rounds of ammunition in the magazine. The weapon is capable of firing more than 1,000 rounds a minute."
"The boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had already attempted to throw the handguns and ammunition out of his window during the late night raid on December 29 last year." |
Springfield's XD Keeps On Growing
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"Springfield Armory's family of XD pistols just keeps growing. The group is based upon a polymer-frame, striker-fired pistol and has been offered in 9mm, .40 S&W, .357 SIG, and .45 GAP. Now the .45 ACP is being chambered in the auto pistol."
"The XD guns are available in three different barrel lengths: the 3.1-inch barrel is called the Sub-Compact, the 4-inch barrel is the Service Model, and the 5-inch gun is the Tactical Model. Shooters also have a choice of finishes and can opt for the black model, the OD green, or the Bi-tone, which consists of a stainless slide mounted on a black frame." |
Victims' relatives shouldn't shape public policy
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"Coulter faults liberals for exploiting victims and their relatives as human shields for their arguments against the war and in favor of gun control. But conservatives use these tactics, too. Bush had the parents of a slain Iraqi soldier stand up during the State of the Union address as a tacit endorsement of his policy. Republican widows of Sept. 11 victims have been exploiting their status to oppose the Democratic widows."
"America is supposed to be a government of laws, not men, but the surest way to pass a law is to name it after someone, ideally a girl or woman. Dozens of states have passed Megan's laws. ..." |
NY: Crime down in NYC
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"New York's homicide rate reached an all-time high of 2,245 in 1990, making it the murder capital of the nation. Since then, the rate has plummeted to levels not seen since the 1960's."
"The good numbers for New York come at a time when Mayor Michael Bloomberg is feuding with the federal government over the best way to further reduce homicides and other crime." ...
"Bloomberg's efforts have been fiercely resisted by lawmakers who declare such measures would infringe upon the Second Amendment right to bear arms, and lobby groups like the National Rifle Association, which argues the government should better enforce existing laws." |
MI: Expand Joshua Project to cut Detroit's gun violence
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"Detroit, despite some successes, remains a violent city. State Attorney General Mike Cox has created a program to cut violence that has a proven record of success. It should be expanded."
"Cox's program is called the Joshua Project, named after the biblical warrior who broke down walls. It was adapted from a similar program in Boston and put in place in the old 3rd Precinct, a region that covers southwest Detroit."
"It assigns assistant state attorneys general directly to local police operations where they can give police on-the-scene advice on the legal process and help them obtain search and arrest warrants." |
NJ: Gun shop owner upset at proposed laws to restrict sales
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"The owner of Jersey City's only gun shop is taking aim at proposed gun control city ordinances that could be discussed at tonight's caucus." ...
"Most troubling to Caso is the first proposed ordinance, which would restrict the purchase of more than one handgun, or the sale of more than one handgun to the same person, within a 180-day period."
"The other two ordinances would prohibit the sale of inexpensive short-barreled pistols known as 'Saturday night specials' or 'junk guns,' and require the owner of a gun that's stolen to report the theft within 48 hours." |
FL: No Third Trial For Officer Charged Over Stun Gun Use
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There will not be a third trial for an Orlando police officer charged with using a stun gun on a man strapped to a hospital bed.
Orange County State Attorney Lawson Lamar said Monday that seeking another trial for Peter Linnenkamp would not "serve justice."
The previous two trials ended in a hung jury. |
UK: Police hunt for missing Taser gun
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"A Taser stun gun was lost by a police officer who is believed to have left it on the roof of his car before driving along country roads in East Sussex." "An urgent search is under way for the weapon, which was lost between Lewes and Eastbourne on Monday morning." |
UK: Gun club move backed by councillors
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"Controversial plans to move a gun club near thousands of homes have been backed by councillors."
"Residents demanded a veto of proposals by Government regeneration agency English Partnerships to move Basildon Rifle and Pistol Club from Gardiners Close to scrubland off Courtauld Road, Basildon."
"The scheme was the last of six bids by the agency to relocate clubs from the Gardiners Lane South area so it can replace their grounds with a huge business and housing complex deemed vital to the Thames Gateway development project." |
MA: Boston Gun Buyback Starts Monday
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"Monday marks the first day of the 2006 Boston Gun Buyback 'Aim For Peace' -- an initiative launched by Mayor Thomas Menino and the Boston Police Department to cut back on city violence."
"Residents can trade in their guns for a $200 Target gift certificate." |
PA: Toy gun leads to citation
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Police arrested a Wilkes-Barre man who witnesses say was walking from his home with what appeared to be a rifle, but was actually a pellet gun, police said.
According to police:
James Jackson, 18, was arrested at about 8:30 p.m. Saturday after several complainants said they saw him leave his Midland Court home with a rifle and acting hostile.
Police found Jackson walking around South Wilkes-Barre Boulevard without any weapons and he claimed he was angry because he was harassed by several men earlier in the evening.
While no weapons were found on Jackson, police determined he previously had a toy pellet gun in his possession and cited him with disorderly conduct. |
OR: New Campus Policies Are Needed For Better Security
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"...So, in short should weapons be allowed at the college? Not if they are left unsecured in plain view and if a gun or rifle is possibley [sic.] loaded. School shootings don't only happen in High schools and middle schools."
"New policies directed towards this concern should be made. When and if something does go wrong (God forbide [sic.]) it is going to be to [sic.] late. Why is it something is always done after the most terrible situations have occured [sic.]. ..."
------- KABA Aside: Is this person a college student? If so, it's no wonder young people today can't understand or appreciate how the Constitution protects their right. They can barely write coherently! |
UK: Guns replacing knives at the sharp end of city gang culture
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"GUNS are replacing knives as the 'fashion accessory' weapon of choice among Edinburgh gangs, police chiefs warned today."
"Criminals involved in the city's drug trade are among those carrying firearms as status symbols."
"The warning comes as it emerged that Lothian and Borders Police firearms officers are now authorised to draw their weapons on the streets an average three times a week." |
UK: Motorist shot with air gun
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"POLICE today issued a stark warning after a motorist was shot in the head with an air pellet near to the Testo's roundabout."
"The man suffered only minor injuries, but police say it could have caused a fatality." ...
"Steve Appleton, of South Shields CID, said: "He only suffered minor injuries, but this could have been much more serious." |
NY: Gun advocate to appear at book store
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"Gun owners and shooters' rights advocates have an excellent opportunity to connect with a leading figure in our country's Second Amendment rights movement."
"National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre will be at the Borders Books and Music store, 2015 Walden Ave., Cheektowaga, from 7 p.m. to closing Tuesday."
"LaPierre will sign copies of his latest book, 'The Global War on Your Guns,' and discuss attempts to ban civilian firearm ownership. He focuses on the United Nations' international efforts and proposed U.S. Senate legislation that would make it a crime to own a gun in the U.S." |
Australia: Customers threatened with gun
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TWO customers have been threatened with guns during a robbery at a Gold Coast bottle shop.
Two balaclava-clad men, both armed with firearms, entered Wazza's Cellar bottle shop at Nerang about 7.45pm (AEST) yesterday, police said.
One of the men threatened two female customers, while the other man demanded a male staff member empty the contents of a till into a bag.
The thieves fled the store and drove away in a white VN Holden Commodore.