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Newslinks for 6/14/2005

America's gun war is being fought in our nation's courts
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Wal-Mart last year settled a California lawsuit alleging widespread violations of gun laws for $14.5 million."

"The California suit said Wal-Mart stores sold guns to convicted felons and ammunition to minors, and allowed buyers to pick up guns before criminal background checks were complete."

"Gun control advocates called the settlement an important victory over one of the nation's major firearms retailers."

"But in the ongoing legal war over gun violence and gun control, the Wal-Mart case was one small skirmish." ...

Can Patriots Survive the Patriot Act?
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Like everyone else I will be celebrating the Fourth of July as the birthday of our great nation, but I will be doing so with a nagging sense of foreboding about how much longer it will still be a nation that protect the rights set forth in the Constitution." ...

"Within six weeks of September 11, 2001, Congress approved the USA Patriot Act. Only a few of its members had an opportunity to read its 342 pages before they cast their vote. Only one of a hundred senators voted against it, joined by sixty-six of the 435 members of House of Representatives." ...

"On October 26, 2001, the Patriot Act gave the Justice Department and others like the then-Immigration and Naturalization Service, vast new powers to operate in secret. ..." ...

New FBI crime reports reinforce gun ownership supporters
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Recently released FBI crime data validates statements by gun ownership advocates that last year's expiration of the so-called 'assault weapons ban' would not impact crime and may, in fact, help improve community safety."

"According to an FBI report, the national homicide rate has declined for the first time since 1999. The report shows that homicides declined 5.4 percent in cities with more than 1 million people and overall murder rates dropped 3.6 percent."

"'I think this justifies our statements that the expiration of the ban would not have a negative impact on crime in this country or in New York,' said Tom King, President of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association." ...

UK: Children to be labeled 'criminal' by age 3
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A leaked 250-page report on proposed crime-fighting strategies, drawn up on instructions of UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, recommends training nursery workers to target children as young as 3 years of age as potential criminals."

"The Home Office report, entitled Crime Reduction Review, lays out a series of ideas for effectively cutting crime in the UK. Without implementing the new measures, the report warns, the crime rate will rise 8.5 percent by 2008."

"Children as young as 3 can be labeled as potential criminals, the report's writers claim, if the exhibit bullying behavior in nursery school or if there is a history of criminality in the immediate family."

FL: Man Fatally Shoots Neighbor [Claiming Self-defense]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 76-year-old Polk County man shot and killed a 19-year-old neighbor Sunday night and has told investigators the younger man broke into his mobile home and wrestled away his wallet." ...

"Bright told deputies that Lusk had come to his home earlier in the evening and they argued ..."

"Lusk refused to leave at first, then did, then returned later, and when Bright wouldn't let him in, threw a cement block through a window and got in the home, Shanley said. Bright told investigators Lusk then pushed him down and took his wallet."

"Bright went and got a .22-caliber rifle and shot Lusk after he still refused to leave and continued to act in a threatening manner, Shanley said. ..."

FL: Defensive shootings fuel debate guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Roy Bedard is a karate champion and reserve police officer who calls himself a 'use of force expert.'"

"Bedard, who runs a security consulting company in Tallahassee called RRB Systems International, said most business owners 'tend to carry weapons responsibly.'"

"But he believes more should be done to educate gun owners on when — not just how — to use their weapons." ...

VA: Tech board to vote on policy that would strengthen gun ban
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Virginia Tech officials are sticking to their ban on guns and asking the university's governing board to endorse an anti-violence policy that threatens to arrest anyone who refuses to disarm or leave campus." ...

"Members of the Tech Board of Visitors are expected to vote today on a Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention Policy that deals with everything from stalking to assault and outlines university resources committed to helping prevent violence. Virginia requires all state agencies to adopt such a policy."

"Included in the policy is language prohibiting everyone except law enforcement from 'carrying, maintaining or storing a firearm or weapon on any university facility, even if the owner has a valid permit.'" ...

OH: In the gun factory
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Three nondescript buildings sit off a rural highway in the rolling hills of central Ohio, the stubby pre-fabricated kind that dot the landscape from one town to another across the United States."

"Inside the buildings' metal walls, the occasional pin-up of a scantily clad woman or the sound of a favorite country song - like Garth Brooks' 'American Honky-Tonk Bar Association' - helps keep the 30 workers in good spirits as they toil 10 hours a day, five days a week."

"Almost anything could be manufactured in these buildings, but in fact, a one-of-a-kind product is created here."

"This is where the cheapest semi-automatic handguns in America are made." ...

MI: Carjacking sparks a gunfight
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Police have a message for carjacking victims who spot their stolen vehicles on the road the next day:"

"Don't pull out your shotgun and confront the thieves yourself."

"That's what led to an exchange of gunfire Sunday that landed one man in the hospital with gunshot wounds, Eastpointe police said." ...

KABA Note: It was the occupant of the stolen vehicle who was wounded, the rightful owner was uninjured.

MI: Teen accused of plotting massacre at high school said he was bullied
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A teenager accused of planning a massacre at his suburban Detroit high school wrote in Internet chat room messages that he was bullied at school and at home and felt there was nothing wrong with killing people."

"'I can't imagine going through life without killing a few people,' Andrew Osantowski wrote to a teenager in Moscow, Idaho, ... 'Nothing wrong with killion (sic). All god's creatures do it.'"

"Osantowski's trial wrapped up Monday after two days of arguments. The jury was scheduled to begin considering the case Tuesday morning. Osantowski is charged with threatening an act of terrorism and using a computer to threaten terrorism, felonies punishable by up to 20 years in prison." ...

IL: Streator police officer resigns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Streator police officer arrested last month in connection to a domestic dispute resigned from the department last week."

"Robert Kearney, 25, of 714 E. Hickory St., Apt. B, is charged with aggravated assault, domestic battery, and harassment by telephone. Kearney, who was off-duty at the time of the alleged incident, pleaded not guilty to the charges earlier this month. The incident reportedly involved Kearney making threats of bodily harm while pointing a gun at himself at an ex-girlfriend’s Streator home."

"Kearney was placed on administrative leave from the police force, where he served as a patrolman for about 2-1/2 years before resigning last week." ...

NC: Marine surrenders to police to end six-hour standoff
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Camp Lejeune Marine surrendered to Jacksonville police Sunday morning after a six-hour standoff at his New River Drive residence during which he threatened to harm himself."

"The Marine ... walked out of the house ... and surrendered to police at about 9 a.m., following hours of conversation with a crisis negotiator, said Jacksonville Deputy Police Chief David Shipp."

"Jacksonville police then transferred custody of the 21-year-old serviceman over to Camp Lejeune authorities. According to base spokesman Lt. Clark Carpenter, no charges have been filed at this time and the Marine, who was identified as being with 2nd Force Service and Support Group, will be evaluated by medical professionals." ...

NY: Officers finish up firearm training
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Police officers in Oswego are up to par when it comes to firearms. They recently finished the annual training in Fulton.

The eight hour course includes training on hand guns and shot guns. According to the instructor, even though they aren't faced with using the weapons everyday, the possibility is there.

OPD Chief Firearms Instructor Sgt. Sean Burridge said, “The weapon is the last resort, is deadly physical force. Naturally no one wants to use that, but ultimately if it comes down to it, we have to use it we have to use it, and we want our guys to be trained the best they can be at using the weapon."

The training facility in Fulton is used by several police agencies in the area including, Fulton and Syracuse.

IA: Deputy to stand trial in deadly shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Shelby County sheriff's deputy accused of killing a man after a car chase last December is scheduled to go on trial this week."

"Jury selection is to begin tomorrow in Harlan in the voluntary manslaughter case against Chad Butler."

"The deputy is accused of killing Dwayne Jens after stopping him for speeding. According to investigators, Butler shot Jens after seeing what he thought was a gun in Jens' hand. Jens' 12-year-old daughter, who was in the pickup, says he was reaching for his cell phone when he was shot."

"Butler is the first Iowa law enforcement officer indicted in a fatal shooting in 15 years." ...

Malawi: Two cops jailed for assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Karonga First Grade Magistrate court on Friday sentenced two police officers to 12 months imprisonment with hard labour for assaulting suspects."

"The two, detective sub-inspectors Lewis Gondwe and Vincent Sibale, were arrested on orders of Inspector General of Police Mary Nangwale when she visited Karonga a couple of weeks ago."

"The two policemen assaulted, tortured and wounded Mwandundi Mwamafupa, who, alongside a fellow Tanzanian national, were suspected of possessing explosives and a rifle."

"During inspection of Karonga Police Station’s cells, Nangwale found Mwamafupa in bad shape."

"The cops were consequently charged with unlawful wounding and assault occasioning bodily harm." ...

CO: Politicians practice handgun techniques
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several elected officials took the law into their own hands this weekend by learning proper handgun techniques from the Grand Valley Training Club."

"National Rifle Association-certified trainers taught State Rep. Josh Penry and Mesa County Clerk Janice Ward, as well as Mesa County Commissioners Tillie Bishop and Craig Meis, how to properly handle and fire a handgun."

"'Craig and I have shot guns for a while, but we’ve never really engaged in the technical aspect of it,' Penry said during the course’s Sunday session."

"Meis, who was voted the 'best shot' of the politicians, said the course was helpful even for someone relatively familiar with guns." ...

IA: Gun Permits Up In Iowa
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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State officials say the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks are still a factor in the number of people applying for gun permits in Iowa.

Permits to carry handguns jumped 10 percent in 2001, to about 25,600, and spiked in 2003, at a record of nearly 27,000.

Sam Knowles, of the Department of Public Safety, said while the number settled down in 2004, many gun carriers are still looking for a sense of security since Sept. 11, 2001. He said there's no other "plausible reason."

Iowa permits are handed out by county sheriffs, who have broad discretion on who gets them. Most sheriffs require a reason.

IA: Since 9/11, there's been a rush to arms in Iowa (another view)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Merle Bond applied for a permit to carry a handgun last summer. He was unsure that he needed a weapon, but 'in the event that I do, then I'd like to have that option,' the Des Moines retiree said."

"At 72, Bond's thoughts are on national security more than street crime."

"Sept. 11 'wasn't my main train of thought, but it opened my eyes a little,' he said. 'You never think those things can happen until all at once it did.'" ...

MN: KARE 11 Investigates: Who Can Carry a Concealed Weapon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Minnesota’s Personal Protection Act – commonly called the 'conceal-carry' law – is one of the most controversial laws to come out of the state legislature. (visit the Minnesota BCA Web site to obtain an application for a handgun carry permit. )"

"Yet it passed with ease this year, less than one year after the original act was repealed on a technicality, and just a few days after a permit holder was accused of shooting a doorman to death at a popular Twin Cities nightspot."

"The murder of 43-year-old William 'Billy' Walsh re-ignited public debate about the law, whose supporters say it’s a logical extension of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution." ...

Submitter's Note: What this piece completely fails to mention is that the suspect left the bar and came back half-an-hour later. Just long enough to go home, get a gun and return to shoot the bouncer. For an excellent fisking of this hit piece see here.

CO: Hungry bears bedevil towns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For Colorado bears, the heat is on."

"Law and wildlife officers in mountain towns are arming themselves with everything from pepper spray to rifles to keep bruins in the woods - and away from people."

"The number of bears wandering into neighborhoods and commercial areas to dine on dumpster cuisine appears to be growing."

"The reason is subject to debate."

"But last year, the Glenwood Springs Police Department responded to more than 140 bear-related calls, most of them involving the animals in backyards or knocking over trash."

"Nearly a dozen nuisance bears had to be killed in the Aspen area last year, according to The Aspen Daily News ..." ...

AZ: Mayor is right on target
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It figures that Gilbert's straight-shooting Mayor Steve Berman would have a basement gun range."

"Known for his tell-it-like-it-is attitude and for being generally blasé toward political correctness, Berman's 10,000-square-foot-house in Circle G Ranches has a basement where the mayor can fire away."

"Berman's gun enthusiasm stems from his years in the Army and competing in marksmanship events as a student at Arizona State University." ...

PA: Hearing on Youth Violence Senators: Listen, then act
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"At the very least, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee's scheduled field hearing in Philadelphia today on youth violence in the city and across the country shines a spotlight on a critical issue."

"But committee chairman Sen. Arlen Specter (R., Pa.), Sen. Rick Santorum (R., Pa.), and other senators expected to attend the hearing should not pretend that it substitutes for taking tough actions that are integral to keeping children safe."

"They need to stand up to the gun lobby to reduce the flow of firearms on the streets of Philadelphia and elsewhere." ...

The Sheep Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I was a youngster it was pretty simple to figure out what a sheep rifle looked like, what cartridge it should be chambered to and even what bullet should be selected. All you had to do was read a bit of Jack O'Connor, and you knew everything you needed to know. O'Connor has been incorrectly labeled as 'Mr. Sheep Hunter' and '.270 Jack.' It is true that he loved his .270, but it's also true that he hunted wild sheep with a variety of other cartridges, including such an unlikely choice as the .348 Winchester. He loved sheep and sheep hunting above all else, but it's equally true that he hunted a tremendous variety of other game throughout the world, so he was properly qualified to make comparisons." ...

ME: Hoping to get a shot at moose
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Welcome to moose week. On Thursday at 7 p.m., Maine will be conducting its annual moose lottery drawing. You should be able to check on Maine's Web site on the following day to see if you will be hunting in Maine this year. There are 19 wildlife management districts that cover 21,000 square miles. Maine has a split season, with the early season being Sept. 26 through Oct. 1, and the later season being Oct. 10-15."

"On Friday at 9 a.m. at Fish and Game headquarters, New Hampshire gets a chance for the moose spotlight. At total of 525 moose permits will be drawn, with 505 being either sex permits or 20 being anterless only." ...

PA: Zionsville man has guns for every budget
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Do you remember the times you went car shopping and almost immediately stopped and admired that Lincoln Continental or Corvette Stingray and dreamed about driving off with it despite knowing your budget called for that Chevy sedan?"

"You walked away disappointed but vowed some day to make that dream come true."

"That’s how John Ellem feels about the impressive display of guns that can be found at his stand at the Valley Gun and Country Club, site of the annual Pennsylvania State Trap Shoot and the long line of customers that find their way to view his wares." ...

Ryan Tanoue Wins Air Rifle World Cup
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ryan Tanoue, who just finished his eligibility at the University of Nevada this spring, won the air rifle International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF) World Cup Championship here Sunday by a tenth of a point for the United States."

"The Honolulu native went into the finals tied with three other competitors that involved more than 120 shooters from around the world. Tanoue's final score was 102.5 to 102.4 for Romania's Alin George Moldoveanu, which came down to the final shot as to who would win the competition."

"'I am very glad to have won that medal as well as the quota place for Beijing,' Tanoue said after the competition on the ISSF's website." ...

China: Wu Liuxi wins women's 10m pistol shooting world cup
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Wu Liuxi has won the women's 10-meter pistol event at the ISSF World Cup in Germany to add one more gold medal for the Chinese squad.

The 20-year-old started the final with an equal world record of 400 points, and kept her top position after the final round with a total score of 503. Wu's teammate and Athens Olympic champion Du Li finished fifth and failed to enter the final.

Meanwhile, China's Yang Dongming claimed a bronze in the men's 25-meter rapid fire event.

South Africa: Gun licences: 17 000 appeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The police have received more than 17 000 appeals so far against their rejection of applications for firearm licences." ...

"[Director of the communication division of the police, Phuti Setati] gave the lack of sufficient motivation and criminal offences as the main reasons for turning down applications for firearm licences."

"Applicants did not submit adequate motivation and supporting documentation to justify their need for a particular firearm, he said."

"But a frustrated member of the police thinks the decision to turn down his application for a hunting gun is absurd." ...

"'The licence for the gun I want to use for hunting was rejected because there was not sufficient motivation,' said the policeman."

"'I want to hunt. What kind of motivation do they still want?...' he asked."

Australia: Manhunt after fatal shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MAN is on the run in bushland in southern Tasmania after his ex-girlfriend was shot dead in broad daylight on a suburban street."

"Stephen Montague Pugh, 40, ran into bushland at Brighton, north-west of Hobart, after shooting the 24-year-old woman several times just after midday, police said."

"The woman was taken to Royal Hobart Hospital in a critical condition, but later died."

"Police are scouring bush and farmland for Mr Pugh, and have appealed to him to give himself up."

"'There are going to be some serious charges, we don't back away from that, but it's important there are no more charges that continue on after this and that the matter is resolved tonight,' Inspector David Wiss said." ...

UK: Firefighter Shot in Head with Airgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police today appealed for witnesses after a firefighter was shot in the head by an air rifle after answering a call for help."

"Another man was also shot in the incident outside a pizza store in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, last night."

"The 44-year-old firefighter, who drove the fire engine to the site to help deal with a problem with a neon sign, and a 37-year-old worker from the shop, were struck by what were believed to be airgun pellets."

"Both were taken to Barnet General Hospital and discharged after treatment."

"Detective Sergeant James Luxon said: 'We are taking this incident extremely seriously.'" ...

The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time. — JUSTICE GEORGE SUTHERLAND (1938)

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